Professor Richter's Rules

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Professor Richter's Rules Page 4

by Jessa York

  My dirty mind couldn’t help imagining Mindy climbing up on the sink, naked, breasts swaying as she—

  “Hello?” she snarked, disturbing the vivid porn scene that currently played in my head. “Are you even listening to me?”

  Not so much. “Sorry, what?” I asked, closing my eyes to clear my head.

  “I asked you to close the door.”

  Glancing behind me, I quickly turned back to her. “Why? Nobody else is here,” I stated the obvious, shrugging my shoulders.

  “You are here,” she yelled, pointing her finger at me. As soon as she let go of the towel it slipped, revealing her breast in all its glory. If I could have taken my eyes off her stunningly perfect chest, I would have. “Oh crap.” Fumbling again with the towel her fingers unfortunately covered everything back up.

  “Can you stand on it?” I asked, walking toward her.

  “Go away,” she said, trying to wiggle backward away from me.

  I smirked at her as I bent down to take a peek at the ankle she wasn’t using to push herself. “This one?” I asked, cautiously picking up her foot.

  “Yeah,” she said, shoulders slumping forward.

  “This hurt?” I asked, slowly maneuvering her ankle in a circle.

  “Not too much.”

  Pressing her toes back as far as she’d let me, a small, “Oww,” came out of her pouty mouth.

  “Let’s try to get you up and see if you can put any weight on it.”

  A look of complete shock overtook her face as I stepped beside her, sliding my hands to her waist. “Wait, I—”

  I didn’t wait. Instead, I lifted her right off the ground, exposed bottom and all. “Oh no,” she whispered, a blush showing on her cheeks while her arm reached down to wrap the towel around her.

  “Let me do it,” I told her, assisting with one hand while still keeping a tight hold on her body.

  Looking up at me with those perfect, almond shaped, sparkling blue eyes, she whispered, “Thanks.”

  “Can you step on it?”

  Shifting her weight slowly to the injured foot, she got pretty far before once again an, “Ouch,” came out of her mouth.

  “Probably just a sprain. I don’t see any swelling yet. Let’s wrap it and get some ice on it,” I suggested, placing my hands on her hips, lifting her up.

  “Ah, what are you doing?” Her hands clamped onto my shoulders as I moved her back, the towel dropping down to her waist. Just like before, my eyes shot down immediately on her full breasts. Both nipples were peaked, pointing straight at me. An insanely fierce desire to take one those lovely, hard buds into my mouth and make her groan swept over me.

  Setting her bottom on the vanity, I stood before her for a moment while she covered herself. Planting my hands on either side of her, I leaned in. “I’ve seen a woman’s body before.” This was true. What I didn’t say was how seeing her body made me yearn to rip that stupid towel off her and take her right here on the bathroom counter.

  “I suspected as much, thanks for the news flash,” she stated, pulling her arms closer to her body, clearly annoyed with me.

  “What I’m saying is you don’t need to feel embarrassed. I’ve seen it all before.”

  “Thanks, that’s comforting,” she spat back, eyes squinting at me.

  Even mad she was still so damn cute it made me laugh. “I don’t mean you’re like—”

  “Okay, sailor, I got ya. You’ve seen thousands of naked women thus far in your life. Congratulations.”

  “Yeah, thousands at least,” I said dryly, pushing off the counter in search of something to wrap her foot with. I didn’t know why her words stung. After all, I hardly knew her. What did I care if she thought I was some kind of manwhore? I mean, I guess technically I was. But hearing it come out of Mindy’s mouth like that made me feel cheap.

  Finding what I needed, I lifted her foot up so I could wind the Ace bandage around it. My mind wandered to what was underneath that towel and how I’d likely just blown my chances at ever seeing it again.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be sarcastic. I’m feeling pretty stupid right now.”

  Glancing up at her, I said, “It’s okay. I told you, I’ve seen thousands of naked women. Maybe even hundreds of thousands.”

  She giggled, her body shaking. “I’m very happy for you.”

