Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 29

by Karen Clow

  Walking back into the hall the reality that Isabella could be ill hit him hard. Joining the kids in the lounge he poured himself a large scotch before sitting down. It was forty minutes later when Isabella came back downstairs; she was ready for bed wearing her nightie and dressing gown as she curled up in the armchair opposite him. He stared at her; the bruises on her face were more noticeable because she had taken her make up off. She talked to the kids about school and college, but not once did she look at Tony.

  At ten o’clock she asked Sophia and Anthony to go up to bed because it was a school night. When Vito said he was going up, Sophia teased him and said, “You’re only going to bed so you can call your girlfriend!” Glaring at her he said, “Shut up Soph!” His mum grinned and said, “Is she nice Vito?” Smiling and looking slightly embarrassed he nodded and said, “Yeah mum, she’s nice.” “Well she’s lucky to have such a handsome boyfriend; you’ll have to bring her home sometime. I’d like to meet her, what’s her name?” “Katrina, we have classes together.” “Best not keep her waiting then, go and call her. I’ll see you in the morning.” Tony watched as all three of them kissed her affectionately on the cheek before leaving the room.

  When they were alone Tony said, “They all adore you, don’t they?” Making a point she replied, “I adore them, they’re my life.” “I can remember when you felt that way about me babe.” Calmly she replied, “I’m not important to you anymore Tony, I’ve outlived my usefulness. I’ve given you four beautiful children and the best years of my life and now I’m worthless.” Shocked and saddened by her words he replied, “Babe you and the kids are my life, why would you say that?” “I’m not having this conversation Tony I’m tired, I’ll be going up to bed soon. I’ll sleep in the guest room from now on, I think that’s best considering, don’t you?” “Considering what babe, I don’t want you in the guest room.” “Yes, well that’s the problem isn’t it Tony, you don’t want me at all, but don’t worry I won’t leave, I’ll stay for the kids, I wouldn’t embarrass you.” Before he could reply she stood up and said, “Goodnight.” “Please Belle sit down; I need to talk to you.” “There’s nothing to talk about Tony, I’m going to bed.” Just as she went to pass him he said, “Why didn’t you tell me you’ve found a lump Belle?” Stopping instantly she replied, “How did you know, I’ve only told Carlo?” “I know I spoke to him earlier on the phone.” For the briefest of moments he noticed how happy she seemed that he’d spoken to their son, but her expression quickly changed when she said, “He shouldn’t have said anything to you, he knew I didn’t want you to know.” “Why not Belle, I’m your husband and I love you. I want to know what they said about it.” Tearfully she replied, “I’ll know on Friday if its cancer or not.” Standing up he hugged her. Fighting to hold back her tears she said, “I’m going to bed Tony I’m tired, why don’t you go to one of your clubs, it’s only eleven o’clock.” Moving his head off her shoulder, he looked right at her and said, “I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to be here with you.” Unable to control her emotions a minute longer she burst into tears as she said, “Will you come to the hospital with me on Friday?” “Babe you know I will I wished you’d told me.” “Oh Tony I’m so scared, what would happen to the kids if I die?” “Don’t talk like that babe you’re not going to die. Come on shall we go up to bed?” Trembling she just nodded. Holding her hand he led her up the stairs.


  Tuesday morning at eight o’clock, Jess and Billy were heading for the police station. The garage had confirmed that the brake pipes had been cut, so they had taken George’s advice and were going to report it. Maria was only too happy to watch Becky for them, despite not having slept the previous night due to excitement over contacting her brother. All she’d talked about over breakfast was the e-mail Mickey had helped her to write.

  At the station Jess had felt quite embarrassed as Billy had to go into the details of his affair with Hilary. The officer did take the threat seriously, but said as there was no real evidence linking Hilary to it, all they could do was go and talk to her. Billy hoped that might be enough to get her to back off. Thanking the officer they left.

