Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1)

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Power Desired (D.C. Power Games Book 1) Page 27

by Ivy Nelson

  The last time Darci had played in public was when she was with Damion. Their last scene had been such a disaster it ultimately led to their break-up.

  Tonight was also the first time she had been here without Marlie. Darci’s heart ached as she thought of the bubbly woman. She had been a loud presence at the club and you always knew when she entered the room. Shaking the sad thoughts away, she looked up at the man sitting in the chair in front of her. He smiled kindly at her and brushed his hand through her hair. She was lost in his gaze when Peter spoke up.

  “Looks like the station we want is free brother. What do you say we show our girls a good time?”

  Carrie giggled and Darci swallowed back her nerves as the two men rose and headed toward a large wooden frame in the corner. They instructed the girls to follow.

  Bradley had offered to put Darci and Carrie into a double suspension predicament that would allow both Doms to torment their subs. Peter stood against the leg of the frame observing as Bradley put both girls in rope. Soon they found themselves tied together in such a way that if one moved it pulled on the crotch rope of the other.

  They were doing their best to be kind to each other, but both men were using floggers, paddles, and other implements to get the girls moving. As the scene wound down, Bradley reached up and separated them so that each man could take their sub to opposite ends of the frame. It wasn’t long before Bradley had Darci screaming in pleasure as he brought her to orgasm. Carrie wasn’t far behind her at the other end of the play station.

  Darci’s experience that night at the club was one of the most memorable. Being in the same play space as Peter and Carrie brought back a flood of memories from the past. The two men had conspired to do mean things to their pets and Darci, and Carrie had soaked it up like eager kittens.

  At the end of the night, they all hugged and said goodnight and Darci knew they had accepted Bradley as one of their own. She road home with Bradley feeling content and loved.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  On Monday, Darci headed into the office feeling lighter than she had in a while. It had been three days since she had divulged the ghosts of her past to Bradley and just two since their wonderful night at Exposure. Her sexy Dominant was out of town again, and she was missing him terribly. The extensive to-do list that sat in front of her was a welcome sight since it would help keep her mind off the fact that she wouldn’t see him for a couple days.

  After reviewing her list, she realized that some files she needed were in her apartment. Security could take her to get them later. She called Bradley, but he didn’t answer, so she left a message asking him to call her back. See, she could be good—sometimes.

  At four, she still hadn’t heard from him, so she asked the security team if they would mind taking her back to her apartment later. When they objected, she tried calling Bradley again, but he still wasn’t answering.

  “Please, you guys. You can inspect the place before I go in. I need some crucial files for work.” The guards begrudgingly agreed to take her when she got off. They were not happy about it at all.

  At six o’clock she packed up and headed out of the office. The goon squad drove her to her apartment. As they pulled into the portico, she smiled. Jeff was on duty at the door. She gave him a hug. “It’s good to see you again.”

  The doorman blushed. “It’s good to see you too, Miss Sanders. Judging by the security you have with you, I take it they haven’t caught whoever was in your apartment.”

  She grimaced. “No, they haven’t. Hopefully soon. I miss my bed!”

  Darci led the way to the elevators. When they reached the door, the guards asked her to wait for them while they swept the apartment. Handing them her keys, she stepped back to wait for them. A minute later, she heard one of the men curse, so she tried to push past the one who waited by her door.

  “Please don’t come in here ma’am. We need to call the police.”

  “Why what is it? What’s wrong?” she asked, still trying to push past the guard standing in her way.

  “You don’t want to see this I promise.”

  “Damn it let me in. Is the killer in there?” Of course he wasn’t. Darci wasn’t sure why she asked.

  “No, ma’am. Please stay back.”

  “Fucking let me in. It’s my apartment.” The guard was not moving, so she kneed him in the groin and ran past him while he doubled over in pain. He was on her again in seconds, but it was too late. Darci paled when she saw what they were trying to keep from her.

  Tied to her bed was a very bloody body. The throat was slit, and her bed was covered in blood. It only took Darci a moment to recognize the woman.

  “Holy fuck,” Darci whispered.

  The last thing she remembered was a guard catching her and then blackness.

  The memory of Elise’s bloody corpse would forever remain etched in Darci’s memory. She had lost her lunch before passing out. What was Elise doing in her apartment? How did she get in here? How did the killer get in here? The security team had scooped her out of the apartment and into the car downstairs to wait as soon as they had discovered the body.

  Bradley wasn’t answering their calls, meaning he was still busy with the campaign. The police arrived, and everything was a blur of activity around her. They questioned her, but Darci barely heard them. Michael Silas appeared on the scene as the initial officers finished their questions. He said nothing, just wrapped her in his arms.

  “Michael, what is happening here? How are we supposed to catch this guy? It’s like he’s invisible.”

  “Shh, it’s OK. Where’s Bradley?”

  “He had to go out of town with the senator.”

  “What were you even doing here?” he demanded.

  “I had to get some of my files, so I had the security team escort me. They entered first. They tried to keep me out I promise. Don’t yell at them, they’ll get enough of that from Bradley when he gets home.”

  “Lord knows you can be stubborn.”

