Beast Hunters: A LitRPG Harem Adventure Part Six

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Beast Hunters: A LitRPG Harem Adventure Part Six Page 6

by Tom Harem

  "I have no idea, but I don't think everything's okay either."

  "Now what?" Maggie asked.

  "Let's see what she does." I replied, "Elisa, you better hurry" I added as I watched the beast crawl across the floor using the force of two left feet.

  "After this, I won't have any energy left." She answered me and stretched her arm keeping her palm up.

  Unlike the previous times what came out of her hand were not ice particles but thick, malleable blocks that molded themselves until they shaped and merged with one another. First, a head arose with sharp and protruding jaws that were beyond the usual, and only then did the body assumed a shape, expanding for a few meters until part of the ice lost thickness and developed into two crystal wings. He had two square squeezed eyes, no tail, and definitely didn't blow fire. The air around us froze as soon as the ice stopped writhing. The dragon fluttered its wings and cold windy blasts blew down the street.

  "What's this?" Maggie asked, pulling away.

  "This is the glove's potential. Did you really believe it wouldn't do any more than just that?" Elisa answered her and released an evil laugh, "in time you'll learn to control and create whatever you want. Unfortunately, it wastes all the energy you have in your body. It depends on what you create." She added and snapped her fingers.

  “Why didn’t you do that against the you-know-who?” Maggie asked her.

  “I couldn’t even stop him or freeze him. It wouldn’t really make a difference. But now, it might just work.” She replied.

  The ice dragon hovered over the ground and waited for Keno to climb onto his back.

  "You don't have to be afraid. He's not going to break." Elisa told him and sat on the floor, "Damn, I can't even feel my hand." She said, pulling the glove out and putting it on the floor.

  "I wasn't afraid. That's weak. I just don't know who you are and if I can trust you." He answered her before he mounted the dragon.

  The dragon took off. The dust rose and generated tiny waves of dirt ahead of us. He dodged the lasers easily. He was agile and stealthy even though he looked like he could shatter if someone pressed two fingers on each side firmly. He landed on the beast's back, nailing his three sharp ice fingers paws into the metal, and waited for Keno to jump out before taking off once more.

  We didn't move. We watched the whole situation; the beast dragging on like a slug, my brother bending his legs, taking one step at a time, moving closer to the lasers.

  My cell phone started to buzz. It was my mother again and I decided not to pick up.

  "Do you think he'll make it?" Vic asked me.

  "Yes. As stubborn as he is, he's as good as I am." I answered her.

  My brother reached the beast's head, pulled out his sharp knuckles and started with the right-side laser. He used his handguns like an ax, scraping the steel, slicing them off slowly.

  As he did so, the ice dragon burst across the air, cooling the temperature, sometimes landing and pulling out parts of the beast.

  "How come you've never shown us this before?" Maggie asked her.

  "It was never necessary. As I said, it takes all my energy. A dragon is hard to create." Elisa said, "There's something else. Something I didn't tell you about that day."

  "What else are you hiding from us?!" Maggie asked her, "No more secrets." She screamed.

  "Damn, okay. I didn't spread explosives around the place. I used ice birds to do it. I never felt comfortable doing them again. But... now... It was different. I felt it was a way of making up for what I did before." She added.

  I sighed before I answered her, "You should have told us about this! At least about the glove's potential. We could've started training all that potential by now! Saving more people, killing more beasts. Fuck, Elisa, we're a team. When are you going to act like you want to be here?"

  "And I do! I'm here, for all of you! I, uh... I like you!" She finally got it off her chest, "this is... pretend I didn't say anything. Look, your brother ripped out the first laser."

  "We'll talk about this again," I told her before I looked at the beast again. One of the lasers was mid-air and my brother was running to the other side. The metallic structure landed on the ground and cratered there in front of one of the beast's legs. Not even seconds later the beast stepped on it and smashed it to pieces until there was nothing left.

  My heart was pounding loudly fearing that my brother would fall. Not that I'd ever tell him how much I cared about him but didn't need to either. We both knew that. Instead, we showed it by competing against each other in our own way, by being each other's biggest rival. It had always been that way. The sweat dripped down and glued the clothes to my body and to the blood spilling from my elbows and knees. My brother must have been suffering the same agony as me, but he also avoided showing it. It was severe pain as if lots of needles stung us at the same time. The sound of the metal scraping on the lasers sounded muffled throughout the broken street; the piled-up debris of the destroyed buildings and the heavy and cloudy air that buzzed in our ears. It took a few minutes for the structure to collapse and have the same fate as the other. It, too, was stepped on until there was only dust left.

  "Now what?" Maggie asked, "We don't have to worry about lasers anymore, but the beast is still huge."

  "You're going to burn it from the inside." Elisa said, "We could have done this straight away, but this is better. Use your glove. Raise firebirds and send them to the gap in the beast's back."

