Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 4

by Karen Clow

  Maria had the feeling that the conversation about Becky’s father was somehow leading up to Jess going out with Billy. Deciding to take a direct approach she asked her outright if she was worried about dating him. Looking slightly tearful Jess replied, “I really do like him, but if I go out with him I know at some point he will want to have sex with me and it terrifies me. I know that’s hard for you to understand because Billy is kind and funny, but all I remember is how afraid I was and how much it hurt! I don’t think I will ever want to have sex, even with someone as nice as him.” Maria wanted to reassure her that she understood how she felt, but her own past wasn’t something that she found easy to discuss. Nevertheless, she said, “This is not something I would normally talk about Jess, so I’ll keep the details brief. I know exactly how you feel; I lost my innocence to a violent sadistic rapist. It was the most horrendous experience and I felt just like you, I was petrified of men, but then God sent me Jimmy. It was difficult at first and there were times after we married that he too was violent, but the tender loving times we shared were wonderful.” Jess just stared at her totally shocked by her words until finally she said, “I never knew you were married before, although I must be truthful I have heard things in the house which did make me wonder. Not that it is any of my business and Mickey is a lovely husband and dad, you’re so lucky.” “Mickey was my husband’s best friend; he stood by me through everything, but he used to be married to Monica. I can tell by your face that you’re surprised Jess. What I should say is, don’t be too hard on yourself, just give Billy a chance.” Taking comfort from her words Jess replied, “I really want to, not just for me but for Becky, he’s so good with her I know she loves him. That’s another thing I worry about, you hear such terrible things about step fathers, at least you don’t have that to worry about.” “The twins don’t belong to Mickey, but he was with me throughout the pregnancy and when they were born. I thought you knew that? I thought you’d heard us rowing about the twins.” “No Billy took me for a walk. I really thought Mickey was their dad.” “He is and we’re so lucky to have him, just let whatever is going to happen, happen Jess, don’t let that one dreadful experience ruin your life sweetheart, don’t be a victim because then he’s won.” “I know you’re right, but it really has put me off.” “Well don’t let it, anyway why are you worrying about sex, you could go out with him tonight and think he’s not the one for you. If he is then just let things happen naturally, you don’t have to rush into anything. Now let’s get you home Cinderella or you’ll miss the ball!” As they stood up Jess hugged her and said, “Thanks Maria.” Reciprocating the hug she replied, “You’re welcome sweetheart, if there’s ever anything you want to talk about I’m here for you Jess. Now come on let’s get going!”

  Back at the house Mickey was just about to run the twins bath when the text came through. Quickly drying his hands before reading it, he looked at the girls and said, “That was your mum, she’s running late but she’ll be home in time to read you a story ok.”

  Downstairs Billy was beginning to wonder if Jess was having second thoughts about going out with him because he had noticed that she had been a bit quiet round him since he said about it. Looking over at Den he said, “Do you reckon Jess has changed her mind about tonight and that’s why they’re hanging it out at the cottage?” Before Den could answer Mary said, “Why on earth would you think that, a blind man could see how much she likes you. Granted she seems a bit quiet which could be nothing to do with you, may be she’s got something on her mind. As for going out with you that’s a dead cert, think about it, if she really didn’t want to she could have asked Maria to call hours ago and say she wasn’t feeling well. God you men and to think you call us women pessimists!” Billy joked and said, “Cheers Mary, you’re probably right but even a bird magnet like me suffers occasionally from insecurity! I know you find that hard to believe but its true!” The three of them laughed as Mary replied, “Oh yeah you look insecure, and talking of birds have you blown out the one from the stables?” “You mean Hilary? Tell you the truth I’ve tried to but she’s giving me grief. Ironic really when in the first place she said it was all just a bit of fun and then she was the one to get a bit serious! I’m giving her a wide birth at the moment in the hope that she’ll take the hint, there’s enough young blokes down the stables to keep her busy.” Den laughingly said, “Yes but after having such a stallion as you Billy will she ever be content with a young colt!” Laughing with him Billy replied, “This is the problem Den, once they’ve had this stud nothing else comes close!” “Oh God Den don’t encourage him,” joked Mary, “Remember he’s taking Jess out later! The last thing we want is his ego to swell, she’s not like Hilary you’d probably frighten her to death Billy!” Mickey entered the kitchen with the twins; freshly bathed and in their PJs.

  The ladies arrived back at the house just after seven. Billy greeted them by saying, “I was beginning to think you’d blown me out Jess and your hair looks great!” Blushing, she smiled at him before glancing briefly at Maria and saying, “Thanks and tonight is my first date, I wouldn’t miss it for anything!”


