More Than a Song

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More Than a Song Page 17

by Chris Paynter


  Liz turned. “Yes?”

  “Thank you for seeing Frodo on short notice. I know Dr. Patterson is his vet, but I’m glad it was you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me. Call me once you get that appointment. I want to know how he’s doing, too. Maybe even come by.” Liz’s cheeks colored.

  “I’d like that very much.” Dani put her arm around Frodo. “We’d like that.”

  After she left, Dani bent over and nuzzled her face next to Frodo’s. “You’re going to be okay, little guy.” He licked her nose.

  And your mommy is, too.

  * * *

  Dr. Stanton was able to schedule Frodo’s surgery two days later. He explained the procedure, complete with informational pamphlets and a model of a dog’s knee. Frodo’s recovery would be similar to a human’s—about eight weeks until he could start using stairs. He’d remain overnight. Dr. Stanton explained the steps Dani needed to take to set up her home for Frodo’s return. She’d already decided to let Tina run the store for the first two weeks until he came back to have his stitches removed. Full recovery was six months.

  Dani returned home that night, her head spinning with everything Dr. Stanton told her. She understood now what Liz was trying to tell her in the clinic. It really was a serious injury.

  Dani set up a place to sleep in the spare bedroom on the main floor. No, it wasn’t her king-size bed, but it was the best solution until Frodo could again take the steps. She’d carry him down the back steps and walk him on his leash when he needed to do his business. She couldn’t risk him trying to chase after a squirrel or any other critter he might spot.

  The first night home after his surgery, he was miserable. Dani would be, too, if she had a cone wrapped around her neck. She hated the e-collar, but it was necessary to keep Frodo from licking his incision. After his second dose of pain medication, he settled somewhat but would wake up whimpering. Dani finally made up a bed for herself on the floor. He tried to nuzzle her, but the e-collar kept getting in the way.

  The next day, Liz called to check on his progress. Dani explained the issues he had with the e-collar.

  “Maybe I can help with that. Can I come by tonight?” Liz asked.

  “Yeah.” Dani chided herself for being excited at the prospect of Liz in her home. She should be focused on Frodo. She gave Liz directions.

  At seven-thirty, there was a knock at the door. Dani, who’d been keeping Frodo on a leash in the house for just this reason, grabbed his leash to keep him from sprinting to the door.

  When Dani opened the door, Liz smiled and held up what looked like a small life preserver. Dani stepped aside for her to enter.

  “Hi, Frodo.” Liz leaned over to pet him. Frodo wagged his tail a couple of times. “Why don’t we see if it’s okay with your mommy if we can take this e-collar off and replace it?” Liz glanced up at Dani.

  “If it’ll help his state of mind and make him more comfortable, I’m all for it.”

  Liz untied the e-collar and slipped it off Frodo’s head. She fastened the soft collar on with the Velcro straps. “There. Better, Frodo?” He licked her face, and she giggled. “I thought so.” She rose to her feet. “We find that these work for some dogs who really struggle with the regular e-collars. You’ll need to be a little more vigilant to make sure he can’t reach his incision site. I’ve inflated it all the way, though, so he should be fine.”

  “Thank you, Liz.”

  Liz rubbed her hands on her thighs and wouldn’t meet Dani’s gaze. That’s when Dani realized she was nervous.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee? Or tea?”

  “Tea would be lovely.”

  Liz followed her into the kitchen area and slid onto one of the stools at the island. “Your home is beautiful. It’s a little larger than mine. Four bedrooms?”

  “Yes.” Dani filled a kettle with water, set it on a burner, and turned on the flame. She joined Liz at the adjoining stool.

  Liz couldn’t seem to keep her hands still on the island counter in front of them. Dani covered her hands with her own.

  “Hey. You don’t need to be nervous. We’re already friends. At least I hope we are.”

  Relief flooded Liz’s face. “We are.”

  Frodo entered the kitchen and circled a few times before curling up between them. Liz stared down at him.

  “He seems to be getting around okay.”

