Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 49

by Karen Clow

  By the time he went back to the dentist, he had told everyone that Jess was pregnant.

  Tuesday morning they arrived early at Maria’s, although they had agreed leave Becky, now it was reality Jess was getting cold feet. Everyone could see that she didn’t feel comfortable going away without her. It was when Charlie said, “Can me and Scott take Becky over to the stables,” that Becky readily went over to her and lifted her arms for Scott to carry her. Maria laughed and said, “Well Scott, its looks like you and Charlie are taking over from us in the popularity stakes.” Jokingly he replied, “She’s lovely, we’ll take her to New Zealand if you don’t want her back?” Before Jess could reply Billy said, “We do and I don’t fancy travelling half way across the world to kill you and bring her home.” Everyone laughed as Mickey said, “Careful Scott, he means it.”

  Billy and Jess left around eleven. Mickey was holding Becky as they waved them off. In the car Jess said, “Perhaps we should have taken her with us, I feel so guilty.” “She’s fine babe, you know she’ll be well looked after and she loves playing with all the kids. Mickey’s family all treat her like she was their own, she never cries when we go so stop worrying.” Glancing round quickly at her, he could see that she was thinking about something. Squeezing her knee he said, “Penny for your thoughts?” “Now we’re married Billy are you going to legally adopt Becky?” “I told you I am, I’ve already mentioned it to Mickey, he’s going to sort it out when we get back.” “Great, do you think he would help me to write a will?” Joking he replied, “A will, your only eighteen babe!” Sounding serious she replied, “I know but it’s the kids Billy, I just want to know that if anything happens to us they’ll be well cared for. I certainly wouldn’t want my mum and stepdad raising them. I’ve been thinking about asking Mickey and Maria if they would have them. Obviously we would need to talk about it, but I just think we should consider our options that’s all.” Grinning, he jokingly replied, “Not what I expect to be talking about on me honeymoon, but maybe you’re right babe. My sister is never likely to really know the kids and I wouldn’t want the fat slob she’s married to anywhere near them. I think you’re right babe Mickey and Maria would be the ideal choice, we’ll mention it to them ok?” Placing her hand on his leg as he drove she said, “Thanks, I know it sounds stupid but I’ll feel happier knowing our family are ok.”

  Four hours after leaving Kent they arrived at their hotel. Jess didn’t like travelling on the Channel Tunnel, but Billy thought it was great. The hotel was lovely, very posh. A porter showed them to their room; it had a great view of the Eiffel tower. On the coffee table were complementary chocolates and wine, along with a bouquet of roses. Jess waited until Billy had tipped the porter and closed the door, before saying, “God this must have cost a fortune.” Grinning he replied, “Well they know you’re a bit up market, so I expect they thought some old B&B wouldn’t be good enough!” Playfully slapping him she replied, “I’m not up market.” Hugging her he replied, “You are babe, you talk properly and you’re very educated, but the real give away is you’re not dripping in tattoos and you don’t swear.” “Oh Billy that’s ridiculous, how can you judge anyone on those things?” “Believe me babe, when you’ve been out with as many old dogs as me, you know when you meet a lady.” Snuggling her head to his chest she said, “What a lovely thing to say and just for that I might have to make love to you before we go out.” Fully expecting him to jump at the chance she was surprised when he said, “Sounds great babe, but there’s a lot we want to see and do, maybe later?” “Ok, just give me a minute to freshen up before we go.” It was nearly midnight when they returned to the hotel. They had taken lots of photos of places like the tower. Within a few minutes of entering their room Billy said, “Do you reckon room service is still available this time of night?” “I’m not sure why?” she asked curiously. “I’m fucking starving; do think they’ll make us some sandwiches or something?” Raising her eyebrows she shook her head as she replied, “God Billy, you ate a huge meal in that restaurant less than three hours ago, you cannot possibly be that hungry?” Pulling a sad face he jokingly said, “I am babe, in fact I’m wasting away as we speak!” “Oh please call them; I can’t bear to watch you fading away in front of me.”

