Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 43

by Karen Clow

  The next two days passed without any hitches regarding the celebration plans for Sunday. Den and Mary were sat talking to Maria about the party when Mickey’s mobile rang. Looking at the ID he knew it was Fay. Not wanting his parents to know he stood up and said, “Sorry I’ll take this in the study, its important.” Maria knew instantly who the caller was so she said, “Ok darling.” Then she continued talking about who was coming to the party.

  When Mickey returned from the study he sounded convincing as he said, “Sorry babe, looks like I’m going to have to pop out for a couple of hours, apparently something is wrong with the alarm at Dixie’s, they can’t turn it off. It’s been going for over an hour.” Den said, “Shall I come with you son?” “Actually dad that would be great, but I was rather hoping you could help Maria because Sarah is coming over this morning to give the girls a riding lesson and we’ve got stuff being delivered for the party.” “No problem, we’ll see you when you get back.” “Shouldn’t be too long dad; fucking alarms, perhaps its time to invest in a new one.” Picking his keys up from the table, he left.

  Three hours later he returned with Fay and Richard; his parents’ faces were a picture as they followed him into the house. With tears in her eyes, Mary threw her arms around Fay and said, “Oh what a wonderful surprise, are the children not with you?” Shaking her head Fay replied, “Sorry mum, they really wanted to come but we just couldn’t all get the time off. Although I must say, I think the fact they’re both in serious relationships had a lot to do with it, heaven forbid they could be apart for a whole week.” Mary replied, “They sound just like you when you met Richard, you couldn’t get enough of him. Trouble is I still think of them as children, what are they now, seventeen and eighteen?” Laughing she replied, “Actually mum Mathew will be twenty one next month and Gemma is coming up nineteen.” “Well I would love to have seen them, maybe next time you come over?” “Fay grinned and said, “Well I’m sure you’ll be seeing them very soon mum.” Then she looked at Mickey and jokingly said, “I take it you haven’t told them yet?” Den asked curiously, “Told us what?” “Oh Mickey tell them,” said Maria with a grin. “Ok,” said Mickey, “but before I tell you, I want you both to know it was all Maria’s idea. We didn’t have a clue what to get you so we’ve bought you tickets to America. You’re going back with them to see your grandchildren.” Mary started crying as she walked over and kissed Maria and then Mickey. “Shall I put the kettle on,” said Maria. Fay nodded her head before saying, “So where are my nieces and nephews then, we’re dying to see them.” Maria replied, “The twins are at the stables with Sarah, the three terrors are taking a nap. Mickey can walk over and get the girls, while I check on the babies.” “Can I come with you Maria, I promise I won’t wake them up,” said Fay. “Of course you can, I dare say they’re already awake.”

  As they entered the nursery all three babies were playing. “Oh they’re adorable Maria,” Then looking at the two boys she asked, “Which ones which?” Pointing at them Maria replied, “Michael, Martin and this lovely little creature is Melissa, although you’ve probably gathered that already.”

  Five minutes later they joined the others, just as Mickey returned with the twins. “Oh my God, they’ve grown,” said Fay. For once Madeline was quiet as she looked at the visitors, before saying to Fay, “Did you fly on an aeroplane?” Richard cut in and replied, “Yes we did, and I think Aunty Fay has brought you all presents!” The twin’s faces lit up as Fay passed them each a gift. “I hope they fit,” said Fay. As the girls opened their gifts, Madeline was the first to say, “What is it?” Mickey said, “Take it out babe, so we can see.” Lifting it out, he smiled and said, “It looks like a cheer leader’s outfit.” “Can I try it on daddy?” “Of course princess, come here and I’ll help you.”

  A few moments later both girls were dressed as cheer leaders. Fay grinned and passed them another bag as she said, “No cheer leader’s outfit is complete without them.” Intrigued the girls opened them, inside were a set of pom poms. Fay showed them how to use them before telling them how popular cheer leaders are in the States. “They’re lovely, thank you both,” said Maria. Passing her another bag Fay said, “There’s a little gift in there for the triplets, I didn’t have a clue what to buy so I’m sorry if they’re a bit boring, but it’s just a top each.” “Its really nice of you to bring them anything, they’re lovely.”

  Mary and Den showed them round the annex and then the family spent the afternoon talking until Mickey took everyone out for dinner at the pub.

  By nine o’clock Fay and Richard were really feeling the effects of jet lag. Nobody was surprised when they said they were going to bed.

  Sunday morning was manic, with the phone ringing endlessly. Maria dealt with most calls as they involved the catering. Maria had arranged to meet Monica at the club around three, just to check that everything was running smoothly. They had hired a firm to decorate it with helium balloons and anniversary banners. It was just before five by the time she returned home. Mickey was bathing the triplets with Fay, while Mary bathed the twins.