  It was as they were leaving that something strange happened, just as they were about to go through the main doors a solicitor was coming in. Billy noticed that he looked at Jess in a way that said he recognised her but he wasn’t sure. He would have put it down to that, had Jess’s behaviour not have caused him concern, but from the moment the man looked at her Billy could feel her trembling as she clutched his hand tighter.

  Outside he suggested them going for a coffee before heading home, but Jess was clearly agitated when she instantly, “Please Billy can we go home. I’m not feeling very well.” “Course babe, actually you do look a bit pale.” Convinced it had something to do with the solicitor he didn’t question her then, but when they got back to his car and drove off he said, “Did you know that bloke babe?” Without answering him, she just shook her head. Billy continued, “Well I think he knew you, in fact I’d go as far as to say he looked a bit scared.” “Stop the car Billy; I’m going to be sick!” After pulling into a bus stop, Billy jumped out and ran round to the passenger side. Just as he opened her door she vomited into the kerb. Grabbing some baby wipes from the dashboard, Billy passed them to her and asked if she was ok. Trembling and crying she replied, “Please take me home Billy.” His instinct was telling him the solicitor had some bearing on her sudden health change. All the way back to Maria’s he kept asking if she was ok.

  When they arrived Maria took one look at her and said, “What’s happened Jess, you look awful.” “I’m not feeling well; could you watch Becky so I can lie down?” “Of course sweetheart, is there anything I can get you?” “No thanks I just want to lie down.” Billy took her upstairs and settled her into bed. When he returned downstairs Maria said, “What happened Billy? She was fine when you left here earlier, now she looks dreadful!” “Tell you the truth babe I’m not sure, she was fine at the nick but something strange happened as we were leaving.” “What do you mean strange?” Just as he was about to answer Mickey walked in, he’d called in at his office after dropping the girls off at school. Noticing straight away that something wasn’t right he joked and said, “What’s up did someone die or something?” Maria answered, “Jess isn’t well she’s lying down upstairs. Billy was just about to tell me what happened.” Mickey sat down with them and listened as Billy said about the strange feeling he had about the solicitor at the police station. When Mickey asked him to describe the man they both knew it was Neville Howard, the man who had raped her. Billy was also aware they knew something about him by the way they looked at each other. “Do you know who he was then Mick,” asked Billy. Trying not to draw suspicion he replied, “Not sure Billy, I can think of two or three briefs that would fit that description.” Maria stood up and said, “I’m just going to check on Jess, make sure she’s ok.”

  Leaving the two men watching the kids, she headed for Jess’s room. Tapping lightly on the door before she entered, then seeing that Jess was awake she made her way over to the bed and sat down. Jess was curled up clutching her stomach as Maria said, “You saw him didn’t you Jess?” Before she could reply she just burst into tears. Maria wrapped her arms around her as Jess held onto her and laid her head in Maria’s lap. Stroking her hair Maria said, “Come on sweetheart, you can’t let him do this to you.” Sobbing hysterically Jess replied, “When he looked at me, I thought I was going to pass out, he just stared at me and grinned. I thought when I started seeing Billy I could put what happened to the back of my mind, but today I was so scared. I wanted to come home and pack, so I could take Becky away.” Still stroking her head Maria said, “Running away won’t change what happened sweetheart, you need to deal with this. We should talk to Mickey and Billy about it.” Instantly Jess became hysterical again, “No, it will change the way Billy feels about me, I know it will! I love him Maria. I never thought I could trust a man but he’s changed that and I don�
�t want.” Too hysterical to continue Maria finished the sentence for her and said, “You don’t want Billy to leave you.” Jess nodded her head as she fought to catch her breath. Maria continued, “He won’t do that Jess, we all know he’s crazy about you, but you need to bring what happened to a close sweetheart. Why don’t you let me tell him, after all he has a right to know.” “I don’t want him doing anything and he’s got all this going on with that Hilary. I’m causing him nothing but trouble.” “Sweetheart you’re doing nothing of the sort; Hilary is a nutter, Billy was never serious about her. I know he feels bad because you and Becky have been dragged into this, if anything he’s worried you’ll dump him because of it.” Feeling a bit more composed, Jess lifted her head and said, “No chance, with the exception of you and Mickey he’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” “So let me tell him then, I guarantee he’ll be up here within five minutes.” Looking sad she replied, “Do you really think so?” “Without a doubt sweetheart, why don’t you come down and tell him with me?” Shaking her head she replied, “I couldn’t, but if you really want to, you can?” “If you’re sure then, I will. Mickey’s downstairs as well, is it ok if he knows?” Jess nodded. “Ok sweetheart you have a rest and I’ll go downstairs, I’ll bring you up a cuppa in a while ok?” “Thanks Maria, I’m sorry to be such a nuisance.” “You’re not a nuisance; I’ll see you in a minute.” Closing the door behind her she left.

