Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 17

by Karen Clow

  As she began kissing him he pushed her over onto her back and kissed her breasts. Lying there enjoying what he was doing she said, “I thought you wanted me to make love to you?” Looking up from sucking her nipple he replied, “I did, but when you took your nightie off, you just looked so good I thought fuck me I could eat her! So I’m starting at the top and then working my way down, is that ok?” Stroking his hair she replied, “Oh that’ll be wonderful, carry on darling!” Without answering her he rolled his tongue down her tummy as he slipped his hand down between her legs.

  Her body arcing with every touch of his fingers, by the time he reached her with his tongue she was already on the verge of coming. When he lay back down next to her she did the same to him. Starting at his chest, she sensually made her way down his body, touching him intimately before taking him in her mouth. Fully expecting him to come, she was surprised but happy when he asked her to stop and make love to him. Seconds later she was straddled over him, slowly and seductively moving on him. It was only a short time before he was gripping her hips and thrusting himself into her.

  It was just after one o‘clock when they heard Billy come home. Mickey grinned and said, “He’s been a long time, do you think he’s had his wicked way with her?” Shaking her head and giggling she replied, “No chance, Jess has asked me to have Becky overnight soon, she wants to do it right.” “Isn’t that what Billy has planned for Thursday night?” Still grinning she replied, “I believe so, but neither of them knows the other one has asked us to baby sit!”

  The following morning all the kids were eating so it was quiet. Looking over at Billy, Mickey said, “What are your plans for the day?” Swallowing the food he had in his mouth before replying, “I’ve arranged to take Jess shopping this morning after I’ve taken the twins to school, why is there something you wanted me to do?” “Actually it was more this afternoon. I just wanted to make sure you can pick the girls up from school, because I’ll be in London.” “No worries Mick, I’ll go straight from Jess’s. I hope everything goes ok at the Jolly.” Before he could reply Madeline said, “Can we come with you to the Jolly daddy?” Grinning because she had referred to the pub as the Jolly he replied, “Not this time princess, perhaps next time ok.” “Oh please daddy, Uncle Shaun will want you to let us have the day off of school so we can go, and Aunty Ann will be upset if you don’t take us.” Trying not to laugh he replied, “Well I’m sure she’ll forgive me just this once.” “She won’t daddy,” said a rather disgruntled Madeline. Everyone sat looking curious as Billy leaned towards Mickey and whispered something in his ear. It was when Mickey replied, “Yeah that would be great Billy, I’m sure they would have enjoyed it, but they won’t want to go because they want to come with me.” Madeline was the first one to speak, “We will want to go Billy.” Trying not to laugh he said, “No your dad’s probably right princess, you’d rather keep on about going with him.” “No we wouldn’t,” said Melanie. Billy was having a hard time carrying on the charade, especially as every time he glanced at Den he could see he was about to burst into laughter. Keeping the suspense going he said, “Yeah it’s a shame Mickey, I think Jess would have loved it if the girls could have come with us after school.”

  Maria couldn’t stand it a moment longer. Looking at the two men she said, “For goodness sake, tell them! Look at them, you are so wicked. They have no idea what you’re talking about, but they’re dead set on going wherever it is.” Den couldn’t stop laughing when Madeline said, “Yes tell us Billy, we’re only kids!” Holding back his laughter he replied, “Ok, all I was going to say was if me and Jess picked you two up from school, we could have gone to Pirates for a couple of hours before it shuts.” “Oh daddy please can we go, please,” begged Madeline. “Well I think it would be alright, but it’s up to mummy.” They didn’t have to beg Maria. After watching them squirm for over ten minutes, she was only too happy to say, “Yes!”