  “I’m sure you’ve seen naked men before—if our situation was reversed.” Her mouth opened slightly as a blank expression replaced her laughter. My stomach twisted at my crassness. “I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry,” I said, kicking myself for not thinking before I spoke. Insinuating that a girl had seen many naked men in their lives was a shitty thing to say.

  A small smile formed on those lips. “No, it’s fine, really.”

  I used a second Ace bandage on her ankle to provide more stability then pronounced her well enough to dry her hair.

  “Why was your hair dryer up so high? And how come it’s still in a box?” she asked, slowly edging her way off the countertop.

  Leaning down to pick up the now in question hairdryer from the floor, I responded, “Nobody here to use it and my hair dries quickly.”

  Her eyes looked me over, head to toe. “I think I can handle it from here. Thanks for your help,” she said, limping over to her purse on the counter. A few seconds later she was brushing her long, wet hair, upper arms tight to her sides.

  Unwillingly, I decided to get back to the kitchen and finish cooking.

  Ten minutes later, Mindy emerged from the master suite—in my T-shirt. I had just talked my cock into behaving. Apparently, all for naught. Her jet-black hair fell in waves over her shoulders, flowing down over the white shirt of mine that landed around mid-thigh.

  No pants or shorts to speak of. Luckily, I stood behind the shelter of the kitchen island so she wouldn’t be able to see the evidence of exactly what I thought of her outfit. “How are you feeling?”

  “It’s not too bad. Just hurts a bit when I walk.” Her hands twisted in front of her as she wobbled a bit on her feet.

  Waving my hand in the direction of the couch, I said, “Go sit. I’ll bring you some ice.” And a rock hard cock that was back to throbbing in my pants again. This girl was doing a number on me. I spun around, opening the freezer in search of something frozen to put on that ankle—and possibly my dick.

  “It’s not that bad, really. What are you making?” she asked, hobbling up to the stove. I dropped the bag of peas back into the freezer.

  “Tacos. You interested?” I asked, sidling up behind her as I swept her hair off one shoulder. Goosebumps formed on her skin even before I placed a kiss on that soft neck. Coconut filled my senses, making me snake my arms around her stomach, drawing her body further into mine.

  My eyes traveled down to her hand, observing her ring color. Pink.

  “Mmhmm,” she said, moving her head over even more to give me full range of access on her neck. Of course, I took advantage of the situation, licking and kissing down her neck as one hand traveled north and one south.

  Just as each hand was nearly at its mark, she turned in my arms, halting all progress. “Are you using a packet?”

  My mind raced to think of what the heck she was talking about. “Packet?”

  “For the tacos? If you have the right spices, I can make it better.”

  “Have at it,” I said, opening the narrow drawer beside us, revealing a ton of spices I never used. “You sure you’re up for it? I think you should sit and elevate that foot.”

  “I will, after this.”

  The sweet look on her face was irresistible. I had to taste those lips again. Bending my head to meet hers, I took that supple mouth with mine.

  She kissed me for a minute before speaking. “It’s going to burn,” she said spinning around in my arms, reaching for the spatula on the stove.

  A bit disappointed, I finished chopping the lettuce and tomatoes then started grating the cheese.

  Once Mindy proclaimed the meat was officially d
one, she began moving toward the table with the plate of beef. Snatching it from her hands, I slid it onto the island beside the other fixings. “Uh huh, you’re putting that foot up. You promised.”

  Slipping one arm around her back and one under her knees, I scooped her up into my arms in one swift motion. She let out a tiny squeal.

  “What are you—I can walk, you know,” she said, raising both eyebrows at me.

  “This is more fun.” Planting a quick kiss on her lips, I carried her to the couch where I elevated her foot and stuffed some pillows behind her as she gave me her taco order.

  When I came back with our plates and a frozen bag of peas, she’d already chosen a movie. Pressing play once I sat down next to her on the L shaped sectional, I bit into my taco. A vaguely familiar flavor teased my taste buds, but I couldn’t place exactly where I’d eaten this before. “These are fantastic. Whatever you did to the meat beats the hell out of that packet garbage.”

