Professor Richter's Rules

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Professor Richter's Rules Page 1

by Jessa York

  Professor Richter’s Rules

  Jessa York

  Professor Richter’s Rules

  Copyright © 2020 Jessa York

  Thank you for reading and reviewing this book. It is illegal to distribute or sell this copy in any form. All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of the author. The only exception is by a reviewer who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Cover Design by More Than Words Graphic Design

  Proofing by Emily Kirkpatrick

  Created with Vellum

  For My Husband

  I don’t want sunbursts and marble halls. I only want YOU…

  -L.M. Montgomery, Anne of the Island


  Also by Jessa York

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44


  About the Author

  Also by Jessa York

  Love In Santa Lena Series :

  Book One: Falling For Jack

  Book Two: Convincing Harper

  Book Three: Waiting On Jason

  Book Four: Healed by Chelsea

  Learning To Love Series:

  Book One: Mr. Marshall’s Method

  Book Two: Professor Richter’s Rules

  Book Three: Dating Doctor Deveraux



  “This is seriously the lamest,” Alex said, rolling his eyes as he sipped on a martini. He bumped my arm with his elbow. “Let’s give it five more minutes then we can take off.”

  Giving him my best smile, I made a different suggestion. “Or we could leave now and go home to watch a movie?”

  His head tipped to the side, eyes narrowing. “You’re not getting out of this. You promised Holly you’d come out with us and that,” he said, pointing his finger into my bare shoulder, “is exactly what you’re doing. We’ll find you a man even if I have to go to extreme measures.”

  My eyes widened. Alex’s extreme measures were to be avoided at all costs. They were sometimes loud and always—guaranteed—embarrassing. “No, no, no, that’s not necessary at all,” I said, shaking my head, grabbing onto his hands. “Five minutes it is.” I prayed that my smile was believable enough.

  The truth was—I liked being out. Way more than I should. If I didn’t keep a tight handle on myself I knew I could end up like my mom. A young, single mother, working her fingers to the bone for a family of rich people. My grandmother had gotten pregnant with my mom before grandpa had married her and made an honest woman out of her like he always joked.

  To me it was no joke.

  No way was I winding up in trouble with no husband and most importantly no education.

  As soon as I was old enough to cogitate, I promised myself I’d never follow in their footsteps. So far, so good. I’d never even had a boyfriend.

  “Time to play ‘Who Would You’,” Alex announced, setting his martini glass down then slapping his hands on his lap.

  I laughed out loud, nearly spilling my drink. Playing this game with Alex was always hilarious. He’d bring it up in the most inappropriate places—school retreats, his cousin’s bar mitzvah or my personal favorite—a homeowners meeting his mom made him—us—o once when she was out of town.

  The full name of the game should be, ‘Who Would You Sleep With’. It was a funny way to pass the time especially in mandatory boring situations.

  “Hmm, I think that guy over there with the really tight pants is just perfect for me,” he said, raising his eyebrows as he wiggled his body on the stool. “Your turn.” His head snapped to me waiting for an answer.

  Scoping out the place, my gaze traveled along until they stopped suddenly on a pair of bright blue eyes aimed directly at me. His stare was so intense, I spun around on my seat, leaning on the bar, my heart beating like crazy.

  “Good, great God up in Heaven, please let that hunk of perfection whisk our good girl—Paige—up in his very muscular, very strong arms, and carry her away.”

  Glaring over at Alex, his hands pressed together in prayer, eyes shut tight, I punched him in the arm. “Would you stop? Someone might hear you.” My vision searched for the man who’d been staring. A shock went through me when our eyes met again. The side of his handsome mouth quirked up, sending a warmth down to my lower belly.

  He looked like trouble.

  The kind I knew better than to get involved with.

  Also the kind I was very much attracted to.

  “Knock me down and call me Susan,” Alex said, grasping my arm. “Not once in four years have I ever seen you blush.”

  Turning around again, I grabbed my barely touched drink. “I’m not blushing,” I said, shaking my head at him. “It’s the alcohol.” Picking up my glass, I glanced at the mood ring on my finger. Solid red. I’d had that ring for years and never seen it turn that shade before.

  Alex snorted so loud I glared at him. “You’ve barely had anything.” He rolled his eyes as he straightened his shirt. “You’ve got a thing for Mr. Hotstuff over there. Admit it.”

  I would do no such thing—to him or to myself. “Whatever.”

