Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series

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Artemis Lupine- The Complete Series Page 22

by Catherine Banks

  I looked at him and asked again, “How’d you do that?”

  He smiled. “I took your anger from you. It’s a handy trick you learn when you become an alpha.” The stewardess stood in the front of the plane and picked up the intercom. She began speaking in fluent French, and I felt my anger rising again. She was pretty and thin, model thin. Ares sighed. “I would never cheat on you.”

  My anger rose at the thought of Ares with another woman and my body temperature began rising. Matt growled softly behind me, and Ares growled back. Koda whined softly and I took a giant breath then let it out slowly. The anger vanished, and my body cooled down. Matt snorted and Koda sighed. Ares thumped my arm softly. “Cool down.”

  I smiled and looked at his golden eyes. “I am. You seem to be upset still though.”

  Ares shook his head and the gold faded. “To feel your strong emotions is hard on me. Our connection is still new and not finished yet. The connection between our emotions is designed this way to keep you safe, but you’re a little more volatile than most your age.”

  His words stung as I deciphered between the lines and got the unspoken word of “immature.” The seatbelt light chimed over our heads giving me a chance to look away from Ares and put my belt on. The plane began to descend, and I gripped the armrests tightly. Ares held out his hand, but I ignored him by closing my eyes and leaning back against the seat as the plane landed on the runway. I kept my eyes closed until the attendant got back on the intercom and I could hear people beginning to stand up. I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood facing the front of the plane.

  Koda walked up from the back, carrying my backpack. I held out my hand, and he shook his head, smiling. “I’ll carry it.”

  I wanted to argue, but Ares was watching and we were next to walk out of the plane. “Thanks.” The desire to touch Ares was growing stronger, but I refused to give in. There was no reason I had to touch him all the time. Victor led the way out of the airport and to a waiting limousine. I smiled at him. “I’ve never gotten to ride in a limo before.”

  He smiled at me. “Well then, get in.”

  I ducked into the limo and climbed over on the seat to look out the large side windows. The others climbed in behind me and the driver started the limo. I moved from one side of the limo to the other as we drove through France. The Eiffel Tower loomed over us as we drove by it and I asked, “Do we get to go see it?”

  Ares frowned. “If we have time.”

  I was about to pout when Koda said. “Matt and I will take you tomorrow while Ares is in meetings.”

  Ares shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. “Absolutely not. She’s not to be away from me while we’re here.”

  Matt glared at Ares. “You think we wouldn’t be able to protect her?”

  Ares growled. “I think there are too many leeches, no offense Victor, in this city.”

  Victor frowned. “Why would any vampire want to bother Artemis? There are only a few people who have seen her and those are either in America or my father.”

  Ares shook his head. “I’m alpha of this pack and I say that I don’t want her out of my sight.”

  “Ares, you’re being overprotective. No one would want to take Artemis or hurt her. Gregory was just psycho and an exception and Darren was supposed to have killed her years…uh oh.” Koda stopped talking, looked down at the ground and rubbed the back of his neck.

  My eyes bulged out of my skull as I looked at each of the four men who were quickly averting their gazes from me. “What do you mean Darren was supposed to have killed me?”

  Ares looked up. “You’re a mixed blood, Artemis. Mixed bloods aren’t supposed to be made let alone allowed to live. Your father was ordered by the king at the time you were born to kill you. As we can see he never did.”

  The words sunk in slowly until the painful truth hit. “He’d been planning it for after Bret left.”

  All of the men looked at me in shock. Ares asked, “What do you mean?”

  Tears began running down my cheeks and I hugged my knees to my chest. “I heard Darren talking on the phone a few times about his plans. He would tell the person that it was going to be harder to do than he originally thought and to just give him until after Bret left. He always told me that I didn’t need to worry about trying to find friends after Bret left, and I thought he meant that I’d find others, not that I’d be dead.”

  Ares growled and rushed across the limo, picking me up and holding me in his lap. “He won’t hurt you now. I won’t let him.”

  I buried my face in his chest and inhaled his scent, which was fast becoming familiar and comforting. In a matter of minutes, the sorrow at my revelation disappeared, and I was relaxed again. Deciding to ignore the news about my father, I whispered, “Can I go see the Eiffel Tower tomorrow?”

