Pretty Little Lies (Deception Duet Book 1)

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Pretty Little Lies (Deception Duet Book 1) Page 21

by Morgan James

  “Let me see.” His voice was thick and gruff.

  Silently, I held my arms out for his inspection. The cuts didn’t appear to be especially deep, but now that my adrenaline had worn off, I was aware of the pain. I flinched as Eric wrapped a towel around the worst one to stem the flow of blood trickling from the wound. He repeated the process with the others, then tucked my head to his chest and pressed his lips to the top of my head.

  He didn’t say anything else. Strong arms wrapped tightly around me, he cuddled me close until the sound of sirens approached. The strobe of red and blue lights filled the window as the ambulance pulled into the driveway and seconds later, two paramedics entered the house, their faces grim.

  The tallest of the two men looked at Eric. “Sir?”

  I felt Eric tip his head toward the hallway. “O’Neill is in the bedroom with Josh. Thanks, Wally.”

  Wally nodded and strode that direction. The door flew open once more, and two more deputies strode in. I recognized Riley from the day he’d picked me up at Briarleigh. The tension drained from his shoulders, and relief relaxed his expression as his gaze landed on Eric and me.


  Riley and the second deputy started down the hallway at Eric’s terse directive, and I snuggled closer to him. The remaining paramedic offered me a small smile, and Eric gently nudged me where I sat on his lap. “Come on, sweetheart. We need to get you to the hospital for evaluation.”

  “No.” Turning to face him, I clutched at his shirt. “I don’t want to go.”

  “I need to make sure you’re okay.”

  Josh may have been responsible this time, but I still had no idea where my uncle was—if he was still looking for me. My name being on record somewhere was infinitely worse than the few defensive wounds on my hands and arms.

  “I’m fine, I promise.” I gestured to the medic standing by the door. “He can do just as good a job. Please don’t make me go.”

  Eric gingerly touched the towel covering one of the shallow lacerations. “Sweetheart—”

  “Please,” I begged, an almost irrational fear taking over. After what had happened tonight, I couldn’t bear to be away from him. “Don’t let them take me away.”

  He hugged me fiercely, his voice pitched low for my ears only. “No one will ever take you away from me. I’ll never let that happen.” He pulled back just enough to meet my gaze. “Never. You get me?”

  I stared into his hazel eyes for a moment, tears clogging my throat. Finally, I nodded.

  He studied me for another long moment then pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Everything’s gonna be fine.”

  Eric nodded to the remaining medic. “Emmett, can you check her over, get her cleaned up?”

  “Sure thing, Sheriff.” The medic ventured a bit closer and set a bag on the table.

  Eric shifted me off of his lap and settled me on the chair, still warm from his body. He framed my face with his hands. “I’ll be back in a bit.”

  With one last gentle kiss he strode away. I watched him go, my love for him filling my heart and pushing down the remnants of fear.

  “How are you feeling?”

  I turned my gaze to the medic in front of me and sent him a look rife with incredulity.

  “Right,” he said with a tiny quirk of his lips. “Stupid question.”

  I remained silent as Emmett worked. With large but gentle hands, he cleaned and dressed the wounds on my arms. “Don’t need stitches,” he remarked as he applied antibiotic ointment to the worst one and wrapped gauze snugly around my forearm. “That’s a good thing. Try not to get this wet for the next twenty-four hours. After that, just need to change them a couple times a day until they heal.”

  I nodded as he lifted a small penlight to my eyes. “Look right here.”

  I jumped in my seat as a brief knock came from the front door. A moment later it swung open, revealing Jack and Mia. She entered the house first, and my mouth gaped open in shock at the sight of her as she rushed toward me, dressed now in sweats, her hair still twisted up in an updo from the wedding. “What are you doing here?”

  Mia flapped her hands in the air as if to dispel my question and answered it with one of her own. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” I turned a challenging look on Emmett, daring him to say differently.