  “He is. I walk him out in the backyard when he needs to do his business. I’m not sure how happy he is about it.”

  Liz laughed. “I bet his beagle nose isn’t happy at all. They love to investigate every square inch.”

  The kettle whistled. Dani got up and prepared their tea bags and water. She slid Liz’s mug to her.

  “Sugar or milk? Sorry. I don’t have any cream.”

  “I like it plain, so you’re fine.”

  Liz doused her tea bag until the water darkened. “This smells great. Chamomile?”

  “Yup. Only tea I like.”

  “We have something in common.”

  They sipped their tea in comfortable silence. Dani’s heart warmed with the knowledge that being in Liz’s presence brought her peace. Her lips slipped into a smile.

  “What’s that smile for?”

  “I was thinking about how easy this is.” Dani motioned between them. “How peaceful.”

  Liz returned the smile. “It is, isn’t it?”

  For the next few minutes, Dani leaned her chin on her open palm and listened while Liz explained the rehab period for Frodo. She stared at Liz’s sensual mouth while she talked, caught up in how much she wanted to lean over and kiss her. She suddenly realized Liz had stopped speaking.



  Liz’s mouth quirked, obviously catching Dani in the act.

  Dani straightened on her stool. “I’m sorry. Did you ask me something?”

  “I asked if you’d like to go for coffee once Frodo returns for his check-up and you’re reassured he’s progressing well.”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Why don’t you call me after his visit?”

  “All right.”

  “Well, I’d better go. I need to get home to Melanie.”

  For the umpteenth time, Dani was so relieved that Melanie was Liz’s dog and not a woman waiting at home for her.

  Dani followed her to the door. “Thanks for stopping by and helping out with Frodo.” They both watched him as he joined them in the living room. “You’ve lifted his mood. Believe me.” Impulsively, Dani leaned over and kissed Liz’s cheek. “And you’ve lifted mine.”

  Liz parted her lips and looked surprised. She touched her cheek. “I’m glad.”

  “I’ll call you soon,” Dani said as Liz walked toward her car.

  “I look forward to it.”

  Chapter 21

  Two weeks later, at Frodo’s first post-op appointment with Dr. Stanton, he received a glowing report. He also had his stitches removed. When Dani brought Frodo home, she had a little talk with him as if he completely understood. He sat in front of her in the living room as she sat on the couch.

  “Frodo, I’m going to remove the soft e-collar Liz gave you, but you have to promise me that you won’t make any moves to lick that site. Dr. Stanton told me to keep an eye on you, and I will.” As she was talking, she released the Velcro snaps. He shook his head. “Better?” He licked her hand. “I’m taking that as a yes. Now, remember, you can’t go flying through the house, and you’re on leash duty until at least another four weeks when you go back to see Dr. Stanton.”

  He shook his head again.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think that’d make you too happy.” She reached for the portable phone. “What this also means is I can have that coffee date with Liz.” At the mention of Liz’s name, Frodo wagged his tail. “You like her, too, huh?” His tail thumped harder against the floor. Dani chuckled. “Believe me, I get it. But I can’t leave you home alone. I’m calling Tina and Barb to se
e if they can babysit you.” Frodo nudged her hand with his nose. “I know. Not a hardship at all.”

  Dani hated imposing on her friends, especially Tina, after she’d not been into the store in two weeks. Tina kept assuring her that everything was running smoothly and she should quit apologizing.

  “Yo,” Tina answered. “How’s our nephew, the flying beagle.”

  Dani snorted. “Here’s hoping he never tries that stunt again.” She scratched his head while she talked. “Listen, I hate to ask this after all you’ve done these past two weeks.”

  “Dani, I told you to let that go. Everything has been great at the store. You needed to worry about Frodo. What is it?”

  “I was wondering if you and Barb could watch Frodo. I’m thinking Saturday, but I have to call Liz first and see if it works for her.”

  “Ohhh, a date with the good doctor.”

