The Du Lac Legacy (Sons of Camelot Book 2)

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The Du Lac Legacy (Sons of Camelot Book 2) Page 19

by Sarah Luddington

  He wasn’t much taller than my sister and wasn’t much bigger either. He wore a tunic and loose fitting hose in soft fabric but they weren’t new. His feet were bare. His skin wasn’t as dark as most around me but he was more black than brown, and his hair wasn’t like Kerwin’s or Aleah’s. Long thick rings of curls caught back by a simple leather thong. It wriggled whenever he moved. His features were even, cheek and jaw smooth and strong, lips full, his nose gentle rather than strong like Galahad’s. He felt me watching him and glanced toward me, at first his expression angry, then it smoothed and he smiled.

  “Hello,” he said in Common.

  I grinned. “Hello.”

  He walked toward me and I looked up into his eyes, which were lovely, long thick black lashes bordered one brown and one green, both their own side of hazel and clearly different.

  “You are a long way from home,” he said.

  “Yes, I am a very long way from home,” I said. He spoke with a strange accent, gentle and soft.

  “My name is Severus,” he said and touched his chest and forehead while bowing slightly.

  “Holt,” I said.

  “You don’t have a drink,” he said.

  “I don’t think I’m likely to get one,” I said.

  “True. I know somewhere more...” The pause made him look at me intently for a moment. He made a decision. “Intimate.”

  “I like intimate,” I said.

  The smile on his face spread slowly and he nodded. “Then come with me.”

  I rose and followed the small, very well built young man back into the street. We walked for a while, Severus glancing behind to check I was following through the busy streets until we disappeared into a dark alleyway between two stone built buildings. He knocked on a wooden door and a hatch slid open. Severus said something, the hatch closed and the door opened.

  “It’s not the normal sort of place,” he said warningly.

  “I’m not the normal sort of man,” I said. That slow smile spread over his thin face.

  We walked into a dimly lit hallway and down several steps. High quality candles that didn’t smoke filled the open space before me, so did high backed well-made benches and fine tables. Men occupied these dark and private places, talking softly and drinking. I also saw food, which my stomach reminded me might be nice for a change.

  “Drink?” Severus asked.

  “Is there ale rather than wine?” I asked.

  “I can find you something like ale,” he said, struggling slightly with the unfamiliar word. He suddenly asked, “You have coin?”

  I laughed lightly. “I have enough coin to buy anything you might want.”

  His eyes widened slightly. “Food? It’s good but not cheap.”

  “Food would be lovely, you order for me. I’ll go and sit over there,” I said, pointing to a table near the back.

  “If you buy me a meal, you really can have anything you want for a night,” Severus said.

  “What if I buy you breakfast as well?” I asked, joking.

  “For breakfast I’ll tell you I love you,” he laughed.

  I didn’t.

  His face clouded. “Sorry, that wasn’t appropriate.”

  We touched for the first time when I brushed my knuckles over his cheek. He shivered at my gentle caress. “It’s alright, it’s been a tough few months.”

  He caught my hand and kissed the back. “Then perhaps I can make tonight special.”

  “I hope so, Severus,” I said.

  How did I know he was for sale? I’d have to be fucking stupid not to considering how his eyes twinkled and his smile softened when he looked at me.

  I sat and watched him at the bar; a slightly heated argument began so I withdrew a gold coin from my purse and held it up between two fingers for the barman to see. He grunted and muttered something to Severus who came to join me with large tankard.

  “I’m not sure this is what you wanted, but you should like it,” he said.

  “Everything alright?” I asked, taking the tankard from him.

  He shrugged one shoulder and melted into a chair. Elegance came to mind when I watched Severus, it looked as if he were dancing when he moved. “Places like this don’t like people who cannot afford them,” he said. He tried to laugh it off, but I saw the humiliation burned him.

  “Those that make assumptions about us are often cruel for the sake of it,” I said.

  He didn’t reply and I wasn’t certain he understood my words but I let it drop. The ale tasted light and cold, it wasn’t the heavy thick brew of Camelot, but a finer drink that I could happily use to smooth away the stresses of the last few weeks.

