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Adrian Page 5

by Shel Stone

“I’ll just grab a protein bar,” Cecily replied and grabbed one out of the well-stocked pantry. After the late night, she’d slept in a little. Unlike her brothers, she hadn’t had someone to manage her for years, and technically, it wasn’t Consuela’s job to, but she was a nice lady, who did try to manage her at times.

  “Alright, boys,” Consuela said. “It’s time to go. I signed the permission slip for your field trip.” The kind of tasks parents didn’t have time for and the schools were understanding.

  With a sigh, Cecily pressed the button for the elevator as her brothers bounded out the door, hauling school bags and trying to get their uniform jackets on. They fought and shoved on the way down. They were forever embarrassing and Cecily hated riding to school with them, but there was only one car assigned to the school run. At times, she wondered if she was better off walking.

  They took her brothers to their school first, then continued to Carterton Academy, where Cecily got out and shut the door. At first, it seemed like any other day, but when making her way to her locker, she noticed that there was more attention on her than usual. People were watching her and she didn’t get why.

  “You’re Cecily Chambers, right?” a gorgeous girl said in a bored tone. It was the slick blond presence of Tilly French. If Adrian and his boys were the pinnacle of male popularity, then Tilly French was the pinnacle of the female counterpart. The in-crowd amongst the senior girls.

  “Hi,” Cecily said. “Tilly, right?”

  Tilly looked even more bored. “Myself and some of the girls are going for a coffee after school. You should come.”

  Ceciily’s eyebrows rose. These girls hadn’t even noticed she was there before, so this was quite a surprise. “Oh, right.”

  “I’ll message you the details,” she said in her drawl, already swiping through her phone. And then she was gone, walking down the hall as though she owned it. And it had to be said, she probably did.

  In her pocket, Cecily’s phone pinged and she pulled it out. Sure enough, Tilly French was following her. Cecily immediately followed back. And now that she looked at it, she had a couple of dozen other people following her, and more coming in. If she hadn’t woken so late, she would have noticed earlier.


  “You alright?” Morgan asked when she sat down in the dining room for lunch. Cecily looked up.

  “The strangest thing,” Cecily said. “You know that girl Tilly French?”

  Morgan snorted. “Everyone knows Tilly French. Why? What did she do?” Interesting that was the first conclusion Morgan jumped to.

  “She invited me to go for coffee after school with her and some of her friends.”

  “You’re shitting me,” Morgan said with her mouth open. “No one gets invited to go with them. Those girls, like, make the rules for the school. It doesn’t matter what Vogue says, it’s what they say that makes things fashionable around here. And they invited you to go for coffee? Are you sure?”

  “She stopped me in the hall and asked. And she followed me on Insta.”

  “What?” Morgan said, diving for her phone. “Fuck, they’re all following you.”

  “Is that bad?”

  Morgan looked up at her as if she’d just said something extraordinary. “No, it’s not bad. You know how rare this is? They don’t invite anyone in to hang with them. This has to be that picture that Adrian put of you on his feed. It’s like he gave you his endorsement and they’ve taken it on.”

  With a frown, Cecily considered what Morgan was saying. Adrian had said that New York would suck her in and maybe this was what he’d meant. Had he known this would happen when he’d posted that pic of her? It was as if he was proving a point, and everyone around seemed to comply with what he wanted.

  “Do you know Tilly French is following you on social?” Mishti said, grabbing the seat next to her and sitting down, intently staring at her.

  “Tilly asked her to go for coffee after school,” Morgan said.

  “No shit. That’s like amazing. If you have an in with one of those girls, you need to take it. It’s like everything.”

  “I so want to be aloof and reserved like that next year,” Morgan said. “Our class doesn’t have a group equal to them, do we?”

  “You have to go,” Mishti stated.

  “What’s up?” Audrina asked as she arrived, and Morgan filled her in on the morning developments. Audrina wasn’t quite as excited about it.

