Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 9

by MLJ Quigg

  He warned me he was going to come, and I sucked him harder until I felt him spurt in the back of my throat, and I swallowed him down. I continued to lick him until he got soft and collapsed on the bed panting heavily. I rose and kissed up his body until I was at his mouth.

  “I’m not finished. I’m gonna fuck you so good now. You want that, Dave?”

  He nodded and agreed telling me, “Yes.”

  I leaned over him and opened the bedside drawer and took out the tube of lube we had stored in there and squeezed some on my fingers. I opened his legs and placed one finger on his hole and entered slowly spreading it inside him. When he was lubed up nice and slippery, I stroked my cock spreading it on that too. I placed my cock at his hole and entered him slowly. I stroked in and out until I’m all the way inside him. We looked at each other and smiled.

  God, I loved this man so much.

  I made love to him for over an hour, and when we were both spent and snuggled together, we drifted off to sleep again.


  I’d been working for Henderson Security for a week and was loving it. We were sitting in the conference room for our very first staff meeting with me in attendance. I was given a thorough tour of the place before I started, and it was huge. The basement was fully soundproofed and contained a decked-out gun range. The ground floor had a training room and a gym with changing rooms and showers. There was a sauna and spa area as well. It also had four offices that Tiny, Richard, and I were given. Two conference rooms and the next two floors had rooms for the employees that stayed on site. Next door, in a separate warehouse, was a full laser skirmish centre. They used this for training recruits in hostage and negotiation scenarios. There was a covered walkway between the buildings that connected them. Out the back of the warehouse was a full combat course—the whole tour taking about ten minutes to complete.

  “Morning all. We have a few things to get through, so it’s gonna be a long morning. I was contacted by the hospital boards in Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane. They have given us the go ahead with our security plans. Sam Blackwell has asked to be put on the staff in Melbourne. He wants to be relocated as he has family. I think he has a good head on his shoulders, and I want him to lead the team there,” Richard instructed.

  Sam Blackwell was an older guy, but a machine. He was an ex-Army captain and a friend of Richard’s. I’d say he was in his late fifties or so. Brown hair going grey. He was about six foot and built. Man, I hoped I looked like him at his age. It was a good decision to have him lead a team. He was a smart guy, and I’d have every faith in him doing a fantastic job in Melbourne.

  “I agree. He’s a good fit and will be able to do the job with his eyes closed,” Tiny commented.

  “Great. So, that’s decided. I also think we should put adverts in the paper and job sites for the other two. We’re bound to find someone else with the right qualifications for them. I want to have a recruitment drive of sorts. We go through them in stages. I think the last stage will be when we bring them all here and instruct them in the gun range and have them train in hand to hand with Mike. If you give the go-ahead. Mike, they’ll be Henderson Security employees. Does that sound okay?” Richard asked.

  “Yep, sounds good to me,” I agreed.

  “That’s settled. I know we do hostage negotiations, but should we go into personal security? I’ve been called by a celebrity agent, and one of her clients is having problems with stalkers. Do we want to get into that kind of work? I’m fine with it, but I said I’d talk to you two about it first?” Richard questioned.

  “I have no problem with it at all,” I exclaimed.

  “Neither do I,” Tiny repeated.

  “Alright, that’s settled. The NSW Police want to use our facilities while they are upgrading theirs. Due to a fuck-up with their contractors, the facility is not up to par and won’t be ready to train their special corps teams in time. Apparently, they like our facilities. They have instructors who’ll be coming with them but are not opposed to using you guys as consultants. You’ll be there to oversee anyway, so if you think of something you could suggest, do it on the sly with the CO. I think it’s a good idea. With the training you’ve both had, I think you can teach them a thing or two. What do you say?” Richard inquired.

  “I agree wholeheartedly. Some of those guys are so green.” Tiny chuckled.

  “We also have the gun range, so they want to train there as well. Same thing applies, we’ll just oversee to make sure they don’t fuck up our equipment and give the instructors pointers on the sly.”

  “Sounds good, Dad. I’ve been talking to a contact I made a while ago, and he’s getting out of the military and wants to join. He’s a tech genius. We used him for our intel while I was in. I have offered him a job as our tech guy. Here are his background check and stats,” Tiny insisted handing out a folder to each of us.

  “He sounds good, sweetness. How ‘bout we get him in here and see if he’s a good fit. When’s he getting out?”

  “In about eight months. He wants to have a secure job when he gets out,” she related.

  We both nodded our heads agreeing with her.

  “I think that’s all at the moment. Let’s get this all sorted, and we’ll go from there. Anything else you can think of?” Richard asked looking at both of us.

  “No, I think we’ll be busy for a while. I’ll wait for more info on the recruits, and we’ll talk more in depth later. Is that okay?”

  “Sure is. Thanks for this, Mike. You’ve taken a huge weight off both our shoulders doing the recruiting. We’re delighted you’ve come on board with us,” Tiny finished.

  “You’re welcome. I’m the one who’s thankful. You’ve given me a chance that I can never repay.”

