Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 7

by Karen Clow

  A couple of minutes passed before she regained her composure and continued, “He held out a twenty pound note and said he wanted me to take it for my birthday. I told him it wasn’t necessary, but he insisted so I walked towards him, but as I went to take the money he held my hand and said, ‘I still think you’re lying about not having a boyfriend Jess, are you worried that I’ll tell your mum.’ I asked him to let me go but he said he wanted to give me a birthday kiss. When I refused he pulled me to him and tried to kiss me, his breath stank of scotch I was terrified. I tried to get away but he got angry and shouted at me, then he put his hand up my skirt and touched me.” Again she broke down and sobbed hysterically. Reassuringly Maria said, “Go on Jess you’re doing really well.” “I did fight him Maria and I tried to scream, but then he got violent throwing me to the floor and putting his hand across my mouth. I thought I would pass out, but I kept trying to get him off of me, then he raped me, it was so painful. When he got off of me I ran to the door, but he shouted at me to stop. I was too afraid not to, so I turned round and looked at him. There was blood on his hand; he asked me if I was having my period. When I shook my head he said, ‘so you were a virgin then, I thought so.’ I couldn’t answer him but as I went to open the door he said, ‘just one thing before you go, if you tell anyone I will tell them you consented and that I paid you twenty pounds for the pleasure. That would make you a prostitute and who do you think they would believe, me, a solicitor or you a teenage prostitute!’ Even when I left he was still shouting about legal things he would do if I told anyone.” Maria comforted her and said, “Shall I pour us another cup of tea? You did so well Jess you’re a brave girl, but there’s something I need to ask, didn’t your mother say anything when you went home in a state?” “She was out, they didn’t come back for hours, by then I’d had a bath and washed my clothes. I bled for a few days and it was painful, but I never told anyone. Not that mum would have believed me anyway, she liked Mr Howard. It was after that things got worse at home, especially when I told her I didn’t want to walk his dog anymore. It was four months later when I told her I was pregnant she threw me out, but I never told anyone who the father was. Please Maria promise me you won’t tell anyone, because I just know he’ll have Becky taken away from me, please say you promise!” Before Maria could reply they heard one of the babies cry, quickly followed by another. Smiling she said, “I think Martin has just woken the others up, lets sort them out then we can have another tea and finish our chat.”

  When Mickey and Billy walked into the kitchen just over an hour later they could sense instantly that they had interrupted the girls chat. Jess could barely give them eye contact and it was obvious that she had been crying. Maria tried to act normally as she said, “We were just having a girlie talk, we didn’t think you’d be back yet. I’ve just made a fresh pot of tea if you’d like one?” “That’ll be great babe, if you’re sure we’re not interrupting.” “No that’s fine, actually we’d just finished. I’m just about to do lunch. The kids are in the play pen. We’ve just changed them, so if you two lovely chaps would like to occupy them we can get on with lunch.” “Sounds like a good deal to me,” said Billy, “I’m starving, me stomach thinks me throat’s been cut!” Everyone laughed including Jess as Mickey piped in and said, “Less than four hours ago Billy you ate a breakfast worthy of an Irish navvy, you’ve got fucking worms mate!” Billy was quick with a reply, “I’ve told you I have to eat plenty to keep me sex drive at maximum and me stamina levels up!” “Fuck me I’ve heard it all now, come on stud lets see to the kids so the girls can sort you out some grub, heaven forbid if your sex drive starts flagging!

  After the men left the room, Maria looked at Jess and said, “Sorry I didn’t hear them come in, are you ok?” Jess nodded her head. Maria continued, “I’m so glad you talked to me about what happened, believe me I know exactly what you’ve been through.” Jess looked tearful as she replied, “It’s hard to talk about it and promise me you won’t tell anyone.” “You can trust me sweetheart, but I know Billy would understand if you spoke to him about it.” Suddenly Jess became panicky and said, “I don’t want him to know, please Maria don’t say anything!” “Jess calm down, of course I wouldn’t say anything to him, but I think you two could be good together and you can’t put off having sex indefinitely. I’m sure he would be gentle and loving if he knew.” Taking a few moments before answering Jess finally replied, “I’m sorry I know you’re trying to help, but I can’t tell him.” Reassuringly Maria put her arm around her shoulder and said, “Stop worrying about it Jess, if it’s meant to be it will be, you’ll know when the time is right. Now shall we get on with the lunch, after all we don’t want Billy collapsing from fatigue.” They both giggled as they prepared the lunch.