  Ten minutes later a porter arrived with a tray of food. Within seconds of the porter leaving, Billy was stuffing his face. “Help yourself babe, I ordered for two.” “I’m fine thanks; actually while you’re eating, I’m going to get ready for bed.” She disappeared into the en-suite, leaving him finishing his supper.

  Half an hour later he was calling, “Babe are you ok, you’ve been in there ages?” Her voice sounded nervous as she replied, “I’m worried you’ll laugh at me when you see what I’m wearing.” “Course I won’t laugh, now I’m curious so come out.” Slowly she opened the bathroom door and stepped out. Billy just stared at her. “Do you like it, or do you think I look stupid? Only it only came yesterday so I didn’t have time to try it on and see what it looked like.” She was wearing a see through pink baby doll edged with white lace and a matching pair of skimpy knickers, which could be seen just below it. Her hair was up in two tiny bunches either side of her head and held with pink ribbons. The outfit was finished off with white hold up stockings edged with pink lace at the top and white high heeled shoes. As he stared at her she felt slightly unnerved, mainly because he didn’t say anything. “Don’t you like it Billy, shall I take it off? Maria and Monica talked me into buying it on line; they said it was perfect for our honeymoon.” Unable to take his eyes off her he replied, “Its very sexy babe, you look amazing but you don’t have to dress up for me, I fancy you anyway.” Feeling uneasy with his reply she said, “I’ll take it off. I just thought you would like it that was all.” “I do like it babe, come over here.” As she made her way to him he stood up and hugged her, then he picked her up and gently laid her on the bed. Lying there she was anticipating what he would do, but uncharacteristically he wasn’t all over her. Instead he gently fondled her breasts and kissed her, before going down on her with his tongue. Since they’d been sleeping together he had always had intercourse after foreplay, but that night he didn’t, instead he asked her to give him oral sex. Readily she made her way down his body kissing him and licking him, within minutes of taking him into her mouth he was coming.

  It was the same the next morning; she was shocked when he was up first. The morning was normally when he was horniest, but he had left her sleeping while he showered and dressed. When she questioned him over it, he had said it was because there were so many places to go that day he’d wanted to get an early start.

  The week seemed to be flying by. Despite them having a wonderful time and him being very loving and attentive, by Friday she was becoming suspicious as to why he hadn’t actually made love to her since they had arrived at the hotel. That evening they went to see a show at the Moulin Rouge, the atmosphere was electric. Jess had never seen anything like it before; she talked about nothing else all the way back to the hotel.

  Determined that they would make love, she didn’t wear anything to bed that night and as Billy got in the bed next to her she initiated sex by touching him. He reciprocated by kissing and fondling her, but still he didn’t make love to her. When he asked her to suck him, she began kissing his chest and making her way down his body, but she only took him into her mouth for a few seconds before stopping and straddling over him. It was as she felt for his cock to guide him into her he said, “Stop Jess!” Stunned she looked at him as the tears welled in her eyes and she said, “Billy why don’t you want to make love to me? Was it because of the outfit I wore on the first night? Or is it that you just don’t fancy me anymore?” With her still straddled over him, he sat up and put his arms around her as he said, “Don’t fancy you, its fucking driving me crazy babe!” “Then why haven’t you made love to me Billy, this is supposed to be our honeymoon?” “I don’t want to hurt the baby, I’m afraid I’ll damage him if I lose control.” Totally relieved she hugged him
and said, “You won’t hurt the baby. I thought you’d gone off me.” “Gone off you that’s not possible and as for that outfit you looked so fucking sexy I wanted to grab you right then and fuck the arse off you!” Kissing him she replied, “Well I felt the same way, so can we just get on now and have proper sex, I’ve really missed you?” “Babe are you sure it won’t hurt the baby, because I don’t want to brag, but it’s well know in London and the surrounding counties that I’m hung like a fucking donkey!” Moving her hand down to feel him she guided him into her and said, “Now are you going to perform, or do I need to ring room service and order you a carrot donkey boy!” Pushing himself right into her, he laughed and said, “I’ll give you fucking donkey boy!” Their love making was fiery and passionate the way it always had been. Lying in his arms afterwards she said, “That was wonderful.” “Fucking right, I’m just worried that I’ll hurt you.” “When the pregnancy is further on, then perhaps we will have to take things a bit easier, but not now.” “When you were pregnant before was it really uncomfortable?” “How would I know, I told you I only had sex the once when she was conceived, but I suppose at about seven months I felt really big and my boobs were tender.” “Well that’s not so bad; we’ve got another six months.” “Lets just worry about it nearer the time; I’ll soon tell you when it gets too much.” “Fair enough babe, after all, what do I know about being pregnant?”