  Maria joined the two men in the kitchen. Looking concerned Billy said, “Is she ok babe?” Pulling out a chair and sitting down she replied, “No actually she’s not. I’ve had a good talk with her and there’s something she wants me to tell you Billy. She’s too scared to tell you herself because she thinks you won’t want to see her anymore.” “What is it Maria, have I done something wrong, why can’t she tell me?” Smiling she replied, “You haven’t done anything wrong, quite the opposite. For the first time in a long time you make her happy, she loves you Billy.” “So what is it then, what’s going on?” Mickey just sat there listening as she said, “The solicitor you saw at the police station is Becky’s father, he’s the man who raped her.” Instantly Billy jumped to his feet and said, “I fucking knew there was something about him, why didn’t she tell me then, I would have ripped his fucking head off, the dirty pervert he looked old enough to be her fucking granddad!” Mickey intervened and said, “Calm down Billy, there’s probably reasons why she didn’t say anything.” Maria knew he was keeping with the pretext that he knew nothing about it, so she interrupted and said, “You’re right Mickey, maybe I should explain why.”

  The two men listened as Maria told them about what had happened and the threat that had been made to Jess. When she finished Billy asked Mickey what could actually happen. Mickey told him exactly what he’d already said to Maria, that legally Neville could have certain parental rights to Becky. Billy looked menacing as he said, “Over my fucking dead body!” Calmly Mickey grinned and said, “There would be a way we could do this Billy, but convincing Jess would take some doing. What we need is for him to confess then we’d have him by the bollocks!” “Whatever it takes Mickey, that bastard is going to pay one way or another!” Maria said, “Why don’t you go up and see Jess? I’m sure she’s feeling a bit insecure as to what you think about her now. Mickey and I will take the kids outside for an hour; they can play in the garden. Then we’ll all have lunch and if Jess is up to it we can talk about what Mickey has in mind ok?” Standing up Billy leaned over and kissed her cheek, “Thanks babe, you’re a diamond.” Mickey joked and said, “Steady on Billy, we’ve only offered to have Becky for an hour!” Laughing he replied, “Ah yeah, but I know what people like me and Jess can get up to in an hour!” They all laughed as Mickey said, “Just take it easy Billy; this morning was tough on her.” “I know mate, but it’s not my fault she finds me irresistible!” Maria chirped in saying, “We all do Billy, we all do!” “I don’t,” said Mickey laughing.