  Maria couldn’t help thinking about what Jess had told her about the rape, she hoped it wouldn’t come between her and Billy because everyone in the house could see how they felt about each other, but Maria knew there was nothing she could do and only time would tell.

  Over lunch they talked about Jess moving into the cottage, possibly the following weekend. By then her social worker should have sorted out her housing benefit so she could move in, not that Mickey would care but Jess would. As they talked about it, Jess looked concerned. Maria asked her if everything was ok and that she did actually want to live there. Nodding her head and smiling she replied, “I love the cottage; it’s just that there will be things I need to buy. I’ve been saving a bit from my allowance, but I’m not really sure if I’ve got enough.” Mickey could see that she was feeling embarrassed so typically of him he looked over at her and said, “That’s why you have a house warming party babe, so everyone buys you things. Why don’t you make a list and then Maria can tell everyone what you want. I’m pretty sure Monica, Shaun and Ann will want to get you something and of course the twins and us.” “Don’t forget me, I’ll take you shopping you can pick out whatever you like, maybe we can do a bit of shopping in London babe?” said Billy. “Are you going to London, you never said anything,” said Mickey. “Sorry mate I forgot, we’re going up Monday unless you need me for anything?” “No that’s fine, can we take it the we, is Jess?” Billy grinned and said, “Actually not only Jess but another beauty, we’re taking Becky, thought they’d enjoy it.” “I’m sure they will Billy. Is it business or just for a day out to show them the sights?” “Bit of both really, I want to talk to Kev about renting my flat on a permanent basis. I did think about selling it what with buying the club and all, but then I thought I’ve managed without selling and you never know when you’re gonna need some extra cash. The fact it’s bought and paid for means I can always borrow against it if I need to, if we expand the club.” “I think you’re doing the right thing, property is usually a good investment, do you think Kev will be interested?” “Know he is Mick, I’ve already run it by him. Kev knows I won’t stitch him up, I’d be happy knowing he’s there and it will give me regular cash if I find a place to buy or rent down here.” Mickey couldn’t resist saying, “Oh you do actually intend moving out then?” “Course mate, if it’s ok with you I’ll probably give it a few more weeks just to make sure the club is ok. My only concern is for Mary, Maria and the kids, I just know they’re gonna pine for me, there be no living with them mate!” Everyone rolled with laughter, truth was they would all miss him, but no one was in any doubt that he would be a frequent visitor. “Well, I’ll just have to hope we can survive without you,” joked Mickey. Then looking over at Maria he added, “What about you babe, do you think we’ll be ok on our own without him?” Maria smiled and said, “Oh I think we’ll survive, as long as he comes for dinner a couple of times a week, although I’m not so sure about the girls, especially Melissa, he’s got the magic touch with her!” Billy piped in and said, “Yeah I feel the same way about her, truth is I’ll miss you all, but I won’t be far away and you’ll be ok babe because I’ll definitely be back for dinner, wild horses couldn’t keep me away!”


/>   Ann didn’t sleep well; she knew that something wasn’t right which was why she decided to confront Terry over breakfast. Like her he was an early riser, it was a little after seven when he appeared in the kitchen. “Sit down love and I’ll sort your breakfast out,” said Ann. Five minutes later she served him three poached eggs on toast. “Thanks Ann that’s great, never got much chance to ask you last night but how’s Shaun doing?” With a grin on her face she replied, “He’s definitely feeling better, he’s moaning about the grub, or should I say lack of it!” Putting another fork full of food in his mouth before answering, “I bet he’d like to be tucking into this!” “Aye he would!” They chatted for several minutes about Shaun then Ann said, “What’s going on Terry and don’t say nothing, I’ve been around too long for any bullshit!” “Best ask Tony, he’s dealing with things, he just wanted to make sure you had someone here while Shaun’s away as far as I know.” Giving him an old fashioned look she raised her eyebrows and said, “Yeah and I’m the next woman astronaut from London! I know something’s going on, I’m not stupid!” It was obvious by Terry’s reply that he wasn’t going to enlighten her as to his presence when he said, “Straight up babe you’ll have to ask Tony, but if you’re going to cook like this for me I’m happy to stay as long as you like!” “Argh, you men you stick together like shit to a blanket!”