  The following night she dressed up in the baby doll that she had worn when they’d first arrived. Only that night was different, Billy couldn’t keep his hands off her, they made love for two hours before finally falling asleep.

  Sunday morning Jess was looking through all the gifts they had bought for everyone, while Billy ate the last of the chocolates that had been left in their room. “Have you remembered everyone babe,” he asked as he popped another choc in his mouth. “Yes I think so, I love these little dresses we got for Becky and Melissa they’re so cute.” “He noticed that she looked sad when she thought about Becky.

  Despite having called Maria’s every day since arriving and being told repeatedly that Becky was fine, it was obvious to him that she was missing her terribly. “Have we got anything planned for today babe,” asked Billy. “No I don’t think so; we’ve done all the places we said we’d do.” “Shall we go home then and see our girl then?” Jumping to her feet she rushed over to him and hugged and kissed him. “Shall I take that as a yes then babe?” “Oh Billy I miss her so much, but it doesn’t seem fair on you, this is your honeymoon as well.” Sarcastically he replied, “Yeah, a honeymoon normally consists of two people, but I miss her too and as we’ve seen everything, its no big deal to leave early is it?” Kissing him all over his head and face she repeatedly said, “Thank you.” Holding her and kissing her passionately he jokingly said, “Let’s get packed babe, because if you keep sitting on me and kissing me, I’ll have to fuck you before we go!” Kissing him passionately before she replied, “Tonight we’ll make love in our own bed.”

  Within the hour she was packed and ready to leave. As they checked out the manager asked them if everything was ok with their room. Billy instantly replied, “It was great mate, but we miss our daughter, that’s why we’re leaving early.” The manager nodded and wished them a good journey home.

  Just as they left the hotel and started walking towards their car, they could here shouting and screaming. Trying to see what was happening they noticed a man running towards the hotel, he was carrying a briefcase. Less than twenty metres behind him were two men and a women shouting at him to stop. They were shouting in English that he was a thief. Suddenly the man ran into Jess knocking her to the ground in his panic to get away. The hotel doormen had run out to help her up. Billy was raging with anger as he asked if she was ok. Nodding her head she said, “I’m fine.” The man had scrambled to his feet and continued to run. Without hesitation Billy chased after him, despite Jess calling after him to leave it. As Billy gained speed he was less than three feet away from the thief, hurling himself at him through the crowd he did a rugby tackle and brought the man down. Pinning him to the ground Billy punched him several times, shouting at him that he’d knocked his wife down who was pregnant. By the time the two men reached them, Billy had almost beaten him unconscious. Dragging Billy off him they snatched the case from the thief before thanking Billy for helping them.