  “All right, girlie. Part deux of Who Would You commences now.” He fake shook out his hair like he was some kind of diva—which he was. “Watch and learn, my dear. Watch and learn.” Then he strode off as though walking down some kind of imaginary red carpet only he could see.

  That made me laugh again so hard I had to put down my drink or risk spilling it. The second half of Who Would You consisted of making some kind of contact with your chosen one. Be it touch or talk it didn’t matter. Fail to complete this part of the game and you’d lose.

  We didn’t play for money or anything. But losing your pride was worse.

  As he neared his intended victim, I kept my eyes glued on his progress. A few more yards and he’d be there. My stomach gave a small twist wondering what stunt he was going to pull this time. With Alex you just never knew.

  Two more steps and then the show really started. He pretended to trip then both his hands reached for Mr. Tight Pants’ arm. Alex ended up on his knees, pulling so hard on the guy’s arm that he was nearly bent in half attempting to assist.

  The look on Alex’s face made me chuckle out loud.
He was quite enamored. I had to admit that Mr. Tight Pants was a hottie.

  The piece de resistance was yet to come. Struggling to get up, Alex took full advantage by leaning on his new friend, wiping his brow in an exaggerated manner and trying to get as close as he could to him. When Alex finally moved to leave, the tablecloth had other ideas. Like staying attached to Alex’s watch.

  As he swung his arm up to wave goodbye the drinks on the table went crashing to the floor as though Alex were some kind of mock magician. He looked genuinely shocked—I don’t think that was part of his act.

  Wait staff from all around zeroed in on the crisis, moving to pick up, clean, and make sure no one was hurt.

  The commotion he created made me laugh so hard I doubled over, nearly unable to breathe. My stomach hurt and tears streamed down my face. A few minutes later, the man of the hour glided up to me.

  “Your turn now, missy.”

  That set me off again. “How am I supposed to follow that?” I raised my hands in the air and pretended to bow multiple times. “You win, dude. There’s no way I can beat you. You’re the master.”

  Yanking on his collar with his thumbs and index fingers he said, “True. I am the best at this game, but it’s not truly finished until all participants participate. Now, off you go. Get.” His hands pushed me off my stool forcing me forward.

  I’d been friends with Alex for years. He would never give up until I at least tried. “Fine, but I don’t know who to pick.”

  Alex shouted, “Ha, yeah right. The guy you’re making googly eyes with. Now scoot.” One more push and I was on my way. No fooling him.

  The rules were pretty simple. Contact could mean anything. Even just a polite, hello. I could say hi to someone. It wouldn’t be the showstopper Alex embarked on. That was okay. One quick greeting then we could leave.

  My heart drummed a steady beat as I approached my Who Would You target. I could see the back of him now. His hair wasn’t unkempt so much as a few weeks past needing a cut. Which made it just the perfect length for me to run my fingers through. Peeking down at my ring I noticed it was still red. So odd.

  That thought jarred me out of my daydream. I needed to stay focused. Get this done then get home. Wiping my clammy palms on the sides of my dress, I inhaled a deep breath. A few more seconds and this would be over.

  My pace slowed now that I was directly behind him. Lollygagging there for a bit I waited in the hope that he’d turn around, halting any further need for me to grab his attention.

  Watching the curve of his neck move as he tossed back the amber remnants in his glass caused my skin to heat. Something in me wanted to reach out and stroke the skin there. I bet it was hot—maybe even a bit sweaty.

  If I touched my lips—just so—I wondered if—

  Just then someone bumped up behind me with so much force I couldn’t help but be propelled into the very neck I had been daydreaming about. “Oooff, I’m sorry,” I said, genuinely shocked to now be pressed up fully to my target’s back.

  His skin felt almost scalding through his shirt into my clumsy body. The heat from his back sizzled against my breasts causing my nipples to harden at the contact.

  “I’m honored,” he said, twisting around placing his hands on my waist. “Thought for a minute I was wrong. But I’m never wrong.” That smirk emerged again holding my attention as well as my breath hostage.

  I felt almost dizzy being so close to him. My stomach clenched, filling with butterflies. “You’re honored for what exactly?” I asked, squinting at him, not comprehending his meaning.

  His smile grew. “You and your friend,” he said, nodding in Alex’s direction. “You’re playing, Who Would You. Correct?”

  My stomach dropped. How did he— “I’ve played it many times before. Hell, I practically invented that game.” He chuckled, his fingers tightening into my skin.

  A blush rose on my cheeks, my legs desperately wanting to give out. “Umm,” was all I could say.

