Delia turned to Faith, her gaze seemed to be focused on something behind her. She didn’t like the way Delia suddenly turned ashen. Before she could ask, Delia returned her attention back towards her.
“What did you see?” Faith prompted.
“Nothing,” she lied. “So, the crew is completely female and other than the usual debates that occur, things went smoothly. With the exception of people feeling as if they were being watched. In some cases touched. One of the gals did say, she kept hearing cats meowing.”
“What happened to the watchtower?” Faith jerked her head to where the old wooden military tower stood.”
“We tore it down,” Delia explained as Ro approached. “You can’t see it from here but we’ve already begun construction on the faux lighthouse.”
“A faux lighthouse?”
“It will look like a nice little lighthouse, smaller than the one at Cape Elizabeth,” Delia began to explain giving Ro a nod. “In reality, it will be a cell and Wi-Fi tower.”
“It will blend right in,” Ro commented.
“That’s what I do,” Delia sighed guiding them towards the barn. “I build things that belong and will keep standing. Most of everyone was working on the tower on the north side of the island. I was with a crew on the south side digging a foundation where we cleared out the trees the other day. We broke for the day. When we started packing up and heading to the dock this is how we found our equipment. Nothing will start. The wiring has been monkeyed with. Then there is the graffiti spray painted across the barn. The paint came from our supplies.”
“No one saw anything?” Faith exclaimed as she stared at the odd words sprayed painted in red.
“Not a blessed thing,” Delia grumbled. “I radioed the marina. The only people Kirby shuttled over were the ladies on the crew. It’s crazy right. It’s not like you can sneak up on the place. I don’t even know what language this is.”
“German,” Ro supplied. “Der Meister verlangt reines Blut. The master demands pure blood.”
“And the other one?” Faith encouraged.
“Der Mensch ist das Biest. Das Biest muss befolgt warden. Loosely translated it means, Man is the beast. The beast must be obeyed. Kind of blows our thirsty ghost theory. I was kind of hoping that it was just a simple request for libations.”
“It does kind of jive with some of the things, Leopold Conklin told me.”
Faith began to tell them about her visit. While Delia took great delight in checking out Ro’s house. After retelling the details of how Leopold slaughtered his family and Ro finished showing off her house, Faith decided it was time to call it a night.
“He did say something that made sense.” She offered while they waited on the dock for Kirby.
“What was that?” Delia eagerly questioned.
“About salting the Earth.”
“You can’t,” she panicked. “They’re planning on putting vegetable gardens.”
“I was thinking of hitting a few key areas,” Faith quickly explained. “Before we call it a night. We need to lay in some supplies.”
“What are you thinking?”
“First, we need to find a place where we can buy sea salt in bulk. Then there is something else we will need. Thankfully in small fishing villages you can count on two things being in abundance.”
“And those are?”
“Pubs and churches. And we are in need of both.”
Cape Point, ME.
September 22, 2017
Ro was sitting in the truck with her earbuds in listening to music. Delia was paying the workers she had hired to load up the pallet of five gallon jugs of water she had just purchased.
Faith took advantage of the moment to get some work done. The first order of business was to call her new brother in law.
“Hello, my dear brother in law.” Faith tried to charm him.
“No, need to schmooze me,” Rishi laughed. “I have the information you are looking for.”
“Has Shawn arrived yet?” He asked in a curious manner.
“No? Is there something wrong?”
“No, not at all. I just knew she was planning on flying standby which can be a pain in the ass.”
“Yeah, it can be. The last time I talked to her she was going to ditch the airport and try getting on a train. Or, she might change her mind again. She’s so exhausted these days she doesn’t know if she’s coming or going. So, amaze me with your investigative skills.”
“It took some doing, this is ancient history that was buried in the archives.”
“I only have the one bottle of scotch.”
“Fine, then,” he sighed dramatically. “The coroner did discover evidence that supported foul play. After, the initial autopsy bruising appeared. It happens that way. Body, sits and marks that weren’t visible during the initial exam come to the surface.”
“Where, was there bruising?”
“Two large bruises on her back and one resembling a boot print on her face.”
“Okay,” Faith uttered slowly leaning forward. “And that would mean?”
“Theoretically, it is indicative of someone pushing your girl, hard.”
“Like down a staircase?”
“Yes, then they stomped on her face. My guess on that was they were either very angry or wanted to ensure she was dead.”
“Not an accident.”
“Not according to the coroner’s notes,” Rishi stressed. “He was about to change the cause of death from unknown to homicide but decided it wasn’t worth putting the family through more grief, after Neumann and Schmidt were dead.”
“Neumann and Schmidt?”
“Alias, Jack and John Jordan,” he clarified. “The guys up in Maine sent me the original investigator’s notes. Gerhard Neumann and Herbert Schmidt both of whom were SS officers. Both wanted for war crimes, for nasty things they did while under the command of Otto Rahn. Before they made the war crimes list, the German army was already looking for them. They got out before Berlin fell. How in the hell did a nice lady from New York high society end up hanging out with these guys?”
“What about Ella Westbrook?”
