Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1)

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Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1) Page 15

by Audrey Carlan

  “And Tabby?”

  “I’m not gonna lie, Simone, I’m really worried about her. No one has heard a peep. We’ve all gone by her place, even used Mom’s key a few days ago and she wasn’t there. It didn’t look like she’d been there in a couple weeks. Her plants were dead, and her mail had stacked up. Quinn and Niko, knowing we couldn’t go out, went after hours and knocked on some doors on her floor. Turns out she was seen yesterday dashing into her apartment, and then leaving in a change of clothes and wet hair. One of them said she looked sickly and gaunt. I don’t know what that means, but we’re all freaked out.”

  Dread licked up my spine and I shivered. Jonah placed his hand on my thigh and rubbed back and forth, his face a mask of concern.

  “Maybe Jonah and I can try to catch her before I go to work tonight.”

  “Work? At the shop? I didn’t think you worked there on Fridays.”

  “No, at Tracks. And before you say anything…”

  “Are you fucking insane! Oh my God!” she yelled and then a door slammed.

  “SoSo I’m going to be fine…”

  “Yeah you are, because you’re not going to work. There is a serial killer after you. He’s already shot you once and has killed close to a dozen women. You narrowly escaped but you know who didn’t?” The diatribe became a screech. “Your boyfriend’s ex-wife! Jesus, Simone! This is beyond stupid.”

  “Frankly, Sonia, I don’t care what you think. It’s either go to work or I’m fired. I don’t have a choice.”

  “We all have choices, Simone. The right choice is your life. You tell the owner to stick it where the sun don’t shine, and you quit.”

  “I can’t.” Tears filled my eyes and Jonah squeezed my knee. “I need the money.”

  “I’ll give you money. Whatever you need. You want ten grand, I’ll write you a check today. That should be enough to get you settled in a new place with some furniture, and then I’ll cosign and put money down on a new car for you. Whatever it takes. Do not go to work.”

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry, but I have to make my own way. I have some new prospects for the future but in the meantime, I have to go to work. You don’t understand…”

  “No, I don’t understand. Putting yourself willingly at risk is entirely selfish. Especially when I’m offering you an alternate route. One that will keep you alive, safe, and on the right track.”

  My heart felt like a vice was squeezing it so hard I could barely catch my breath. “Jonah is going to be with me. He’ll stay right at the bar all night.”

  “It’s not enough. Don’t you see, Simone? This man is after you. He wants you dead. This is not a risk you should take.”

  “Well, here’s the deal, SoSo. I’m my own person. I make my own choices, and this is something I have to do. I’m sorry that it offends or upsets you, but it’s what I’m doing. You’re just going to have to live with it. Now I’ve got a hunky FBI man who just brought me coffee and looks incredibly sexy all showered and dressed ready to take on the day. I’m going to spend some time showing him my appreciation for supporting me in what I need to do for me. Okay? Great. Nice chatting with you. Bye!” I pressed the red button so fast my finger smarted.

  “That was some call.” He canted his head and focused those dark eyes on me. “You okay?”

  “My sister can be such a bitch,” I grumbled.

  “Definitely can relate to that.” He cupped my cheek, leaned forward, and gave me an amazing kiss. “Morning, gorgeous.”

  I sighed against his mouth. “Good morning, handsome. How did you sleep?”

  He grinned. “Best I’ve had in so long I can’t remember. I’m completely rested.”

  I smiled wide. “Stick with me, kid, and you’ll be sleeping easy for the rest of your life,” I teased and stole another kiss.

  When I tried to pull back Jonah pressed forward, kissing me harder, slicking his tongue along my lips until I opened. The kiss went wild, so much so I crawled up and into his lap. His hands came down to my thighs and ran the length of them until they encountered my bare ass.

  He ripped his mouth away and dug his fingers into the flesh of my ass. I moaned and thrust against him.

  “Fuck, I forgot you weren’t wearing anything under my shirt.” He ran his hand down the center of my ass until he cupped my sex from behind, dipping his fingers against my arousal. “Fuck, wet,” he roared again, only this time he did so twisting us both until my back was to the bed and his body was over me, his mouth on mine.