  Dani could hear her smile behind the words. “It’s not really a date. It’s to have coffee.”

  “Technically, that’s a date.”

  Okay, Dani admitted. Tina was right. “Fine. It’s a semi-date. We haven’t had a chance to really get to know each other. I’m thinking it’d be a good place to start.”

  “We’d love to watch him. Would it be easier if we came over there?”

  Dani hadn’t thought of that. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Nope. Let me know what time on Saturday if it works for Liz.”

  “Will do.”

  Dani hung up and immediately called Liz before she lost her nerve. Liz told her Saturday worked fine.

  “There’s a little coffee shop in town,” Dani said. “The Better Brew. It’s on—”

  “Maple. I pick up a coffee from there most mornings.”

  “Would four be okay?”

  “Works for me.”

  Dani hung up with a big grin on her face. “Your mommy has a semi-date with Liz.” His ears perked up, and he cocked his head. “Not you, too. I refuse to call it a date. I don’t want to jinx it.”

  * * *

  Saturday afternoon at three-thirty, Liz finished getting her second shower for the day. She realized she didn’t really need to but, out of nervousness, decided to anyway. It was time to make a decision on clothes. Which was silly. This was only coffee, right?

  “Right, Mel? It’s only coffee.” Dressed in her panties and bra, she stood in front of her bedroom closet. She pulled out a pair of jeans then hung them back up. “No, shorts make more sense.” She flicked through her hangers until she stopped at a light-green sleeveless blouse. She tried to ignore the voice in her head that said, “You’re only picking that one because Dani said something about the color of your eyes.” She went to her dresser and pulled out a pair of khaki shorts. After she dressed, she turned to Melanie, who sat on the floor at the foot of the bed.

  “What do you think?”

  Melanie gave a little bark.

  “Well, alrighty then. I have the approval of the beautiful Melanie. That counts for something.”

  She snatched her keys off the table in the entryway.

  Dani’s leg shook nervously under the table she’d chosen by the front window of the coffee shop. Damn it. Get a grip. She literally did just that when she reached below the table and pushed hard on her denim-clad leg. She began tapping the table with her fingers. The woman at the table in front of her turned away from her laptop with a frown aimed at Dani.

  “Sorry,” Dani mumbled.

  She scanned the sidewalk for any sign of Liz and glanced at her watch. She was ten minutes early. Silly to be nervous about a no-show. As that thought bounced around in her head, she saw Liz step out of her car on the other side of the street. Dani swallowed hard. Yes, she was dressed simply in khaki shorts and a light-green blouse. But Liz could have just as easily have been wearing a slinky gown and walking down a runway at a fashion show. She looked that amazing.

  Liz crossed the street and smiled at Dani when their eyes met through the large plate-glass window of the coffee shop. The bell on the door to the shop jingled. Dani shot to her feet as Liz approached the table. Something about Liz Springer made her want to exhibit all the manners of a southern gentleman courting a debutante.

  “Hey, Dani. I’m sorry. Have you been waiting long? I tried to get here a little early, but it seems like you had the same idea.”

  “I’ve only been here a few minutes. Can I get you a coffee?”

  “You don’t need to treat.”

  “I’d like to, if you don’t mind.”

  “That’s sweet of you.” Liz scrunched up her face in thought.

  “I can see you’re debating about getting a coffee with calories.”

  Liz laughed. “I’m that obvious, huh?”

  “Well, if you’re worried, you shouldn’t be. You look perfect just the way you are.” Dani closed her eyes as she felt her face heat. “I mean—”

  “That’s such a sweet compliment. Please don’t take it back.”

  Dani relaxed.

  “How about an iced caramel macchiato?” Liz said.

  “No fat content there.”

  “Absolutely none.”

  “Right. One non-fat iced caramel macchiato for you, one black house blend for me.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re not joining me in the decadence.”

  “Have you ever tried their house blend? It’s excellent.”

  “I order that when I’m on my way to work, but I felt like throwing caution to the wind this afternoon.”

