Happiness in Numbers

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Happiness in Numbers Page 28

by Nicole Field

  Disgusted, Letycja jerked herself away from the grasp of a soldier and went to Shae's side. "It's okay, Shae. It's going to be okay," Letycja said, ignoring how grim the situation was turning.

  "Lettie! Don't let them take me!" Shae sobbed.

  "I'm here with you," Letycja said, voice choking. "They'll have to take me, too."


  When the wards flashed their warning, Helva was arm-deep inside a woolly-deer.

  Klimeau, who was peeling potatoes, bounced to his feet and circled. "Where are the others?" he asked, throwing his unfinished potato aside, the peel fluttering like a tail.

  Helva pulled the offal from the deer's carcass, a look of consternation on xer face. "Awful timing. Lettie was getting Shae. Dain'la is in Eudora's flower garden again, if I had to guess." Pausing for a fraction of a second, Helva shrugged and wiped xer hands off on xer tunic. "I'm going to arm up, are you okay going ahead?"

  Klimeau nodded, curt. Without a word, he set off into the woods, a silent shadow sliding into the brush. Ears pricked forward and alert, he followed a woolly-deer path down the ravine, pausing every few seconds to listen. When he reached the trench, he veered off the path to follow it.

  He ran into one of the catfolk guards, who was circling the trench in the opposite direction from him.

  "Klimeau," she said in greeting, pausing to catch her breath. "Nothing back the way I came. I started on the North Checkpoint."

  They turned back the way they had come on the pretense that they'd both check in with the other patrolling guards. It wasn't long before Klimeau ran into another of their guards, who also hadn't seen anything that could have triggered the wards. Breaking from the border, Klimeau cut across, intent on reaching the western border of Barakiv.

  Halfway between the South Checkpoint and Barakiv's southern gate, he ran into Helva. Xie paused, catching xer breath. "I was going to get Dain'la, see if she could pinpoint where the threat set off the wards," xie said.

  Nodding behind him, Klimeau said, "The trenches were empty from the North to South Checkpoints. It's more likely to the west."

  "You scout ahead. Dain'la and I will catch up," Helva said. "If it's a big threat, wait for backup."

  Klimeau gave a curt nod and set off. Helva jogged towards town, hoping xie could find Dain'la, or at least ascertain that Letycja and Shae were safe.

  The guard at the gate was on alert and dropped to a fighting stance the moment they heard Helva approach. Relaxing a fraction when they saw xer, they called out, "Lettie and your girl alright?"

  Helva slowed to a stop. "I haven't seen them."

  The guard's eyes widened. "They left maybe ten minutes before the wards went off."

  Helva's stomach dropped.

  From inside the village, Dain'la arrived with Eudora in tow. A glowing orb floated above her staff, which Dain'la was following like a beacon. Both women had flower crowns on, though it appeared Eudora wore hers reluctantly.

  "See anything unusual?" Dain'la asked, scanning the tree line.

  "There were a few travelers that left town after your folks, did you run into them?"

  Helva and Dain'la stared at the guard. "No," Helva said, as Dain'la asked, "What did they look like?"

  The guard shrank under their combined gazes. "Humans; but they were already inside the wards. It sounded like they were going to head home."

  Eudora crossed her arms. "Were they armed like Helva? Gevdinian accents?"

  Nodding, they flattened their ears in acquiescence. Dain'la and Helva took off, following the guiding orb.

  "But… they were inside the wards," the guard said, drooping.

  Huffing, Eudora shook her head. "You didn't read through the full debriefing, did you? The wards don't go off on potential threats. They activate when there is active intent to harm." She gripped her halberd tighter and ran after Dain'la and Helva.


  Yvonne and her soldiers surveyed their current surroundings. Part of the ravine had eroded away to form an earthen divet on the wall of the hill. The shallow cave had a ceiling of roots and a fallen tree's canopy shielded it from view below. They had tied Shae to Letycja, and both were gagged.

  "Brainwashed the poor girl," a soldier named Pond said. He unpacked a bundle of shackles and chains, setting them carefully beside his neat pile of coiled rope.

  The other soldier, who was tying Shae and Letycja's ankles together, muttered to herself. Satisfied the ropes wouldn't cut off circulation, she sat back and glanced at Yvonne who was setting a snare. "Brainwashed or not, I don't think the poor girl should have to witness this."