  Ann left Terry running the pub while she went to visit Shaun at the hospital. Within thirty minutes of her going, Tony, Reggie and Shane arrived at the pub; unbeknown to her they had arranged a meeting to discuss what had happened to Shaun. Under normal circumstances Mickey would have been there, but Tony had decided to find out more about the attack on Shaun and the other landlords before deciding what action to take if any. Terry poured them all a drink before telling them that Ann had asked him what was going on. Tony grinned and said, “I take it you acted dumb?” Laughing Terry replied, “Not easy with Ann, she’s been married to Shaun long enough to know that something’s up!” “So what did you actually tell her then?” “I told her to call you Tony, what else could I say; after all I’m the one staying here!” Everyone laughed as Tony replied, “Cheers Terry now I’ll be getting ear ache from her, lets hope that Lenny has got something for us then perhaps we’ll have something concrete to go on.”

  The pub door opened and looking up Tony said, “Fuck me talk of the devil sure to appear, alright Lenny thanks for coming pour yourself a drink mate.” “So what did I miss then,” asked Lenny as he sat down. “We’ve only just got here Len, but Terry was just saying that Ann wants to know what’s going on. I was just telling the lads you may be able to enlighten us.” “Well the rumours about it being deliberate are true, I’ve been poking around talking to a few people and word is there’s a small group from Peckham who are behind the attacks.” Tony looked curious and said, “Do we know why, we don’t normally have this type of trouble, especially around the pubs, even the fucking stupid wouldn’t try for protection money, not on our turf so why are they doing it?” “In a nut shell, drugs. A little bird has informed me that this little group are expanding, apparently they’re not content with their manor since their drugs business is apparently booming and they want to muscle in on other areas. Trouble is like you said Tony; they’re flogging a dead horse because they know blokes like Shaun won’t entertain the idea of knocking out drugs for another manor. So the cheeky bastards are trying to be clever by not even asking. They’re trying to get the landlords to sell the pubs through a series of events. Word is that because no one has asked for anything, landlords are just putting it down to random acts of violence. If you think about it someone is being fucking clever, the attack on the landlord is the first thing which is then followed a couple of weeks later by what they believe to be a random act of vandalism. From there it just escalates, one bad thing after another, but with no particular crew taking responsibility. Finally when the landlord is at breaking point, someone just happens to come along who is hoping to buy a pub in that area.” “Fucking cheeky little bastards,” said Reggie.

  Shane poured everyone another drink as they went over what Lenny had said. After talking for half an hour Tony said, “So it looks like we need to do something about this fucking group before they go too far and someone gets killed. If you’re right Lenny we should expect the Jolly to be hit again.” “That’s about it Tony, I’ve got it on good advice. Are you boys’ familiar with the Duke of Wellington down the high street?” They all nodded, but Shane said, “Yeah I’ve drunk there a couple of times, the landlord is an old boy, been in the trade a long time.” “Well from what I’ve been hearing he won’t be in the trade much longer. In the past eight months he’s been attacked twice, had his motor vandalised and bricks thrown through the pub window. His wife is keen for them to sell up since someone made them a very nice offer. They hit about three pubs within a few days of each other; the Jolly is obviously of interest to them. Crafty bastards stay under the police blanket by deciding after the first attack which one is most likely to sell out and as we all know, landlords don’t report what they believe is just a couple of drunks getting punchy. Then because of the time lapse between events they don’t connect the first incident with the second and so on. So to answer your question Tony, yes I think there’s a very strong possibility that Shaun has not seen the last of them, unless of course they’ve picked another landlord who they believe will sell up quicker and quieter!”