  She shot me a big smile. “I can’t eat the packaged stuff. My mom always seasons it herself. She’s straight from El Salvador. My abuela taught her.”

  After we ate, I shoved our plates onto the coffee table, moving closer to Mindy. Arm behind her now, I made a move. “That was delicious, but I bet you’re even tastier.” Closing my mouth on hers, I immediately plunged my tongue into her mouth. She let out a soft moan as she let me in, dueling with my tongue.

  Her breasts were warm against my chest and I wanted to finally touch them. My balls ached as my hand rubbed her back, unable to feel the ridge of a bra. The welcome knowledge that all that separated me from Mindy was one thin layer of white cotton stoked the growing heat inside of me. While I moved a hand in search of her breast, I couldn’t help but moan in anticipation.

  Once on target, I felt the weight of her in my hand and she gasped into my mouth. As I ran my thumb over her nipple, she grasped my hair between her fingers, pulling it while my index finger joined my thumb. “Oh my, God,” she whispered, throwing her head back as I rolled her nipple. “That feels so good.”

  Her responsiveness to everything I did to her was the biggest turn on. Mouth back on her neck, she started to squirm even more. Truth be told—so did I.



  I arched further into him as his mouth continued its glorious assault on my neck. Desire curled inside of me as his fingers stroked and played with my breasts. His hand left my chest then trailed down and under my shirt.

  Oh my gosh, a few more seconds and he’d be up close and personal with my breasts. Nearly panting into his mouth, my mind scattered not knowing left from right.

  This was really going to happen.

  Next we heard the sound of a buzzer coming from down the hall. “That’s my laundry,” I said, turning my head to look in the general direction of the sound, coming out of my lust stupor.

  “Leave it,” he said in a deep, gruff voice, pushing me back even further. The feel of his strong, hot body so close to mine, invading my space and even the air I breathed was beyond thrilling. Never had anyone so clearly wanted me like this man.

  “But my dress will get all wrinkly,” I protested, wriggling away from him.

  Sighing deeply, he moved away. “I’ll do it,” he said, about to get up.

  I had to stop him. My unmentionables were also in the machine. No way was I going to let him chuck my stuff in the dryer on high heat and ruin everything.

  “No, no, I’ve got it,” I said, nudging him over then rising to my feet. A small jolt of pain shot up my leg but I ignored it, going as fast as I could to the washing machine.

  Heart still racing, a flood of relief flowed through me when I realized Jake had stayed put. Reaching into the washer, I dealt with my clothes before hobbling back down the long hallway to the living room.

  I glanced quickly at the decorative pictures on the walls, touching a few quickly with a finger. I stopped dead in front of a framed photo of Jake in a bathing suit and lei around his neck, standing in the ocean. Behind him was the most beautiful sunset.

  His body was hard and glistening as he smiled for the camera.

  Jake had money. His house was gargantuan, the furniture in here had to have cost him a pretty penny. We had to scrimp and save for every purchase—especially a big one. Mom put money away in a coffee can every month for two years so she could buy a couch and loveseat from a bargain store.

  What the heck was I doing here? This man was so far out of my league it wasn’t even funny. My stomach twisted as I thought about what Jake would think if he knew I was a freshman in college living with her mom—surviving paycheck to paycheck.

  It wasn’t difficult for me to look older than I actually was. A little makeup and a sexy dress allowed me to pretty much get in anywhere I wanted—well, that my friends wanted me to go.

  Of course, Jake would think I was at least twenty-one in order to be in that club. He hadn’t asked if I was younger. And I certainly didn’t offer that information.

  As my conscience began catching up with my hormones, guilt arrived to weigh me and my mood down. I should really tell him how old I was. Taking a big breath, I limped back to the living room, feeling a heaviness on my shoulders.

  The sight of him sitting on the couch, leaning back with his arm curved around where I had been sitting made my tiny heart trip a few beats. This man was drop dead hot. And moments ago he’d snaked his hand up my shirt.

  My lady parts clenched as I remembered how wonderful his hand had felt on me over the thick material of my—technically his—shirt. If it felt that good over the shirt, I could just imagine how amazing it would feel with his bare hand touching me, skin to skin.