  Yvonne sighed, scanning the slope. "Then blindfold her, Catherine."

  Grumbling under her breath, Catherine tied a handkerchief around Shae's eyes. Panicked, Shae began thrashing in her bonds. Her head cracked back into Letycja's skull as she struggled to scream, the noise muffled by the gag. Letycja did her best to make soothing sounds through her own gag, but Shae's breathing came in rapid but shallow gasps.

  "That was a terrible idea, Captain," Catherine said accusingly, gesturing to the bound child.

  "Then take the blindfold off!" Yvonne hissed. She finished setting a second snare, kicking mulch over the rope to hide it from view.

  Pond settled himself down, surrounded by various methods of binding. He took out his wand and settled it on his thigh while he stretched his arms over his head. "How long until they find us, you think?"

  "I don't know," Captain Yvonne said, stalking over to the canopy of the fallen tree. She set another trap there.

  Catherine, having managed to remove the blindfold from Shae, glowered at the captain. "Wonderful plan. Shall we set up camp and make tea while we're at it?"

  Shae was calming down by degrees, now that she could see her surroundings again. Letycja could feel her heart flutter against her wrists, pure panic flushing through the girl's body in a nonstop flow.

  Captain Yvonne gritted her teeth. "Catherine," she said in warning.

  "Oh no, am I being insubordinate again, Captain?" Catherine said. "How terrible."

  "She'll report you when we get back," Pond said, cheerfully.

  "Good. Then maybe I can go home."

  "Would you two shut up?" Yvonne snapped. She kept circling, her gaze searching for any sign of pursuit. Pond shrugged and Catherine rolled her eyes, but they both kept quiet. The only noises were the forest breathing with the breeze, the cries of far off wolf-hawks squabbling over turf, and Letycja humming to Shae.

  The sun inched towards the horizon, the sky paling into sleepy orange. Yvonne twitched, feeling like eyes were on her, but she saw and heard nothing. The paranoia of waiting was already setting in, and she scowled to herself for falling for it. So she didn't squawk in surprise when Klimeau landed in the center of their camp, though her eyes twitched slightly.

  Catherine and Pond both jerked back, Pond yelping and dropping his wand. Sword drawn, Yvonne pounced on Klimeau as he reached towards Pond's wand. Infuriatingly, the catfolk slid to the side and Yvonne's sword thunked into the loam.

  Letycja and Shae were wriggling, making muffled cries.

  "Any chance you'll surrender peacefully?" Catherine asked, unslinging her battle axe from her back.

  "None whatsoever," Klimeau said, grinning. He dropped to the ground in a tumble, Catherine's axe swinging just above him.

  "We want to take him intact," Pond said, snatching his wand. He cast an immobilization spell on Klimeau, but it only held him for a second before it broke. Pond frowned and inspected the tip of the wand. An immobilization spell hit him and he mentally cursed; their magic user was here.

  Another catfolk dropped from above and engaged Yvonne and Catherine simultaneously. The newcomer jabbed her halberd at Yvonne's breastplate. Though it didn't pierce the metal, it dented it and threw her off balance. When Catherine swung her battle axe at the newcomer, the halberd's staff intercepted and twisted around to cut at Catherine's gauntlets.

  Meanwhile, Klimeau dove towards his lover
and ward. With his hook, he sliced their bindings, then scooped Shae into his arms and pulled Letycja to her feet. They took off down the hill while the soldiers were busy with Eudora.

  Klimeau's foot caught in a snare and it jerked him into the air. Shae tumbled from his arms, landing heavily on Letycja. The two went sprawling into the dirt, bruising themselves more than anything else. Hefting himself upward, Klimeau slashed the rope trapping his foot, and he too fell with a thud and a crack.

  Fur poofing out in lieu of a scream, Klimeau ignored the pain in his tail and picked Shae up again. Breaking from Eudora's assault, Yvonne set off towards Klimeau and her former prisoners. Skidding down the slope, Yvonne prepared to smack Klimeau upside the head with the flat of her sword.

  Instead, Yvonne was catapulted towards the ground, getting a mouthful of soil and leaves. Her foot had caught on a wire that had not been there seconds before. Giggling, Helva dropped the trip wire and tackled Yvonne, wrestling her into releasing her sword. With Shae in his arms and Letycja in tow, Klimeau scuttled away in the direction of town.