  Emmett patted my shoulder. “You’re all good. No concussion, nothing major. Don’t hesitate to yell if you need me.”

  I tried to smile but knew I hadn’t quite managed. “Thanks.”

  Jack moved over to the living room to give us some space. Mia stood silently beside me as Emmett packed up his bag, then joined Eric and Wally in the bedroom where Josh was. His body, I mentally corrected myself with shudder.

  Mia laid a soft hand on my shoulder. “Are you hanging in there?”

  I swallowed hard. “Just... scared more than anything, I guess.”

  “Understandable. What happened?”

  “Cynthia’s ex-husband showed up.”

  Mia’s pretty blue eyes widened as she slid into the chair next to me. “The one who...?”

  Her words trailed off, and I nodded. “He blamed Eric for taking Cynthia away. Said he was going to show Eric how it felt to lose everything.”

  We were silent for several long moments before Mia finally voiced the question I’d been dreading. “What are you going to do? You can’t stay here.”

  I shrugged helplessly. Not only was the house now a crime scene, but I didn’t think I could bring myself to go back into that bedroom ever again.

  She pursed her lips in thought. “My dad’s cabin is just a few miles from ours.”

  Mia hesitated, and I sensed there was more to the story. “But...?”

  She eyed me shrewdly. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

  “Did someone die there?” I quipped, trying to be funny.

  My humor fell flat when her gaze didn’t waver. “Not exactly.”

  Several minutes later, I sat back in my chair, stunned by her story. “Anyway,” she continued, “I moved into Jack’s place, so Dad’s cabin is available if you don’t mind staying there.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay with it?” I asked. “I mean, it belongs to you.”

  Mia waved away my concern. “I’d be happy if you would stay there. Plus, we’ll be close by in case you need anything.”

  I was truly touched by her offer. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

  She smiled. “Just repaying a favor. Eric helped us; now it’s our turn to help you guys.”

  Tears stung my eyes as I pulled Mia into a hug. Surrounded by friends like Jack and Mia, with a man who cared for me as much as Eric—I felt safe in a place that finally seemed like home.

  Chapter 36


  I threw another quick look at Jules—probably the tenth during the past minute. It was as if I needed constant affirmation that she was here; she was safe. Barely ten minutes ago, the medics had gone home, and I’d helped the funeral director, Dick Chancellor, load the body into the back of the hearse.

  Riley was gathering Jules’s clothes and toiletries at her direction. I hadn’t decided where to go just yet; there were no hotels in Pine Ridge, and I hated to drive an hour down to Kalispell.

  “How about Dad’s cabin?” Mia asked, throwing a look at Jack. “It’s clean now, and no one uses it.”

  I flicked a glance at Jack, remembering what had happened the last time we were at her dad’s place. I knew he was thinking the same thing, because he looped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

  Mia leaned into Jack, her voice soft as she continued. “I told her the story.”

  I nodded, unsure of what to say. I hated charity, despised accepting handouts from people. But this wasn’t for me—this was for Jules. Somehow I managed to swallow my pride and stick out my hand. “Thank you.”

  Mia grinned, the smile lighting her whole face. “You know this means we’ll be neighbors.”

sp; I chuckled. Only here in the country could you call people four miles away your neighbors. “I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  Jack tipped his head at Mia. “She seems to think Jules will make a good babysitter.”

  I blinked at him as his words sank in. “Wow, man. Congrats,” I murmured, holding out a hand. “That’s awesome.”

  Jack shook my hand, and I pulled Mia into an awkward one-armed hug.

  Mia tipped her chin up to me. “If you want, we can go get things ready for you.”

  “I would appreciate that. We should only be a few more minutes, then we’ll be up.”

  “Sounds good.”

  They left, and I meandered over to Jules where she sat at the kitchen table. Dropping into the chair next to her, I studied her. “You doing okay?”