“I get what you are asking,” sounding a tad too eager. “There was something about a family member of the victim strongly suggesting that Ella might have been in cahoots with Neumann and Schmidt. I found a small notation in the copy of the Sheriff’s notes that you sent me. All it says is morning train, NYC and Mike. There was a Michael Davis who worked for the family sailing people to and from the island. I can only assume since this woman isn’t mentioned again that her alibi checked out.”
“I hope so. I just wish we had something a little more concrete that would confirm it.”
After she ended the conversation, she received a text from Shawn. “What is it?” Ro asked turning off her music.
“It’s from Shawn. She might be delayed. She thinks she has pissed off Ella Westbrook. Something about their meeting the other day took a wrong turn.”
“That doesn’t sound like her,” Delia scratched her head.
“Yeah, normally that’s my job.”
Chapter 29
Cape Point, ME
Later that evening
“I feel idiotic,” Delia hissed as she adjusted the mini headlamp Ro had given her.
“I love these things,” Ro boasted. “Gotta love LL Bean.”
“They certainly are handy.” Faith agreed. “Okay let’s get this gear up the hill.” She jerked her head towards the boatload of supplies. Kirby and his son Seth were already loading the supplies onto hand trucks.
“Okay, we just need to follow the paths where the crew will be traveling or working.” Delia instructed.
Faith nodded and set out to the section of the island, she had been assigned. The weight of the cargo made moving through the woods difficult. She tried to hurry, eager to finish so they could head back to the mainland. At first the crisp night air was refreshing. As her hand
s began to cramp she just wanted to finish up.
“Done,” she stated with relief ready to turn the cart around and head back to the dock. Feeling a tug on her jacket she turned looking to see if she snagged it on a tree limb. Seeing nothing, she continued on her way.
A cold hand wrapped around the back of her neck and jerked her backward. Stumbling she swung at the unseen assailant. As she fell to the ground it appeared out of the mist. With eyes dangling from its sockets and flesh dangling from its skull, boney fingers reached for her.
‘You’re mine!’
Her normal arsenal of witty sarcastic comments failed her. She struggled to stand only to feel bony cold hands clasp her. It threw her to the ground pressing on the back of her neck forcing her face into a deep puddle. Fully submerged she struggled to breath. Her heart was racing as she fought to free herself. Her only thought was that she was drowning. Desperate to breathe she fought harder. She felt her body being lifted, air rushing into her lungs.
Lying on the ground, she gulped in as much air as she possibly could. Looking around, her attacker had vanished into the blackness but a shadow loomed above her.
‘It’s not safe here.’
“No, kidding,” she gasped climbing to her feet. She brushed herself off, shocked to find that her clothing was dry. Dirty but dry. She gathered up her stuff and rushed towards the gate. Standing alone she yanked on it. “Come on.” She pleaded when it refused to yield. “Help!” She called out noticing the lights on in the boathouse.
She cried out again and again, certain that someone or something was closing in on her. Still trembling she watched Kirby and his son race up the hill. Without much effort the gate swung open. Thrilled she stepped through it. Within an instant the world felt right again.
Not far away Ro had finished her part of the plan. She wiped the dirt from her hands after parking the hand truck outside of her house. She opened the door just a crack only to feel resistance. Suddenly, the door slammed shut.
‘I told you to stay away from here!’
“Yes, you did,” Ro fearfully sputtered before gathering up everything and heading towards the dock. As she rushed to the one and only entrance she could hear distant voices telling her that she was worthless. Dropping her supplies she sprinted towards the gate. Her speed increased once the voices informed her that she shouldn’t be alive.
Also having finished her assigned task Delia carefully made her way through the darkness. Her heart raced when she spied the flicker of orange flames reaching above the tree line.
“Fire!” She screamed rushing towards the scene. The blaze was so intense that she could feel the heat burning her flesh. Dropping everything in a panic. Terrified that she didn’t have the means to extinguish the flames. She looked for something anything that might suffocate the flames. Then she heard the screams.
“My God, there people trapped in the blaze!” She screamed hurrying her pace. “No! I’m coming.” She vowed her body in motion with only one goal in mind. She had to save the people trapped inside. She stumbled when she suddenly questioned, what were they inside of? The screams silenced as the flames vanished.
Turning she spied, the others waiting on the other side of the gate. “I hate this place,” she spat out. “Coming back to the mainland with us?” She questioned Ro once she had rejoined them.
“Yes, please.”
“Imagine, finding you lot in a bar,” Shawn teased startling the motely group.
“Oh, my God, you’re here,” Faith bolted out of the booth and hugged Shawn tightly. “With all the hassles you’ve been going through I didn’t think I’d see you again.”
“I was able to get on a flight.” She explained before stealing a kiss. She looked down at Ro who had her earbuds in completely unaware that she was there. Delia was busy typing on her laptop.
“Most people don’t bring their work to a pub,” she nudged her.
“I just spent the better part of my evening buying a truckload of sea salt and bottled water. Then I had to bribe the local Pastor to bless it. All because, your girlfriend said we really need it.”
