Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651

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Boscobel; or, the royal oak: A tale of the year 1651 Page 99

by William Harrison Ainsworth



  Unconscious of the danger by which he was threatened, and not fearingpursuit, Charles soon slackened his pace, and rode slowly up the sideof Stonebarrow Hill towards Moorcomblake. From this elevated point anextensive view over the Vale of Marshwood was obtained, while on theright rose the beacon-crowned summit of the Golden Cap. Charles haltedfor a short time to contemplate this fine prospect, still hoping thathis friends would overtake him; but they came not, and he went on.By this time, he had shaken off his disappointment, and completelyrecovered his spirits; conversing as gaily as usual with Juliana, andseeming greatly to enjoy the ride.

  A little beyond Moorcomblake they met a small band of travellers, andamong them was a person whom both his majesty and Colonel Wyndhamrecognized as having been a servant of the late king. The sight ofthis man caused them both considerable uneasiness, but he passed on,apparently without noticing them.

  After a long descent, they reached Chidiock, and crossing the valley,mounted another hill, which offered charming prospects--a conspicuousobject being the singular cone-shaped eminence, known as Colmer's Hill.

  Passing several farm-houses, with large orchards attached to them, theyapproached the pleasant old town of Bridport, delightfully situatedamong the hills; Colonel Wyndham rode on in advance, and entering thetown, to his infinite surprise and vexation, found it full of soldiers.On inquiry, he ascertained that Colonel Haynes, an active Republicancommander, was marching troops from several garrisons to Weymouth andother places, in order to embark them for Jersey and Guernsey, as thoseloyal islands still continued to hold out against the Parliamentarians.The troops now in the town were to be shipped in a few days fromBridport harbour.

  Charged with this unsatisfactory intelligence, he rode back to theking, and besought him not to enter the town, which was swarming withhis enemies, but Charles refused to turn aside, saying he had promisedto wait for Colonel Wilmot and Careless at Bridport, and whatever theconsequences might be, he would keep his word. However, he at lastconsented to proceed to the harbour, but ordered Peters to remain inthe town to look after the others. He then rode boldly on, closelyattended by Colonel Wyndham.

  Round the town-hall was collected a large body of men in steel caps,buff coats, and funnel-topped boots, armed with calivers, pistols, andlong basket-hilted swords. Most of them were smoking their pipes. Theyscrutinised the travellers as they went by, but did not attempt tomolest them.

  The sight of so many of his foes, who could have captured him in aninstant, did not appear to intimidate the king. Juliana's fair cheekwas blanched, but she showed no other signs of fear.

  Thus they passed through the town without hindrance, and rode on tothe port, which was about a mile and a half distant. The little quaywas unusually bustling, there being two or three ships in the harbourwaiting to convey the troops to Jersey. The pier was a huge, clumsywooden structure, somewhat resembling Lyme Cobb. Not far from it wasthe George Inn, and thither the travellers repaired, but they foundit full of soldiers; and when Juliana had alighted, and Charles wastaking his horse to the stable, he found himself completely environedby troopers. Nothing daunted, however, he pushed his way through thethrong, calling out lustily "By your leave," and caring little if hetrod on their feet. Colonel Wyndham followed his example, and they bothfound that with such men rough usage answered better than civility.

  Some time elapsed before the slight repast they had ordered in aprivate room was served, and they had just finished it, when Juliana,who was looking from the window at the quay, perceived Harry Peters. Hepromptly obeyed the sign she gave him, and coming up-stairs, informedthe king that he had been sent by Lord Wilmot to warn his majesty todepart instantly.

  "Captain Macy, with a troop of horse from Lyme Regis, is in pursuitof you, my liege," said Peters. "They are now in Bridport, and aresearching all the inns, and are certain to come here."

  "What is to be done?" cried Charles. "I am caught in a trap. My retreatis cut off."

  "Not so, my liege," replied Peters, confidently. "I will engage todeliver you. Get out the horses without delay, and ride towardsBridport."

  "But by so doing I shall rush upon destruction," cried Charles.

  "You will meet me before you meet the enemy, my liege," replied Peters.

  "Well, I will follow thy advice, though it seems strangely hazardous,"said Charles.

  Peters then left the room and rode off. Hurrying to the stable, Charlesand Colonel Wyndham got out their steeds, and in less than ten minutes,the king, with Juliana seated behind him on the pillion, and attendedby the colonel, was proceeding at a rapid pace towards Bridport.

