Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1)

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Wild Child (A Soul Sister Novel Book 1) Page 19

by Audrey Carlan

  If he wanted a show, he was about to get one.

  “My tits, huh? You want to see them?”

  “Fuck yeah, I do.” He lifted his chin which I took as encouragement.

  I reached behind me and untied the bow and unwrapped the sash from around my waist then let it hang down at my sides, the robe parting down the center.

  A good few inches of my bare stomach and bra and panty combo could be seen.

  Jonah’s nostrils flared. “Keep going, sweet girl.” His voice was thick and had that growly possessive note that made my knees feel week.

  I shrugged one shoulder and the robe fell to my elbow on that side. I repeated the process but kept my hands together, delaying the full view until he was panting for it.

  He inhaled swiftly and sat up. He put his hands to his thighs and rubbed the material up and down as he took in my half-dressed appearance. I liked seeing him slowly become unhinged. It blossomed like power running through my veins, little electric bolts of lightning teasing my nerve endings.

  I watched him swallow, his Adam’s apple bobbing enticingly.

  Heat pooled between my thighs and I trembled.

  “Take it off, Simone,” he demanded. He didn’t request it. No, he demanded it.

  I gave him my most sultry smile and let my arms fall to my sides as the satin slithered down my body in a silky caress before it pooled around my feet.

  There I stood, not even a hint of modesty in a lacy bra that showcased my tits, lifting them up and making them look round and plump, held together by a wide satin bow tied in the center. On bottom I wore a slinky little thong that had two satin matching bows sitting at the curve of my hips. All one had to do was pull the satin bows and the lingerie would have fallen to the floor.

  “Jesus, baby.” He growled.

  I grinned and walked slowly forward until I was right in front of his parted legs.

  Surprisingly, he grabbed for my hips first and slowly spun me around until I faced the bed.

  “Damn, woman.” He growled and then shocked me momentarily when I felt the scruff of his chin at the soft cheek of my ass before his lips pressed down. Before I could respond, he dragged his teeth over the fleshy globe and bit down until I cried out.

  “Fuck.” He gripped my hips hard and then did the same thing to the other side. “Your ass is magnificent.”

  My heart rate was through the roof and every molecule inside of me was focused on the span of skin he was currently worshipping. He nudged his face lower and nipped, biting at the curve of my ass cheek where it met my thigh. I jumped at the sharp sensation but he held me still before turning me around.

  His gaze slid all over my form as though he were touching me.

  I shook in his hold. “Touch me,” I whispered.

  He traced his fingertips from my collar bone, down between my breasts, and over my stomach for an all too brief tickle against the lace of my panties.

  I groaned. “Jonah,” I pled.

  Jonah moved his hands to the satin bow that held the cups of my bra together. He tugged sharply and I gasped as the lace fell away. He eased the fabric off my shoulders and the bra fell to the floor.

  His focus was centered on my breasts when he slid his hands up and over my stomach and finally cupped my tits in his warm hands.

  “You’re right.” He swiped the pale pink tips with his thumbs, and I sucked in a sharp breath. “These are some beautiful breasts, baby. You should be proud of them.”

  I swallowed my smile as he teased my breasts, plucking the tips until the pale pink turned into a bright rosy hue that burned along with each tug of his talented fingers.

  He gave them one last delicious pinch before moving to my hips. He fingered the bows on each side and his crystal blue gaze lifted to meet mine as he waited to remove the final bit of clothing.

  I was breathing raggedly through my mouth, but I nodded once to his silent request. He didn’t even wait a second more before pulling both bows and letting the scrap of fabric fall to the floor.

  His fingers dug into the flesh at my hips as he tugged me forcefully forward and latched his mouth over my sex.

  On autopilot, my brain told my hands to keep his head locked to where I was experiencing this exceptional pleasure. I moaned and thrust my hips with the silky movements of his tongue and lips. He growled against my flesh, reached for my thigh, and forced my foot onto the arm of the chair, opening me wide in front of his face. I was at the perfect height for devouring.