  "Why didn't you send me instead of him?" Maggie asked, eyes half open and the jaw clamped.

  "Didn't you hear me?" Elisa asked, "So you have to try. You don't have to worry about getting hit by lasers."

  "Did you just say that you like us, that you're here, and now you're operating without even consulting us?" Maggie counter-attacked, orange sparks jumping out of the glove.

  "Control your anger, Maggie. Focus. Think of the shape you want your fire to have. Let the energy flow through your body." Elisa insisted, "Your glove is even more powerful than mine. The possibilities are endless."

  Maggie's hand trembled as a fireball grew, the flames whipping the air and the sparks adorning the floor with bright red. She closed her eyes and the flames began to develop in different ways; first a square, then two arrows and finally it became a fireball again.

  "Focus." Elisa repeated, "You can do it."

  "I'm trying!" Maggie yelled at her and the ball swelled up.

  "She's going to lose control again!" Vic said, "We have to stop her."

  "No! She can do it. She just needs to focus." Elisa answered and looked at me like she was asking for permission.

  "She... Maggie can do it. I believe her." I said, "Take a deep breath. Focus on what you want. Think about what's at stake, the people you can save."

  She closed her eyes hard enough for the corners of her eyebrows to bend. The fireball floated over the ground until it hovered meters away from us. Gradually, a beak was formed, and red threads began to expand backward. But within a few seconds, the shape was gone. Maggie started coughing and apologized.

  "I can't. I'm sorry" she said, bending her head, as my brother wandered along the beast's back until he found a place to jump overboard.

  This time he walked slowly, pausing to look back, with his head curved and covered by the hood.

  "Maggie, look at me." Elisa said to him, "Think about how much you can get back at your father if you get this. Let that feeling flow through your body. Don't hold it back."

  Maggie closed her hand, clenched her fist and as soon as she opened it, a flame chain spun around her. It worked like a lash, elasticizing in front of Maggie, squirming until it had the shape of a flaming bird. But it didn't stop there. A second bird emerged from the flames that jut out of the original. Both hovered in the air, starlit red wings and with the rest of the body light red except for the orange beak.

  "You're doing it. Focus. Imagine the birds flying to the back of the beast." Elisa told her, her eyes glowing as she saw the birds blazing the air as
they flew up.

  Keno was only a few steps away from returning to us. The symbol of the academy was covered by a faint dust layer. Of the golden-tailed eagle, only the yellow lines and part of the black eye remained. The trousers had ripped wherein the blood flowed, both on the outside and on the inside, until red threads ran down the trousers and colored them with a wine shade.

  "It seemed to me that you had risen from ranks very quickly. Now I know why" Keno told me, "they do all the work for you, don't they?"

  "Make sure you mind your own business. Don't forget you're still at the academy. How the hell did you get out of there without being caught?"

  "They haven't figured out the secret exit yet. I'll be back in a few hours and tell them I was in a bad mood. No problem." He said, as the birds went over the beast's head and began to descend diagonally, "I've never seen anything like it. I didn't even know it was possible. If I had known, I would have chosen to wear a glove."

  "You're too unstable for that. You don't know what can happen if you're not careful." I told him, remembering what happened to Maggie.

  "I can control myself. I've been taking anger management lessons, okay?" Keno told me. He slid his fingers across his face until he wiped the whole area around his eyes, "So is this going to work or not?"

  "I'm trying," Maggie said, her hand and knees trembling, her eyes still closed, puffing between her half-open lips.

  I got near her and held her other hand. She opened her eyes and kept her gaze on mine and, for a moment, I could swear that there was a flame behind her green eyes.

  A row of explosions traveled along the beast's back. It all imploded from the inside outward, the flames consuming it until mountains of fire arose before us and folded the metal until the grey was scorched. The beast didn't take another step. She fell flat on the ground and merged with him. The peaks in the tar metastasized as the liquid steel spread down the street. From the beast's body remained little more than the legs and the head.

  "Did this really work?" Vic asked, surprised, just like the rest of us.

  "Apparently." I said, "I knew you could do it, Maggie." I said and kissed her cheek.

  "You're getting emotional," my brother said and laughed.

  "Liking someone isn't a weakness, you know?" I told him and looked at the three girls in front of me, "they help me be better and, as you can see, they're stronger than most Hunters."

  "They're tough as hell. On the other hand, you... I never understood why the hell you picked that gun."

  "It was the same gun our father used. I grew up watching him use it. You know he was one of the best Hunters of his time, right?"

  "He was... then he went crazy."

  "Keno! You don't know anything."

  "Is that a lie?"

  "Maybe more than you can possibly think of. Not that it matters now." I answered him. I took a deep breath before continuing, "Vic, collect the experience points and call a pickup truck. Elisa makes sure Maggie's okay. Keno, go back to the academy."