  Jonah found the edge of the T-shirt and shoved it up my body and off, tossing it behind him. One of his hands lifted my breast and he circled the tip with his tongue as I drowned in the unexpected turn of events. It was beautiful torture, his mouth on my breast, sucking rhythmically. He switched sides and repeated the same experience to the neglected one. Then he got onto his knees and he plucked and pinched lightly at the erect peaks while he watched seemingly fascinated until I was crooning and mewling, my upper body arching into his greedy fingertips.

  He pulled off his shirt and I was gifted with the olive expanse of hard muscle. I ran my fingers down his ripped abdominals and groaned when he moved farther down the bed so I couldn’t reach. I was about to complain when he cupped my knees and spread my legs wide.

  Jonah up on his knees, his muscles pumping, veins protruding, shirtless, his nostrils flaring, and his teeth pressing into his bottom lip while he stared at the heart of me was beyond anything I could ever describe. It was feral, intense, and the closest thing to uncontrolled lust I’d seen in a person.

  He licked his lips, rounded my ass with his large hands, and lifted my lower half up at the same time his mouth came down over me.

  I cried out when he went straight for it, sinking his tongue as deep as he could go. I tried to close my legs, fight against the insane onslaught of pleasure because it was so intense, I thought I might explode with that single touch alone. He backed off a tad, bringing his tongue to the hot bundle of nerves between my thighs and swirling the tight knot in dizzying circles.

  “Jonah,” I pled, not knowing what I was begging for, but knowing I needed more. Something. Anything.

  He laved at my clit, sucking it hard, and then releasing the pressure until I had no shame, putting my hands into his hair and grinding against his face while my ecstasy soared. It had been so long since I’d had a man go down on me, I was in utter bliss.

  Every time I gripped his hair he growled into my sex, taking more, pressing harder, his hips humping against the bed.

  “Turn around, give me your cock,” I requested. He lifted his head but didn’t leave me hanging with nothing but cool air against my soaked flesh. No, he used his thumb to tease around and around and then pressed it deep inside me.

  “You want to suck me off, baby?” His voice was raw and gritty. A deep gravely sound that I’d not heard before.

  I thrust my hips against his thumb as he fucked me with it.

  “Yeah…” I gasped as he removed his thumb and inserted not one but two fingers. They reached so much deeper and I got into riding them.

  “After. This first time I want to watch you come for me, Simone.”

  “Jonah.” I groaned, and he went back to putting his mouth on me. He bit the inside of each of my thighs, licking and sucking in ways I’d never felt before. He took me to the pinnacle, almost pushing me over the edge, and then brought me back down. He did this three times until I was ready to kick him in the junk if he didn’t finish me off.

  “Let me come…” I begged.

  “What is it that you want?” He made a sucking sound against my clit and it throbbed hotly.

  “Please, Jonah, make me come.” I gripped his hair and twisted, lifting my hips, mindless with the need to get off.

  “Anything you want, baby.” He murmured, spread my lips with both thumbs, licked me deep a few times, then pressed two fingers inside, hooked them high and tight, and laid his mouth on my hot spot. He sucked the bundle hard and fucked me with his fingers.
  I shot off like a rocket. Humping his face wildly. He kept going, taking me higher and higher again, until he wrung another impressive orgasm out of me.

  I rode both those waves to the absolute finish, pressing his head to me as though I were afraid he was going to leave me mid-orgasm. I shouldn’t have been afraid. He took care of me better than any man ever had.

  “Best ever,” I sighed, pressing my arm over my face.

  Jonah chuckled, wiped his mouth with his forearm, and came up over me, taking my lips in a juicy kiss that tasted of me and him. It was beyond sexy.

  Which is of course was when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

  “Hey, sleepyheads, got some news and not a lot of time. I’m making breakfast for everyone,” Ryan’s voice called out.

  Jonah groaned and pressed his face to my neck where he kissed me and started to chuckle. Me, I got mad. Hell, fire, and damnation mad, but before I could say anything to my half-naked hero, he rolled off me and started walk to the door.

  Oh. No. He. Didn’t.