  When the twins finished their breakfast and left the table to wash their hands Maria looked at Billy and said, “Thank you.” “No worries babe, it was just a compromise. I’ve learnt a lot about child psychology since I’ve lived here, and I know Jess is missing them.” “We all miss her; it seems strange without her and Becky”


  That morning at Tony’s the atmosphere was very different. Isabella was frantic with worry when he hadn’t returned home the previous night. She’d been awake since five. At first she assumed that he’d got up to get a drink or use the bathroom, but it was only after looking round the house she knew he hadn’t come home. Repeatedly she tried his mobile but it was switched off. Despite his infidelity he had always come home, or at least contacted her to say he wasn’t. Out of desperation she woke Carlo up, the time had been a little after seven. Seeing the anguish on his mother’s face he called all the hospitals and anyone who might know where his dad was.

  By seven thirty everyone was up, Isabella tried to keep it together by preparing breakfast. The last thing she wanted was for the kids to think something may have happened to their dad. When Sophia asked where he was, she replied, “He should be here any minute.” “Where’s he gone mum, it’s really early.” Trying not to panic her she’d replied, “I’m not sure, probably to the paper shop because he’s taken his car.”

  Like Carlo, James was thinking Tony had simply spent the night with another woman. Although he had only just met the family, he was already of the opinion that Carlo’s dad was little better than a selfish pig who treated his wife and family with little to no respect. By contrast Isabella was kind and caring, obviously as devoted to her family as she was her husband. James watched her as they ate breakfast, she didn’t eat anything. Carlo was right, he did fancy older women and she was certainly a very good looking woman with a good body. Smiling at her he thought about having sex with her and what a fool Tony was, but he quickly took that thought from his mind when they heard the front door open. “Oh thank God,” said Isabella as she jumped up from the table and rushed into the hall.

  Tony looked awful, he hadn’t shaved and he looked tired. Throwing her arms around him she said “Tony where have you been all night? I’ve been so worried about you.” Then she smelt Lydia’s perfume on him, backing away, she said, “There’s some breakfast if you want it.” Looking dishevelled he replied, “I’m sorry about last night, I was at a poker game.” Too hurt to answer him she just nodded. What he didn’t tell her was that he had over slept at Lydia’s, possibly because he’d spent half the night lying awake thinking about what she’d said about Isabella, along with the added headache of now having to come up with a believable reason for him being away for ten days because he’d promised to take her on holiday.

  Entering the dining room he sat down. Sophia looked at her father and said, “Dad where have you been, mum said you’d only gone to the shop, but you didn’t did you? You’ve been out all night haven’t you?” Pouring himself a coffee he replied “Eat your breakfast Sophia.” She knew better than to ask him again. Carlo never spoke to him he just gave him a contemptuous stare. Both he and James knew he had been with a woman; there was even lipstick on his shirt. After drinking his coffee Tony stood up and headed upstairs, passing Isabella in the hall on her way to the kitchen. She didn’t speak, she just carried on walking as he said “I’m going to bed for a couple of hours.”

  Returning to the dining room she looked at James and said, “I feel very embarrassed you had to see Carlo’s father like that.” Smiling at her to reassure her that it was fine he said, “Perhaps Carlo and I should book into a hotel Isabella.” “No I’m glad you’re here, it’s just a bad time for his dad he’s under a lot of pressure at the moment.” Just as James went to answer her, Carlo stood up and walked out, he was sick to death of hearing her making excuses for him. Tactfully James said, “I think he worries about you.” “He’s a good boy my Carlo; I just wish he got along better with his father.”

  Vito talked to James about his car, it was a Mercedes convertible. Sophia interrupted and
said, “Yes I wish my friends could have seen me in it yesterday, they would have been so jealous.” Frowning James replied, “But your dad drives a Porsche!” “I know but they know he’s my dad, imagine their faces if they saw you driving!” Isabella joked and said, “Its all about status James.” Grinning he looked at Sophia and said, “Well if it’s ok with your mum, I’ll drive you to school.” Before she could say yes, Vito interrupted and said, “Great you can drop me and Anthony off on the way!” Isabella smiled and said, “That would be very kind of you James.”