  “You are the cutest thing I’ve seen in a very long time.” His eyes raked me from head to toe, spending a bit more time on my cleavage than he should. “By the way, I’m Jake. And you are?” he asked, sticking his hand into mine. His large, warm grasp engulfed my tiny one.

  “Umm—Mindy,” I replied, not wanting to give him my real name for some reason. Like if I did, maybe it would make this—real. And it couldn’t be real.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” he asked, lowering his voice a bit, pulling me closer to whisper in my ear, creating waves of goosebumps. “I already picked you out as my, Who Would You.”



  Crap. Did I just give her my real name? Dammit. That was number two on my list of rules to live by—never give chicks your real name.

  The thought of having this beauty underneath me, calling out a name other than mine hit me like a smack on the face. When I finally had Mindy naked—and I definitely would—it would be my name she moaned as I sunk into all that sweetness.

  The scent of coconut wafted up my nose, causing my dick to get hard. Usually chicks I went after smelled like expensive perfumes—clean, floral, sometimes exotic. This was a shock to my system—but not an unwelcome one. Her abundant cleavage was directly at eye level which was not helping the current state of my cock.

  “Do you dance, Mindy?” I asked, moving my head away as I took a few deep breaths to clear my head. It didn’t help. Her coconut smell had triggered something deep inside my brain that made me almost predatorial. I looked towards the ground, then allowed my gaze to drift up to her face.

  God, she was truly beautiful. Her flawless, golden-olive complexion was very girl-next-door. But her cleavage and curvy ass would bring any hot-blooded male to his knees.

  “In my kitchen mostly.” She smiled, the cutest of dimples showing up on her cheeks. That cracked me up, imagining her bouncing around her kitchen in a nightgown. Hmm, on second thought, she’d look divine in my shirt. Just my shirt.

  My thumb reached up to touch the indent on her soft, smooth skin. Mesmerized for a moment, I finally shook my head. “There’s a dance floor just over there. What do you say?” I asked with a hidden agenda. The sooner I got Mindy to dance, the sooner I could pull her delicious body close to mine the better.

  A look of shock—almost terror—immediately crossed her face. It made me laugh. “Umm, I really shouldn’t. I need to get back to my friend, he’ll be—”

  “He’s in deep conversation with that guy in the very tight pants.” I cut her off, gazing over to where her friend was currently laughing a bit too loudly. He was with the crew whose table he’d decimated earlier. I was almost certain he was the one who’d pushed Mindy into my back. “I’m guessing bro code also fits in this situation.”

  She cocked her head to the side, her long, straight black hair sliding over her shoulder in a gentle wavelike motion. “Bro code?”

  “Bro code. The code of bros everywhere,” I said, reaching my hand out to touch her shiny locks, grazing her skin gently as I flipped it behind her shoulder.

  “Not being a bro of any kind, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Well, Mindy,” I started as I slipped off my stool, sliding my hand over top of her tiny one. “The bro code is easy. Don’t cock block. No matter what.”

  She inhaled a deep, sharp breath as her cheeks darkened with a lovely flush. “What?” she asked, clearly shocked at my language.

  “You go over there now,” I said, jerking my head toward them, “you’ll be messing up his chance at his, ‘Who Would You’. That would not be cool.”

  Her plump, pink lips pursed together. “I guess you’re right.”

  “I’m always right, baby.” Grabbing her other hand, I began to walk backward, slowly pulling her with me. “One dance won’t hurt.” For some reason, I was completely unable to peel my gaze off this woman. Like if I looked away for one moment she’d disappear.

  “You’ll say otherwise once I step on your feet,” she blurted out p
lain as day, making me chuckle again.

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  Sighing, her tanned shoulders sunk slightly. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  Once we stepped on the floor, I placed my hands on her waist as I started to move. She reluctantly swayed to the beat. Her hands instinctively clutched to my shoulders, breasts pressed tight to my chest. Our bodies fit perfectly together. I slid my hands to her back, one higher—one lower, my pinkie finger near her behind. She didn’t protest as I drew her even closer, feeling her hot, even breath on my neck.

  Slowly, her hand traveled behind my neck, fingers starting to touch the skin there. The soft feel of her fingers playing with my hair quickly drove me insane and I had no idea why. I’d had women. Plenty of them. But Mindy’s tender caress felt—different. She stirred something to life deep inside of me.

  “What do you do?” I asked her, trying to change the mood between us.

  “What do I do where?” she asked, confused.

  The look on her face was so damn adorable. “For work,” I responded with a smirk.


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