  By half six all the kids were ready. Mickey had booked a limo to take his parents, Fay and Richard. Maria had opted to drive the people carrier so she could leave early with the kids if need be.

  Thankfully they were the first to arrive at the club. Jamie and Justin were on the door, just to ensure there wouldn’t be any gate crashers. Inside the food looked amazing. Mickey thanked Leon for all his hard work. Maria had made the cake which was shaped in a love heart design, with the names Mary and Den along with Happy Anniversary piped on it.

  By half seven several guests had started to arrive. Shaun and Ann were among the first, followed by Tony, Isabella and their family, they had even managed to talk Carlo into bringing Kelsey along with them.

  By eight o’clock the place was filling up. Den and Mary were overwhelmed by the amount of people who’d made the effort and travelled down from London.

  Maria had spoken to Jess when she arrived with Billy and Becky. “You look lovely Jess, are you still ok about tonight?” Maria was surprised when in a positive voice she replied, “Yes, I’ve been going over it in my head, I can’t allow him to get away with it, I owe it to Becky.” “Absolutely, now let’s just hope the bastard turns up.”

  By nine the celebrations were in full swing. Mickey walked over to the table were Jess was sitting and said, “He’s just arrived babe; I’ll go and talk to him, you go and find Billy and come over.” Nodding her head she looked a little nervous. Lisa and Jacky Boy had been sitting with them, Jess asked Lisa to watch Becky for her as she was fast asleep in her pushchair. “No problem, she doesn’t look like she’s going to be any trouble,” joked Lisa.

  Walking over to the bar to find Billy, she bumped into George and Monica. “You ok Jess” he asked. “A bit nervous now he’s here George.” “Now go and get that future husband of yours, take a deep breath sweetheart and you’ll be fine, we’ve every confidence in you.” Smiling she thanked him and headed off towards the bar. Finding Billy talking to Kevin and the others she discreetly said, “Mickey wants to see you Billy.” Looking through the crowd he spotted Neville. Putting his arm around her he said, “Best go and see what he wants then babe, I’ll catch you later Kev.”

  Hand in hand they walked across the dance floor to find Mickey. Jess could feel herself beginning to tremble as her tummy flipped. Sensing that she was nervous, Billy put his arm around her and said, “You can do this babe, come on.” Neville smiled as they approached. Shaking his hand Billy said, “Glad you could make it Neville, I don’t think you met my fiancé Jess?” It was obvious by the look on his face he recognised her. When he reached his hand out to her she felt sick, especially when he said, “This can’t be the same little Jess who used to walk my dog?” Blushing she didn’t reply, she just nodded her head. “Good grief Jess, what a beauty you’ve turned into. I had no idea you were friends with Mickey and now you’re engaged to be married. It doesn’t seem like yesterday
you were the quiet shy little girl who came to my house every day after school.” Mickey and Billy watched worriedly, but Jess managed to stay focused and carried it off beautifully.

  Maria came over. “Ah Neville, let me introduce my lovely wife,” said Mickey, “This is Maria.” In an effort to impress the two women, Neville shook her hand before looking at Mickey and Billy and saying, “You two chaps really must tell me your secret on how to find such attractive young wives, you’re lucky men.” Maria instantly replied, “On the contrary Neville, I’m sure Jess would agree with me, we’re the lucky ones. I’m sorry to have to break up this little chat, but dad asked me to come over and tell you and Billy that there’s someone giving the doormen a bit of trouble outside.” Grinning Mickey said, “Sorry Neville looks like we’ll have to leave you in the capable hands of our lovely ladies for a few minutes. I’m sure we won’t be long.” In a very smutty way he replied, “Oh don’t rush, no doubt I’ll be very comfortable in their hands.” Although everyone laughed, both Mickey and Billy wanted to punch him. The women stood trying to make polite conversation then Maria said, “Would you excuse me for a moment, only I think the children are proving a bit too much for mum. I’ll be right back.”

  As she walked off in the direction of her family Neville turned to Jess and said, “Well this really is a turn up for the books, how on earth did you end up with someone like Billy? Don’t mind me saying, but isn’t he a bit old for you? Or could it be that since our little meeting you prefer older men?” Feeling sick to the pit of her stomach, she wanted to walk away but Mary’s words echoed through her head about the wonderful life she was going to have with Billy. Taking a deep breath and rallying her composure she said, “Billy is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, after what you did Mr Howard I never thought I want a man near me.” “Ah, well it obviously did some good and brought you out of your shell.” Then he looked serious as he added, “I take it you’ve remembered what I said?” Instantly she replied, “I never wanted to ever think about it again, it was the worse day of my life, but I’ve decided that despite your threat, before I marry Billy I’m going to tell him exactly what sort of man you are Mr Howard!” Unbeknown to Neville, Maria had been watching. She could tell from his body language that Jess had told him something he didn’t like, because he’d grabbed her arm. Immediately Maria made her way over to them and said, “Sorry about that, thankfully the triplets are now all going to sleep in their stroller and the twins are dancing with Harry.” Jess smiled and said, “Now you’re back Maria, would you mind if I used the office phone, only I can’t get a reception in here on my mobile?” “Of course Jess, the office is empty no one will use it tonight. Actually I’m going to see what’s keeping the men; I dare say they’re talking. Sorry Neville would you mind if I left you for a moment, get yourself a drink and something to eat.” “No that’s fine Maria; I’ll just mingle for a while.” She noticed he was watching to see which way Jess went. Maria continued walking away, but she glanced back and saw him heading towards the office.