  “I wish I hadn’t been. I can’t get her face out of my head.”

  He left her with the security team to check in with the responding officers. One of the guard’s cell phones rang. When he answered, Darci winced as she could hear a furious Bradley on the other line. With a palm out in front of her, she motioned for him to give her his phone. The guard closed his eyes as the voice on the line released another string of obscenities, so she grabbed the phone from him.

  “Stop yelling at him Bradley. He didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You mean other than letting you talk them into taking you back to an apartment that’s already been broken into. What the fuck were you thinking Darci? I swear I'm going to make sure you can’t sit for a week when I get home.”

  “Don’t yell at me over this, please. I just found the body of one of my best friends. Somebody had to discover her sometime, or she would have just laid there for days decomposing. I know you’re upset, and you’re worried about me, but I promise I didn’t go in alone and I only went because I had to get files for work. I even tried to call you first, but I knew you were busy. Please don’t be angry with me. Not when I did everything I could to be safe.”

  He sighed when she finally stopped talking. “I’m sorry, baby girl. You’re right. God, I hate not being there right now. I’m so glad you’re safe.”

  “When will you be home?” she asked.

  “We’re flying home in just a little while. I’ll have to go to the office for a couple hours when we get in, because Atleigh is leaving again tomorrow, but I’m staying behind this time.”

  “I love you, Bradley. Thank you for not being angry with me.”

  “I was at first, but you’re right, you did nothing wrong. I’m so sorry about your friend sweetheart. I can’t wait to hold you.”

  “Well, I’ll be up. I don’t think I can sleep anytime soon after seeing her like that.” A sob escaped her throat, but she quickly pulled herself together. “I should let you get back to work. I’ll call you w
hen I’m heading home.”

  Bradley promised to do the same, and she handed the phone back to the guard.

  An hour later the police told her she could leave. Michael broke away from the scene to talk to her. As he was walking her way, she noticed a car pull up.

  “Don’t be mad at me Darci,” Michael said when he reached her.

  “What shouldn’t I be mad at you for?”

  “We’re doubling your security detail. Bradley called me and insisted.”

  Darci groaned. “It’s OK, Michael. I’ll live with it for now. Just catch this guy before he really puts twelve guards on me please.”

  “I’m doing my best kid. You should let these guys take you home. And from now on if they try to keep you away from somewhere fucking listen to them.” His arms were crossed, and he frowned as he spoke.

  “Yes, Sir.” She accompanied her response with a sarcastic salute which only made him glare at her.

  “I’m going to tell Bradley to spank you when he gets home.”

  “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “I’ll do it myself if you keep putting yourself at risk,” he said with a growl.

  “That won’t be necessary because she isn’t going to put herself at risk. Isn’t that right, Kitten?”

  Darci whirled around at the sound of Peter’s voice. “What are you doing here?”

  Michael stepped away to speak with another officer.

  “I’m part of your security detail now. I’m in charge as a matter of fact.” Darci’s eyes grew wide as Peter spoke.

  “How? Why? Don’t you have to go back to California?”

  “I’m still licensed in D.C. Because I care about you, and no, not right away. I’m sending Carrie back tomorrow though. Does that answer all your questions?” His arms were crossed, and he scowled down at her.

  Darci just nodded. Still numb from the events of the evening.

  Once home, Peter and the other three security guards walked her through new protocols. Bradley had called her just to tell her she was to follow their instructions to the letter. There was a threat in his voice, and she knew better than to argue with him.

  One guard would be stationed downstairs, one outside the apartment door. A driver, and one more guard, would do surveillance outside the building, and the fourth, Peter, would be inside the apartment. Bradley’s office would act as a base for the guards to work out of.

  Peter called in a private investigator to do an invasive investigation on Darci to ferret out more names for the police to investigate. The security detail couldn’t officially investigate the murder, but since the police were certain that the killer was someone Darci had met, Michael agreed it was a good idea for the background research to be done. When she tried to argue, Bradley, Peter, and Michael, shut her down with no room for argument. The three men were all in overprotective dominant mode. Any other time she might find it cute. Tonight, it just annoyed her.

  Now she sat in the office answering extremely personal questions about herself and anyone she had ever encountered. That was an extensive list considering the number of organizations Darci worked with in D.C.

  The questions took her all the way back to her assault in college. It was tense, and she didn’t like revisiting this time in her life.

  “Tell me about this Theresa Holden. Are you sure you haven’t had any contact with her since college?” the investigator asked.

  “I’m positive,” she insisted. “I don’t know why her name would be on that guest log. Have you asked the people in the apartment she was visiting?”

  “We’re looking into that. The resident of that apartment swears they didn’t have any visitors by that name.”

  “Isn’t there security footage?”

  “We’re having trouble getting a good angle but we’re looking at it. Let’s go through the days and weeks leading up to the first murder.”

  She was tired and the invasive interview was exhausting her.

  “Tell me about your lunch with Tessa Heath,” he asked.

  Just then, Bradley came in to see her looking tense. He asked the investigator if they could take a break and he took her hand and led her into the bedroom. Wrapping her in his arms, he held her tight.

