Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 9

by Karen Clow

  Having been a womaniser all his life he was always ready with an answer, instantly he replied, “Lover, I don’t know what you’re fucking talking about!” “I’m tired Tony lets just go to sleep.” “The perfume you can smell is because one of the bar staff was freshening up out the back of the bar, she sprayed some perfume just as I went to get a drink ok!” “Whatever you say Tony,” then she rolled over and said, “Goodnight.” Not letting it go he said, “Belle you know I love you, don’t you?” “Holding back her tears she replied, “Get some sleep Tony it’s late.” Telling her to face him he gently pulled her over, looking at her he said, “How can I go to sleep if you think I’ve been with another woman!” “Its late Tony, it doesn’t matter, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you, but I expect it’s the truth, so goodnight.” She rolled over again just as a tear trickled down her cheek. Well aware that she didn’t believe him, he slid his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her neck before saying, “It is the truth Belle and I promise I’ll try and be here more. Perhaps we could go out for dinner tomorrow night babe, what do you think?” “We’ll see Tony, Sophia’s got a friend staying over tomorrow night.” Not wanting to back down he replied, “Ok, so the next night then.” “If you really want to, we’ll talk about it tomorrow, goodnight.” Deciding that pushing it probably wasn’t a good idea, he replied, “Ok, goodnight darling.” She didn’t reply because she would have burst into tears, but she felt him kiss her neck as he snuggled up close to her before falling asleep.


  Monday morning saw Jess and Billy up early as they were driving up to London. She was feeling a little nervous at the prospect of meeting Billy’s friends, especially as Mary and Maria had talked her into leaving Becky with them for the day after Mary said that pushing her round for hours would be boring for her. Although Billy had been happy to take her, he did have to agree that it would be a long day for her, especially if Jess wanted to check out the shops. Reluctantly Jess had agreed to leave her at home, but she made it clear that she wouldn’t be making a habit of it. It was just after nine when they left the house.

  As he drove he put his hand on her knee and said, “Looking forward to seeing London babe?” “Yes, but I really wish Becky was coming, I always seem to be leaving her with Maria.” “Babe they were right, it’s no fun for a baby, she would have been bored shitless.” Sensing she still wasn’t happy about leaving her behind he said, “Maybe we can come home early, once I’ve seen Kev we can do the shops. Then if it’s ok with you I’ll take you to meet Jacky Boy and some of my mates. They usually meet up for a drink and a game of pool on a Monday down the pub. We can leave around four o’clock, then we can all eat together and you can spend time with Becky before she goes to bed, ok?” Nervously she replied, “Are you sure your friends won’t mind you bringing me?” Laughing he replied, “Well they’ll be surprised that’s for sure!” “Why?” “Let’s just say they won’t be expecting someone like you babe.” “What do you mean Billy; won’t they think I’m good enough because I’ve got a baby.” Shocked by her reply he quickly glanced over at her and said, “Of course they won’t think that, what I meant was your quiet, pretty and young. Not what they’d expect of me, to put it bluntly babe, some of my ex’s have been a bit loud and in most cases tarty!” In her naivety she replied, “That doesn’t mean they weren’t nice girls and you obviously liked them at the time.” Laughing again he said, “No babe they were old dogs, some of them were ok, but definitely not the sort you’d want to settle down with. Fuck me most of them I wouldn’t have trusted with me dog!” “Do you think they would have been unfaithful?” “I don’t think it babe, I know it. Those sorts of girls are opportunists; they’ll go with anyone who pays for them to have a good time! In most cases their best assets are only seen in the bedroom!” Feeling embarrassed because she knew she would find any form of sexual contact difficult, if not impossible, she replied, “I’d never be unfaithful Billy.” Glancing over he smiled and said, “I know babe, that’s why I’m with you and not them!” Even though they chatted, all she thought about for the rest of the journey was the likelihood that their relationship would end when she couldn’t sleep with him.

  Billy pulled up outside a large house, which had been converted into flats. “We’re here babe, there’s Kev’s car so he’s back from seeing Jacky Boy.”