  Her pretty green eyes met mine, a sad wariness evident in their depths. “Fine.”

  There was a quiet reservation to her demeanor, as if she had begun to shut down and erect the protective walls around her heart once more. Would this send her running for good? I hadn’t had much of a chance to speak with her since I’d walked in on the scene straight from hell, though I wouldn’t have known what to say regardless.

  “Jack and Mia have offered to let us stay at her dad’s place.”

  “I know.”

  I hesitated for a moment. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to go if you don’t want to. If you’d rather be in a hotel or by yourself...” I trailed off, not wanting to finish the thought, and she stared at me.

  “What about you? Where will you be?”

  “Wherever you are.” The response rolled automatically off my tongue. “As long as you want me.”

  Her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I will always want you.”

  Cupping the back of her head, I pulled her to me for a hard kiss. Part of me worried that, after everything that’d happened this evening, I was going too fast. My mouth hesitated on hers for a second, waiting for her to pull away. Instead, her arms wound around my neck as if she couldn’t get enough.

  A discreet clearing of a throat from behind had me pulling away. Jules and I shared a little smile before I turned to Riley. “Got everything?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  Jules stood. “Thank you for everything.”

  “My pleasure, ma’am. Glad you’re okay.” Riley touched the brim of his hat and turned his attention to me. “Boss.”

  I accepted the bag he held out and nodded. “Thanks again.”

  With that, Riley headed out, and I locked up behind him then bustled Jules out to the car. I’d come back for anything we’d forgotten; the only thing I needed right now was Jules in my arms.

  She stared out the window as we drove up the mountain past Briarleigh. “They live all the way up here?”

  “Yep. Jack and Mia’s place is right off that road there.” I pointed off to the left. “We’re going another mile or so north.”

  Jules made a soft sound of appreciation as we pulled up in front of the late Mr. Hamilton’s cabin minutes later. “It’s beautiful.”

  I parked next to Jack’s Suburban and grabbed the bags from the back of the truck before following Jules up the wide porch. Lights blazed brightly as we stepped inside, and Mia met us by the front door.

  “New sheets are on the bed. Jack’s getting a fire started right now.”

  As she spoke, Jack unfolded from his position next to the fireplace. “Good to go.”

  “Thank you so much.” Jules hugged her, then Jack and Mia slipped out the front door, leaving us alone. Seemingly lost in thought, Jules wandered toward the fire. I locked the front door and turned down the lights before approaching her.

  I settled my hands on her hips and she leaned into me as I wrapped my arms around her waist. For several seconds, I stared into the fire before speaking. “I didn’t know what to think when I got that call.”

  Her head twisted around to look up at me. “You heard?”

  “You must’ve hit the emergency button on my radio by accident.” And thank God she had. Our radios were equipped with GPS, and the emergency button relayed a message to dispatch with the fallen officer’s location—or, in this case, Jules’s location. Another minute may have been too late.

  She turned back toward the fire and nodded. “I tried to call for help, but I couldn’t figure it out.”

  I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You did fine.”

  She snuggled further into my embrace, and my dick, already at attention, nestled between the rounded curves of her ass. “I really loved this dress. Now I never want to see it again.”

  Unable to keep my eyes off her, I glanced down. The dress hugged her curves, and the deep vee gave me a tantalizing peek at her cleavage. “Want me to get rid of it for you?”


  Dipping my head low, I nipped her earlobe, causing her to suck in a breath. As she tipped her head for better access, I trailed kisses down the column of her neck. My hand slipped over the dip in her waist, then moved around to the front to where the fabric of the dress parted. I ran one fingertip along the edge of the fabric, then delved inside to cup her breast.

  From my vantage point behind her, I could see the lace of her bra, and I peeled the fabric down. My thumb flicked over her nipple, bringing it to an erect point. Her head dropped back against my shoulder, and her little shudder of pleasure reverberated through me.

