Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651 Page 14

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Ill news came to Charles on the morrow.

  He was in his cabinet with his secretary, Captain Fanshaw, whenCareless entered and informed him that Colonel Roscarrock was without.

  "Roscarrock!" exclaimed the king, struck by Careless's looks. "Whatnews brings he from the Earl of Derby?"

  "Ask me not, I beseech you, my liege," rejoined Careless, sadly. "Thecolonel will tell his own tale. I grieve to say he is wounded."

  Comprehending at once what had occurred, Charles merely said, "Bring inColonel Roscarrock."

  And as the aide-de-camp departed, he arose and paced the cabinet withanxious steps, trying to summon his firmness for the painful interview.

  Presently Careless returned supporting the colonel, whose left arm wasin a sling.

  Roscarrock was a tall, soldier-like, handsome man, but loss of bloodand excessive fatigue gave a haggard expression to his features. Thedusty state of his apparel and boots showed that he had ridden far.

  "Alas, sire, I bring you bad news!" he exclaimed, in dolorous accents.

  "Be seated, colonel, and I will hear you," said Charles, aiding him toa chair. "We have sustained a defeat, I perceive, but ere you enterinto details, relieve my anxiety respecting the Earl of Derby."

  "His lordship is sore hurt," replied Roscarrock, "but he is in safety,and will be with your majesty ere many days."

  "Thank Heaven for that!" exclaimed Charles, earnestly.

  "You have lost many loyal subjects and brave soldiers, sire," pursuedRoscarrock. "Lord Widdrington is mortally wounded, if not dead. SirWilliam Throckmorton cannot survive. Sir Thomas Tildesley, ColonelBoynton, Colonel Trollope, and Colonel Galliard are slain."

  "Alas! brave Widdrington! Alas! brave Tildesley! have I lost you?"ejaculated Charles, mournfully. "Where did this dire disaster occur?"

  "At Wigan, in Lancashire, my liege," returned Roscarrock. "At first,everything promised success. As your majesty's lieutenant, the Earlof Derby had issued his warrant commanding all your loyal subjects tomeet him in arms at Preston, and he had collected six hundred horse andabout nine hundred foot. With this force he marched to Wigan, with thedesign of proceeding to Manchester, where he not only hoped to surpriseCromwell's regiment of infantry but expected to obtain five hundredrecruits. I need not tell your majesty that I was with his lordship. Ina lane near the town we encountered Colonel Lilburn with a regiment ofhorse. Our men shouted loudly as we dashed upon the enemy, and foughtso well that they drove Lilburn to the end of the lane. But a reserveof horse coming up changed the fortune of the day. What could our rawrecruits do against Lilburn's veterans? Owing to the earl's recklessdaring, he was wounded early in the conflict, which lasted upwards ofan hour. How can I relate the disastrous issue? Suffice it, the routwas total. Our men were panic-stricken, and could not be rallied.Hundreds were slain in flight. Pursued by a party of horse, the earldashed into Wigan, and turned into a narrow street. Observing an opendoor, he flung himself from his steed and entered the house. A womanrecognised him, and barred the door, enabling him to escape through agarden at the back before the Roundheads could search the house. By amiracle almost the noble fugitive got out of the town, which was filledwith Parliamentary soldiers, and shaped his course towards the south.I was proceeding slowly in the same direction, when Providence--for Ilike not to call it chance--brought us together near Newport. At thehouse of a Royalist gentleman named Watson, we met another true man,Mr. Snead, who volunteered to conduct us to a lonely house calledBoscobel, standing on the borders of two counties--Shropshire andStaffordshire--where we could remain safely hidden till our wounds werehealed. We gladly accepted the offer. I rested one night at Boscobel,when feeling able to proceed to Worcester, I came on. Lord Derby wastoo weak to accompany me, but bade me say that your majesty may counton seeing him in a few days."

  "I thought to see him with two thousand men at his back," exclaimedCharles, in a melancholy and somewhat despondent tone. "But the hopeought never to have been indulged. Treat it as we may, Roscarrock, thisdefeat at Wigan is a heavy blow to our cause. 'Twill encourage theenemy, and dishearten our own troops. Lilburn will join Cromwell."

  "He has already joined him, sire, with his regiment of horse," remarkedRoscarrock. "I should have been here before, had I not experienced muchdifficulty in getting nigh Worcester, owing to the enemy's numerousoutposts. Would I had a sword like Widdrington's, and an arm likehis to wield it!" he continued, with a grim smile. "Widdrington cutdown half a dozen dragoons ere he was overpowered. In losing him yourmajesty has lost the tallest of your subjects, and the strongest."

  "But not the bravest, while hardy Ned Roscarrock is left me," saidCharles. "But you need refreshment and rest, colonel, and you must haveboth, or you will never be able to fight for me, and I may call uponyou to attack Lilburn again before long."

  "Your majesty will find me ready, call on me when you will," returnedRoscarrock.

  With Careless's assistance he then arose and withdrew, leaving the kingalone with his secretary.


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