  Before he could open the door, I flew off the bed buck-ass naked, grabbed his bicep, and twisted him around. Once he was facing me, confusion coating his features, I pushed him against the door and pressed my body to his until we were face to face.

  “Don’t you dare move.” I glared, kissed his mouth briefly, and bit down on his bottom lip and snapping it the way he did to me. He grunted in reply and I grinned evilly, pressing my hands to his mighty pecs and sliding my hands down as I went to my knees before him.

  “Simone…” he warned.

  I reached for the button of his jeans and undid it, and then the zipper. “Shut it,” I clipped, tugging his jeans down around his thighs.

  “Baby, I don’t think…” He tried again, but I cut him off by peeling down his boxer briefs until they were stretched against his thighs where his jeans were stuck.

  I smirked. “Be quiet, baby, or Ryan will hear me blowing you,” I said with a saucy wink before I took his beautiful, thick, nice-sized dick into my mouth.

  He groaned and I pulled back, stopping just at the tip where I swirled my tongue around it the same way he did to me. “Shhh…” I reminded him.

  Jonah’s pitch-dark eyes were zeroed in on me. “Christ, you’re so damn beautiful.” He cupped my cheek as I took him down my throat. His head fell back with a thud against the door. I could hear pans clanking in the background which ratcheted up the excitement factor by about ten thousand degrees.

  Once he started to get lost in what I was doing, I cupped his balls and rubbed and teased his taint with a finger.

  “Jesus, Simone. Fuck.” He growled and fucked my mouth, his entire body misting with sweat. I watched as his gloriously defined abs tightened and relaxed with each plunge of his cock into my mouth. I rolled his balls as his body got more rigid, his dick seeming to thicken in my mouth.

  “Baby, I’m gonna blow,” he warned.

  I sucked until I let it go, leaving just my lips on the weeping tip. I tickled the slit at the top with the tip of my tongue and watched as his mouth dropped open, his eyes rolled back inside his head, and he fisted the hand that was not in my hair.

  Knowing he was about to go off, I ramped up my efforts, sucking hard and deep. When I had him on the cusp of ecstasy, I hummed around his length. That was all it took. Jet after hot jet of his essence flooded my mouth and I swallowed it down, staying with his movements, ensuring his pleasure to the very end.

  I loved fellatio. The power it gave me was intense. And as I watched him put a fist to his mouth and groan long and hard, I knew I’d given him something amazing. Before I could crawl my way up his body, he bent over and lifted me up by my ribcage. Then his mouth crashed over mine in a searing hot kiss. One of his hands cupped the back of my head and maneuvered my face from side to side as he took my mouth the way he took my pussy. With intention and enthusiasm.

  For a long time, we drank from one another, solidifying all that just occurred with a kiss of true fulfillment. When we couldn’t breathe, he let me go and pressed his face into my neck. “My sweet girl is incredible with her mouth,” he rumbled against the heated skin of my neck.

  I giggled like the girly girl I was in that moment. Happy that I’d pleased my man. I looped my arms around him. “Repeat tonight but this time with your dick fucking me somewhere else?”

  “Anal on the second go? Wow. I mean, I’m definitely up for the job. If it needs to be filled, you know, I’m your man.” He laughed, and I pushed away from him and smacked his chest.

  “You’re such a brat!” I laughed. “And I’ve never done that, so I don’t know if I’d like it or not. Though I’m not against it. I just haven’t been with the right person to work up to it.” I moved to the bed and grabbed the T-shirt of his I’d worn to bed and put it on while I continued conversationally. “Trey wanted my ass, tried all the time, but he didn’t want to put the work in to make it good for me. And my sister Charlie says if you’re going to allow a man or a woman, she’s bisexual by the way. Not sure I told you that. Anyway, she says that if you’re going to do it, you need to do it with a person you trust and work up to. Start with small butt plugs while having normal sex, then graduate up to bigger ones, and so on…”

  “Simone, honey,” Jonah interrupted but I kept going as I put on the shirt.

  “She says you have to be super lubed up, both you and him, or in my sister’s case it might be a her sometimes, and then you need to be super turned on and be able to relax. Otherwise it can hurt a lot and be painful and then the entire experience is ruined.”

