Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 20

by Karen Clow

  Lovingly he said, “Jess you know I’m not going to hurt you and what happened wasn’t your fault, but don’t let it spoil what we’ve got, lets just take things slowly. Do you want to talk about it babe?” Shaking her head she instantly replied, “No, I just want to forget about it, but I’m so scared Billy.” “Scared of what babe?” “I can’t explain. I know you won’t hurt me, but when it happened I was terrified and it was so painful, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have sex.” As she began to cry again he gently touched her face and said, “Yes you will babe, we’ll get through this.” Looking sad she said, “Do you still want to see me Billy?” “Of course I do, why would you think I wouldn’t?” “Because I can’t give you what you want, and I know you have lots of girlfriends that will.” “What I want babe is you, tell you the truth I’ve never had to work so fucking hard to get my leg over in my life!” Even Jess giggled as he continued, “I like being with you babe, I think we could really have something special, but if you don’t feel the same way, then I’ll just have to join the priesthood!” Giggling she replied, “I do feel the same way, I love you Billy.” Not sure how he would react to that, she was relieved when he replied, “I’m glad you said that babe, because I’m pretty sure I’m falling in love with you too.” “I’m so sorry about tonight Billy, I really wanted it to be special, now you probably think I’m stupid.” Leaning towards her still holding their wine he gently kissed her, he was relieved when she didn’t pull away and reciprocated. After a few moments he stopped and said, “No I don’t think you’re stupid, so we’ll just start again shall we babe?” Nervous at exactly what he meant she replied, “I want to do it Billy; I just don’t think I can.” “Who said anything about sex babe, lets just do this, you can kiss me as much as you like and feel free to touch me, because although I’m shy I feel safe that you won’t take advantage of me.” Jess had to grin before replying, “I love kissing you Billy, I’d never kissed anyone before and I feel I want to go further but then I.” Before she could finish, he kissed her again.

  They talked and kissed for almost an hour, even he was surprised at his resilience regarding having her, but he knew if he pushed the issue he would be going home. After several more glasses of wine he began to feel she was more relaxed and that like him, she wanted more. Standing up he held out his hand and said, “Shall we go to bed babe?” Despite her relaxed alcohol induced state, he could see she wasn’t comfortable with his suggestion. Taking her hand he said, “I promise babe I won’t do anything you don’t want me to, but we’ll both be more comfortable up there.” Trying to lighten the mood he added, “You can keep your clothes on or wear your PJs, let’s just have a cuddle.” Slowly taking his hand she stood up, swaying slightly from the wine she’d drank. They made their way upstairs.

  After going into the bedroom he said, “I’m going back down to get another bottle of wine, why don’t you get in bed and make yourself comfortable babe, I’ll only be a minute.” Standing there in the half light that was shining through the curtain from the moon, she told herself that she could do this, as she slowly removed her dress and got into bed wearing just her underwear. It was as she heard him making his way back upstairs she pulled the duvet up tight to her neck and began trembling. Placing the bottle on the dresser along with their glasses, he smiled at her and said, “You ok babe?” As she nodded he noticed her dress draped over a chair.