  Using his key he entered the main hallway, Jess followed him up the stairs to his front door. Had Jess have not been with him he would have simply let himself in, but he tapped on the door. Several seconds later Kevin opened it. Jess blushed as he said, “Come in babe, so you’re Billy’s bird?” “Her name’s Jess and I’ll warn you she’s a bit shy, so watch what you say.”

  Inside she was surprised how nice the place was, she wasn’t sure what she expected but at the least she thought it would probably be a bit messy having a young bloke living there on his own. “Shall I stick the kettle on,” asked Kevin. “Good idea mate I’m parched, Jess doesn’t take sugar, she’s sweet enough,” joked Billy. While Kevin made the tea, Billy called out to him in the kitchen, “Glad to see you’re looking after the place, I didn’t expect it to be this tidy!” Kev appeared carrying three mugs of tea and grinning replied, “Actually I’ve had me Aunt Carol round a couple of times, she’s happy to do it, I bung her a couple of quid.” Jess just sat there while they talked about Kevin renting the flat, although Billy tried to bring her into the conversation she didn’t say much. When they finished talking Kevin said, “Are you coming to the pub today, I’m meeting Jacky Boy and the lads about one.” “We’re certainly going to try, but I’m taking Jess shopping first, she’s moving into her own place next weekend and she needs a few things.” Kev couldn’t resist saying “You shopping Billy, fuck me he must be serious Jess!” She could feel herself blushing especially when Billy replied, “I am Kev!”

  They left to go shopping the same time that Kevin left to meet the others.

  In the car Jess said, “We can leave shopping if you like then you can see your friends.” Lying through his teeth he replied, “No babe I’m looking forward to it, there’s a couple of things I need to get anyway but before we hit the high street I need food!”

  Fifteen minutes later they were parking in a multi storey car park. Jess was amazed at the amount of people shopping as they entered the street. Billy took her to a pub up a side road, as soon as they walked in several people spoke to him. After placing their food order at the bar they sat at a table, making conversation she said, “You know a lot of people Billy.” “Yeah I grew up around here.” Before she could reply a young girl served their lunch and said, “Hello Billy, long time no see, where you been hiding then? I thought you’d been banged up!” Grinning he replied, “Alright babe, now why would you think a sweet innocent boy like me would be banged up!” They all laughed then he said, “I’m living down in Kent babe, I’m a partner in a club, the M4. Oh sorry this is Jess.” The girls smiled and said, “Hi Jess.” “Hello,” replied Jess in a quiet voice. “So how’s your family keeping,” he asked. “They’re fine Billy, mum will be glad to know I’ve seen you, are you coming back to London?” “No babe I’m staying in Kent, you’ll have to come down to the club sometime.” “I’d love to Billy, nice to meet you Jess, I’ve got to get back to the kitchen or the chef will be blowing a gasket, the fat git!” Winking at her he said, “See you babe, don’t take any mouth off of fat Alex just tell him I’m out here.”

  “She was nice,” said Jess. “Yeah Jane’s ok, I grew up next door to her family, her mum and my mum were best friends. She’s turned out ok considering both her brothers are doing time for armed robbery and her old man isn’t worth a bucket of cold piss!”

  Just before they left the pub she asked him what shops he wanted to go in for the things he wanted. Smiling he said, “That’s up to you babe, I want to buy you something for the cottage and just a couple of toys for the kids. Heaven forbid if I only take Becky something I’ll never hear the last of it, especially from Madeline!”
“You are so kind to Becky, you don’t have to buy her anything she really likes you.” “That’s good, because I really like her and her mum, so what do you need for the cottage!” “No it’s ok Billy, I don’t expect you to buy me anything, it’s nice that you’ve brought me out for the day.” “I like taking you out, but what do you want for the cottage and don’t say nothing!” “I’m lucky that it’s already furnished so there’s nothing big that I need. I know Den and Mary are buying me a dinner service and Monica and George are getting towels, the only thing I really need is some saucepans and some cooking trays, but I intend buying those.” “Ok, so saucepans and trays it is, although it’s not very romantic, what about some satin bedding or something,” he joked. Although she knew he was only joking she felt uneasy, because in her mind it was a reference to sex, so quickly she replied, “I’ve already made all the bedding to match the curtains and I don’t think satin would look right in the cottage.” “Don’t look so worried babe I was only kidding. What you’ve made looks great!”

