The Clock Runs Down: Half Past the Apocalypse

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The Clock Runs Down: Half Past the Apocalypse Page 35

by Joe Kelly

  In the Pro category Onieda had been larger than Bergstown, both in population and in land area. Which meant more stores and supplies it also meant more undead which was a Con, but they would be faced with large numbers in most of the places they could reach. Another Pro was not having to pass anywhere near town where Seth could have laid bombs.

  He glanced over at Ronny who had climbed out of the Ultralight grinning.

  “Get that thing disassembled and lets get out of here” Jared said. Trying not to think about the fact that the he had been in a flying death trap that could be taken apart faster than a kite.

  “damn that would have been fun with out the town burning” Ronnie said with a look towards Jared as he and Chris removed the wings and stored them in their bag. Once that was done, they got the ultralight stowed on the trailer and tied down.

  Driving up the road to the camp they encountered a group of ten zombies. They drove over the zombies then stopped and finished them off with axes and bats. Jared kicked the last one a few times. “ This is starting to get old” he muttered as he tossed the bat into The truck and climbed back in. Steve got in behind the wheel

  “it really is, but is there a better place to be?” Steve asked. Jared couldn’t help but think about the odd dream he had a month ago or the transmissions they had picked up from time to time, short mostly encrypted military transmissions.

  “ Maybe there is “ Jared said not elaborating.

  They pulled into the camp and found that there had been five zombies at the gate before their arrival. Pappy and Jeff had shot them down, and were dumping the bodies off the bluff on the north side of the camp. People clustered around them wanting to know what was happening in Town. Jared climbed out of Steve’s new truck and held up his hands, till they quieted down. “It appears that something caught fire and the fire spread over large areas of town. Lets talk about in a little while okay. I need to go throw up and clean out my shorts at the moment” Jared said

  “He doesn’t like to fly,” Ronny explained to the crowd. “scares the shit out of him, literally.” Thank you Ronny, one application of icy hot in your shorts coming up soon, Jared thought as he headed for the deck and a date with the hot tub.

  By the time he was finished, most of the rest of the group had gathered in Cabin two. He sighed as he walked thru the doors and saw them waiting in the living room. Ronny was sitting off to one side with Mary grinning like a madman as they talked quietly. The group fell silent as he entered the room. He finished running the towel over his hair and then tossed into the box by the door, with the other dirty towels.

  “How bad is it?” Jeff asked.

  Jared sighed “its bad, but I don’t know how bad yet” he said. That didn’t seem to satisfy anyone. Henry snorted in sarcastic amusement but otherwise remained silent. He told them what they had seen from the Ultralight, but stressed that it was impossible to tell just how much had been lost till they went in on the ground.

  No one looked happy; Jared hadn’t expected them to be either. The good morale he had worked so hard on was evaporating before his eyes. Its time for damage control, if they start panicking and worrying this group will fall apart faster than you can blink. Before he could say a thing Jeff stood abruptly.

  “ what are you people upset about. We can go further out for stuff we need. Its exactly what we would have had to do if we had stayed around Nashville.” Jeff said looking around the room at each person. “yes it will be dangerous, and it will take more fuel but sooner or later we would have to do it any way once we had stripped Bergstown bare.”

  Jared sighed and sat down on a stool by the counter letting Jeff and the others talk it out. He had to admit that driving further out posed more dangers. There was always the chance no matter how unlikely, that zombies from another town might follow them.

  That was of course the biggest fear every one here had drawing a huge horde down on the camp and being trapped. Which of course led to suggestions that maybe they should consider moving. Time to step in Jared said as the arguing started “before we start killing each other and panicking and making a hasty decision, lets go over the list of supplies we have and what we need. Rob you can start, whats our fuel and parts situation look like?” Jared asked.

  It took a hour and a half to get the details of their situation laid out. Jill and Beth had taken the longest but they had provided a very accurate count of not just food supplies, but seeds, clothing and other essentials. Linda, who looked uncomfortable at being put on the spot, provided information of the medicines and possible medical problems to expect.

  Steve and Ori’s assessment of the Ammo, weapons and lack of training didn’t make any one feel comfortable. Robs inability to fix the backhoe with out parts meant a new way was going to have to be found to finish the wall.

  All in all they were not bad off, but any one small disaster could screw them badly. Jared didn’t flinch from giving them his thoughts on what could go wrong here but he laid out a good case for remaining at the camp for a while. Most of the group ended up agreeing that staying was the best option but there were some very vocal protests about remaining.

  “look let’s give it thru the winter, come spring time, we can make a decision. But, we make preparations to leave in case of a emergency.” Jared said trying to find a balance between the two arguments. “That way if anything happens we will be ready and can leave with our supplies. Is that okay with everyone” he wanted to smile as he saw the nods of acceptance around the room. Another crisis averted, he thought.