  After the kids left with James she went to talk to Carlo. Finding him in his room she sat on his bed and said, “James has taken the children to school.” Then she looked lovingly at him and continued, “Do you remember when I used to sit here at night and read you a bedtime story?” With a sad expression on his face he replied, “Of course I do mum, it was always you who read to us.” He so wanted to say something to her about his dad, but he could see the sadness on her face so instead he said, “Let me take you out somewhere today mum, we can go wherever you like.” “You know I would love that Carlo, but I have to call your dad later and do him something to eat before he goes out.” Trying to keep positive and not upset her he replied, “Well let’s go out for a walk this morning then mum, I’ll buy you a coffee in the park.” He could tell that she was considering it, but then she smiled and said, “Perhaps I should stay here, just in case he wakes up.” “Oh please mum, we haven’t been out together for ages, just a couple of hours, please. Dad won’t even know you’ve gone and we’ll be back before he’s up.” Still angry over Tony staying out all night she found a sudden rush of defiance and replied, “Just a walk and a coffee.” Kissing her cheek he said, “As soon as James comes back we’ll go ok.” Nodding her head and smiling she replied, “I had better get myself ready, just look at me, I’m a mess.” “You look beautiful mum just as you are.” Touching his face she replied, “It’s so good you’re here Carlo, I miss you.” “I miss you too.”

  Thirty minutes later she checked in on Tony before leaving the house, he was fast asleep. By ten o’clock they were pulling up at the park. James got out of the car and held the door open for her taking her hand to help her out. “Thank you James, it’s nice to know that my Carlo isn’t the only gentleman left in London.” They all laughed. With her arm linked through Carlo’s, they strolled through the park. They stopped for a coffee at a little café which over looked a lake. Sitting there with the two young men, she grinned and said, “I think you two have a couple of admirers,” as she nodded her head in the direction of the next table. The two men looked over, there were two young girls about seventeen watching them and giggling. Carlo nodded his head at them and smiled. They both smiled back and giggled. Isabella grinned and said, “What did I tell you James, he’s just like his father.” Immediately Carlo said, “I’m nothing like him!” Despite having said it without thinking, his mum looked upset. “Sorry mum I didn’t mean to snap at you, it’s just I hate the way things are with him. Why do you put up with it and please don’t tell me it’s because you love him.” “Carlo please try and understand, your father is the only man I’ve ever known and there are many times when he is loving and caring. I’m really enjoying myself this morning, please don’t spoil it. Anyway maybe we should think about getting back now and then perhaps you two can come back and chat to those girls?” James surprised her by saying, “I can’t speak for Carlo, but I would much rather be with you Isabella.” Carlo joked and said, “I warned you mum, I think its time for another coffee!” Leaving her sitting with James, he went back into the café. Feeling less confident without him there, she tried to make conversation talking about university, but James had other ideas, smiling at her he said, “Carlo was right about me preferring older women Isabella.” Feeling strangely uncomfortable, she tried to laugh it off, saying something about young men ending up with wrinkly old women. James wasn’t about to let the opportunity pass, he’d fancied her from the moment he’d clapped eyes on her. Smiling he said, “Those young girls over there wouldn’t be of much interest to me, all they do is giggle. I prefer a woman who can have a great conversation about life and be totally uninhibited in bed, especially when they’re as beautiful as you Isabella.” Blushing she was relieved to see Carlo making his way back to the table. “I’ve embarrassed you haven’t I,” said James. Nervously she replied, “No of course not.” “I’m glad because I meant it, and let me just say if you wasn’t married, I would make it my quest to whisk you of your feet and make love to you for hours.” Her first thought was to tell him that he shouldn’t have said that to her, not only because she was married but because he was her sons best friend, instead she just smiled at him as Carlo returned with the drinks.

  For that brief moment she had felt he had meant what he’d said, and it had been a long time since anyone had made her feel desirable. In a strange way she felt flattered, although in reality she knew her life was as it was, and despite everything she still loved her husband.