  Jess watched him as he move round to the other side of the bed and, in complete contrast to her, it was obvious he wasn’t bothered about her seeing him naked when he stripped off. Too embarrassed to look at him, she was actually relieved when he got in the bed. It was only when he tried to cuddle up to her he realised she had tucked the duvet around her, almost like a cocoon. Propping himself up on his elbow he looked down on her and said, “Babe if you really don’t want to do this, we can just have a cuddle then go to sleep.” Realising how silly she was being and how much she did want him to make love to her, she slowly lifted the duvet from under her as she replied, “I do want you Billy, but I’m so scared.” Jokingly he replied, “Actually babe, so am I, the last thing I want is to do something you don’t want me to, but to say it’s not killing me would be a fucking understatement! So if you would rather we left it tonight, just tell me and I’ll sleep downstairs, because you’re driving me crazy!” “But you just said we could go to sleep?” Laughing as he put his arm across and said, “I lied!” Then he leaned over and kissed her, it was a long passionate kiss. Sensing that she was a little more relaxed, he gently moved his hand over her breast and although he felt her tense up, she didn’t ask him to stop. Continuing to kiss her, he slowly moved his hand down her body, finding the edge of her panties and moving his hand inside, just as he was about to touch her intimately he felt her hand grab his. Despite his need to touch her, he drew his hand back then taking hers and holding it he kissed her and said, “Its ok babe.” Then he pulled her hand over to touch him. Nervously she just rested her hand on his cock, until he placed his hand over hers and moved it. He could feel her trembling as he said, “Haven’t you ever touched a man before babe?” Staring at him she shook her head. Kissing her again before he said, “That’s ok babe, just take your time, we’ve got all night. Nervously she wrapped her fingers around him, breathing heavily as she continued. Squeezing him harder, he said, “Steady on babe, I don’t know how much longer I can last.” Taking her hand off of him she moved it over his body and ran it up his back. With that he knew she was finally feeling comfortable with him. Kissing her neck he said, “Take your bra off babe.” Not surprisingly she didn’t sit up to remove it, but stayed in the bed and slipped it off.

  Feeling her breasts touching his chest, he kissed her lips before moving his head down and kissing her breasts, gently flicking her nipple with his tongue.

  With her arms around him he felt confident he could go further, moving his head up he kissed her passionately, probing her mouth with his tongue. After several minutes he slid his hand down to her panties again, this time she didn’t stop him as he slowly torched her. Then she flinched as he touched her clit and in a panicky voice said, “Billy stop!” “Its ok babe, just relax,” he continued touching her. Several minutes passed before he felt her calm down a little, so he moved his head down and kissed her breasts again, only he didn’t stop there he continued down her body, kissing her tummy as he slowly pushed her panties down. Again nervously she said, “Billy please,” as she moved her hands to hold his head in an effort to stop him. “Just relax babe, it’ll be fine, I won’t hurt you,” his words seemed to reassure her.

  Gradually slipping his body down the bed, when he kissed her thighs he could feel her legs shaking. Moving his tongue onto her she gasped a breath and held his head tightly as his tongue touched her again, he could tell she was beginning to enjoy it. Determined that he wasn’t going to stop, he flicked her harder with his tongue, feeling her body arcing with every touch. “Oh Billy something’s happening, please stop my head’s going funny!” He knew she was just about to orgasm, stopping momentarily, he said, “Just go with it babe, don’t fight it.” A few seconds later she was coming. Moving himself upwards between her legs he kissed her and said, “You ok babe?” Still in a state of complete satisfaction, she couldn’t answer him, she just sighed and nodded.

  Kissing her passionately, he slowly moved his hand down to guide his cock into her, she felt him enter her, but unlike her first experience of sex it wasn’t painful and she wanted him. With his cock inside her he smiled and said, “Still ok babe?” This time she replied, “Yes I want you Billy.” It was then he began moving. It was clear to him she was actually enjoying it, so when he knew he was coming he said, “Wrap your legs around me babe, I’m coming.” Almost naturally she did as he asked, even gripping his back as he came.

  When he finally rolled over to lie next to her, she cuddled him resting her head on his chest. Stroking her hair he said, “That was wonderful Jess, are you ok babe?” “I’m fine and so glad you didn’t give up on me
Billy, thank you for everything. I really didn’t think I could go through with it. I love you.” Lovingly he replied, “I know babe and I’m glad I didn’t give up. So in the morning do you think we could do it again?” Blushing she replied, “Yes, I’d like that.” Five minutes later they were both fast asleep. For the rest of the night she laid wrapped in his arms.