  They spent another hour hammering out a basic prep plan before Jared finally called the meeting to an end. As everyone filed out heading to their rooms, or sleeping spots, he hesitated seeing Kyle still sitting silently beside the fire place. He had said nothing during the meeting and had said very little since Deacon had died. I should talk to him, Jared thought, but what do I say, buck up and move on. No give him a little more time, maybe get Jill to talk to him see if there is anything to worry about. With out a word he stepped outside. He slipped his arm around Jill, it was as natural as breathing and a peaceful stillness filled him. She’s too good for me, he thought not for the first time.

  Silently they walked back to their bedroom in the main cabin, each lost in their own thoughts. As soon as the door shut Jill leaned against it meeting his gaze. “Why didn’t you tell them you think leaving is a good idea” she asked more curious than anything else as. Jared wasn’t surprised she had figured it out she was damn perceptive. He shrugged as he crossed the room to sprawl on the bed lacing his fingers behind his head. “what makes you think I want to leave” Jared asked hoping to buy time to think about how to phrase his thoughts in a way that made sense without mention the dream. Just tell her the truth and let it roll from there, he told himself.

  “Jared we have been together for months now as friends and lovers and I’ve gotten to know you pretty well. Tell me I’m wrong and Ill drop it.” she crossed her arms under her chest and watched him as she waited for his answer.

  Sometimes it seemed like they had been together for years, he thought. but it had only been for four months I wish we had been a couple all that time my fault for not wanting to pressure her and of course I wasn’t dealing well with life at the time either. And wool gathering isn’t getting you any closer to answering her, he told himself.

  “okay, okay, yes I think we should. But every reason I gave for staying is just as true” Jared said.

  “then why do you think we should leave” she asked. Jared shifted uncomfortably for a moment.

  “You wouldn’t. I don’t…” Jared said then paused and took a breath. “sit down please. It’s not a long story but it’s odd. So just listen okay” he waited till she was seated on the bed, ignoring the curious looks. “see a while back I had a dream…” he began. And to her credit she didn’t give him a single odd look or ask a question thru the entire thing.

  Once he was finished they sat there in silence for a bit. “you’re not the only one hav
ing odd dreams, did you know that” she said finally.

  “What?” Jared exclaimed surprised. No one had mentioned having weird dreams, well Mark had made a comment once but that had been it.

  “Sharon told me the other day, she had a dream about Mark, that was as real as if she had been awake. He told her that soon she would have to be ready to leave for another place. And something about the kids being in danger from something. But she didn’t understand that part.” Jill explained.

  “it was probably just a dream” Jared insisted though he didn’t really believe it.

  “she’s not the only one either Jared. most of the kids have told Beth that they have had dreams about their parents. Who told them to be brave and soon they would be in a better home.” She looked at him for a long moment. “Jared, I don’t know what to think honestly. I’ve Had odd dreams too. But they were more like nightmares. I don’t think they are prophetic. But I do think that something odd is going on. It might be psychological, but with the dead wandering around out there. It does make me think that there might be more going on in the world.”

  “So, you think we should just pack up and run,” He asked.

  “no, I think what you said was exactly what we need to do, have the trucks loaded with gear, like you did before all this, and like we all did when we first got here. Because every once in a while, I get a feeling that the clock is ticking down on us. And Id rather be halfway prepared than caught out with nothing.” Jill replied

  He wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close. He smiled as she whispered in his ear. There was very little conversation after that.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  “I don’t like this place.” Stephanie complained for the tenth time. Logan sighed and rolled his eyes.

  “I suppose we could go into the burning town and see if there’s a room open.” His sarcasm was lost on her. God could there be any one who fit the stereotype of a blonde sorority girl any better.

  “The mattress feels funny and it smells moldy” she complained.

  “Jesus Stephanie, just pretend it’s the hotel room you used to take those old guys too” Chad said from where he sat by the door.

  “screw you Chad.”

  “You already did, five times. No thanks not again” he replied. I should have been smart enough to stop after the first time, Chad told himself.

  “just in case you haven’t noticed, there’s walking dead folks out there. You know the kind that want to eat you Stephanie and not in a good way” Logan said annoyed with her constant bitching and moaning.

  “you’re just a freshman, I don’t have to take shit off you” she snapped.

  “no you don’t you can walk right out that door and get chomped on” Logan said. “otherwise shut up or I just might tie you up and gag you because I’m really tired of the complaining and the noise.”

  Her mouth snapped shut as she stared at him. At least she was quiet, though it might have been pure shock at being talked to like that. he didn’t really care. If nothing else he would pay someone to sleep with her, at least she didn’t talk during sex. Sadly, that would only be ten minutes worth of peace, most guys couldn’t stand to be around her longer than that.

  She stomped over to the bed and dropped down on it pouting. Out of all the people on campus to survive getting eaten. he shook the thought away. At least they had found this campground just outside of the town. It had twenty large cabins, and a huge old timey looking general store and get together area as well. And very few zombies which he considered a major amenity. How long that would last was any ones guess.