  Ares sighed. “Dammit.”

  I lifted my face and licked his cheek. “Please.”

  Ares groaned. “Alright! But you have to stay with Koda and Matt at all times, even bathroom trips.”

  I kissed his lips quickly and jumped across the limo to look out the window. “I can’t wait!”

  Matt turned on the seat beside me and started pointing out places we would visit as the limo drove on. The city faded into countryside, and I sat down in my seat sighing loudly after thirty minutes. “When are we going to be there? I’m hungry.”

  Victor smiled showing his fangs. “Care to make a bet on who’s hungrier?”

  Ares growled. “Don’t test me Victor.”

  My legs began to go numb from sitting so long and I slid to the floor, kicking my feet. “Dang it, my legs are falling asleep.”

  Victor smiled. “We’re almost there. I’d say five more minutes, tops.”

  I folded my legs into my body and asked, “What’s it like?”

  Victor shrugged. “You’ll see.”

  Ares held his hand out towards me, and I took it, giving into the longing I’d been trying to ignore for the last hour. He pulled me up on to the seat beside him, and I laid my legs across his lap. He started massaging my calves, and I moaned in pleasure. “Wow, you’re really good at that.”

  “I’m very good at a lot of things.” Ares winked at me, and I blushed, closed my eyes and enjoyed the massage.

  Koda asked, “Do we have to dress up tomorrow?”

  I opened my eyes to see the interaction. Ares nodded. “Of course. I don’t want to go before them dressed in Darren’s clothes.”

  Koda sighed. “I know. I just hate wearing a jacket all the time.”

  Victor shrugged. “You could wear dress casual instead.”

  Matt shook his head. “If we dress at all we will dress formal. It’s how Ares likes it.”

  Ares shrugged. “If I’m going to try to look good I might as well look great.”

  “When don’t you look great?” I gasped as the words slipped out of my mouth. I yanked my legs away from Ares and curled up into a ball trying to hide my blush.

  Ares picked me up in my ball position and set me on his lap. “Thank you.”

  I mumbled, “You’re welcome,” from inside my ball.

  Ares rested his head against my shoulder and whispered into my ear, “You always look great, too.”

  Part of me wanted to climb out of Ares’ lap, but a larger part of me enjoyed his arms around me. I gave into the larger part and relaxed out of my ball to wrap my arms around his shoulders and rest my face in the crook of his neck. The temptation to bite him gnawed at me so I nipped his throat lightly. He growled, “No.”

  I whined and nipped his neck again letting the wolf instincts take a little bit of reign over my human ones. Ares growled at me again and bit my shoulder hard enough to make me gasp, but not hard enough to really hurt. I nipped his chest and jumped out of his arms to crouch on the floor of the limousine. Ares was crouched on top of the seat smiling at me and I swore I could see an image of a tail wagging behind him. Koda yipped excitedly behind me and jumped towards me. I rolled away from him, and Matt jumped on top
of me. I nipped his arm and rolled away from him running into Ares who bit my bottom. I snarled and jumped around, biting his shoulder and then jumping on top of the seat beside Victor. Victor shook his head and sighed. “Wolves. You’re all so silly.”

  I looked down at the crouched position I was in and plopped down on my butt sitting like a human and blushing at the things I had just done. Ares was staring at me with golden eyes. “You don’t want to play anymore?”

  I shook my head and blushed. “No.”

  Koda whined. “Play.”

  Matt nodded vigorously.

  Victor sighed. “Point a sharp object at them and they’ll rip your head off without a second thought, but offer to play tag and they become children pouncing around like fairies.” Ares growled and Victor smiled “You know what I meant.”

  A large rod iron gate with swirls and flowers decorating it came into view and Victor sighed. “Finally.”

  Ares, Matt and Koda shook their heads and sat down on the seats normally. Koda and Matt folded their arms across their chests angrily, and Ares stared out the window ignoring me. They were mad at me. The gate opened, and we drove past rows and rows of grapes. “The vampire capitol of the world is in a vineyard?” I asked.