  It was three o’clock in the morning, Reggie was asleep downstairs in a sleeping bag on the pub floor, his dogs were lying beside him. He was woken by one of them growling, “Easy girls,” he said as he patted their heads. Sitting quietly in the darkness, he listened as he stroked his dogs to keep them silent. Straining his eyes to see who was there, he could hear whispering voices coming from the store room behind the bar. Keeping his dogs calm, he sat patiently waiting for the voices to get nearer, knowing that if he startled them they would simply make a run for the exit. “Easy girl” he said as Maggie’s growl grew louder and the hair on her back stood up. Moments later he could just make out two figures in the darkness moving out from behind the bar, he also became aware that he could smell petrol. Not wanting to take the chance that someone was going to set the pub on fire, especially with the others asleep upstairs, he took his hand from his dog’s collar and said, “Get um girls!” Instantly the dogs rushed to the bar followed by Reggie, who was by then brandishing a large twelve inch blade.

  Suddenly all hell broke loose as the dogs attacked.” Reggie heard the sound of footsteps as someone ran down the stairs. Too preoccupied with what his dogs were doing he hadn’t noticed Shane appear until the main lights went on. Shane was blocking the bar, standing there in his boxer shorts wielding a club. As the two friends looked they could see one young bloke, his back pressed up against the bar, frozen to the spot through fear of the dog which was holding him. He looked to be in his early to mid twenties, well built, approaching six feet tall with a cropped hair cut, wearing T shirt, jeans and a pair of doc martin boots. On the floor was another young bloke pinned down by Reggie’s other dog, screaming for someone to call it off. Dressed in similar attire to his mate, although noticeably shorter at around five nine, same short cropped hair and bovver boots. Both had the typical look of bad boys, with earring and tattoos, just like the ones who Shaun had spoken to a few days earlier.

  Seconds later Shaun and Ann appeared with Murphy, but unlike Reggie’s dogs which just held their captives he took a bite from the intruder’s leg. Reggie grabbed his collar and said, “Back Murphy!”

  Looking at the two blokes Shaun said, “What have we here then, did you lads fancy a late drink?” Reggie asked Ann to take Murphy upstairs because he wouldn’t stop trying to attack the two men. Shaun reassuringly looked at her and said, “Aye he’s right love, take him upstairs, I’ll be up in a while.” Visibly shaking she replied, “Call the police Shaun.” In a believable tone he replied, “We won’t be calling anyone, now you be getting yourself upstairs lass. We’ve got things to sort out here; I’ll see you in a while because these lads will be going for a little drive soon.” With Reggie’s dogs back at their master’s side, the bloke on the floor rallied to his feet and stood with his accomplice.

  When Ann had gone, Shaun looked aggressively at the two lads and said, “First we’ll start with your names, so who the fuck are you?” The taller one said, “Fuck you and you’re not taking us anywhere, call the fucking Old Bill!” Shaun intimidatingly replied, “Why the fuck would I want to do that, we prefer to sort our own problems out.” “What do you fucking mean by that?” said the smaller bloke who’d been taken down by Reggie’s dogs. Shane swung the club he was holding and said, “Oh I think you know what we mean, and the man asked you what your fucking names are; I suggest you fucking answer him!” The two would-be criminals looked at one another and then the taller one said, “I’m Jordan Gibbs and he’s my brother Gareth. Now call the fucking Old Bill, you can’t do anything to us, we was only breaking in for the money from the till.” Shaking his head Shaun replied, “Well this just isn’t your fucking night then is it lads, because you see we’ve been waiting for something like this to happen. So it looks like being in the wrong place at the right time is going to cost you two boys! Now I’ll give you twenty seconds to talk about whether or not you want to tell us the truth, then my mates here will be taking you for a little drive down to the docks!” Both men continued to say they were simply burglars and asked them to call the police. Finally Reggie said, “So why the petrol then, if you were just opportunists?” Trying to sound convincing and failing miserably, Gareth replied, “Just insurance in case anyone caught us.” Shane and Reggie started laughing as Shaun said, “Looks like we’ve got ourselves a pair of fucking comedians! Either that or the three of us have got the word prick tattooed on our foreheads!” Then he nodded at Reggie and said, “Stick them in your van, I’ll ring the docks and tell them you’re on your way.” Reggie joked and said, “I don’t want them shitting themselves in the back of me van, I only fucking got it yesterday!”