  Mickey had asked his dad if he wanted to go with him to the Jolly that afternoon. Den was happy to accept his sons offer. They left for the pub at one o’clock in the hope of getting there early so as to miss the traffic. As they pulled away Maria handed him two pictures the twins had drawn for Shaun and Ann before they’d left for school. Smiling she said, “Give them my love darling, drive carefully, see you later.” “Any problems babe, just call me, see you tonight.”

  Later that afternoon Mary and Maria were playing with the triplets in the garden when Maria heard the house phone ring. “Watch the kid’s mum, that’s the phone,” she said as she dashed towards the house. Picking the receiver up and breathlessly saying “Hello,” she waited for someone to speak. “Hi Maria its Jess, I was just going to hang up, I thought you were out.” “I was in the garden with mum and the kids, is everything ok?” “Yes fine, Billy’s just gone to collect the girls from school, he’s taken Becky with him. They’re picking me up on the way back. I was going with him originally, but the builder turned up to finish off that brick work at the front of the cottage. Anyway what I rang for was to ask you a big favour; you can say no if you want to, I’ll understand.” Jokingly Maria replied, “Well if you tell me what it is, I’ll tell you!” “You know I asked you about babysitting.” “Yes and I said it would be our pleasure.” “Could we make it this Thursday? Only I heard Billy talking on his phone to someone at the club and he said he’s not working Thursday night and as far as I know he hasn’t got anything else planned, if he has then I won’t mention it, but if you could have Becky I would be so grateful!” Knowing she was already having Becky that night she immediately replied, “Of course, that’ll be fine.” “Thank you so much, oh I’ve got to go Billy just pulled up, I’ll see you soon.” “Have a nice time at Pirates and don’t let the girls boss Billy about too much.” “He loves it, bye. Oh and don’t mention about Thursday, I want it to be a surprise!”

  Mickey and Den had arrived at the pub. The others were already there so they were just waiting for Tony to arrive; he was already half an hour late. Shaun had kept a corner of the pub clear of customers by moving the tables, just to ensure that they could talk in private. Finally at quarter to four Tony turned up. “Fuck me Tony,” said Shane, “you look like you’ve been dug up mate, rough night?” Smirking, he replied, “Rough fucking night and rough fucking day Shane! I didn’t get back till eight o’clock this morning. The way the fucking family went on about it you’d have thought I’d committed a fucking murder! I was glad to be coming here this afternoon just to get some fucking peace!” Although no one said anything they all knew why he’d stayed out all night, a woman, but Mickey was curious to know where, so he looked over and said, “Wasn’t she local, then Tony?” Grinning, he smugly replied, “No Mick, if she was I would have gone home last night. Its Lydia, the one I met when your club opened.” “I would have thought you’d have blown her out by now?” Raising his eyebrows he replied, “Me too, but ther
e’s something about her. I know it should end, but I just can’t bring myself to do it! I’ve even told her I’ll take her on fucking holiday, fuck knows why I offered but I’ll have to do it now!” Shaun said, “Watch yourself Tony, if your Isabella found out you’d be for it. Now the kids are growing up she’d probably throw you out, and let’s face it she wouldn’t have any trouble finding someone else.” With a look of anger on his face he replied, “Don’t worry Shaun she won’t find out, even if she did she’d stay with me and as for her meeting someone else, she knows I’d fucking kill her and him!” Den had listened to what had been said and although he’d had several women since marrying Mary, he didn’t like the way Tony appeared to be boasting, especially because like everyone else he knew that Isabella was a decent sort. Unable to remain silent he said, “Shaun’s right Tony, if you left Isabella for this girl she would be entitled to meet someone else. Like they say what’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. Who knows she may not want you to stay with her, perhaps she would start to go out and meet new people, it happens all the time nowadays.” Aggressively Tony snapped, “Yeah and like I said, I’d fucking kill her. There’s only one bloke who’s ever going to have her and you’re looking at him Den! That’s the way it’s always been and that’s the way it’s going to stay! Now shall we get on with the business of what’s going on with Shaun?”


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