  Victor shook his head. “It’s a winery.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You know what I meant.”

  Victor smiled. “There are hundreds of miles of tunnels below us and we earn money from the winery to sustain a comfortable way of life. The humans get great tasting wine, and we get a place of solitude. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

  I frowned. “Except for the people you eat.”

  Victor shrugged. “Eat a few, release a thousand. It’s still a good deal.”

  The mansion we pulled up in front of was easily three times the size of any celebrity’s in the United States I had ever seen on TV. Two muscular men stood beside two giant wooden doors. I looked closely at their bodies and turned to Ares. “The vampires use werewolf guards?”

  Ares smiled. “I’m surprised you could tell they are wolves from here.”

  “Low amounts of body fat and high amounts of muscle suggest steroids or inhuman metabolisms. I figured the vampires would feel safer with werewolves than steroid using humans.”

  Victor laughed, making me shiver in delight. “You are very perceptive.”

  Ares frowned. “You need to eat, Victor.”

  Victor cleared his throat. “Sorry about the voice thing. As Ares said I need to eat or…well let’s not discuss that.” The driver opened the door for us and Victor climbed out first, smiling at the driver with a flash of his fangs, and walked up the steps towards the werewolf guards at the entrance. Koda and Matt climbed out next, waiting a few feet away from the limousine.

  Ares smiled at me. “It’ll be alright. No one will harm you, especially not with me beside you.” I nodded, but licked my lips nervously. Ares asked, “Would you let me hold your hand? It’ll make me feel better.”

  He climbed out of the car before I could answer, and I sighed in relief. All I want is for him to hold my hand. I climbed out of the car and reached for his hand. He squeezed my hand reassuringly and we started up the steps. The two guards at the door placed their fists over their hearts and bowed at the waist to us. Ares mimicked their gesture and smiled. “Greetings, brothers.”

  The guards smiled and spoke in unison, “Greetings, Prince.”

  Ares pointed at me. “My passt genau is with me during this visit. If she needs anything, you come to her aid. Her needs are the most important out of anyone’s here.”

  The guards sniffed the air, and Ares face went neutral as he waited. I stared at the two guards who were at least six and a half feet tall and built like walls. My feet started to move towards them and Ares nodded, simultaneously letting my hand go. I walked slowly up to the guards and inhaled the smell of forest, fur and also getting their individual smells mingled in as well. They inhaled deeply and smiled wide. They both spoke in unison again, officially creeping me out, “Greetings, sister.”

  I smiled. “Greetings, brothers.”

  Ares took my hand and pulled me away from the guards and into the mansion. The mansion was dimly lit and there were only a few servants running around in uniforms. Ares whispered, “The vampires are all downstairs since it is still daylight. When the sun sets, they will all come up here to mingle.”

  I asked, “Do I have to dress up tomorrow, too?”

  Ares nodded and kissed my cheek. “Don’t worry. One of the seamstresses will have something to fit you.”

  I wanted to protest, but a beautiful woman walked up to us speaking in rapid French. Ares nodded and then spoke back to her in French. She looked down at me and frowned, slowly letting her eyes travel up my body from my feet. She looked back at Ares and spoke again, pointing rapidly at me then back to herself and then at Ares. Ares sighed and shook his head. “Sophe…” His words were French again so I couldn’t keep up, but at least I knew her name.

  Koda ran his hand down my right arm and my body relaxed a little. He smiled at me. “It’s alright. He’s just explaining who you are.”

  I frowned and looked at the beautiful French woman. “She’s one of the women he’s slept with, isn’t she?”

  Ares turned to me and frowned. “Artemis…”

  I pulled my hand out of his and smiled. “It’s alright. Talk to her, and I’ll talk to Koda.”

  Ares looked like he wanted to object, but Sophe was speaking angrily to his back trying to get his attention. Koda opened his arms, and I stepped forward into his body. Matt walked up behind me and hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around Koda in the process. I asked, “Aren’t you going to make a comment about him hugging you?” I asked Koda.

  Koda shook his head. “We’re pack and the touch of our pack mates is soothing. Like Ares’ touch to you, but not the sexual part. Matt is my brother.”