  Eudora took a hit to her shoulder, and Catherine grimaced as she pulled her battle axe from the wound. The cut bled freely, and Eudora had to grasp her halberd single-handed. From on top of the ridge of the natural cave's ceiling, Dain'la dropped her hold on Pond to ensconce Eudora in a force shield.

  Freed, Pond whipped around to face Dain'la and took a blast to the chest, knocking him into one of Yvonne's snares. Swinging upside down, he sent a stronger blast in Dain'la's general direction. It missed her, but collapsed the earth Dain'la stood upon, tumbling her into Catherine and Eudora.

  The magic shield protected Eudora from the avalanche of dirt and mage, but Catherine was half buried. Pond cringed at the sight as he swung in a circle away from the pile of dirt. All of his carefully organized prisoner tools were buried, except for some rope.

  Picking herself up, Dain'la took a brief moment to mourn her flower crown, crushed and torn. She dug out her staff and spelled Pond to sleep while Catherine scrambled to free herself. Eudora had backed away and held her shoulder tightly to staunch the bleeding.

  Helva managed to wrap Yvonne in a death grip, xer arms and legs pinning Yvonne's limbs.

  Klimeau ran over, Shae and Letycja delivered into safety, and cut through the straps and buckles of Yvonne's armor. "Don't need that…" he said out of breath, tossing a pauldron and gorget aside. "Or that…"

  Yvonne bucked in Helva's hold, arching her back and in an attempt to throw Helva from her person. "You should have let us be, Captain," Helva said, squeezing tighter.

  Klimeau threw another chunk of armor aside, tsking under his breath. Holding his hook under Yvonne's chin, Klimeau stared into her eyes. "We're done with your foolish war, with being slaves," he said. "Take your soldiers and go back to that hell."

  "I have my orders," Yvonne said through gritted teeth. A bead of blood bloomed at the tip of Klimeau's hook.

  "A little help would be nice!" Dain'la called; Catherine had freed herself and was swinging at Dain'la in a rage. In a stumbling circle, Dain'la deflected blow after blow. Eudora was sitting a ways away, halberd forgotten as she held her shoulder, fur slick with blood and cold sweat.

  "You good?" Klimeau asked Helva. Xie nodded, grinning as Yvonne began struggling again. Klimeau scrambled up a nearby oak and nimbly walked out on a branch so he stood above the two women fighting. Catherine didn't notice; her sight was hyper focused on Dain'la.

  Crouching, Klimeau waited for an opening. When Catherine wound up for a bone crushing swing, he pounced, kicking her wrists. She didn't drop her battle axe, but Catherine staggered, giving Dain'la a moment to breathe.

  Leaping up, Klimeau slashed at Catherine's wrists, but the soldier blocked his hook and turned her fury on him.

  "I overheard earlier," Kilmeau said, dodging a swing, "you were hoping to be discharged. We've pinned your leader; you can give up." His cheek was nicked and the shallow cut bled freely.

  "I hate this!" she roared, leaping at Klimeau with her axe. Floundering back, Klimeau found himself pressed against the trunk of a tree. "I hate what fighting does to me!" Her onslaught continued, tears adding to her frenzy. "I. Can't. Stop!" she said between swings.

  Pond had woken up and was feebly trying to reach up and untie the rope around his ankle.

  Yvonne had settled, breathing hard as she watched Catherine. "She's gone berserk," she said as Helva shifted xer grip.

  Helva frowned, hearing a note of worry in Yvonne's blunt statement.

  Dain'la cast an immobilizing spell on Catherine, which stopped her for a full second before she broke through it with a snarl. Startled, Dain'la tripped, landing on her bottom as Catherine shifted her assault to her. The axe chopped into Dain'la's staff, catching several of her fingers with it.

  Screaming, Dain'la blasted Catherine in the chest. Klimeau wrested the battle axe from her grasp, but Catherine hurdled herself at him. Punching, biting, scratching, and kicking, Catherine fought like an animal mad from rabies. Klimeau's tail was bent and limp, and he protected his face with his forearms.

  An enormous clawed hand snatched Catherine from Klimeau and threw her to the ground. The Mayor, Phana, stood over the soldier and roared in her face. Her magnificent mane haloed her face like a silvery glow and, though Catherine growled, she quivered at the sight.

