Billy's Move

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Billy's Move Page 55

by Karen Clow


  Billy didn’t get up till half twelve that morning, Jess had been up for hours with Becky. While they sat eating lunch, she told him about the call from her mum the previous evening. Billy listened as she said about the two men who had attacked her stepfather in the pub toilets, long before Terry and Reggie grabbed him. There was also the added bonus her mum wasn’t even going to pursue his disappearance regarding the police. When she said, “Mum’s moving away, she asked me if she could send Becky Christmas presents and birthday gifts.” He noticed that she looked a bit sad as she talked; tenderly he reached over and squeezed her hand as he said, “So what did you say to her then babe?” “I told her I didn’t want anything to do with her, and I don’t want her sending Becky anything. I must have sounded so horrible, but I really can’t forgive her.” “That’s understandable babe, after all she did try and snatch Becky.” “It’s not just that Billy, when my dad died she was horrible to me after she met him. When I told her about the baby she said, ‘Get rid of it, we don’t want your bastard here.’ I was devastated how could she treat me like that; my dad wouldn’t have done. Not once after I left the house did she bother to contact me, even when Becky was born she never even called the hospital. When I think about how lovely Maria and Mickey were to me and my own mother didn’t want to know, it makes me hate her.” Lovingly he looked at her and replied, “You did the right thing babe we don’t need her. Like you said, Maria and Mickey are good people and they’re the sort of people we want around our family.” At that moment Becky passed Jess a strawberry from the table and said “mum.” Billy laughed and said, “One thing for sure that little girl adores you and rightly so, because unlike yours, you’re a great mum.” “She loves you too.” Leaning over he gently squeezed Becky’s cheek and said, “So she should because her daddy loves her.” The baby laughed as he wobbled her cheek. “Thanks for being the way you are with her,” said Jess. Frowning he replied, “What are you thanking me for you daft cow, I meant it, I really do love her and nothing will ever change that.” They talked for a while longer then Jess suggested taking Becky to the park to feed the ducks. “Great. Why don’t we ask Maria and the kids if they’d like to join us,” said Billy. “Ok you call her while I get Becky ready and sort out some bread.”

  Just under an hour later they were all meeting up in the park. Maria had talked Mickey and his parents into tagging along. As the women fed the ducks with the kids, Billy filled the men in on what Jess had said about the call from her mum. Grinning Mickey said, “Sounds like you’re in the clear then Billy, it’s obvious her mum thinks the McCarthy brothers have done something to shit head.” “My thoughts exactly,” replied Billy with a grin.

  Over the next few days Jess spent quite a lot of time at Maria’s, she kept an eye on all the babies while Maria sorted everything out for when her brother arrived from the States. With every passing minute bringing his stay nearer, the more stressed she became.

  Mickey was relieved when the Friday Buzz would arrive finally came. Their original plan was to leave the babies with Den and Mary and both of them drive up to collect him, but when Mickey called the airport that afternoon he was told that the flight had been delayed by several hours and that Buzz’s plane wouldn’t land until the early hours of the morning. Reluctantly Maria had agreed to him going up on his own. It was one in the morning when he left. Hugging her at the door he joked and said, “Try not to have a breakdown while I’m gone babe.” Nervously she replied, “I can’t believe that in just a few hours he’ll be here, I’m so nervous Mickey.” “Everything will be fine babe, just try and relax; hopefully I won’t be too long. I’ll call you as soon as we leave ok?” “Thanks darling, I’ll see you soon.” When she kissed him, he could feel her trembling. She waved frantically as he pulled away.

  Back in the house she tried to busy herself, checking the guest room was ready despite having gone over everything a dozen times before. Eventually she sat down to watch the telly although her mind was elsewhere. It was almost four when the phone rang, having dozed off she woke with a start. Quickly fumbling with the phone she heard Mickey’s voice, “Hi darling there’s someone here who wants to say hello.” The next voice she heard was her brother Buzz, his accent was very strong as he said, “Hello Maria, I’m looking forward to coming to your home and meeting you.” Fighting to gain her composure she started to cry as she replied, “It’s wonderful to hear you Buzz, I can’t wait to meet you.” “Ok then we’ll see you soon sis.”