  “Baby,” he said while pulling up his pants.

  “So, it’s not like I’m unwilling, I just feel we need to be further in our relationship and I haven’t been in a relationship that went the distance, ya know what I mean? Though the idea does have its merits and Charlie says it’s an amazingly full feeling that you can’t really describe unless you’re experiencing it. She says she comes crazy hard when she’s doing anal from behind and he or she uses their fingers to double penetrate or a dildo. I’d so be up for that.” I bit down into my bottom lip and thought about Jonah fucking me from behind, a vibrator in the front. A full body tremble went through me and I shook it off by wiggling around and shaking out my hands as though drying them.

  “Simone, honey, shut up.” Jonah laughed. “It was a joke. Though I’m glad you’ve really considered the possibility, but I haven’t ever done it either. Helen and the couple women I had sex with before her weren’t into it. It’s not a big deal.”

  His comment stopped me where I stood while holding up a pair of lacy panties I’d just pulled from my suitcase. “Wait, you’ve only slept with three people?”

  He frowned and tugged his shirt on. “Yeah. I met my wife freshman year in college. Been with her ever since. Didn’t have much action in high school. Why? How many have you slept with?”

  “Uh, more than three.” I frowned and tried to count it up. Did people keep track of things like this? I mean I didn’t fancy myself a ho, but I definitely liked to get laid and it wasn’t often that I was without company of the male persuasion. I mean, I worked in a bar. It was super easy to find a hook up when I was between relationships.

  “How many more?” His lips twitched, and I couldn’t tell if it was with humor or disapproval.

  “Just more. Can we leave it at that?”

  He grinned. “You don’t know off the top of your head!” he accused.

  “I most certainly do.” I lied through my teeth. “I’m going to go take a shower. You should probably go check on what Ryan’s got to say.”

  And on that note, I escaped into the bathroom, pressing my body up against the door, my heart pounding a wild beat.

  Shit. How many people had I slept with? I was determined to figure it out before the conversation came up again. When I entered the steaming shower’s spray, I figured I’d count them in order of appearance starting with my first, Ben Taley, a high school senior. I was a sophomore and six
teen. For the next thirty minutes I went through my mind trying to come up with the magic number.

  It definitely was not three.

  From there I decided I would not be sharing my number with my new hot FBI guy.

  Tracks was a crush when we arrived fifteen minutes before my shift. I introduced the security guys to Jonah who later informed me that they were not trained security professionals as much as they were muscular bouncers. This did not amuse him in the least. Therefore, Jonah parked his fine ass on the stool right next to my register so every time I had to ring up a drink, I had smiling dark eyes to drown in.

  Until Trey showed, filling in for one of our bartenders. When Trey and I worked, we killed it. He was tall, fit, and good looking. His smile alone melted panties off the girls in droves. Including mine for the better part of a year. He had sandy blond hair, big blue eyes, and rocked the surfer-artist type vibe.

  First thing he did was come straight up to me and pull me into his arms, his face going against my neck. I held my arms out to the side and stared horrified at Jonah who was grinding his teeth so hard I worried he wouldn’t have any molars left. I patted Trey’s back lightly and tried to ease out of his hold. This caused him to cup my cheeks.

  “Baby girl, I was freaked, man. Word on the street is there’s a killer after my babe. Why didn’t you come to me? I would have kept you safe.”

  I tried to push him back while glancing over my shoulder at Jonah who was positively furious if the scowl on his face and his hands in fists were anything to go by.

  “Um, you know, I uh…”

  “Simone, baby girl.” He wrapped one hand around the back of my head, the other on my ass smashing our bodies together.

  The crowd whooped and hollered at the display.

  “That’s it,” I heard growled from where Jonah was sitting.

  “Trey, back up. We broke up a week ago.”

  He pressed us closer and took a bigger, rather vulgar grope of my ass. Not the cute little side cheek grab like Jonah often did but a full on, down the center grope like Jonah did to me this morning only I’d been naked and panting for it then. With Trey in that moment, not so much.


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