  Terry left the group to serve a couple of punters. When he returned he said, “So what are we going to do about it then?” Tony replied, “I was just asking Lenny to poke around a bit more, hopefully he can come up with some names. It ‘s better for us if we know who we’re dealing with, although Lenny has a theory about the group, tell him Len.” “It’s only a hunch Terry, but I would hazard a guess that there’s some big money behind this crew. From what I know, the lads doing the attacks are young and inexperienced, that’s why Shaun nearly copped it. Pubs don’t come cheap and I doubt these boys could raise enough to buy a pint let alone a pub, so someone is running them. All we need to do is find out who, but the only thing we’ve got to go on is it’s someone who deals heavily, if not exclusively, in street drugs. I’ll try and find out who these boys are; with any luck they’ll lead us to Mr Big. Then it’s up to you boys to let them know that they’ve picked the wrong crew to mess with!” Shane piped in, “Oh rest assured Lenny, we’ll fucking let them know alright!”


  At the hospital Ann was trying to get Shaun to tell her what was going on, but he wasn’t saying much. Changing the subject he asked her about Father Thomas. With a smile she replied, “Thomas was very upset when I told him you’d been attacked, he even said a prayer in church for you to recover quickly.” “That was good of him and I must say its working, I’m feeling a hell of a lot better. In fact I spoke to the doc this morning, he reckons I could be home in a couple of days.” Ann gave him an old fashioned look, because she knew he had probably coerced the doc into discharging him. Very subtlety she replied, “Well you do surprise me, from the way he spoke to me I thought you’d be in at least another week.” She could tell from his face that her assumptions had been right, especially when he replied, “Aye well he did say it would only be on the condition that I rested and no heavy lifting and just the odd drink!” “Really, just the odd drink, are you sure he didn’t say no drink?” “Aye I’m sure, he said I could just have the odd one,” he replied with a grin.

  A nurse came in to take his blood pressure, he joked with her saying, “They should send old battle axes in to take blood pressure not lovely young girls like you!” Laughing she looked at Ann and said, “You can tell he’s feeling better, can’t you!” Raising her eyebrows and shaking her head she replied, “He’s all mouth love; he wouldn’t know what to do with a young girl now, just the thought of it would frighten him to death!” The two ladies laughed as Shaun piped in, “Don’t you believe it, there’s still life in this old man yet and many a good tune played on an old fiddle!” “
Yes love I agree, but what happens when your bow packs up,” said Ann laughingly. “Cheeky devil, there’s nowt wrong with my bow, as you well know woman!” They all laughed especially when the nurse said, “I think that’s my cue to leave and your blood pressure is surprisingly normal!”

  They waited until she’d left before they started talking again. Ann wasn’t about to leave before finding out more as to why Terry was staying at the pub, so in a casual manner she said, “I’ll talk to Terry when I get back, there’s no need for him to be there, especially now you’ll be home in a couple of days.” She could tell that he was reluctant to comment but she was also aware that he knew she wouldn’t let it drop. After a few moments he said, “Well it won’t hurt to have him there for a few days, especially as I shouldn’t do any lifting.” “Ok, come on Shaun what’s going on and don’t say nothing!” Deciding that it would be in his best interests to at least say something, if only to stop her from asking he replied, “Now don’t go worrying, but Tony thinks the attack on me may have been deliberate.” “Deliberate! Who would do that, we’ve never had any bother before, why does Tony think that?” “See, now you’re getting in a state, it was probably just them young lads trying to act tough.” “Shaun I asked you why Tony thought that, now are you going to tell me, or do I have to ask him myself!” “Alright woman calm down, all I know is that another landlord had the same thing happen, it’s probably just a coincidence that’s all!” “It’s a bloody big coincidence, so what’s Tony doing about it then?” “I think he’s asked Lenny to look into it, so don’t go sending Terry home until we know, ok, now give us a kiss and stop giving me grief, it’s bad for me blood pressure!” Leaning over the bed she landed a smacker on his lips, before she said, “I just wish you men didn’t think us women are stupid. I only worry because I love you, even if you do infuriate me you big ox!” “Aye I know, so give us a proper kiss then shut up about it!”


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