  His hug was her undoing, and she burst into tears. She sobbed for what seemed like hours, though it was probably just a few minutes. Bradley just held her, kissing her hair occasionally.

  Finally, she raised her head from his chest and looked up at him. With swollen eyes, a red nose, and mascara streaming down her face, she was sure she looked hideous. The look in his eyes told her he didn’t see it that way. Catching her breath as the last of the sobs subsided, she smiled.

  “I’m sorry I got your shirt all wet.”

  With gentle fingers, he brushed some wayward hair behind her ear. “Don’t be sorry, baby. You can cry on me anytime.”

  “I just want today to be over.”

  “It’s late. Let me tell the investigator you’re calling it a night. We’ll hide out in here for the rest of the evening. I’ll hold you until you fall asleep.”

  It sounded like the best idea she’d heard all day. Standing, he kissed her gently.

  “Why don’t you go wash your face and get ready for bed? I’m going to chat with the guys for a few minutes.”

  Chapter Forty

  The next morning, Bradley went into work late. Darci needed and deserved extra attention after the trauma of last night, but he also wanted to make sure she was fully on board with the new security protocols that were being put into place.

  Now, they sat in his home office with Peter as they went over the changes he wanted to make.

  “I know you’ll hate this, Kitten, but I need you to cancel all public appearances for the next week,” Peter said from his perch on the corner of the desk.

  Darci scowled at him. “Peter, I can’t. I’m the fucking media spokesperson for the organization. Public appearances are kind of my thing.”

  Peter shot her a glare and warning laced his voice as he spoke. “I may not be your dom anymore, but you’ll watch your tone when you speak to me.”

  Bradley may be jealous sometimes, but he was glad Peter was a fellow dominant. It made it easier for them to join forces and make sure she did as she was told. And apparently that’s exactly what they would need to do, because instead of being a good girl and agreeing with him, the feisty little submissive poked her tongue out at Peter.

  The look of irritation that crossed his face told Bradley that if he weren’t in the picture there might have been a time when he did something about it, so he decided to do it for him. Gripping her chin, he forced her to look up at him.

  “You’re lucky that wasn’t directed at me, pet. Do it again and we’ll take this to the bedroom where you’ll find yourself with a red ass.” He took it a step further. “While he is here, you are to listen to Peter’s directions as if they were mine. Is that clear?” As he watched her struggle not to sass him, Peter remained silent, but he offered Bradley a brief nod of agreement. After a moment, Darci nodded. Wanting to make sure she understood how serious he was, Bradley raised an eyebrow. “Pardon me?”

  She huffed, and he scowled. “I’m serious, girl. I know you’ve been through a lot, and I sound like an asshole right now, but I will not hesitate to light your ass on fire today. This is life or death. Now I asked you a question and I expect a proper answer.”

  For a moment her eyes glistened as if she might cry, and he worried he had pushed too much. Finally, she took a deep breath and relented with a, “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good.” Turning to Peter he said, “You have my permission to take her across your knee if she gives you any lip.”

  Peter chuckled and winked at Darci. “I don’t think that will be necessary. Darci and I understand one another.” Turning to her he said, “Do as your told, Kitten, and don’t complain about the security. When this is all over, I’ll send Carrie back so you two can have girl time and bitch all you want about the mean men in your lives.”
  When she giggled, Bradley knew she was in good hands. He was late enough for work, so he kissed her goodbye and headed into the office.

  • • •

  “Where the hell have you been? You’re over two hours late, Givens. That’s not like you!”

  Bradley had just sat down at his desk when the senator burst in.

  “I apologize, Sir. I’m not sure if you’ve heard the news, but my girlfriend is the one who found the latest murder victim. I needed to take time to make sure she was OK this morning.”

  “So, this nonsense about you being involved with Peggy Jacobs is true then?” Bradley’s heart sank. He hadn’t had time to look at the news, but it was no surprise that it had come out. Might as well tell the truth.

  “Yes, Sir, we dated for a while, but we broke up before she died.” Bradley stood and turned away from the senator, staring out his office window.

  “According to the papers, you were in that club the night she was killed.” The disdain was obvious in the man's voice.

  “Yes, Sir. I should have come to you right away, but I was in shock.”

  “Honestly, I’m shocked myself. How the hell are we supposed to spin this, son?”

  “I’m not sure we can, Sir. The truth is, I do enjoy BDSM in my personal life.” The senator groaned and Bradley turned to face his boss again. “I’ll resign if that’s what you want, but I want you to know you still have my utmost loyalty.”

  “I’m not that big of an ass, Bradley. I’m not going to fire you. Besides, if I did that you’d go work for your dad and I wouldn’t have a prayer at winning the election.” The senator chuckled, and Bradley smiled because he was right. “I guess it’s a good thing you’re not going with me on this trip, as it is, I’m going to get questions. I think it’s best if you stay off the trail. We’ve been meaning to name a deputy campaign manager, anyway.”

  They agreed to keep Bradley out of the spotlight for a while. The senator tried to talk him into publicly denouncing the lifestyle, but Bradley told him that wasn’t an option, so he moved on.


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