  Gary had said he had heard radio conversations earlier, faint but there. But since they had gotten close enough to actually transmit, whoever it was, was no longer on the air.

  He hoped they could reach the group tomorrow or the next day.

  But before they tried to contact whoever it was in town, he and chad were going check out a convenience store with gas pumps a few miles back to see if there was still gas in its tanks. With the hand pump they had, they could fill all the vehicle tanks pretty fast. Assuming there was no huge zombie presence and enough gas.

  Chad who had been watching outside through a gap in the curtain, suddenly got out of his chair and doused the light from the lantern. It had been dim enough that maybe whoever it was he had thought he had seen outside hadn’t noticed it.

  “hey turn that back on” Stephanie complained.

  “shut the fuck up, there’s people outside” Chad hissed angrily as he moved back to the window. Logan slid off the bed and drew the pistol clipped to his belt.

  “How many” Logan asked quietly as he joined Chad at the window.

  “Looks like two” Chad said as he peered outside thru a crack in the drapes. “Now there’s only one, sneaking around not a care in the world.” he said in a whisper moving aside to let Logan look for himself. It took him a moment to spot the figure, a man, not an undead judging by the way he moved. The stranger was peering into the vehicles as if he was looking for something.

  “Should we go out there” Chad asked. “No not just yet. Let’s just see what he does. If he wanted to talk he would have knocked on the doors or yelled or something. so, I think he is looking for stuff to steal.” At least they had removed all the food and weapons from the vehicles when they got here.

  Finally, the guy who ever he was, snuck away from the vehicles, and vanished into the darkness beyond the parking lot. Logan breathed a sigh of relief, and holstered his pistol. “we better keep a real close eye on the vehicles tonight.” He said as he lay back down on the bed, surprised to find Tatiana laying on his bed. He remained silent, as a warm hand slid down his stomach then lower till it cupped him. To think it took the end of the world for her to notice me. He thought happily.

  Chad rolled his eyes, at the noise coming from the bed. But grinned to himself, at least it wasn’t Stephanie Logan was with. He could hear her snoring from the other bed. What did I ever like about her. Her body was great, but there needed to be an on and off switch for the thing that passed for a brain in her head, he thought as he peered back out the window.

  He couldn’t see anyone or anything. But he was positive that someone was out there, watching him. Something dark and dangerous, the thought flitted thru his mind. he didn’t laugh it off like he once would have. Not when zombies now ruled the world.

  ♦ ♦ ♦

  Jared climbed wearily into the Van. Today they were going to go back into town. Well along the edges, he told himself. Specifically, Walgreen’s and then down towards Alred to check out the restaurant and lounge at the old golf course.

  Their ammo was getting a bit tight and Jared hoped they could find more, especially 5.56 or .223. They really couldn’t afford another battle like that last one they had burned through too much ammo. Chris despite his injuries was insisting on going along, though he still had a limp and his fingers were splinted. The Truth was they needed him. They needed every extra living body they could get.

  Jared was pretty sure that Steve wasn’t a hundred percent either but a gun was a gun , both men knew their limits and wouldn’t allow themselves to become a liability. Allow no, but crap happened so they would have to be extra careful.

  Hopefully they could find what they needed in and around town, if not Jared was seriously considering going to Onieda to look for the supplies they needed. It was risky and not just because of the undead, that was a lot of fuel to burn and if they couldn’t find more they would be down even more fuel than they had started with.

  Jared had finally decided to keep use Ronny and the Ultralight, Aerial surveillance should allow them to avoid wrecks, mobs of undead and burned out buildings, saving fuel and time. Not to mention it might just help them avoid another ambush and being swamped by undead.

  He had been careless the day Mark had died, he should have considered being attacked by another human being and planned for it and because he hadn’t Mark, along with Deacon, had paid with their lives and most everyone else had be
en injured. He managed to shove aside the dark wave of anger and self disgust and get his game face on.

  Reaching the by-pass, they stopped and unloaded the ultralight, while Ronny and Ori attached the wings everyone else stood guard watching the woods and hills on either side of the empty stretch of road while Ronny ran through a checklist. Jared didn’t know if a check list was necessary but if made the death trap even a little safer he wasn’t going to argue with Ronny who seemed to think the list was necessary.

  Walking over he leaned into the cockpit, as Ronny was preparing to start the motor. “Remember if there’s a lot of those things around don’t fly straight back to the landing site and follow the damn road. Don’t need you getting lost” Jared said.

  “Don’t worry about it buddy. Got it under control. Ori even has a plan to mount a few of those propane bombs on this thing so I can drop them on Zombie groups” Ronny told Jared who only shook his head, he really needed to talk to Ori and soon before Ronny blew himself up or something equally drastic.

  “Good luck” Jared said and shook Ronny’s hand.

  “You too, you’re the one that will be on the ground.” Ronny said. Jared backed away and a second later the motor spun to life.


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