  “Sounds like a great plan. I’ll be right back.” As Dani left for the counter to place their orders, she couldn’t tamp down the giddiness bubbling inside.

  Liz let her gaze drift down to Dani’s ass that fit oh-so-nicely in those jeans. Jesus, she thought. Was she really the kind of woman who blatantly stared at another woman’s ass? Apparently she was. She also was apparently the kind of woman who entertained thoughts of what she’d like to do with that body.

  While waiting on their order, Dani turned. Liz jerked her eyes back up but not fast enough it seemed, if the crooked smile that graced Dani’s lips was any indication. Liz stared down at the table, finding infinite interest in the wood grain and coffee stains.

  “Here you go.”

  Liz took the plastic cup from Dani. She didn’t wait to see if Dani had started drinking. She dove right in. Closing her eyes, she groaned with pleasure. She glanced up to find Dani staring at her with her cup halfway up to her mouth. “Everything okay over there?” Liz enjoyed the effect she had on Dani. She needed some boost to her ego, knowing whom Dani used to date.

  Dani took a sip of her coffee. “Everything’s great.”

  They drank in silence for a couple of minutes. Liz decided to confront the elephant in the room.

  “So... you and C.J.”

  Dani sat back in her chair and blew out a breath.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe you’re not ready—”

  Dani held up a hand to stop her. “No. You’re right.” Dani started at the beginning, about how her gut kept trying to keep her in check, but that she didn’t listen. She stopped and stared at the ceiling before continuing. “Being with C.J. was like getting smacked in the head by flying debris while walking outside during a Category 5 hurricane.”

  “That’s quite a visual.”

  “It’s the best way to describe her.” Dani finished by telling her what happened in Nashville.

  “Like I told you before, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Liz hesitated. If she was asking Dani to open up, she needed to share. She told Dani about that horrible day when she walked in on Therese and Rachel. “Not only was my partner cheating on me. She was cheating on me with my best friend.”

  “Oh, man, Liz. That’s horrible.”

  “No more horrible than what you walked in on in Nashville.”

  Dani seemed to be debating about saying more.

  “What?” Liz asked.

  “A year ago, my girlfriend broke up with me.”

  Liz waited, thinking the
re had to be more.

  “On Twitter.”

  Liz’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. In a tweet. She couldn’t even finish apologizing. Apparently, she ran out of characters.”

  “Well, you’re only allowed 140.”

  Dani scowled at her.

  Liz burst out laughing. “Oh, my God. I wish you could see your face. I’m sorry. I didn’t know if you knew how many characters made up a tweet.” Liz was relieved when Dani joined in the laughter.

  “I’ve had this discussion with Tina. Social media isn’t my favorite thing.”

  “Join the club.”

  They talked for another hour. Dani glanced at her watch.

  “I’m sorry, Liz. I should probably go. Even though I trust Tina and Barb with Frodo, I’m an overprotective mommy.”

  Liz reached across the table and placed her hand on top of Dani’s. “That’s something I love about you, so please don’t apologize.”

  Dani walked Liz to her car. “I’ve really enjoyed this.”

  “Me, too.” Liz stared down at her keys as she waited for Dani to say more.

  “I’d love to get together again.”

  Neither made the move to set up another date, much to Liz’s disappointment. She wondered if Dani was reticent because of her experience with C.J. James. She hoped Dani wouldn’t put her in the same heartbreaker category.

  “You’re going back to work next week?”

  “Yes. I feel better with Frodo’s progress. Barb works nights at Carl’s, so she’ll watch him during the day. I’m such a worrier, though, I’ll spend all my lunch breaks with him.”

  “Like I said. That’s something I love about you.” Liz decided to be the braver of the two. “I might stop by this week at the store.” She knew she made the right move when she saw Dani’s relief.

  “Good. I’d like that.”

  Liz rose on her tiptoes to plant a soft kiss on Dani’s cheek. She enjoyed the blush the kiss caused. She opened her car door and slid inside. “Hope to see you soon.”


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