  Matt kissed the top of my head then stepped back. “Don’t be so upset, Love. He’s simply trying to calm ’er down. Angry female werewolves are not fun to deal with.”

  I pulled away from Koda and stared at the animated conversation that was going on between Ares and Sophe. “She loves him.”

  Koda nodded. “She does, but she also knows that he never loved her.”

  “I can’t handle this.” I started to walk away, but Koda and Matt walked beside me. Ares watched me out of the corner of his eyes, but was trying to pay attention to the yelling French woman in front of him.

  Luckily, she kept his attention while we started on our way. Koda gave me a tour of the main floor of the mansion, which consisted of a dining room, a living room, a kitchen bigger than my house, a game room with poker tables, pool tables and two giant televisions, and six bedrooms. We were about to walk out to the back patio and to the pool that Matt said was just beyond, when Ares caught up to us. He whispered, “I’m sorry, Artemis.” He held out his hand, and I accepted it. He hugged me against him. “Are you alright?”

  I shook my head. “No, but there’s not much that can be done.”

  He tilted my chin up and kissed my lips. “Would an hour-long back massage make up for it?”

  I smiled. “It’ll help.” Ares smiled at me, and I couldn’t stay mad at him. I groaned. “It’s not fair that I can’t stay mad at you.”

  Ares kissed me again. “Not fair at all.”

  Matt cleared his throat. “Could we continue now?”

  Ares bowed at the waist. “Of course, my liege. Forgive my rude interruption.”

  Matt rolled his eyes. “Jerk.”

  Ares smiled. “Baby.”

  Matt opened the patio door for me and continued the tour of the acre patio with dining tables and candelabras, and then onto the two-acre wide pool. Ares and Koda debated over whether it should technically be considered a pond or lake, since it was so large, but Matt argued that the fact that they used a pool pump and chlorine made it a pool. I tried to engage in their debate, but there was a strange weight resting on my che
st and back. I tried to figure out what it was when the words popped into my head on their own: powerful darkness. The presence became heavier as the sun moved down towards the horizon. Ares rubbed my arm and kissed my cheek, as we walked back towards the mansion.

  Koda led the way down the hallways as if he owned the place and into a large bedroom. The bedroom had one giant bed, which could sleep at least five people comfortably. A desk and chair as well as a couch sat against the walls on the room. One door led to the bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and open shower. The second door led to a walk-in closet bigger than my bedroom had been. Ares stopped at the entrance to the bedroom and spoke quickly to a maid in French. The maid left and then Ares came to stand beside me at the large bed. “We had these specifically made for those wishing to sleep in packs.”

  I jumped up on to the bed and sank into the cushions, sighing in pleasure. I started to push the mound of pillows off the bed, but decided it might be rude. I buried myself under the pillows instead. The bed moved and I smelled Ares before he pulled the two pillows that were covering my face off. “Does this mean you like it?”

  I nodded and took the pillows back, recovering my face with them. The men were talking about something serious and boring, so I decided to take a shower. I climbed off the bed and rearranged the pillows as close to the original shape as I could remember, and then walked toward the bathroom. Ares asked from close behind me, “Are you taking a shower?” I nodded then froze when I felt him behind me.

  “Ares, please.”

  Ares shrugged and picked me up in his arms walking towards the bathroom.

  I gasped, “No! Ares, that’s not what I meant!”

  He set me down and frowned. “Why are you scared?”

  My heart was beating faster than it ever had before. “Ares, you can’t come in there with me.”

  He sighed. “Oh, I see. I was raised better. I’m sorry.”

  I hurried into the bathroom and showered quickly. I wrapped myself in a towel and peeked my head out the door. “Can one of you bring my bag?”

  Koda started towards the door with the bag, but Ares took it from him and handed it to me. Koda stuck his tongue out at Ares behind his back, making me giggle. Ares turned around, but Koda sucked his tongue back in and winked at me. I quickly changed into my bathing suit and turned on the giant tub and its jets. I walked back to the bathroom door and opened it before hopping into the large tub. A few moments later Ares stuck his head inside then smiled. “You know that is a tub, right?”


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