  A tension in the room drew her attention to the door, where Adrian was just walking in, looking impossibly effortless with messy hair—as if he’d just rolled out of bed, and maybe he had. He certainly hadn’t been in English Lit this morning. His seat having been vacant. Even when he wasn’t there, no one wanted to touch what was his, and he had claimed the seat next to hers.

  As he walked, he scanned the room and his gaze settled on her for a moment. A small smile graced his lips before he turned his attention away to the table where his friends normally sat.

  “He’s definitely got a thing for you,” Mishti said quietly. “Lucky bitch.”

  “Yeah, everything seems to be falling into place for you,” Audrina said, but Cecily couldn’t help notice the terse note in her voice. Audrina was faltering a little with Cecily’s success. It was a thing she’d seen before, girls not really embracing it when someone else was doing really well. Audrina had grown up here and Cecily had come and surpassed her socially in a matter of weeks.

  Technically Cecily wasn’t looking to get in with the cool girls of the school, and maybe that was part of the reason she was being included. From her experience, those who wanted in so badly were usually excluded, while a certain reserve worked. But it was a double-edged sword, because passing on an opportunity like this wouldn’t gain her respect in the end either. The social step up was a thorny thing, and usually a thing where you couldn’t please everyone.

  There was no reason not to be grateful if someone like Tilly French extended friendship. It wasn’t worth selling your dignity and integrity for, but it wasn’t worth passing if offered. But she wasn’t going to be the kind of person who just turned their back on people just because she stepped into a higher social group. She’d seen that happen before too, and had always thought it said a lot about someone’s character.

  Her grandmother was big on character. It was the one thing to be guarded and protected above all else. And character was different from reputation. Her grandmother’s generation saw the world differently, and Cecily had always liked the way they saw things. It was something she tried to take to heart.

  Truth be told, though, she was a little nervous about this development. What did these girls want from her? It all seemed a little too convenient. Girls like that didn’t normally hand out tickets to their crowd. There had to be something they wanted from her. But then Morgan and Mishti acted like it was the biggest stroke of luck.

  And maybe it was. It was just that she’d been around long enough to know that you couldn’t accept everything at face value.

  Chapter 9

  WITH HIS FEET UP ON the railing, Adrian stared out at the city. It wasn’t a particularly good view as the building was small in comparison, but it took him away from all the things that annoyed him, which included just about everything about the school. He was over being here, but he didn’t exactly relish finishing either. Being at school kept his father off his case.

  At times he wondered if his father regretted having a child. Even suspected that it had been his mother’s idea on the sly, a way of keeping his attention as it had been slipping. Well, it hadn’t worked and his mom had fucked off. Come graduation, there was obviously college, but then what? He’d probably have to be his father’s whipping boy in the business.

  Truthfully, his father didn’t so much care for his legacy in terms of family and continued prospects. It would probably please him inordinately if his empire just fell apart because he wasn’t there to manage it anymore. As if it was him alone that kept things at the lofty heights he had reached.

nbsp; Although he liked to think he was a self-made man, he wasn’t. Family money had got him in the game and given him the leeway to pursue what he wanted. Granted, he had run this town for a long time and it had to burn that Jeffrey Chambers had shot him down. Wasn’t quite as powerful as he’d used to be.

  As for himself, there was an urge in him to not give a fuck about his father and his arrogant dismissal, and be the useless fuck his father actually thought he’d become. Another part of him wanted to take over the company when he died and do even better. Although the harder version of it, it would be the ultimate ‘fuck you’ to his father.

  A noise sounded behind him in the small roof garden of the school and Adrian turned around to see Sebastian.

  “There you are,” Seb said as he sat down and reached for the packet of cigarettes, flicking one into his mouth and lighting it. “Being a naughty boy and skipping class?”