  Suddenly feeling a bit overwhelmed with the situation, my eyes darted around the room searching for a distraction. Bingo! Actually, not exactly bingo but it’d do.

  “Oh, you have Monopoly?” I asked, making my way over to the shelf under the TV. Sitting down on the floor, I carefully removed the box from the bottom of the stacked games. A break from all the conflicting emotions raging inside of me was exactly what I needed.

  He cleared his throat, sitting up, elbows on his knees, hands clasped. “Uh huh,” he said, shooting a serious glare my way, looking a little less than impressed.

  Shaking the box from side to side, I lifted up to my knees. “I like games. Can we play?”

  A sexy smile crossed his face, making my nipples instantly get hard. Again. “Cockblocked by Hasbro,” he muttered somewhat under his breath, but I could still understand him.

  “What did you say?” I asked, squinting my eyes at him as I rose from the floor with more than a little difficulty. My stupid foot wouldn’t cooperate.

  “Bring it over here, we’ll set it up,” he said, tossing some pillows out of the way to make room. Deciding to let it go, I walked back to the couch, game—or should I say distraction?—in hand. “Unless you want to throw in some more laundry?”

  Completely missing the sarcasm in his voice, I sat down and said, “I’ll wash your shirt and undies when my dress is dry.” Then I attempted unsuccessfully to open the box.

  Grabbing the game out of my hands, Jake said, “What do you mean? I was joking.”

  “This shirt,” I said, pulling on the fabric of my sleeve.

  Ripping off the plastic that covered the box, he crumpled it up, tilting his head. “You said shirt and undies?”

  “Mine were wet. I had to steal some of yours.”

  Jake stopped breathing, his eyes boring into mine with such energy it was palpable. “You’re wearing my underwear? Right now?” The vein on the side of his neck pulsed quickly as he swallowed.

  “What was I supposed to do? You’ve got a whole drawer full of them.” Heat rose to my cheeks when what I’d done finally sunk in. At the time I was only trying to solve the problem of no dry, available panties. Now I was clearly being pegged as an underwear thief. “I’m sorry, I’ll take them off and put mine back on,” I said, looking up at him sheepishly, embarrassed for my actions. “I sho
uld have asked you first.”

  He caught my arm before I was able to stand up. “It’s fine. You just surprised me, that’s all.” As he leaned in, he said, “Besides, I have big plans to take them off you, later.” Then his lips touched mine in a soft, sweet kiss. Heat spread throughout my body at his words. Envisioning Jake removing my—his—underwear from me gave my poor heart such palpitations I thought I’d fall over right here on the couch.

  Settling back to his side, he removed the cardboard lid. The box gave a groan that only brand-new, never before opened games could give. I didn’t wait before reaching in to pull out the game board. It gave a satisfying creak when I opened it up.

  Swiping off a few cardboard shavings with my hand, I declared, “I get to be banker and the dog.”

  “You can’t call banker and get first pick for playing piece,” he said, ripping into a plastic bag then dumping out the game markers onto the board.

  I claimed the dog but not before he snatched my hand. “Fine. You’ll owe me,” he said, voice low, eyebrow high. I wasn’t sure exactly how Jake planned on collecting his dues, but I could guess.

  “Ha, I owe you nothing,” I said, pulling my hand out of his grasp. Reaching for the money, I sorted all the bills on the other side of me, sticking them under the lid so they’d stay tidy.

  “Here,” I said, handing him his money to start.

  “I should get an extra hundred for being so accommodating and allowing you to choose first.” His fingers grazed mine as he took the colorful bills out of my hand.

  Tossing my head back, I laughed. “Pffft, you snooze you lose, sucker,” I said, but it came out more like suckah.

  “Games appear to bring out the best in your personality,” he said dryly, shaking his head. He smiled at me, his gaze dropping to my foot. “Damn, you should have that elevated,” he said, hooking the leg of the coffee table with one hand, dragging it closer. Next, he plopped a pillow on it before gently picking up my foot.


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