  Billy made his way up the stairs to Jess’s room. When he entered he could see her curled up small under the duvet. Sitting down on the bed he said, “Hi babe!” Looking up at him she just burst into tears. Without a second thought he kicked his shoes off and lifted up the duvet. Getting in next to her he held her tight in his arms and said, “Stop crying babe, everything’s going to be ok.” Regaining her composure she replied, “No its not, I could bump into him again anytime, what if I’ve got Becky with me?” “He doesn’t know Becky’s his, she looks just like you babe.” “Oh God Billy, I really thought this was all behind me, I hate him for what he did.” “Me too babe, what do you think I would have done to him today if you’d have told me then? And I still will, if that’s what you want, but Mickey seems to think there is a better way of doing things.” “What do you mean Billy?” “I’m not really sure, when they come back why don’t we go and talk to him?” “Come back, where are they, Becky’s downstairs!” Gently pulling her back down in the bed he said, “Calm down, they’ve taken her with them, they’re only outside playing with her.” Pulling her closer to him, he kissed her passionately. When he stopped he said, “This bloke isn’t going to change what we’ve got, is he babe?” “Nothing could change the way I feel about you Billy, I love you.” “That’s good, because I love you too and lying here next to you is making me so fucking horny!” “You’re terrible Billy!” “I know, but it’s your fault!” Moving his hand down the bed he undid her trousers and slipped his hand inside. “God babe you feel so good, take your clothes off.” Fumbling under the duvet she slipped her trousers off, as he undid her top and bra then as he played with her nipple as she undid his trousers. So comfortable with touching each other, they fondled one another almost to orgasm. Then Billy said, “Sit on me Jess, I want to be deep inside you.” Not having done it like that before, she felt slightly nervous as she straddled him. Holding her hips he moved her back and forth, watching her face as she made love to him. “God baby I’m coming!” he said as he pulled himself forward and pushed her down hard on him. Moments later she cried out, “Billy hold me, oh no my head!” Pumping harder into her he watched her as she came.

  Gently pushing her onto the bed, he said, “Fuck me babe, you do something to me!” Still dizzy from her orgasm, she didn’t reply but squeezed him. “Babe I can’t wait till we’re in our own place, its just going to be so good!” Having regained her senses she replied, “I want it to be good for you Billy.” Grinning he replied, “Well it’s better than good babe, we certainly bring out the best in each other.” As they laid there they heard the others come back in downstairs. “Come on babe, let’s go and see what Mickey has to say.”

  Ten minutes later they appeared downstairs. “Hello Jess, are you feeling better?” asked Maria. Looking embarrassed she replied, “Yes thanks, sorry about earlier.” “Sorry for what sweetheart, you did nothing wrong. I’m just making some tea while Mickey pops next door to ask dad if he’ll pick the girls up from school later, then we can have a good chat after I done lunch.” “I’ll help you if Billy watches the kids.” Just as Billy was about to say something funny, Mickey returned.

  Leaving the two men with the kids the ladies prepared lunch. Less than an hour later they had all eaten and the four kids were taking a nap.

  Sitting round the table Mickey said, “Right Jess, I take it Billy has told you I’ve got an idea, regarding Neville Howard?” Jess nodded and replied, “I don’t expect any of you to get involved.” “Too late for that babe, trust me I’m a solicitor!” Everyone laughed as he continued, “But before I tell you about my plan, I should ask you how you would feel about being alone with him?” Panic stricken she replied, “Oh no, I don’t think I could.” “When I say alone Jess, we would be watching from the next room. I give you my word nothing would happen to you.” They could see she was thinking about it as she nervously replied, “Are you sure he couldn’t do anything to me?” “Positive, anyway Billy would be with me just a few feet away, we could be in there within seconds.” Billy said, “Trust me babe, I’d come through
the wall if need be!” Even Jess had to smile before she said, “Ok then, if you’re sure. I think I could do it.” Mickey smiled and replied, “That’s a girl, so let’s get this bastard!” They all listened as Mickey told them of his plan to lure Neville to his club then set him up in the office with Jess. He would tell her what to do and say so that he admitted to raping her. Maria noticed that Jess was trembling as they went over the plan. “Are you ok Jess,” she asked. “Yes, I want to do it Maria, but I’m so afraid of being alone with him.” “That’s understandable sweetheart, but like Mickey said, everything will be recorded and they’ll only be a few feet away in the next room. You need closure on this Jess, believe me I know.” Billy put his arm round Jess and said, “You can do this babe, I won’t let him hurt you, I promise.” Mickey looked at her and said, “So are we doing it babe or not, only there are people I need to talk to.” Jess looked concerned as she asked, “Will these people have to know about the rape?” “No babe, I just need them to set up the equipment and things, that’s all.” “Ok then I’ll do it.”