  “Just needed some air,” Adrian said with a bored sigh and crossed his arms. As apathic as he felt about being at school, there wasn’t really anywhere else he sought to be. It was the same shit everywhere, wasn’t it? Alright, so the older girls were a little more fun to deal with, but there was no challenge there. Unlike Sebastian, he didn’t see sleeping with girls as a competitive sport, because to him, there was absolutely nothing new there. And frankly, for just getting off, whores were easier to deal with.

  Maybe his attitude was also a means of rebelling against his father, who had some real need to be adored by women.

  “Who’re you taking to the Fall Ball?”

  “Cecily Chambers,” he stated.

  “Right, the new girl. You asked her?”

  “Not yet.”

  “So isn’t Cecily Chambers the daughter of Jeffrey Chambers?” Sebastian asked. Adrian hadn’t been aware Sebastian had known who Jeffrey Chambers was. It proved that he should never really underestimate Sebastian. He might play the oblivious manwhore, but there was more going on inside his head, even if people didn’t often see it. Adrian wondered if it was a ploy of some kind, or whether he knew more about what went on around him and genuinely didn’t give a shit. That had been Adrian before, genuinely not giving a shit about anything, but lately, it seemed a little weak to just skip out on the shit he found annoying and distasteful. Or he’d bullied it, truth be told.

  “What’s your dad going to think about you taking the daughter of the man who seriously cut him down to the school ball?”

  “Haven’t asked him.”

  “So are you doing this to fuck your dad—or are you doing this to fuck the girl? And I don’t mean literally. Or does that include literally in her case?”

  Adrian gave him a warning look. It was none of Seb’s business what his intentions were with Cecily Chambers. “Why? Do you care?”

  “No,” Sebastian said and put his feet up against the railing too. “I think I might bring a prostitute as my date. Maybe one of those five grand a night ones.”

  “Mr. Walters will ask her to leave the moment she steps in the door.”

  “That’s discrimination. I should sue the school.”

  Adrian chuckled imagining Sebastian suing the school for not allowing him to take his favorite prostitute to the ball. It was very much in line with Sebastian’s sense of humor. Would probably make the press, which would deeply upset his mother, who was one of the doyennes of Gold Coast society. Sebastian was serious old money. So was Cecily, apparently. He hadn’t realized that about Jeffrey Chambers, but he was the kind of man who would marry into the aristocracy for kudos.

  Inside the building, they heard the end of class bell ring.

  “Oh, Samantha Vollich is in my next class,” Sebastian said, checking his watch.

  “Still haven’t managed to convert her yet?”

  “Working on it.”

  Samantha Vollich had come out as a lesbian last year and Sebastian had been trying to get her into bed ever since. Poor bitch.

  Sebastian was gone and Adrian probably should turn his attention to his own little project. In fact, he might do it now. From her social, he saw that she’d been embraced by Tilly and the girls. Her stock was rising in the school.

  As expected, Adrian found her walking to class along the third-floor west hall. He stood in the center of the hallway waiting for her, students streaming past. And there she was, looking gorgeous with her blond curls and flushed cheeks. On all accounts, she looked imminently fuckable. And more interestingly, that she didn’t trade on it as some girls did.

  Clear eyes regarded him, and there was that pause in her step—a wariness. “Hi,” she said as she approached. They hadn’t really spoken since the night he’d taken her down to Soho. This wasn’t something he wanted to rush, but equally, he’d had to subtly spread the word that there would be an issue with him if anyone touched her. Therefore, few would so much as flirt with her. Except for Sebastian, who just couldn’t help himself—but he knew not to go too far.

  “So it seems you’re settling in after all,” he said. “Getting invited out with the senior girls. Quite a coup.”

  Biting her lips together, she released their plump lushness. “I think you know it was your coup.”

  And too smart to claim credit for his maneuvering. Adrian smiled. He liked that she wasn’t entirely dense. “Well, you certainly won’t get bored as you wait the year out.”

  “I suppose I should thank you for making me… interesting.” Her words spoke of gratitude, but her eyes spoke of guarded suspicion. What in the world had he done to make her so suspicious, or was it her friends whispering in her ear?