  “What brings you to Larz, Northerner?” Severus asked.

  “Escape and adventure, I suppose,” I said.

  “And what brought you to me?” he asked.

  “Escape and adventure,” I said.

  He smiled and without realising I’d moved, I cupped his jaw in my rough hand and leaned toward him. We kissed. A gentle caress. His full lips were soft and warm. I sighed when I pulled back. “Thank you,” I said.

  “Do you want to find a room? They have nice rooms here for a price,” he said and even in the candlelight I could see his dark skin darken further for a moment.

  I took his hand. “Not yet. Let’s just talk and eat for a while. I need to talk.”

  “I am a good listener, though I may not understand all your words, you speak quickly,” he said.

  “I’ll slow down but to be honest I’m not sure I understand most of what I need to talk about,” I confessed.

  A lovely young man, dressed in very little, appeared with fine white bread and heavily flavoured dips for me to try. We started to eat and I started to talk. I told Severus about Torvec, not the dragon part, but how we’d met, how we’d parted and how he died. Severus held my hand during the parts that hurt me and I felt a wave of compassion and warmth come from my companion. He must be some kind of healing fey, so many of them ended up in professions like prostitution for reasons I still didn’t understand.

  With words about Torvec came more words about Galahad. I didn’t tell him who Galahad would become, or who I was, but I did say we were being hunted by powerful fey. I told Severus about Galahad’s hatred for my passions and he grunted.

  “Too many people hate what we are even here,” he said. “This city is not good to our kind, Holt. You must continue to be careful. I am sorry about your friend. He does not deserve you. I can see the heart inside you is deeply wounded but so large. When you find the right man to give it to, he will be blessed.”

  “It’s good to hear, thank you,” I said. “I’ve felt... dirty, I suppose. Because of my position at home I am not questioned by the people around me and I don’t care what my enemies think, but Galahad is different. He is my equal and to be condemned is deeply painful.”

  “There is more, though, more hurt you have not told me,” Severus said carefully.

  The rape. I’d not mentioned it because I did not want it stealing the growing desire I had for this beautiful man.

  “Another time, my friend,” I said, pushing away a plate of sweetmeats we’d been given after a plate of food I was told came from the mighty lake close to the city in the east – fresh water fish and some soft bean or grain I’d never eaten before.

  “I understand,” he said. “Do we want that room now?”

  My heart stuttered and I realised I was nervous. I never paid for sex, the desires I felt were honest and didn’t really need the services of those outside my sphere of influence. “If you are happy to do...”

  He giggled slightly, drunk from his wine perhaps. “Happy? I cannot remember if I have ever had the opportunity to pleasure a man so exotic and beautiful.”

  I laughed at him, a little drunk myself. “Exotic to you perhaps but I wouldn’t say beautiful.”

  He leaned forward and kissed my mouth again. “I would, my Northern Warrior.” His eyes were heavily dilated with desire. “I might even do a man like yo
u for free.”

  “I would never expect such favours for free, not from someone as lovely as you,” I said, a little breathless with the sudden intensity.

  He took my hand and stood, we walked to the bar where he was given a key and then onward to the back of the room. Behind a heavy curtain was a stairway and we ascended slowly, Severus’ hand in mine. He led me through a narrow, dark passageway and unlocked a plain wooden door with a symbol on it I couldn’t read. When we walked inside I couldn’t help but grin.

  A room, maybe ten foot by twelve, had the largest bed in it possible while giving us enough space to move around. Lush silks and furs covered it in dark colours and lamps were already lit in the corners of the room, lighting everything softly. A chair, a small table with wine on it and opaque curtains at the large window to protect us from prying eyes but allowing the breeze, formed the perfect accompaniment to my night of debauchery.

  I realised I’d been standing still for a long time avoiding Severus’ gaze. I glanced at his face and he took it as invitation. He walked toward me, placed his fine hands on my chest and stood slightly on his toes to kiss me.