  “So, I’ll talk to the Police Commissioner, and we’ll get the police training off the ground. I think we’ll start with the gun range first, and then we’ll go ahead with the hand to hand. I’ll let you know as soon as I talk to them when they want to start. I want you to have a look at these recruit sheets and go through them. These are the second stage of the hospital recruits. Let me know what you think, and we’ll go from there,” Richard instructed handing me a pile of about thirty sheets.

  “Not a problem, Richard. You just let me know,” I agreed.

  We walked out of the conference room, and I went into my office and sat down with the new recruit sheets to look over them. Some of the guys on the list I thought were a good fit. The only way to know for sure, though, was to have them in front of us. I had to talk to Richard and Tiny about that later.

  I’m interrupted about an hour later by Richard as he knocked on the door.

  “You have a minute, Mike?”

  “Sure do, Richard. What’s up?”

  “I’ve just got off the phone with the Police Commissioner. He gave the go ahead. We’ll have teams come in from Monday morning. Each day of the week at the same time, they’ll send a team to the gun range. Friday is the first hand-to-hand class with the police SWAT teams. I think we should all be there for that if you’re okay with it?”

  “Sure am.”

  “Great. I’ll let them know when we have a go ahead.”

  I nodded my head. “I went through the stats on the recruits and want to get them here ASAP. They’re a good fit on paper, but I need to put them through the wringer and see if they’ll make the cut.”

  “I’ll make the calls now. How ‘bout we get them here Monday afternoon after the police have used the range. We can do afternoons next week for them.”

  “Yep. I was thinking the same thing.”

  My phone started ringing, and Richard stood to leave. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

  I nodded as he walked out of the room, and I answered the phone. “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

  “I just got off the phone. My dad called me and wants to play nice.”

  “You okay?”

  He sounded worried but not frantic. I knew this must be about the money he was going to inherit next month wh
en he turned thirty.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m not falling for his shit. I think this is all about the money. He’s wanted nothing to do with me before, and now all of a sudden, he wants to play happy families. Fuck that! I’m not falling for that shit.”

  “I know. You know I’ll stand behind you no matter what happens.”

  “I know. Love you, Mike. We’ll talk about this tonight. I have an appointment, I’ll see you when I get home.”

  “Certainly will. Love you, too. Bye,” I countered hanging up and sighing.

  I hoped his family didn’t give him too much trouble. He deserved so much better than those bottom feeders.

  After a long day, I finished up and made my way back to the house. Mary was cooking dinner, and the kids were at the table doing homework.

  “Hey, guys. How was school?” I asked them.

  “Good, Uncle Mike. The work is easy. It will get harder next year when we start high school,” Jackson commented.

  “You guys need any help, you let me know, okay?”

  “No worries. We will. But as Jackson said it’s pretty easy. We’re starting to do high school stuff next term. If it’s harder, we’ll ask,” Connor promised.

  “Well, okay. Do you guys have any other concerns? Anything you want to talk about?”

  I know I was opening a can of worms, but I just wanted to see how they were coping.

  “Yeah, we do. We know Mum was badly hurt, and we have talked to her and Nan and Pop, but we’re worried. She’s not the same, she is really quiet and sad a lot of the time. She has nightmares. It’s getting better since she starting seeing the psychiatrist, though, but she’s our mum, and we love her,” Madilyn stated.

  “You’re right. Your mum was hurt badly, and she isn’t the same as before. It will take a long, long time for her to be back to the person she was. But you also have to be aware that she may never be the same person she was, she’ll be close but not the same. Does that make sense?”

  “Yes, it does. Something that horrible, she’ll always remember and be wary of other people,” Jackson said.

  “That’s right. She will be. You have to remember not to come at her from behind. She will lash out and hurt anyone who does. It’ll get better with time, but until then, all we can do is show her how much we love her each and every day. She has a long way to go in her recovery, but with time, she will get there,” I explained.

  They nodded and smiled slightly at me.

  “Love you, kids. You need to talk at all, you come and find me, okay?”

  “Love you, too, Uncle Mike,” they replied.

  After I asked Mary if there was anything I could do to help with dinner and getting a negative, I made my way upstairs and showered.


  Eight Months Later…

  I’d been there eight months now, and it felt like home. Tiny had recovered remarkably and all of her injuries were healed, and she had gone through extensive rehab. She had to go through detox due to the drugs they had pumped through her system, and she was almost back to the person she was before. The breaks in her legs weren’t as bad as the doctors had originally anticipated, and she had no lasting effects from them. She started at Henderson Security full-time last month, and even though her arm had given her some trouble, she’d started pole dancing to strengthen the muscles. Dave said she had advanced quickly and was really good at it. She wouldn’t show anyone what she did, but that was okay, and if it was helping her, I was in full support.

  We were getting new police recruits as they still were having problems with their contractor, and recruits for us as well. We had a routine down pat, and I had full confidence we’d have no problems.