  "I want to visit Mom first. Then I'll go. I doubt they'll miss me. I locked the door. Anything I say I didn't want to be disturbed." He answered and slid his hand through his curly hair. The thick strands of hair moved backward and within seconds had returned to the same place.

  "I've already called a Pickup and collected the points," Vic said. The Hunter APP rocked as soon as it collected them.

  "Congratulations! You have defeated a level 7 monster. 175 experience points have been given to each, as well as 300 hunter points. Do you want to continue as a team?"

  "She's fine." Elisa said, "A little tired but I pointed out that it was normal."

  "Yes...yes...tired" Maggie replied, panting, with her back leaning forward and her hands on her knees, "I did it! What matters... It's just that I did it, right? One day I'll make dragons."

  "Don't push it. We have time for that." I said, "You better get some rest now."

  I walked a few feet away from them and pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I had four missed calls from my mom. I called her and we talked for a few minutes. She told me that she saw the beast burning and I made a summary of what had happened avoiding telling her how willing Keno was to take the risk. It was the last thing she needed, and, in the end, she would still be mad at me for letting him commit such madness. I agreed with her that we would stop by the house and have a snack before returning to the Hunters' building.

  I went back to the group. We were all tired, bleeding and with feeble knees, still trembling after all.

  "Somebody's going to have to wash the car." I said, "But for now, let's hurry up. My mother... Our, she's waiting for us. Don't tell her what you did. You know how she gets if she knows."

  "I never thought of telling her." Keno told me, "Go ahead. I'll be right there."

  "Where are you going now?" I asked him, "I hope you're not going to get into any more trouble."

  "There's someone I need to talk to before I go back to the academy." He told me and turned his back on us.

  "By the way, how did you get here?"

  "I brought one of the academy bikes."

  "You mean... One of the motorcycles that only teachers are allowed to use outside of class?"

  "I don't think you're the best person to talk about it. Aren't you the one who ran off with one for a whole weekend? Do you really think they wouldn't tell me that story?" Keno said, still on his back.

  "He's got you now. And if I remember correctly, you stole the bike for a more selfish reason than he did." Vic interceded.

  "It was a good weekend at least." I said, "I miss those days."

  "Well, have fun remembering old times. I'm going to get going. Tell Mom I'll show up." Keno said and vanished in the opposite side of the beast.

  There was no sign of the children or any of the adults anymore.

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  Other Books;

  Space Fun;

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Preview (Part One);

  The wooden feet of the bed crept across the floor with every move we made. Matilda was on top of me, trying to take my belt off, but she couldn't do it alone. I helped her and she pulled my pants down. She admired my blue boxers for a few seconds and then looked at me again.

  "I like what's underneath," she said and laughed, again with the yapping from before, "it will be our secret, a long, dirty secret."

  I knew I shouldn't do it, but was I really supposed to stop her? After all, I would only be on the ship for a few days and then I would never see her or Amelia again. One time wouldn't hurt anybody, and it was always good for relieving tension. After racing through a whole new city, wounding myself and ending up tipsy in an unknown ship, having fun and then going to sleep didn't sound so bad. It sounded quite the opposite. My head was spinning as her lips came down my length. She moved her tongue while bobbing her head back and forth. All I could see was her blue hair and the threads falling on her face, as well as the brown root.

  Warrior Fantasy Online

  Part One

  Part Two

  Preview (part one);

  "Don't go yet." Mimi said, "You sacrificed yourself for us." She said and walked up to me, swinging her hips.

  "Impossible to be wary of you after that one." Carly added and leaned on me...

  "It was no big deal. I said I'd help you." I answered them.

  "Still, we think you deserve to be rewarded." Carly told me, "Unless you're not interested."

  "It depends on what you have in mind," I said, and before I knew it, Mimi had already thrown the upper part of her clothes to the ground. The medium-sized round tits swinging as she walked away from me.

  "Like this," she answered me and took off her bra, freeing her beautiful tits, her nipples already hard.

  "You two?"

  "Yes," Carly replied, giggling, s
he too, taking the top off and letting the white nipples, that contrasted with the rest of her skin color, be free, "we talked about it and neither one of us was against it."

  "But I've already..."

  "You were with my sister, I know. Don't worry about it. This is just a game, a very realistic one." She said, getting nearly on her knees but never letting them touch the ground.

  "Yes, it's very realistic," Mimi added and joined her.

  I had no idea what was going on, but I wasn't going to stop it. I knew that anonymity led people to commit madness, to situations that they couldn’t accomplish in real life. But in WFO, her faces were the real ones. Mimi's long blonde hair and Carly's snails. Mimi's breasts were slightly bigger, but Carly made up for it with her huge ass and broad hips.

  Succubus Fantasy Online

  Part One

  Wild Fantasy Online Trilogy;

  Part One

  Part Two

  Part Three

  Or buy the bundle with the whole trilogy

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