  My arms encircled his strong waist and I drew him close to my body, deepening the kiss for the first time. His mouth opened willingly and his tongue darted against mine, tasting of wine and fine food. He smelt musky, a dark perfume not his own and a scent of hot deserts and thick forests that definitely belonged to him. Strong male fingers moved down to my backside and dug into solid muscle. He groaned into the kiss and I drew back, breathless and hard with the intensity of my desire.

  “I want to see you naked,” he whispered. “I want to lick every perfect muscle and bite whatever I choose. I want to feel you move all that strength inside me.”

  I took hold of his hair, thick and soft curls wrapping around my hands, and kissed him with more savagery. He melted under the onslaught, almost swooning in my arms, and it filled me with joy because I held nothing back. I didn’t have to be careful, or overly gentle, or wary of emotions. I had a lover in my arms who knew the game even better than me and I could teach him nothing, which meant I had to fear nothing.

  When I slid from his mouth to his jaw and neck, Severus whispered such words of encouragement that I propelled him to the bed even as he tried to find a way into my robes. He managed to undo the sword belt and I felt the weapon drop from my left side, along with my purse and other belongings, but he couldn’t free anything else.

  I pushed him down on the bed and the scent of roses wafted from the sheets – this place would cost me a fortune – before grabbing my own clothing and tugging myself free of the confines. I wore loose fitting hose underneath of fine linen and my boots. My manhood, unconfined by the hose, stood proud of my body. Severus sat up, rubbing his experienced hand over my cock.

  His eyes, though, roved over my chest and belly. “So many scars,” he said, tracing the one under my ribs from the first time Galahad saved my life.

  “I told you I’m a soldier,” I said, stroking his soft hair greedily. I wanted everything he could give with a hunger I’d not felt in months, not since that first night with Torvec before it all became messy.

  Severus grinned up at me for a moment. “You are still beautiful though. A golden god of war.” He ran his fingers through the red-blonde of my chest hair and over the hard muscles. His other than squeezed my cock to the point of pain, making me gasp. “You like a little pain?” he asked, almost coquettishly.

  “A little,” I growled.

  He slowly unlaced the wide waistband on my hose and I kicked my boots off. When the cloth fell he rubbed his smooth cheek against my hard, sensitive cock and cradled my balls. I closed my eyes, it was so wonderful to be with a man who knew what to do and when.

  “I need a wash,” I said, aware of my body’s smell suddenly.

  He nodded. “So do I. If you give me a moment, pour some wine for us, I’ll return with water.” He kissed me briefly and left the room. I missed his company instantly but picked up my sword, knife and other things to store them close by for safety’s sake, and then poured the wine. Severus returned quickly with a huge bowl in one hand and larger bucket in the other.

  “It’s warm, they keep it in a bath house at the end of the corridor, but I thought you’d like to keep things private,” he said.

  I nodded and helped him make us a small bath on the floor. We both knelt and so began one of the most erotic washing moments of my life. He washed, he caressed, he kissed, he drove me quite mad with desire until I insisted he allow me the same courtesy. I slowly removed his clothes.

  No hair graced his chest, or his arms. His warm dark skin hugged small tight muscles and showed his ribs. His shoulders were broad but his waist and hips narrow. His legs were those of a runner, not a rider or a fighter. Lean and fit, I found myself stroking all of him. The hair between his legs was thick and black, tightly springy and it tugged at my fingers.

  “You are perfect,” I told him, running a finger over his cock and feeling it bob in response to my touch.

  “Thank you,” he said simply and we kissed again.

  With the bathing finished we moved without conscious thought to the bed. I lay him down gently, my arm under his back so I could hold him close, his weight nothing compared to mine and our cocks brushed against each other for the first time. It felt like rainwater on a hot day and lightning striking all at once. He rolled me over and I went willingly so I could have his weight on my belly and chest. He pushed his hips into mine and one thigh between my legs.

  “Gods, that feels good,” I murmured into his mouth.

  “Is it time for more?” he asked, pulling back and watching my face carefully.