  Our new tech guy started this morning too. He’d arrived on Friday afternoon for a tour and to get acquainted with his office and the building. He looked to be a good fit for us here. Guy Price was an intelligence officer in the army and had spent time all over the world. I was given his folder to check over, and I was impressed, to say the least. Aged thirty. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Six foot. A certified genius with an IQ of one hundred and forty. Amateur inventor. He had successfully invented hidden bug detectors and cameras in buildings. Various missions with the Australian military and US military. Nothing but fantastic reviews and recommendations from superiors. Personal recommendation from Colonal Anderson, Captain Davis, and General Harris.

  He was shown to his office or bat cave as I’d dubbed it. The place was a treasure trove of electronics. I walked in, and all I could see was monitors. There were at least ten of them on the desk and suspended from the ceiling. He’d installed all these programs which I had no idea what they did. All he said was that if he told me what they are, he’d have to kill me. Like seriously? The guy was a genius but fucking cuckoo if he thought that. I left him to do his own thing while I went through the information on the new recruits starting next week.

  At nine we got twenty officers in uniform come through the door. Tiny and I greeted them and took them to the firing range in the basement. We were there about an hour when one of the officers who’d been niggling at Tiny was trying to gain her attention. She’d had enough, and I could see she was going to put this guy on his arse if he didn’t shut up soon. I walked over to him and pulled him aside. He was only a small guy, mid-twenties or so, and not much to him.

  I towered over him, and he had this cocky attitude that really pissed me off. “I suggest you keep your comments to yourself, or Tiny’s going to flatten you, mate.”

  “Yeah, right. She couldn’t hurt me if she tried. What’s she gonna do? She shouldn’t even be here. She should be at home with the husband in the kitchen barefoot.” He laughed.

  That cocky little shit was going to find out the hard way.

  “I gave you a warning. What happens now is on you.”

  “Whatever. She can’t and won’t hurt me. Woman are good for one thing and one thing only. Men are stronger and quicker than them.”

  “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” I laughed at him.

  Fuck, this was going to be fun.

  It got so bad that I saw Tiny talking to the commanding officer, and he smiled and nodded at her. Tiny walked over to her aggressor and said something to him and walked away. They went through the door, and the CO turned around to look at the rest.

  “Guys, drop your arms and follow me quietly and quickly.” He sniggered while turning around and walking out the door.

  We all followed, and at the top of the stairs the aggressor was giving Tiny shit as she just stood there.

  “Look, Cross, I don’t want any trouble. You’re not a nice man, and I think you need to be taken down a peg. Stop and listen to me. If you keep this up, I’ll flatten you, and your CO has given me permission to do it. I won’t take any more of your attitude. I’ve done nothing to deserve it,” Tiny reasoned.

  “Flatten me, huh. I’d like that. It’s already getting me hard. Fuck, your cute.” He laughed.

  “How about a friendly competition. We’ll do three rounds. First the obstacle course we have out back. It takes a total of ten minutes to complete. Second round, target practice, best out three rounds, and the third round, hand-to-hand combat. What do you say?” she asked.

  “Fuck, yeah. I’ll take you down without a problem. Let’s do this,” he offered cockily.

  She looked to the CO, and he nodded his head.

  “Okay. Friday at midday, here, after you have your last session on the gun range. We’ll start then. I have other commitments right now, but you’ll be crying like a baby when we finish, and I expect an apology,” she demanded.

  “Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, sweetie.” He chuckled.

  God this guy was arrogant. I couldn’t wait until Tiny wiped the floor with him. I just hoped he learns his lesson from her.

  “Actually, I have about fifteen minutes before I have to go. How about we get the target practice over with now?” she revealed.

  “Sure. Let’s go,” he insisted still laughing.

ey walked to the basement where the target practice was being held and set up the targets for shooting.

  After target practice, he was a bit wary around her. They had two rounds of target. One round with a handgun. The gun had twelve rounds of ammunition, and you had to do maximum damage to a paper person printout.

  Cross went first, and he was a good shot. He shot out all the spots on the target. Tiny nodded her head and clapped with the others. She was impressed, but I knew she would do better. She lined up her target and let fly. She got the head, heart, and the last one she looked back at Cross with a cheeky smile and shot the target in the groin. I burst out laughing. Cross swallowed hard and coughed.

  The next target was knives on a board. Another paper target was pinned up for each of them, and they lined up. Cross didn’t do so well with his one and only shot he hit the outer ring once, and all the rest landed outside. Tiny hit all bullseyes. I think he was getting the picture now. He paled and went quiet.

  “Alright, I have to go. Normally, I’d clean the gun, but I really am going to be late if I don’t leave right now. Cross, this will continue Friday if you still want,” she commanded looking at him.

  “Oh, hell, yeah, I’m up for it.” He chuckled.

  “Fair enough. See you Friday, and we’ll finish this,” she stated walking out of the basement.

  I watched as the rest of them gave him hell and laughed again.


  All week the officers were progressing nicely. I had full confidence in their abilities. Not that I didn’t before, but more training and techniques always helped. The attitudes of the officers had been polite and quiet, all except Cross. He came back Tuesday morning, and the attitude was back again. Man, I couldn’t wait until Tiny took this joker down. He was an utter fuckwit. I was tempted to take him out myself. Fuck, no one would miss the dick. The others all gave him dirty looks and commented he was a tool and continually told him to shut up.


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