  After the call ended Maria burst into tears, as she walked through to the kitchen to make a drink and the sudden realisation that at last she was just about to meet him was too much for her. For almost half an hour she cried and trembled before pulling herself together.

  Just after six that morning she heard Mickey’s car pull up. With her hands shaking and her stomach churning she rushed to open the door. Standing in the doorway she watched as Buzz got out of the car. Terrified she stood there wondering what his reaction to her would be. Then he smiled at her and walked towards her. Making her way to him she couldn’t stop the tears rolling down her cheeks as he embraced her lovingly and said, “It’s so good to be here with you sis.” Mickey left them holding one another and crying as he entered the house. A few minutes later they joined him as they walked in holding hands. Laughing Mickey said, “Well Buzz it sounds like you’re just about to meet the rest of our brood, I can hear movement upstairs.” “Great, I’m dying to see my nephews and nieces.” “In that case, you have a drink and I’ll go and get them.”

  Ten minutes later he came downstairs with all five kids. Buzz couldn’t resist a big grin as Madeline stepped forward and said, “Are you uncle Buzzer?” Answering her he said, “Yes I am but my name is Buzz, it’s really good to meet you, let me guess, you must be Miss Madeline?” “How do you know that,” she asked curiously. “Well your mom and dad have told me all about you kids and they said Melanie is usually the shy one.” Everyone laughed as Madeline said, “He called Mummy mom.” Although all the kids except Madeline had seemed a little shy at first, they all soon warmed to him with Melissa even clambering up on his lap. It was after midday before he went to his room to get some sleep.

  Downstairs Maria couldn’t stop talking about him, telling Mickey how handsome he was along with respectful and polite. Jokingly he replied, “So you like him then?” “Oh darling I’m so sorry, I’ve hardly spoken to you, but I was so excited.” Hugging her he replied, “I do understand you know. I like him too; he seems a really decent bloke.” “He is, I can tell. Do you think I should have waited to invite everyone round, I don’t want to overwhelm him.” “I’m sure he’ll be just fine, and can you imagine Monica and co letting the opportunity pass? No doubt he’ll be a big hit with the ladies.” Unbeknown to Buzz, Maria had arranged for all their friends to come to a small party on Sunday to meet him.

  After sleeping through most of Saturday due to jet lag, Maria was happy to see him Sunday morning when he came downstairs at seven. “Good morning, did you sleep well,” asked Maria as he appeared in the kitchen. Smiling he replied, “Yes thank you ma’am, I’m sorry I slept so long. It took hours to get off, then the next thing I know it was this morning.” “Don’t apologise, Mickey’s sister lives in the States and jet lag does the same to her.”

  She felt happy as she watched him help supervise the triplets eat their breakfast, while she cooked his and Mickey’s. “You have a beautiful house Maria and a wonderful family, the Lord has truly blessed you.” “I know Buzz I thank him everyday for sending Mickey and the children to me.” Before he could reply Mickey’s voice said, “Where are you sending me?” They both laughed as she explained to him what they were talking about. “So Buzz, has she warned you about tonight?” asked Mickey with a grin. Looking confused he replied, “No Sir?” “Well, typically of your sister she’s arranged a small party in your honour, just our closest friends, they’re a good bunch. Don’t mind me telling you this, but you don’t have to call anyone sir
or ma’am, Mickey will do.” Smiling he replied, “Ok Mickey.” There was a tap on the back door, as it opened Den and Mary walked in. “Morning mum, come and meet Maria’s brother Buzz,” said Mickey.

  Despite eating his breakfast he stood up to shake hands with them. “Eat your breakfast love,” said Mary. Within minutes it was clear he was feeling very comfortable with his new family. Just as her parents had expected, Madeline said, “Will you come over to the stables with us and watch us ride our ponies?” “I’d like that; we have horses back home on my dad’s ranch I love to ride. Thank you for asking me Madeline, I would really like to watch you ride.” “Maybe me and their dad should go with you, because the girls can get a bit bossy and show off,” said Maria. “Great, when I finish this fine meal, we’ll go ok.” Everyone could see the twins giggling at the way he talked, including Buzz. “Do you think I talk funny girls?” he asked. “Yes,” replied Madeline without a second thought. Everyone laughed including Buzz.