  Billy was regaining his composure just as the women approached. Then he heard the police sirens as a car with a flashing blue light pulled along side them. The woman stepped forward just as the police were about to arrest Billy. After she’d spoken to them in French they smiled at Billy and nodded before picking the thief up from the ground and putting him in their car. As Billy stood on the pavement, he looked at the woman and the two men, there was something familiar about her and the more he studied the men, the more he thought they looked like body guards. Just as the woman was about to say something to him, he spotted Jess heading towards him. Looking at the woman he said, “Excuse me but my wife is here.” Then he walked past her and hugged Jess, as he asked her if she was sure she was ok. Before Jess could reply the woman stepped forward and held out her hand to her. Shaking Jess’s hand she said, “Your husband is very brave.” Smiling Jess replied, “I know.” Then the woman moved towards Billy and said, “Thank you very much. I have very important documents in my case, it means a great deal to me to have it back. I would like to give you something as a gesture of my gratitude, maybe you and your wife would like to join my husband and I for dinner?” In his typical no nonsense way, Billy smiled and replied, “That’s ok babe, we’re leaving France today. We were just on our way to the Tunnel.” Then he laughed and said, “I think he’ll think twice about nicking another bag, don’t you?” With his arm round Jess they started walking away, but the woman called after them and said, “Wait, what’s your name and where are you from?” “Billy Saxby, I own a nightclub in Kent it’s called the M4.” Then he grinned and said, “If ever you’re down that way call in for a drink babe.” Smiling she replied, “I might just do that Billy, thank you again.” “No problem careful how you go, hang onto your bag!” “Goodbye Billy.”

  Walking back towards the hotel Jess said, “She was a bit posh wasn’t she?” “Yeah, this may sound strange babe, but I thought I recognised her from somewhere and those blokes looked like body guards. If they were then they need to get a bit fitter, they were like fucking snails chasing that bloke!” They both laughed as they continued walking towards the car.

  Jess wasn’t as nervous as they boarded to travel on the Tunnel; all she could think about was seeing Becky. Unlike their journey to France, they didn’t stop once on the way back. They just drove straight to Maria’s, having called her from the car to let her know they were coming.

  After Maria greeted them, Jess asked where Becky was. Maria smiled and said, “They’re just on their way back from the shops, Scott and Charlie have walked into the village, they took her and Melissa with them.” Although she was disappointed, Jess sat with their friends telling them all about their honeymoon. Mickey made a joke about Billy being an English hero when he’d tackled the briefcase thief.

  Almost twenty minutes had passed when they heard the others return. Jess jumped to her feet and called out to Becky. The toddlers ran into the kitchen, but it was Melissa who went straight to Jess, while Becky toddled towards Billy. “Charming” said Jess then looking at her little girl she said, “Doesn’t mummy get a cuddle?” Instantly the baby went over to her and hugged her. “Have you been a good girl, we’ve missed you so much.” “She’s been a little angel.” said Maria.

  Jess started handing out the gifts she’d brought for everyone and just like her, Maria loved the little dresses she’d chosen for the two babies; the two boys had little dungarees. “Jess you must have spent a fortune,” said Maria. “She did, from the minute we got there, all she wanted to do was buy stuff for everyone,” joked Billy. After leaving gifts for the twins and Monica’s boys, they left for the cottage, spending the rest
of the afternoon playing with Becky in the garden.

  The following morning Jess was downstairs with Becky, having left Billy in bed asleep. It was just before nine when the phone rang, she answered it quickly so as not to wake him. Expecting it to be Maria, she was surprised when a male voice said, “Mrs Saxby?” “Yes,” replied Jess. “Good morning, Donald Weiss from the sun newspaper here. I was wondering if our team could come down this morning and get an interview and some shots of you and your husband.” Thinking to herself that it was some sort of practical joke being played by one of Billy’s friends she replied, “Why would you want to do that?” Pausing for a moment before answering he said, “You are the Mr and Mrs Saxby who were in France yesterday, aren’t you?” “Yes, we were on our honeymoon why?” “Did your husband stop a thief?” “Yes, he’d taken someone’s case.” As she said it a terrible thought ran through her head, what if something had happened to the man that Billy had hit and now they were looking for him. Before she could say anything, Donald said, “Did you realise who the case belonged to?” “No, it was just a lady.” “Actually it wasn’t just any lady; it was Lady Weatherly- Ashton.” “Who,” said Jess, not having a clue who he was talking about. “Her husband is a very important man, a British diplomat who’s a cousin of the Queen.” “Oh, I thought she was posh.” She could here Donald quietly laughing before he said, “So can I come down this morning with my photographer?” “I suppose so, when?” “Shall we say midday?” “Ok,” replied Jess, although she was still not sure about what had just been said. “Superb, I’ll see you at noon,” said Donald before ending the call.


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