  They made their way into a huge store and headed straight for the department that had kitchen items. Finally he talked her into letting him buy a very expensive set of copper bottomed saucepans and bake wear items.

  When they left the department he suggested looking at the toys, which were one floor below. They agreed on buying the triplets and Becky a book which played a nursery rhyme when you turned the page. Luckily there were four different books that had different tunes and pictures. For the twins he bought a dress up kit complete with tiara and wand.

  It was almost half three when they finished shopping. Jess felt really happy with the way Billy had treated her, she was even getting used to him holding her hand.

  When they got to the pub to meet his friends she began to feel slightly nervous, but she never said anything. When they entered she felt very conspicuous because Kevin called out and everyone seemed to stare as they made their way over to them. After Billy introduced her to his friends he asked her if she minded him playing a game of pool against his friend Dick. Before she could answer Kevin piped in and said, “I’ll look after her for you Billy, but I hope you realise that she’ll probably want to come home with me later!” Jess coloured up as Billy replied, “No problem Kev, providing you don’t mind chewing your food with no teeth!” Everyone laughed as Kev replied, “On second thoughts mate, perhaps I’ll just sit and chat to her while you play!” Kevin talked about Billy as he sat with her; it was obvious to her that he missed his friend since he’d moved in with Maria and Mickey. Then he said something that shocked her, “So is Billy moving in with you?” Nervously she replied, “No, I’m living there with my daughter, Billy is going to start looking for his own place.” “Sorry babe, it’s just that I really thought you and him were settled, see that’s what happens when you jump to conclusions! Having said that I must say Billy seems really happy with you, so is it serious then?” Fumbling to find the right words to answer him she said, “We’ve only been going out properly a couple of weeks, but I really like him and my little girl adores him.” “I can see why he likes you Jess, he’s a good bloke you could do worse.” Feeling completely out of her depth she was relieved that before she had to reply Billy came back to their table and sat next to her. “Alright babe, what’s he been saying about me then?” Kev interrupted and said, “I was just saying that if your not quite up to the job Billy, she can always give me a ring, wasn’t I Jess?” Squeezing her Billy laughed and said, “Don’t worry mate I’ll look after her, she won’t be needing a pretty boy like you. I’ll take care of her, isn’t that right babe?” Jess just nodded, despite feeling slightly embarrassed for the first time in her life she was enjoying the attention she was getting, Billy made her feel special. When Kevin got up to go to the bar Billy put his arm around her and said, “What do you reckon of Kev then?” “He’s nice, I like him.” Billy joked and said, “So do I have to worry about him as competition?” “No!” He knew she had taken him seriously so he pulled her closer and said, “Only joking babe, but perhaps you’d better kiss me just so they know not to over step the mark!” She expected him to just give her a quick peck on the lips; she certainly wasn’t prepared for the way he kissed her passionately, even when Kev wolf whistled as he made his way back towards their table Billy didn’t stop. Finally when he did stop, Jess just sat there speechless and blushing profoundly, as Kev said “Fuck me I thought I was going to have to get you surgically removed mate!” Billy laughed and said, “She just can’t help herself Kev, I did ask her to wait till we got back to the car, but she just can’t control herself around me!” “Yeah I could see that Billy, it looked as though it was against your will!” Even Jess had to laugh along with them.

  Despite what he’d said earlier it was almost five by the time they left the pub. Kevin and the others had all kissed her goodbye, which she liked because she’d never had that before. In the car they talked about the day. Billy was happy when she said how much she had enjoyed herself. “So babe now you’ve got saucepans when are you going to invite me over for dinner at the cottage?” “Anytime you like, but I’d better warn you I’m not a good cook like Maria.” “That’s ok, I’m sure you will be, once you keep doing it. Who knows you may even be better than her then I might have to come for dinner every night.” Jess didn’t reply she just giggled, but the idea of him being there every night appealed to her, but she knew it would mean having sex.