  Tony was sitting in a restaurant opposite Lydia. Had it not have been for their body language he could have passed for her father. As always, he was the perfect date saying all the right things, making her feel special. When she asked him if he had any family, she was clearly surprised by his honesty when he replied, “Yes I have a wife and four kids. What about you Lydia, is there anyone special in your life?” “Not at the moment, I was with someone for two years, I thought he loved me and then I found out he’d been sleeping with someone else for six months. I haven’t had anyone serious since, that was four months ago. Why do men always lie, I just wish they would be honest.” “I’ve been up front with you, I do have a wife and kids who I love, but then I met you and truth is I wanted you from the moment I saw you, that doesn’t happen to me, but that’s why I’m here tonight.” “Have you ever been unfaithful to you’re wife before?” Blatantly lying to impress her he replied, “No, I’ve never even thought about having an affair, but since meeting you I can’t stop thinking about it!” “This may sound weird but it’s been the same for me Tony, I’ve never been unfaithful and if I ever settle down that’s the one thing I will expect, loyalty.” “So do you see tonight going any further Lydia or are you going to have dinner and say goodbye?” “I know it’s wrong to say this, but I would like to see you Tony, I’m not looking for anything too serious. Next year I want to take a career break and go travelling with a friend, so why not! We both fancy each other, you’re married and I’m not looking to settle down, so maybe we could give it a try if you want to.” That was all it took for him to lean across the table and kiss her. A few moments later he’d moved his chair round nearer to her so he could place his hand on her leg under the table. Tony was a serial player. He knew exactly what to say and do to charm women into bed, usually for a one night stand but he had a feeling Lydia would be more than that. Not that he would ever leave Belle and his kids, but one woman would never be enough and even in his mid fifties he still had what it takes where women were concerned.

  Just over an hour later he was parking his Porsche outside her flat, but he was still playing it cool as they entered and he said, “Are you sure about this, shouldn’t I feel guilty or something?” “I don’t know Tony should you? I don’t, we’re not hurting anyone. I fancy you and you fancy me, so let’s just see how it goes ok.” Being given the green light he didn’t waste a moment. As she went to walk along the hall he grabbed her hand, pulled her back towards him and kissed her so passionately she was momentarily stunned. Within minutes he had her dress off and his hand down her knickers. “God Tony I want you to fuck me, right here right now!” Tony didn’t waste a moment, thirty seconds later he was thrusting into her as he pinned her against the door. She was amazed at his stamina, especially when he carried her through into the lounge whilst still inside her, only withdrawing momentarily as h
e pushed her across the back of the sofa and continued by taking her from behind. His hands were all over her, he knew exactly where to touch her to excite her. Ten minutes later they were lying naked on the sofa, their bodies entwined. “My God Tony, that was amazing!” Kissing her neck he replied, “Yes it was, wasn’t it!” Lydia got up from the sofa and asked him if he wanted to take a shower with her as she held out her hand to help him up. A few minutes later they were showering, although they didn’t have full sex their hands were all over one another.

  Once dressed, they returned to the lounge where Lydia poured him a drink and passing it to him, said “So where does your wife think you are tonight then?” “She thinks I’m here on business why?” “No reason I just wondered, is the business connected with the club we met at?” “That’s what she thinks, because like I told you a good friend of mine is one of the owners.” “What do you do for a living Tony?” Having just met her he wasn’t about to tell her everything, he would kept the fact that he too owned several clubs and restaurants along with other businesses to himself. Reason being he was a very wealthy man who some girls would see as a means to a better life. He would tell her the truth if the relationship worked out. “I own a couple of restaurants and a gym in London, what about you Lydia I know you said about taking a career break, so what do you do then? ” “I work for the government, I’m a customs officer, I’m based at Dover at the moment.” Tony knew several customs officers who he paid well for their services when drugs were coming in to the docks. “I expect you get a lot of asylum seekers trying to get in, if you ask me they should all be sent back!” Lydia grinned and said, “Yes we do see it more and more, but I’m usually in the office dealing with other things, like when people’s cars are impounded, but I don’t intend doing it forever. I’ve applied for a better position with the Department of Transport. I’m not surprised that you own a gym; you’ve got a really good body for an older guy. ” “Does it bother you that I’m older?” “Not at all, I’ve always had a thing for older men, when I was fifteen my first boyfriend was twenty eight! My mum says it’s because my dad died when I was seven, she thinks I’m looking for a father figure, but I’m not! I just think that most of the guys my age are immature; especially when it comes to drink and drugs they act like bloody school kids!” “So you’ve had lots of older men then, how do I rate against them?” “Actually I haven’t had loads of lovers, four to be precise and you’re the only married man I’ve slept with. To answer your question on how you rate; I would give you nine out of ten.” Tony grinned and said, “Only nine, we’ll have to remedy that won’t we!” Then he leaned over and kissed her.