  They all spent the day getting to know him, it was clear he was going to be a big hit with everyone. At half four that afternoon Maria asked Mickey and Den to entertain Buzz and the kids while she and Mary sorted out the nibbles for the party. Alone in the kitchen Mary said, “Oh he’s wonderful and so handsome, I wish I was thirty years younger!” Both women laughed as Maria said, “You wouldn’t swap dad for him really mum, would you?” Without hesitation she replied, “In a heartbeat love, he’s gorgeous!” By half seven everyone was ready and waiting for the guests to arrive.

  Shaun and Ann arrived first, with Tony and Isabella. Buzz had looked surprised when Father Benico turned up straight from church wearing his frock and dog collar, but the two men hit it off instantly. They talked about Buzz belonging to a Methodist church and how he had sung in the gospel choir until he enlisted, although he was quick to add that his mom had always been a devout Catholic, even though she had attended church with them. Monica and her family turned up just minutes before Jess and Billy. As Buzz and Maria chatted to them, she said, “Mickey was saying that perhaps while Buzz is here he would like to go down to the club.” Billy was the first to reply, “Yeah I would say you could work the door Buzz, you’ve certainly got the build for it, but from my point of view I thinks its best if you don’t.” Maria and the others looked questionably at him. George could see Buzz didn’t quite know what to say, so George said, “It wouldn’t be a problem Billy, you never know when we might need another doorman.” Then Billy started to laugh and said, “It’s not that George he’s just too fucking good looking, can you imagine the totty that would come just to see him? I’ve got my reputation to think of here, you all know it’s me they come to see now!” Buzz joined in the humour by saying, “Are you talking about girls Billy, because I’m sure there would be enough for both of us. Maybe I could learn from you, because I’m not very confident with women.” Billy grinned and said, “Stick with me kid; I know everything there is to know about women.” Mickey couldn’t resist cutting in and saying, “He’s right Buzz I’ve been teaching him since he was a kid!” Maria looked at Jess shaking her head and said, “Poor Buzz, one evening with them and he’ll wish he’d never come over!” Everyone laughed.

  The younger children were all asleep by half nine, the twins and Monica’s boys had gone off into the playroom. Becky was fast asleep on the sofa with Ann. Maria tried to get Buzz to meet everyone individually, so he could actually sit and talk to them. It was when they were sitting with Tony and Isabella she noticed Tony’s manner change; although it wasn’t obvious to her brother, it was clear to her that Tony was jealous. Every time Buzz spoke to Belle, Tony made a point of putting his arm around her, especially when they talked about careers. After Tony had bragged about the amount of businesses he owned, Buzz looked at Belle and said, “Are you in business with Tony?” It was then the atmosphere changed as she said, “No I’m a stay at home mum, we have four beautiful children, although if I’m honest Buzz, I know they don’t need me so much now, they’re all getting very independent.” “Will you do something when they leave Isabella?” “Actually I have been thinking about that quite a lot lately. I think I would like to, but I haven’t got a clue what.” “What about modelling, when you came in earlier I thought to myself, that lady must be a model because she’s so good looking.” Blushing Belle jokingly replied, “Thank you Buzz, maybe I’ll look into that! I hear a lot of older women are breaking into the modelling world!” Although everyone knew that Buzz hadn’t said it to flatter her, he was simply just being honest, Tony was the first to say, “I think I can safely say my wife will never go to work, she’ll be at home where I need her. As for a career in modelling, I would never allow that.” Maria could see that Buzz felt embarrassed by Tony’s attitude, so trying to lighten the mood she said, “Knowing you Belle, once your lot fly the nest you’ll be kept busy with the grandchildren.” “That would suit me just fine; I can’t wait for it to happen. I suppose it’s because you know you can give them back.” Everyone laughed except Tony. It was obvious to the women he was thinking about something, which was made clear when he said, “I wanted us to have another baby, didn’t I Belle?” Looking embarrassed she replied, “You did Tony and we discussed it at the time.” Maria noticed the look on her friend’s face; she knew the subject was not something she wanted to talk about. In the hope of defending her friend she said, “I don’t blame her Tony, motherhood is hard work. I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t tired. Anyway Belle, once Sophia leaves school you can drive down to me for the day, by then the kids will be at school we can do lunch and go shopping.” Unfortunately Maria’s words only made Tony worse, which was obvious when he said, “Belle will still need to be home even when Sophia leaves school, no matter how old they are, kids always need their mums.” Maria felt so sorry for Belle because it was so obvious that he wanted to keep her at home. Maria thought about all the women he’d had and how badly he had treated her friend. Unable to control her distaste, she got her point across by jokingly saying, “Tony if I didn’t know better I would think you don’t trust Belle?” Even her brother Buzz could sense the tension mounting between them and not wishing to get into a debate he tactfully said, “Would it be ok if I talked to George and Billy. I’m interested in hearing more of Billy’s stories about the club.” Smiling Maria replied, “Of course, we really should mingle.”