  When they were within half a mile of the town, they came to a road thatturned off on the right, and were debating whether to pursue it or goon, when they heard the clatter of a horse's feet, and the next momentbeheld Peters galloping towards them. The faithful fellow signed tothem to turn off, and with such energy of action that they instantlyobeyed, but were surprised to find he did not follow them, but wenton at the same swift pace towards the harbour. His object, however,was soon apparent. The heavy trampling of a troop of horse was heard,mingled with the clank of swords, and the next moment a detachment ofcavalry dashed past, evidently in pursuit of the fugitive, who had thuscontrived to draw them on, putting his own life in jeopardy to preservethe king. Though Charles himself was concealed by a turn of the road,he clearly distinguished the troopers, and felt sure that their leaderwas Captain Macy.

  Scarcely knowing which way to proceed, but fearing to pass throughBridport, lest they should be stopped, they rode on to a prettylittle village called Bothenhampton, and there inquired the road toDorchester. The person to whom the king addressed this inquiry, stared,and told him he must go back through Bridport, but Charles declined,and they rode on to Shipton Gorge, above which was a remarkable hillshaped like a ship turned keel upwards, with a beacon on the summit,and were directed to proceed to Hammerdon Hill, and this course theytook.

  Having crossed a high range of furze-covered downs, and traverseda broad common, they were approaching Winterborne Abbas, when theydescried their pursuers coming down the hill they had just descended.Captain Macy, no doubt, had heard of the inquiries made by the king asto the road to Dorchester, and had followed in that direction.

  Fortunately, a coppice was at hand, and the fugitives managed toconceal themselves within it, till their pursuers had passed. So nearwere the troopers that the king could hear their shouts, announcingthat they felt certain of finding him at Dorchester. After this,Charles required little persuasion to induce him to take a differentcourse, though he could not make up his mind altogether to quit thecoast.

  Having gained the Roman road which once led to Dorchester, theyproceeded along it in the opposite direction, towards a fine down knownas Eggardon Hill, the summit of which was crowned by an ancient camp,with very remarkable intrenchments. Thence they proceeded through thedowns and along the beautiful valley of the Birt towards Beaminster.

  Some seven years previously, Beaminster was a flourishing and cheerfullittle town, but it now looked like a collection of ruins, havingnearly been burnt down in 1644, during the Civil War, and it had onlybeen partially rebuilt. Charles was so struck by the melancholy aspectof the place that he would not halt there as he intended, but proceededto Broad Windsor, which was about three miles distant.

  On the road thither, they descried three persons on horseback on thesummit of a high conical hill, called Chartknolle. Evidently, thesepersons had stationed themselves on this conspicuous position in orderto survey the country round. Juliana declared they were their friends,but the king and Colonel Wyndham scarcely dared indulge the hope.

  The question, however, was speedily set at rest. Dashing down the sideof the hill at a headlong pace came Harry Peters, and he was followed,somewhat more leisurely, by Lord Wilmot and Careless.

  It was a joyous meeting, and a few minutes were occupied in mutualcongratulations and expla
nations. Harry Peters, it appeared, hadescaped by swimming his horse across the Brit, his pursuers not daringto follow him. He then made his way to Eype, where he encountered LordWilmot and Careless, who had galloped thither from Bridport.

  At this point Lord Wilmot took up the story:

  "Feeling it would be impossible to render your majesty any serviceat the time," said his lordship, "after a brief consultation, wedetermined to proceed to Trent, as we could not doubt that you wouldsoon find your way thither. So we rode on to Netherbury and StokeAbbots. By Careless's advice, we then mounted this hill in order tosurvey the country, and right glad I am that we did so."

  "No post could have been better chosen," said Charles. "Had you beenlong on the hill top?"

  "More than an hour," replied Wilmot. "I confess I thought it useless toremain so long, but Careless judged better, and was loth to depart."

  "I had a firm conviction that I should discover your majesty," saidCareless. "I saw you when you left Beaminster, and I felt certain itwas your majesty from the fair damsel who rides behind you."

  "The fair damsel has as quick eyes as you have, and instantly detectedyou," said the king. "I am right glad we have met. That I myself haveescaped is entirely owing to thee, my faithful fellow," he added toHarry Peters. "Hadst thou fallen into the hands of the enemy I shouldhave been truly grieved."

  "Heaven be thanked I am still able and ready to serve your majesty,"rejoined Peters.


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