  “I don’t want it to be because I’m enjoying this too much,” I said, “but... Severus – I need you.”

  He smiled that lazy, beautiful and slightly indolent smile. “Then it is time and we will do it again and again until you grow bored with me for I shall never grow bored with you, my Golden Warrior.”

  I laughed at him, rolled him over onto his back and found the small vial of oil next to the wine I’d discovered earlier. I poured some on to me, some onto Severus’ cock, and more between his legs.

  I began to work it in and he groaned with pleasure. No fear or hate for my actions, just absolute pleasure. He opened his knees wide and relaxed into my desire for him. When I felt he was ready I asked, “Do you have a position you prefer?”

  “No, tonight is for you, remember?”

  “I’d like you to enjoy it too, but I guess you hear that a lot.”

  “Not as often as I’d like,” Severus said, his tone teasing. “If you want to imagine another lover, roll me over –”

  My mood shifted instantly and he realised his mistake. He sat up and grabbed my face in his hands, small hands. “I’m sorry,” he said, forcing me to look at him. “That was foolish.”

  I held his wrists, for a moment I wanted to use my grasp to throw him away but his hands trembled. He was scared.

  Our eyes locked from half a hand span apart. “I want to know it’s you,” I said with great control.

  He nodded meekly and lay back as I lowered myself over him. We kissed, joining only our mouths until the moment of emotional pain fled under the desire. Once done he shifted slightly, pulling a large pillow down the bed to place under his hips, and with experienced hands he guided me toward his body.

  I felt the moment of pressure. He whispered, “Now, lover.” Gently, slowly, so I could feel every sensation and enjoy every breath he made, I pushed into his body. I worked into him, my hips moving with deliberate care.

  He closed his eyes, thrust his head back and groaned in delicious desire. He wriggled and squirmed under me, wanting more, making me give him more. He cried out my name, demanded everything I could give. He clutched at my arms and back, his nails scratching me and forcing me into a frenzy.

  “Kiss me,” he cried out. “I’m going to come, kiss me.” He held himself, moving quickly, as did I. Hot and swea
ting, feral in our passion. I shifted my weight and lay over him. My weight slowed us both down slightly, making him gasp, and his mouth sought mine. I gazed into his eyes for a moment, they were so very bright, the control over his fey heritage slipping from his grasp. One eye became dark, the other vividly green. He pulled me down into his kisses and his tongue drove into me as deeply as I was inside his body.

  The spiral, already tight and spinning from my control, freed itself completely. I came hard; it hurt, making me cry out loudly. Severus dragged his own orgasm from his body, trembling and quivering, hot and sticky between us. I kissed his neck, his shoulder and he gently forced me to look at him.

  “Tears, my Northern Golden Warrior?” he asked, his voice quiet and calm. His thumbs brushed away the evidence of my emotional overload.

  “Sorry, I just... I’d begun to think I’d never do that again,” I said, feeling foolish.

  He kissed me, small soft kisses over my face and neck. “You were wonderful and no, I don’t say that to every man who shares my bed.”

  I started to move myself off his body and he slid out from under me, but stayed close. I collapsed onto the soft bed, staring at the white ceiling. A soft hand touched my chest.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  I turned my head enough to stare into his strange eyes. Why were men with beautiful eyes my weakness?

  “I’m alright,” I said and rolled onto my side so we were face to face in the big bed. I placed my hand on his waist. “It’s been a long time and you’ve been very kind.”

  “It is no hardship to be with a man like you,” Severus said.

  “It must be a difficult way to make a living,” I said.

  He laughed softly, the post orgasm glow making us both languid for the moment. “It is, but I think there is more honour to it than thieving,” he said. “Though I’ve been poor enough to have to do that too in times past. If I do this, it means my sister does not have to.”

  “You support a family?”

  “Just my sister, we have been alone for many years. I want a better life for her so she goes to what passes for a school in Larz and I hope to save enough money for us to leave. I want to go to a different place, without memories or hardship for me,” he said.


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