  Convinced that Mickey and Billy were at the main doors, he followed Jess into the office a couple of minutes after she’d entered. He had no idea the others were already in the adjoining room, waiting with Lenny to catch him in action. They watched on the camera as Jess picked up the phone as though to use it, they could all see how nervous she looked. Billy was pacing up and down with his fists clenched. “Calm down Billy” said George, “She’ll do just fine, let’s just nail the bastard!” “If he so much as puts one fucking finger on her George, I’m going to rip his fucking head off!” Before George could reply, Lenny said, “Heads up, lover boy’s just walked in.” They watched as Jess put the phone down, on the pretext she’d actually used the phone. Then she just stood there looking surprised that he was there. When he started moving towards her she said, “Have you come to use the phone Mr Howard? Only I can come back in a minute because the number I want is engaged.” Smirking he replied, “No I’ve come to talk to you. I don’t know what you were thinking Jess when you said about telling Billy about our little indiscretion?” Despite feeling terrified she managed to blurt out, “Indiscretion, you raped me!” Moving closer to her, he grabbed her arm and replied, “Well I know that and you know that, but he doesn’t and I want it to stay that way you little slut! Or have you forgotten our arrangement?” “What arrangement, do you mean the one where you threatened me that if I reported you to the police, you would lie and tell them I consented? Oh yes I remember Mr Howard, I was terrified, but I’m not anymore, you took my virginity and Billy has a right to know that!” Smugly he replied, “Yes it’s a pity about that, if I’d have known you were a virgin, I would have broken you in better and taken more time with you.” Raising her hand she went to slap him. Grabbing her by the wrist he pushed her against the desk and said, “Just keep your fucking mouth shut, do you understand, believe me I’ll ruin you Jess. I’ll tell everyone you’re a whore and like I said before, who are they going to believe, you or me? I’ll be your worst fucking nightmare, raping you was nothing compared to what I could put you through now, so just keep your mouth shut!”

  “That’s it” said Billy, “I’m going in.” Mickey looked at George and said, “Is that enough to nail him?” “More than enough, let’s get Jess out of there.” Billy had already gone. Lenny watched through the camera as Billy burst into the room and grabbed Neville and shouted, “Take your fucking hands of her,” then he head butted him. Neville’s legs buckled under the force of the blow, momentarily rendering him senseless. Jess was terrified as Billy dragged him to his feet shouting, “You fucking bastard!” George and Mickey were trying to drag Billy off of him. Finally, after a struggle they succeeded. Jess ran over to him and threw her arms around his neck. Instantly he appeared to calm down as he said, “Are you ok babe?” Before she could reply Neville said, “There’s been a terrible misunderstanding, I only came in to use the phone. I don’t know what you thought Billy, but you were wrong and you’re lucky I’m not filing an assault charge.” Billy went to lunge at him again, but George managed to restrain him saying, “Leave it Billy we’ve got the bastard now! Take Jess into the other room with Lenny.” As they left Neville looked at Mickey and said, “The man’s a lunatic, I hope Jess knows what she’s letting herself in for. God only knows what he thought was going on, I simply wanted to use the phone.” Mickey replied sarcastically, “I think he’s upset because you raped his fiancé?” “Raped, I never touched her! Like I said I came in to use the phone.” “Well actually Neville you may have a tough time proving that, considering we have everything on film.” Suddenly looking less than confident Neville snapped and said, “What are you talking about Michael?” Arrogantly he replied, “I’m talking about the confession you just made, admitting that you did rape Jess.” “What confession, I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Pulling out a chair Mickey said, “Take a seat Neville, I think we need to talk.” George grabbed Neville by the shoulder and pushed him down into the chair. At that moment Neville shouted, “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I do know it’s not legal, I’ll have you all arrested!” Calmly Mickey replied, “Well you have every right to do that, doesn’t he George?” Nodding his head George replied, “Oh absolutely, my years as a detective would definitely say that he has every right to call the police, although if I were him, I would listen to what you have to say first.”


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