  He licked his lips, using his thumbs to spread me intimately, and went to town. It was carnal, loud, graphic, and wild in a way that let me know I was only scratching the surface of my serious, alpha FBI man.

  One of his arms locked around my hips and used my ass as leverage to push his tongue deeper, taking more, taking it all.

  Within minutes I was coming against his mouth, screaming out while humping his face as he kept at me until every last wave of pleasure crested and crashed to the shore.

  I shook in his hold, maybe even blacked out because, somehow, he lifted me up and my legs were wrapped around his waist as he carried me to the bed.

  Once there, he laid me down gently and nodded to the end table at my right. I turned my head and saw a strip of condoms had been laid out. Something he must have taken care of when I was showering. I turned over and grabbed the strip, ripped one off, and opened it. When I turned back around, Jonah’s T-shirt was off and he was pushing down his pajama bottoms.

  His cock was long, hard, and wet at the tip. I licked my lips and laid back down. “Come over me, let me suck you,” I begged, and he shook his head.

  “Need to fuck you, babe.” He growled, his normally brown eyes looking pitch black when filled with nothing but desire and passion. I could have drowned in that inky darkness and felt complete.

  I handed him the condom package. I watched in avid fascination as he rolled it down his hard length.

  I whimpered.

  “Spread your legs, baby. Let me inside.” That deep growl would be the end of me.

  When I heard it, I physically panted and complied, opening my legs wide without even a hint of restraint. I wanted that hard cock inside of me, maybe even more than he did.

  He fell on me like a man who hadn’t eaten in a week would fall on a juicy steak. His mouth crashed over mine, his tongue licking deep as he reached between us, centered the tip of his cock, and eased inside in one slow, torturously intense thrust.

  “Baby,” I gasped when he pressed to the absolute end and came over me, chest to chest, hips to hips, heart to heart.


  I felt greedy and wanton, impaled on his cock, my legs spread wide, his weight pressing me into the bed until I could hardly breathe.

  I wouldn’t have changed a second of it.

  As Jonah eased up and out of me, balancing his weight on a forearm on the bed, his gaze met mine. In his eyes I saw what I was giving him.





  A future together. Nothing would ever compare to the feeling of having Jonah inside me. Of the two of us connected in this way. Not ever again. He was it for me and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was it for him. It was all there, painted across his face, open and honest for me to accept.

  I locked one leg around his thigh, the other I held higher. He shifted one of his arms and pressed a hand to the back of that thigh, holding it high and out to the side, thrusting as deep as he could, splitting me in half in a way that was so liberally mixed with pleasure and pain I didn’t know which I preferred more. What I did know was that I never wanted him to stop.

  “Want everything, Simone. Want it all, every inch of you,” he said nonsensically but I knew what he was talking about. Knew what plagued this man who’d had his wife cheat on him. Who traveled the world dealing with the scum of the earth regularly, not having a safe place to land that was all for him. Just for him.

  He wanted me.

sp; He wanted a safe place.

  And in that moment, I vowed to be exactly what he needed.

  “Take it all. Everything I have. I want to give it all to you.” I confided blindly, knowing that giving myself to a man such as him, there would be no going back. And I didn’t care. I wanted to be everything he could ever want and need.

  His nostrils flared and his lips took on a snarl as he started pounding into me. Proving to himself, or to me, just how much this moment meant to him.

  “Fuck, Simone,” he panted, powering in and out, grinding against my throbbing, swollen bundle of nerves with each thrust. I arched into the pressure, took as much as I gave back, digging my nails into his shoulders as he fucked me into a mindless, blissful place I never wanted to leave.

  I lifted my body, sucked on his neck, his chin, his lips, whatever I could reach as he took us both higher and higher into nothing but ecstasy.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he hauled me upright so I was in his lap. His hips lifted with each thrust, his calves against the bed as he powered up. I rode his cock, my head tipped forward, our mouths fused.