  “No reason not to help out a new girl. Or maybe I am trying to impress you.”


  “Why would a guy try to impress a girl? Isn’t that how the world works?”

  She looked down at her shoes for a moment, then up at his with her clear blue eyes. She really was quite pretty.

  “The Fall Ball is coming up. May be the reason I’m trying to impress you.”

  A frown spread across her eyebrows for a moment. “You want me to go with you?”


  To some girls, it might do to point out that it would absolutely solidify her standing in this school, but his instincts told him not to in her case.

  “Do you have a better offer?” he asked.

  “No,” she said with a smile. Then she considered him for a moment. “Alright.”

  “Good.” He was pleased. Albeit her suspicion, there was definitely interest there.

  “I should get to class.” She went to walk past him.

  “Oh, and there’s a get together this weekend. Tilly and her crew are coming. You should bring Mishti and those girls.”

  “Alright,” she said, continuing to walk toward her class. “Send me the details.”

  And that was how it was done. Her barriers were coming down.

  Adrian wandered along to his Econ class, mostly because there was nothing else to do. And also because he didn’t want to deal with his dad about not going to classes. His dad’s attempts at parental discipline were painfully embarrassing for both of them.

  Inside, he really was pleased that she’d said yes. In a way, she was betting on him. It showed she was interested. And with her, it wasn’t social standing at the root of that interest. No, Cecily Chambers had probably never worried about her social standing. Back in Europe, she’d grown up in the ‘in crowd’, and she probably still told herself that she wasn’t interested in how she was perceived here.

  Which left a curious question of why she was saying yes? What did she seek from this? A boyfriend who adored her? Yes, probably.

  Chapter 10

  CECILY DIDN’T KNOW whose house they were walking into. The girls had been beside themselves about this party, having all gotten ready at Tory’s house and talking endlessly about who would likely be there. A complete rundown on who had gotten with who and so forth had been a part of it.

  The apartment they walked into was nice. Clearly done by some celebrat
ed designer, who had managed to make it look sophisticated, but not over the top. Just the right degree of understated luxury, with a few notes of rustic Asian accents. It was a nice apartment. Whoever had done it, had done well.

  The crowd was smaller than Adrian’s kick-off-the-year party, but this time, Cecily knew who the notables were and they were all there—except for the lacrosse team, who was conspicuously absent.

  Tilly waved at her and patted the seat next to her. Across from her was Abby, who Cecily hadn’t gotten to know yet. Abby seemed to be more of a standalone entity.

  “Hey,” Tilly said as Cecily walked over and sat down. “The bar is making cocktails if you want one.” She held up her flared glass filled with a still purple liquid. “Try an aviator. They’re divine, made with distilled Italian violets. Don’t know how I lived before these.”

  “I think I will in a moment.”

  “I see you brought some girls,” Tilly said, looking over rather unimpressed.

  “Actually, Adrian invited them,” Cecily said and wondered if she was being disloyal. “Audrina’s my cousin.”

  “Gotta take care of family, right? You know Abby?”

  “We haven’t actually met yet,” Cecily said with a smile.

  “Hi,” Abby said, sitting with her feet under her, looking relaxed. “Just moved to New York?”

  “From Switzerland,” Cecily filled in,” but my family’s from here.”

  Introductions made, they talked about nothing in particularly for a while. Skin care products and holiday plans. Tilly’s family had a house in Antigua and she invited them to come stay some time. Nothing specific was discussed, but more an introduction to something they might consider doing.

  After about half an hour, Cecily decided to get herself a drink after all. Maybe she would try Italian violets. Sounded interesting.

  “Enjoying the party?” Adrian’s smooth voice sounded behind her and she turned. He was dressed in a tailored suit. Not the kind her dad wore though, but tighter and perfectly tailored. No denying he looked good in it. There was also no denying that she felt nerves seeing him. Not sure why. She was absolutely not into him. So not her type.


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