  Belle sat quietly after they walked away, Tony knew he had embarrassed her. In an effort to cheer her up he said, “Fancy a drink babe, we could go and sit with Shaun and Ann if you like?” Shaking her head she replied, “Actually I’d be quite happy to go home now.” Putting his arm around her he squeezed her shoulder and said, “Why do you want to leave babe, I thought you’d want to talk to Ann and Monica.” Totally out of character and much to Tony’s surprise, in a quiet voice she replied, “Because I don’t want you to humiliate me again Tony. I know you’ll never want me working, God forbid I should ever want to leave the house, but you don’t need to say it in front of other people.” Knowing she was right but being too pig headed to admit it, he replied, “We wouldn’t be having this conversation Belle if you’d have another baby.” Not wanting to bring that topic up again she stood up and said, “Let’s go and see Shaun.”

  It was almost half one in the morning by the time the last guests left. Tony and Belle had left with Shaun and Ann just after midnight. Mickey made coffee as Maria and Buzz sat talking about their friends. Mickey almost choked on his drink after Maria asked her brother what he thought of their friends and he replied, “Are they gangsters?” Laughing she replied, “No, what ever made you say that?” “I guess it’s just the way they talk about the clubs and things, back home everyone jokes about London being full of gangsters and all your friends are from there. I really liked Billy he could be a comedian.” Maria replied, “You’re right, everyone loves him, especially our girls. Sometimes I think the twins prefer him and Jess to us, he’s a bit of a rough diamond but he’s a good soul.” “My brothers would get along well with him, becaus
e he’s funny.” “That he is.” “I’m not so sure about Tony, he seems to have a dangerous mind regarding Belle.” “Paranoid jealousy is what it is Buzz, but they do love each other and Belle is very beautiful.” “So are you sis, but Mickey isn’t like that.” Laughing she replied, “No thank God, but he can be a bit protective.” Mickey joked and said, “What she means is Buzz, I’d kill anyone who tried something on with her but I trust her.” “I can see you are happily married and a little jealousy is a good thing. I just hope Tony doesn’t give Belle a hard time over what I said.” “Don’t worry he’ll be fine, it’s because he’s getting older,” said Mickey with a laugh.

  Little did any of them know just how badly Buzz’s words had affected Tony. While they joked and chatted in Kent, Shaun had just dropped Tony and Belle off at their London home. Walking into the kitchen Belle asked Tony if he wanted a coffee. Shaking his head he replied, “No, I’m having a drink, do you want one?” “No thanks, I’d rather have a hot drink before I go to bed.” Still sensing that she wasn’t very happy with him he walked towards her, sliding his hands around her waist he kissed her neck and said, “Bed, sounds good to me.” Moving away from him she replied, “Its late Tony and you’ve been drinking.” Pulling her back he said, “So what, is it so terrible I want to make love to my wife?” “Lets just finish our drinks and get some sleep Tony, I’m tired.” Angry not only with her rejection of him, but also because he created the situation with what he’d said earlier he replied, “I know you’re angry with me babe, but.” Before he could finish what he was saying she interrupted and said, “I’m not angry Tony, but I get very hurt when you belittle me in front of our friends. Maria’s brother was a really nice young man; there was no need for you to say what you did.” “Say what Belle, that I wanted us to have another baby?” Wanting to keep the peace she replied, “If you wanted a baby for the right reasons, then I may have considered it, but we both know it’s because you don’t want me to have a life Tony.” Pulling her close to him he said, “I want another baby because I love you babe.” “Tony I’m tired can we just go to bed? I don’t want to talk about it tonight.”


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