  He sank deep on a mighty thrust and I shot into the heavens. My body locking around him so tight I was surprised he could still lift me up and down, forcing my body to take his rigid length until he too found his release on a mighty roar.

  Jonah locked his arms around my back and waist, plastering me to his front while he took my mouth in the most passionate kiss of my life. Our tongues tangled and made love in the same powerful way our bodies had just moments before, wildly and relentless. Thoroughly and with wanton need.

  I don’t know how long we stayed together, him softening inside of me, my legs locked in a powerful vice around his trim waist, our mouths fused, but eventually he fell to the side taking me with him. Once there, he disconnected and turned me to face him. He tugged the sheets and blanket over our cooling bodies and locked me against his chest. I snuggled against his warmth, kissed him above his pounding heart, and closed my eyes.

  “Sleep now, sweet Simone. I’ll wake you soon for round two.”

  I grinned against his skin and then passed out.

  We spent the next day and night in the hotel room. Both of us unwilling to leave the safety and security of not only one another, but the little bubble of happiness we’d carved out for ourselves. Jonah was insatiable. Which I imagine had a lot to do with the fact that I was more than willing to reciprocate all the good he bestowed on me, but also the fact that he hadn’t been intimate with a woman in over a year. We ordered room service for every meal, and ate it scarcely dressed. When done, we attacked one another as though we were starving. It felt as if we had been walking in the wilderness for a year with no hope of being saved or finding an ounce of human connection. This thing between Jonah and me was a living, breathing connection.

  He made love to me as though it were his honor. A gift.

  Connecting us in a way I’d never known with a man. And somehow through that link, we both felt saved.

  Honestly, I didn’t realize I was living half a life, going from job to job, attached to a man who did not love me and cheated on me repeatedly. Scrounging for every dollar I could in an attempt to make something of myself. I’d spent the last six years trying to complete a two-year degree, class by class, pinching pennies in order to do so.

  Struggling was putting it mildly.

  Sacrifice was all I knew.

  Then along came Jonah.

  Not only did he save my life physically that night, he saved my soul.

  Now I had a man who genuinely cared for me and showed it. Protective. Generous. Kind. And a master in the bedroom. I had a new job that started Monday morning, making a larger salary than I’d hoped for, and I had one more class to complete to get my degree. Something Jonah’s father was going to let me work on two hours a day while getting paid. He said you had to invest in your people, and he believed I was an investment. Actually, it was me who convinced him beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was worthy of such an investment. And I’d prove it. I intended to work my ass off for A+ Construction showing him, Luca, Jonah, Sonia, and all my sisters that I could be successful. I could turn my half a life into something truly worth living.

  And all that started with Jonah.

  The same man who was right then pouring the water from a sponge over my naked chest. He sat behind me in the gargantuan hotel tub, me between his spread thighs, my back against his front. His cock sated but not for long. My lady bits pleasantly sore.

  I rested against him and sighed. Our bubble was soon to burst. We’d requested a late check out, which was only an hour away. We had to get back to the real world. Serial killers. A troubled sister. Helen’s death. The FBI breathing down our necks and of course my family who was not only worried about me, they weren’t safe.

  “What are you thinking about?” Jonah traced the drops of water over one pebbled nipple with the tip of his finger.

  “All that we have to go back to when we leave our hotel haven.” I hummed and swirled my fingers around his kneecap and watched the water droplets fall down an enticing expanse of male, muscular flesh.

  He chuckled and I felt it rumble through my back and out through my limbs in pleasurable waves of contentment.

  Jonah wrapped his arms around me from behind in a sensual hug, pressing his chin to the crook of my neck and resting it there.

  “We’ll find our peace again, baby. Once this is all over. In the meantime, you stay with me at Ryan’s and lay low. I’ll take you to work tomorrow for your first day and my father and brother will ensure nothing happens to you. They’re already upset about Helen and filled with grief over her loss. They’ll be extra careful keeping an eye on you.”

  “And what about you? What will you be doing?”