“Breaking out the big guns already?”
“The construction equipment, backhoes, bulldozers, tractors-“
“No tractors,” Delia cut Faith off. “The mechanics have been messed with just enough to keep the equipment from functioning. Nothing that can’t be remedied but it has kept us from proceeding. I’ve gained a little progress since Faith arrived, but I’m still behind. Oh, and there was another fire today. It was a small one that started near the remains of the main house. No one was anywhere near there when it started. I hate fires. Can’t control them. How did it go in New York?”
“Ella Westbrook is a very interesting woman.” She offered, taking a seat.
“Shawn!” Ro called out, yanking the earbuds out.
“Good to see you.” She nodded. “I know I should keep my senses clear, but what does a girl have to do to get a drink.”
“I’m on it.” Faith volunteered waving for the waitress. “What did you find out?”
“I’d like to wait until after I’ve been to the site. Ro, how did you end up doing a shoot on the island?”
“Miss Westbrook commissioned me. She wanted the island documented before the school was built. She paid me and I get to keep and sell any photos I want except for three I sign over the copyright for.”
“Delia, how did you end up here?”
“A friend of mine from college is one of Miss Westbrook’s nieces. Katherine recommended me for the job. I submitted a proposal.”
Shawn was taking it all in while Faith ordered another round and a pint of IPA for Shawn.
“Are you sure you’re up for it?” She inquired when the drinks arrived.
“What?” Shawn sputtered almost choking on her beer.
“Althea has been riding you. I get this time around everything comes out her pocket. But she seems to have forgotten that what you do, affects you physically and mentally.”
“She’ll chill out once the Netflix deal is done.”
“At what cost?”
“You are so sweet to me,” Shawn wearily sighed. “Does this place serve food?”
“Yes,” Faith huffed handing her the menu. “I checked out the menu earlier. There’s a veggie burger, the bartender said it’s good.”
“Did you try it?”
“Why would I do that? We’re in Maine, I had the lobster bisque.”
“The lobster bisque, the oysters, scallops and clams.” Delia added.
“So have you.” Faith sniffed indignantly. “Let’s order you something to eat and get some rest.”
“We’re not going talk about things?” Delia gulped.
“I understand that you are under a lot of pressure,” Shawn placated her after ordering the veggie burger. “Ella Westwood is a formable woman. However, I need to walk into a place with a blank slate. Otherwise I might be influenced by erroneous information. I already know more than I care to. If you want answers, it would be best if I go in blind.”
Shawn felt a shiver run down her spine as Faith embraced her. They were finally alone in their hotel room.
“I missed you,” Faith whispered hotly in her ear.
“And I’ve missed you,” Shawn confessed, turning so she could look into her lover’s eyes. Mesmerized, she stole a kiss, loving the feel of Faith’s arms tightening around her body. “I hate when we’re apart.”
“Perhaps, you should consider taking some time off.”
“Good luck convincing Althea of that.”
“I don’t care what she says or does, you can’t keep going at this rate.”
“What am I supposed to do, read tarot cards for a living?”
“Why not?”
“You’re not serious?” Shawn laughed lightly.
“I am,” Faith murmured before she leaned closer in order to nuzzle Shawn’s neck. Her teeth grazed against Shawn’s skin invoking a sharp gasp. Faith’s hand slipped between their bodies slowl
y working its way down until she slipped it between Shawn’s quivering thighs. “I love you.” She whispered as she gently pressed the heel of her hand against her.
“I love you too,” she gasped, pulling slightly away. She smiled, catching the sight of Faith pouting. “I haven’t even taken my jacket off yet.”
“That’s never stopped us before.”
Shawn quickly shed her coat before beginning to remove the rest of her clothing. She was thrilled to see that Faith was following her lead. Once they had rid themselves of all their clothing, Shawn took Faith by the hand and led her to the bed.
“I do you know,” she offered stealing a kiss.
“You do what?” Faith whispered her hands gliding along Shawn’s hip.
“I love you” she repeated. I need you to know that.”
“I know,” Faith softly yet firmly responded. “What’s up?”
“I just had one of those days, where I had more than a glimpse into someone’s life.”
“And you don’t want to make the same mistakes they did.”
“No, I do not,” she confirmed pulling Faith down on top of her. The feel of Faith’s naked body pressed against her own fueled her senses. Faith seemed to be touching her everywhere. Shawn gave into the tantalizing sensations allowing her lover to touch and taste every inch of her exposed flesh. Weary from traveling and overwhelmed by Faith’s sense of urgency, she found herself calling out her lover’s name far too quickly.
Shawn wanted more, however it was late and she was due to sail out to the island in just a few short hours. Sleep beckoned and she was comforted by the feel of Faith sleeping peacefully in her arms.
Chapter 30
Muraille Island
The following morning
Dawn had yet to break when Shawn found herself sitting on the boat. She smiled, Ro had been correct in her assessment of Kirby Davis. The guy, truly loved life. After some of the sights and encounters she had endured lately, Kirby’s happy view of the world was refreshing.
Muraille Island Page 20