  My fingers found the tie on the side of her dress, and I tugged gently on the string, the motion erotic as she slowly spun to face me. The fabric of the dress loosened, and I pushed it over her shoulders, gliding my fingertips along her collarbone and curve of her neck, then down her arms until it fell to the floor in a whisper of fabric.

  I studied her for a minute. “You sure you want it gone?”

  Tipping her chin upward, she stared at me. “I don’t want any reminders of tonight.”

  With a concise nod, I scooped the fabric off the floor and, with one smooth motion, tossed it in the fireplace. Jules and I watched as the flames licked over the material, consuming it until the dress was no more than a pile of ash.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “I need to feel you,” I whispered back, my voice rough. I needed to touch every inch of her, reassure myself that she was whole and hale. Mortality pressed in on me, knowing I’d come so close to losing her. “Tell me you want this too.”

  She turned in my arms. “I want you, Eric. Only you.”

  I skimmed my hands up the expanse of her back to flick open the clasp of her bra. It slid down her arms and landed silently at our feet. She stood before me wearing nothing more than a blush and a tiny scrap of panties—the same pink panties I’d been fantasizing about since I saw them that day in the basement.

  I dropped to my knees, kissing my way between the valley of her breasts and down her stomach. “Did you wear these for me?”

  The pink of her cheeks seemed to intensify, but she offered a nonchalant little shrug. “I thought you liked them.”

  “Very much.” I slipped my index finger beneath the material, and her hands sank into my hair as I placed an open-mouthed kiss to her hip bone. “I’ve been dreaming of seeing you in these since the first time I saw them.”

  “Do you like me better in them or out of them?”

  My eyes widened in surprise as I met her gaze. “Out. Definitely out.”

  Chapter 37


  Hooking his fingers inside the waistband, he drew the panties down my legs, a lascivious grin curving his mouth.

  “Come here, baby.”

  Folding me in his arms, Eric drew me down beside him on the rug. Behind me, the fire crackled and popped, throwing its dancing light over the room. It illuminated Eric’s face, and I traced the hard planes with my fingertips. They trailed lower to the silvery scar low on his throat, and I gently caressed it, thankful that he was here with me. One of these days I would be brave enough to ask what had
happened. But not today.

  He was so beautiful it made my heart hurt. I didn’t tell Eric that his face was one of the last things I’d seen when Josh had wielded that knife over me. I was grateful for this moment and that fate had given us a second chance.

  I swallowed hard. “Thank you for saving me. I...”

  “You saved yourself.” Eric studied me for a long moment and tucked one hand in my hair. “You’re so brave, baby. So incredible.”

  His lips crashed down on mine, and I allowed myself to be lost in the kiss, swept away from all the bad memories. The fabric of his shirt scraped against my nipples, sending a ripple of pleasure through me and reminding me that he was still fully dressed.

  Wedging one hand between our bodies, I fumbled with the buttons on his dress shirt. Distracted by his tongue sweeping over mine, I couldn’t free them from their tiny holes, and I let out a little growl of frustration.

  “Patience, pretty girl.” He chuckled. “I got you.”

  He rose up above me and quickly stripped out of his shirt, then pushed his pants and boxers down his legs. I watched in breathless anticipation as he pressed the swollen head of his cock to my entrance and pushed. I let out a soft sigh of satisfaction as he filled me; with our bodies fused, hearts beating as one, I finally felt complete. Twining my arms around his neck, I clutched desperately at him, never wanting to let go. Eric rocked against me, thrusting in a slow, tortuous rhythm. Suddenly he gave one powerful thrust—then he paused, seated deep inside me. I shifted my hips, urging him to move, but he remained frozen.

  “I was so fucking scared,” he murmured against my lips. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but he cut me off with another hard, fierce kiss. He framed my face with one hand, directing my gaze to his. His eyes were dark, full of emotion. “You’re mine, Jules. Mine. I love you so goddamn much.”


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