  Once they left London the traffic was better, they arrived back at the house just after six. Jess excitedly told Maria and Mary what a wonderful time she had, as she gently bounced Becky up and down on her knee. The three women talked in the kitchen while Billy joined Mickey and Den in the lounge. Mickey told him about the meeting that Tony had called at the pub regarding Shaun. Although it was clear to the others that Mickey felt he should have been told so that he could have attended, he could understand that until they knew more, there would have been little he could do. He explained that while Billy had been out Tony had called to bring him up to speed with Lenny’s progress. When Billy asked if they knew who was behind the attack on Shaun, Mickey nodded and said, “Lenny’s pretty sure it’s Barry King.” “That name rings a bell,” said Billy. “No doubt, he’s very heavy duty. I’ve never had any dealings with him personally, but his reputation is known all over London. He’s been in the drugs game for over thirty years, always manages to elude the drug squad, which tells us that he’s got some heavy duty contacts on the inside because no one is that fucking lucky!”Den poured them another drink as Mickey continued, “Barry deals with several big boys all over the country. According to Lenny he owns somewhere in the region of two hundred pubs from here to the north and he’s getting bigger. Most of the pubs are in the names of his managers, but they’re all fronts for his drug business.” “So how do we get to meet this Barry then?” asked Billy. “Well there’s only one buyer that deals with him who knows us, that’s the Turk. I think Tony is going to arrange a meeting with him, but he’s out of the country at the moment and not expected back for six weeks so we wait. Tony is stepping up security at the Jolly because all being well Shaun’s coming out of hospital tomorrow. George is driving down tomorrow; he’s staying for a few days so he can work the club, Monica’s bringing the boys down at the weekend. Maybe George can tell us a bit more about this Barry King because as we know, despite never being caught Barry will be well known to the Old Bill, and who better to ask than George, although we’ll have to be tactful. Now shall we join the ladies and you can tell them about your day Billy, no doubt they’ll want to know all the details!” “Yeah, how did it go, did Jess enjoy it,” asked Den. Grinning he replied, “Of course she did, a day out with me what more could a girl want!” “Oh God lets join the others Mickey, before he tells us how wonderful he is!” Unable to resist Billy piped in, “I don’t have to tell you Den, after living here with me all this time you obviously know!” They all laughed as they made their way to the kitchen.

  No sooner had they entered when Made
line said to Billy, “Jess said you bought us a present Billy!” “Well she’s right princess I did, I’m pretty sure if you to came out to the car with me we could find them!” Moments later she was holding his hand, pulling him towards the front door. Mickey raised his eyebrows and jokingly said, “Poor kids, you can tell they don’t have many toys!”

  Less than five minutes later they returned carrying some of the bags. Billy handed Jess the bags with the saucepans and trays in, before sorting out which bag was for the twins and the others. Eagerly the twins took out the boxes with the play sets in; Madeline was the first to get hers out. Seconds later she was prancing round the kitchen wearing her tiara and waving her wand before asking her mum to attach the other pieces of jewellery. When both girls had calmed down Maria said, “I think Billy deserves a big thank you, don’t you?” Immediately they both went over to him and hugged him. He grinned when Melanie said, “Now we’re real princesses!” “You’ve always have been real princesses to me girls!” Then he asked Jess to pass him Becky. As he sat her on his lap he opened the book he bought for her, he looked pleased when she appeared to be looking at it. As he played with her he looked at Jess and said, “Give the triplets theirs, then show Maria the saucepans babe.” The men played with the babies while Jess unpacked the gifts he’d bought her. “Are you looking forward to cooking Jess,” asked Mary. “Yes, I just hope it’s edible. Maria’s been helping me and my Nan used to bake things all the time, so I think I’ll be ok.” “I’m sure you will and you can always call and ask us if you’re unsure about anything.” “Don’t worry, once I can afford to get the phone put on I will, and I hope you’ll all come for dinner.” Maria interrupted and said, “We look forward to it and by the way the phone has been connected, Den drove there today to let the engineer in. He’s put you one in upstairs as well, just in case there’s an emergency in the night.” Jess looked humble as she said, “How much was it, only I wasn’t going to have it done for a couple of months.” Everyone knew that she didn’t have a lot of money and that she was too embarrassed to say. Maria smiled and said, “Actually it’s your house warming gift from the triplets. We didn’t know what to get you, so we thought something practical would be best but the bills will come to you, I don’t think they can pay them out of their monthly family allowance!” Everyone laughed. Their talks about the cottage only came to an end when Maria said the dinner was ready.


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