  Walking towards them with his dogs the two men began protesting loudly. “Shut the fuck up,” said Shane as he belted Jordan in the guts with his club; winded he dropped to his knees. His brother shouted “You can’t fucking do this!” Smugly Shane replied, “We can and we will, after all, if you two are just opportunists no one knows you’re here, so you won’t be fucking missed will you? If on the other hand you have been sent to do someone else’s dirty work I hope they paid you up front and you had a real good time with the money, because where you’re going you won’t need it!” As Reggie bound and gagged Gareth, the other one started talking. Looking at Shaun he said, “What if someone did pay us, would you let us go?” Grinning Shaun replied, “Well that would depend on what you had to say, but if I was you I’m fucked if I’d die for some other fucker! The way I see it, you can either leave here after having a good hiding and your pride dented, or you can take a fucking good beating before you go for a late night dip.” Clearly believing that they would be taken to the docks Jordan said, “I want your word if I tell you, you’ll let us go.” “Listen to me you little prick, don’t go telling me what you want. If I believe what you have to say, then you live. If, on the other hand, I think you’re full of bullshit, well, you know what the other option is! So think carefully before you say anything because we will be keeping one of you for insurance until we check it out.” Shaun had no intentions of keeping one of them, but he knew if he said that, the truth was more likely to be told. “Ok we’ll tell you.” Reggie pulled the gag off Gareth and untied him, before dragging him to his feet and taking him over to a chair. Shane followed with the other one.

  With both men sitting down Shaun said, “You had best start talking boys.” Gareth looked at his brother and said, “He told us not to say anything, he’ll fucking do us!” Looking aggressive his brother replied, “Yeah I know what he fucking said, but he also told us that if we got caught just to say we were breaking in and he’d square it with the Old Bill. Well that isn’t going to fucking happen is it and if you think I’m taking a bullet for him, then you’re fucking wrong!” His brother nodded. Reggie was growing impatient which was obvious as he said, “Fucking get on with it!” “We were just supposed to break in and take some money,” said Jordan. “So why the petrol then,” asked Shane. “It was just a frightener, to let you know that we could get in and if need be burn the place down.” “So who set it up then?” Aware that neither of them wanted to say the name, Shaun said, “Why don’t I save us all some time, we know it was Barry King we just need you to confirm it for us.” Both of them nodded. Aggressively Shaun said, “You two boys have just saved yourselves a lot of bother, in fact I’m going to let you go.” The brothers looked at each other curiously. As Shaun continued, “The reason being, I want you to give Mr King a message for me, tell him we’ll be paying him a visit sometime in the near future.” “Hang on a minute” said Shane as he took his mobile from his pocket.

  Shaun and Reggie looked just as curious as the two lads as
Shane fiddled with it. Then he held it in front of the two lads and said, “Say cheese.” Before they realised what he was doing Shane had taken a snap shot of them. “Just give me a minute to send this to a friend and delete it before we say goodbye to our two canaries here. Just in case anything goes wrong and Mr King doesn’t get the message, we’ll know who to look for. I wouldn’t think you boys would be hard to find.” Shaun grinned and nodded in approval of Shane’s idea.

  Shaun walked over to unlock the main door, Reggie and Shane followed with the brothers. Just as they were about to leave Shaun grabbed Jordan. His brother went to his defence, but Shane hit him across the back with the club, knocking him to the floor. With Jordan pinned against the door Shaun said, “Don’t ever make the mistake of coming back, coz next time I won’t be so quick to let you walk away!” As Jordan nodded his head Shaun head butted him. Taken by surprise and badly dazed he fell to his knees, blood pouring from his nose.


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