  Guards descended on the soldiers, cuffing Catherine and Yvonne while they cut Pond down from the snare. Old Fethon descended upon Eudora with Pitre carrying a case of medical supplies. Puffing, Letycja caught up as Pitre keeled over at the sight of Eudora's wound.

  Helva and Klimeau went to Dain'la, who clutched her hand to her chest, her face a light grey. "I think… I think I lost two," Dain'la said in a daze.

  "I came as soon as I got the village's attention," Letycja said, bustling over with a needle and thread. "How bad?"

  Helva peeled Dain'la's hand away from the other, revealing a lack of index and middle fingers, and a partially severed ring finger. "Shit."

  Klimeau sifted through the leaves and the guards had to avoid stepping on him. Shae appeared at his side and dug through the mulch. "Looking for?" she asked.

  Letycja, working on Dain'la's ring finger, said, "I told you to stay with Murdie, Shae!"

  Ignoring Letycja's admonishing voice, Shae said, "I did." She pointed to where Murdag was a few feet off, watching the guards march their prisoners away with wide eyes. Shae sat up, proud. "Mama Dain's," she said, holding a dusky finger out. Murdag squealed in horrified delight and pranced over to watch the proceedings.

  "Your parents are going to kill us," Helva said to Murdag, looking suddenly tired.


  By the time they found Dain'la's other finger, it had been trodden on too much to be salvageable. Helva had to wrest it from Shae, who wanted to keep it. Once the dire wounds were tended to, they headed back to Barakiv Village supporting Eudora, Dain'la, and a woozy Pitre.

  Mayor Phana awaited them, her arms crossed. Helva and Klimeau exchanged worried glances. Phana indicated they follow, and led them into her hall. Torches and lanterns lit the room. Guards flanked the New Gevdinian soldiers, who were chained to a support beam. The scent of roasting meat and vegetables wafted from a backroom, and Letycja colored as her stomach gurgled in response.

  Phana disappeared into the backroom, and Murdag scurried after her. Her deep voice murmured with several others, and Fethon ordered Eudora and Dain'la to sit. The old healer muttered under his breath as he unpacked his kit for a second time and checked Letycja's handiwork on Dain'la. Pitre gagged and hurried away to get clean water, their white fur standing on end.

  "It might stick," Fethon said. "Neat stitches, Lettie. Gives her a better chance." Dain'la, pale grey from blood loss, refused to look at her hand. Letycja shooed Shae away and studied the way Fethon immobilized her fingers with a length of flat wood.

  Shae tugged on Helva's gauntlet. "Mapa. Will she need a hook, too?"

  Klimeau gave a wry smile as H
elva frowned.

  "I don't know, dear," xie said. "Is… 'mapa' me?"

  With a flat stare, Shae said, "You're not a mama or a papa. But you are mine."

  Helva felt a flutter of happiness, and xie grinned at Shae. "I like it. Thank you, Shae."

  Mayor Phana entered, followed by two people bearing dishes of food. "I've sent little Murdag to gather whatever our neighbors have." She had the platters laid out in the center of the hall, then sat down on the floor and filled a plate. There was enough food for a small family, but with all the guards, Phana's household, and the captured soldiers it would barely feed even a third of them.

  "I am pleased there were no casualties, neither my people nor yours, and not the Gevdinians." She faced the soldiers, her green eyes narrowed. "Soldari, as I'm sure you are aware, has kept from interfering with your petty war. We have taken in your refugees, an influx of people which has put a strain on our bordering cities.

  "I'm sure you noticed that Barakiv Village is not a border settlement. As such, these five are our only refugees." Mayor Phana straightened her back, setting her plate of food aside. "While Soldari's Board of Representatives have ignored the blurred lines of your people's infringement on our border, Gevdinian soldiers this deep in the country are an affront to our continued neutrality.

  "You will be interred in the capital where the Representatives will decide how long to hold you. As Deputy Representative of this territory, I will personally escort you and provide testimony." With a curt nod, Phana picked up her plate and resumed eating while Yvonne and her soldiers gaped.

  Murdag pranced into the hall, her parents and a half dozen citizens trailing with pots and platters and baskets. The other families' leftovers were gathered in the center and distributed to all, including the prisoners. Fethon tutted, going from person to person, tending to the cuts and scrapes of battle.

  More and more citizens were showing up, curious to see what the hubbub was about. Shae shrunk from the noise, so Murdag held her hands over Shae's ears while she ate.


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