  Tony didn’t go to his gym that morning. Isabella was surprised when he said he was staying home for the day and taking her out for lunch. It was just after ten when he came downstairs and joined her for coffee. Since she’d told him about the lump she’d noticed how attentive he was, although she knew his loving behaviour towards her would probably be short lived, she felt relieved that he knew and was going with her for the results.

  Tony had spent the night lying awake, thinking about what he would do if the results said it was cancer. It was then he’d realised just how much he loved her and the way he had treated her was dreadful, especially of late. He was so afraid of losing her, not to cancer, but to another man. Consciously he’d made the decision to end it with Lydia, regardless of Belles results. His hope was for Lydia to terminate the baby, but ultimately that would be her decision. Lydia meant nothing to him; she was purely a sex outlet to boost his ego. He would still take her out for dinner that evening and probably sleep with her, but then it would be over. Isabella sat quietly drinking her coffee as he browsed the morning paper. Although not really interested in reading it, she thought back to the previous evening when he had been so nasty to her. Now with the thought of cancer looming over her, none of that seemed important. Looking across the table at him, she remembered how madly in love she’d been with him when they first met. Wondering to herself where it all went wrong, what could she have done to make him love her the way he used too? Glancing up from the paper he noticed her watching him. “Everything alright babe,” he asked. Nodding her head, she replied, “Fine.” “What were you thinking about, you looked miles away?” “I was thinking about us Tony.” Realising she sounded sad he said, “What about us babe, we’re soul mates you and me Belle.” Glancing down at her cup she replied, “I thought we were once Tony, but that was a long time ago.” “What are you talking about babe, we’ll always be together.” Without answering him she just nodded. Reaching over the table he held out his hand to her. Taking it she said, “You didn’t have to stay home today and we don’t have to go out for lunch.” Sensing that she felt low, he squeezed her hand and replied, “I want to be here Belle, why didn’t you tell me about the lump babe, you told Carlo?” Taking her time before answering she said, “I don’t know Tony; you’re always so busy, I suppose I didn’t want to bother you. Lets be honest things haven’t been good between us lately, most of the time it’s as though you resent being here. I thought you were going to leave us and I would hate you to stay just because you thought I was ill.” “Belle I love you, I’ve never wanted to leave you and I know I’ve acted like a prick, but it’s not because of you it’s me.” “I’m not sure how I feel anymore Tony.” Feeling a sense of panic he said, “What do you mean babe?” “I could tolerate your womanising Tony and your lack of interest at home, but the way you’ve become violent I can’t.” “Belle I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be that way with you. I would never hurt you, you know that don’t you? I can’t excuse the way I’ve been, except to say with all the trouble with Shaun and the pub I’ve had a lot on my mind and I thought you might meet someone else. It’s true what they say about taking it out on the people you love the most.” “So why didn’t you just ask me Tony, why did it have to come to this?” Moving round the table he sat next to her and put his arm around her, as he said, “Belle I love you.” Then he leaned forward and kissed her on the lips. With tears welling in her eyes she shocked him by saying, “If it’s cancer Tony I don’t want the kids to know until they have to.” “Its not cancer babe, don’t think like that.” “And I don’t want you to stay with me; I would rather be on my own.” “Belle, what’s got into you babe, of course I’m staying.” “No Tony, I couldn’t stand it knowing you were only here because I was ill. Carlo has already said he’ll take a gap year from uni so he can stay with me.” Unable to accept what she was saying he snapped at her and said, “Why would he need to be here, I’m your husband and I love you.” “I don’t want to talk about it anymore. I just wanted you to know; now I’ve got things to do.”


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