  Mary smiled and told Maria that she had saved her a dinner. Smiling back at her Maria said, “Would you mind if I ate a bit later mum, only I want to help Jess do her makeup?” “You can eat whenever you like love; it’s only chicken and veg.” Then she looked at Jess and said, “I agree with Billy, your hair looks lovely Jess, do you like it?” “Yes I love it; Maria found the salon. I wasn’t expecting to get it done today.” Mary could tell from the way she played with her hair that she was nervous about that evening. Trying to put her at ease she said, “You had best get your skates on love, it’s half seven, you’ve got to leave in forty five minutes. I’m sure that you will have a wonderful time with Billy; he’s assured me that he’ll be on his best behaviour. Now run along and get a shower while Maria reads the girls a story, then she’ll be free to help you.” “Thanks Mary and thank you for having Becky for me today, I feel really guilty that I’ve hardly seen her. I’ll tell her tomorrow how much I missed her; did she go down ok for you tonight?” “Not me love Billy got her off to sleep, she didn’t want to know me once he appeared.” “Thanks Billy,” said Jess. “No problem, she’s a little angel.” Mary giggled and said, “What he means Jess, is that Becky can wrap him round her little finger, she’s got him sussed!” Everyone laughed because they knew she was right, there was a bond between the baby and him.

  Maria walked into the lounge and said, “Right come on Jess, the kids are asleep so let’s get you sorted.”

  Forty five minutes later Maria walked into the lounge where all the adults were watching telly. “You’re in for a real treat Billy,” she said, “Wait till you see Jess; I can’t believe it’s the same girl, she looks beautiful.” “Good job I dressed up then,” joked Billy. “Seriously Billy, she’s nervous. It’s the first time she’s done anything like this and I meant what I said about being beautiful. Do me a favour tonight Billy, don’t rush into anything just give her time, I know just how she feels at the moment, she’s had a pretty rough time.” “What is it with you lot, do you think I’m a sex maniac or something? All everyone keeps saying is don’t rush, take your time. Well for your information I really like her so I’ll be a gentleman. I just hope she can control herself around me!” Everyone burst into laughter, they all knew he would treat her well, they were just showing concern for her.

  While Billy had been talking they hadn’t realised that Jess was standing in the lounge doorway until Maria spotted her. Noticing how embarrassed she looked Maria said, “Come in Jess, I was just saying how beautiful you look.” Everyone looked up at the doorway. Mickey couldn’t resist saying. “Maria’s right babe you do look beautiful, young Billy might have some competition tonight!” Everyone waited for Billy to say something funny but he didn’t, he just stared at Jess almost as though he was in awe of her. Feeling the colour rising in her cheeks she looked down at the floor and said, “If you’ve changed your mind about going Billy, I’ll understand.” Realising that he was making her feel uncomfortable, he quickly replied, “Changed my mind, no chance! I was just thinking Mickey’s right, maybe I’ll have to hold your hand so everyone knows you’re with me tonight. You look lovely babe, so if you’re ready we should go.”

  Just as they got in the car his phone rang, without thinking he didn’t look at the ID but just answered it. Expecting it to be Kevin or one of the lads he was horrified to hear Hilary voice, because he knew that Jess could probably hear her as she said, “At last, if I didn’t know better Billy I’d think you was ignoring me! I’ve left loads of messages but you haven’t replied!” “Yeah sorry about that, I’ve been busy, so what can I do for you, only I’m just on my way out.” “Don’t think you can just fuck me when you feel like it Billy and then ignore me! I’m not one of your little tarts you pick up in the clubs!” At that point he wanted to tell her to fuck off, but the last thing he wanted was for to Jess to think he had simply used someone for sex. Keeping his cool he said, “I’ll call you soon, now I must go I’m running late.” “Don’t you fucking dare put the phone down on me Billy; I’ve got things I want to say to you!” Sarcastically he replied, “We’ll speak soon, give my regards to Edward,” then he closed his phone. Jess just sat there quietly as they pulled away. “Sorry about that babe, lets get to the restaurant shall we, I’m starving,” said Billy


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