  He snuggled against my wet skin and kissed my neck. “I’ll be trying to chase down whatever information Ryan needs. I may not be out in the field officially on the case, but I can still help the team back at our Chicago headquarters. I can chase down paper trails, make calls, connect dots. Try and figure out his next move.”

  I nodded and sighed.

  “It’s Sunday. What is your family doing today?” he asked.

  “Normally I’d be having dinner at Kerrighan House. Mama always puts out a spread and if any of us are able to make it, we try to go and spend time together. Would you be interested in dinner with my mother and sisters?”

  He nuzzled my ear and nipped at the cartilage there. “I could be persuaded,” he said in that thick tone I was beginning to learn was his ‘I’m-ready-to-ravish-you’ timbre.

  I twisted my body around in order to face him. There was just enough room in the tub for me to straddle his lap. Already his cock was full, hard, and resting against his abdomen.

  “Do you have any idea how much it turns me on that you’re always ready to fuck me?” I dug my nails into his shoulders.

  He smirked, lifted his hands, and cupped my breasts. He tweaked both peaks simultaneously until I moaned, tipping my head back.

  “Hop on, Simone,” he encouraged before he cupped my left breast and fed it to his mouth.

  For a full minute I enjoyed how ravenous he was for my breasts. Flicking the tips with his tongue, sucking them into bright red little berries until I couldn’t take it anymore. My sex clenched and throbbed, needing him to complete the connection between us.

  I lifted onto my knees as his teeth scraped along one heated tip. The other he pinched hard enough to make me gasp. Once I was centered over his length, I plunged down, water splashing over the edges of the bathtub as I did so.

  Neither one of us cared.

  I set up a beautiful rhythm of taking him inside of my body, lifting up, and slamming down. Jonah cupped the back of my nape and tugged my head down so he could kiss me.

  I rode my man, his mouth sealed to mine, our tongues tangling, fingers gripping whatever skin we could find, completely lost to one another. By the time one heck of an orgasm coiled through m
y sex and out my body, Jonah was right on my heels, his face pressed between my breasts, powerful convulsions wracking his frame. I held on through it all, glorying in the ecstasy clearly written across his face.

  By the time we both collapsed against the porcelain tub, there were barely a few inches of water left in it.

  Once we’d cleaned up our huge mess, we checked out of the hotel. We were now heading up the elevator to the borrowed condo where Mama Kerri and Genesis were staying.

  Gen let us in with a smile across her stunning face, and I was immediately bum-rushed by a three-year-old cyclone crashing into my legs. “Auntie Si, we are having pizza!” she cried out, holding her arms up for me to hold her.

  I lifted her up and put her on my hip. “Yummy. Did you order it?”

  She shook her head, espresso-colored curls bouncing all over the place. “Nana and me made it!”

  “Homemade pizza is the best. Did you add lots of cheese? You know how I like a ton of cheese!” I tickled her stomach.

  Rory nodded her head several times in quick succession and laughed before kicking her feet in the universal silent request to be put down. I set her down and she dashed off at a full run over to Blessing who was sipping a glass of wine, long, shiny dark bare legs crossed at the knee, a pair of bad-ass high-heeled leather sandals on her feet.

  “Killer shoes,” I noted.

  She pointed to one of her legs and assessed her own foot. “They are pretty damn fabulous if I do say so myself.” Then she looked me up and down from head to toe. “Looks like Simone already got her some Italian today. Mmm hmm.”

  My mouth dropped open in shock and Jonah had to cover his laugh with a fake cough.

  Mama Kerri came bustling around the kitchen counter and narrowed her gaze at Blessing.

  “Don’t be mad at me for telling the truth. I call ’em like I see ’em.” She sipped her wine and fluffed her hair as though she were queen of the castle. Then again, Blessing couldn’t have looked more regal with the black corkscrew ’fro she dialed in perfectly, her impeccably tailored clothes, and always stunning accessories. It definitely paid to be a sought-after fashion designer.


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