Mike (Henderson Security Book 1)

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Mike (Henderson Security Book 1) Page 19

by MLJ Quigg

  I nodded my head. That didn’t sound so bad. Actually, it sounded pretty fucking good. I was glad it was so closely monitored. I wondered what security measures they had here. I’d have to talk to Seb about it and ask if he needed any help.

  Shit! I’m always thinking about work. Jesus Christ.

  “As you can see, we have ten different spotlighted areas. They are used for various demonstrations. St. Andrews Cross, spanking benches, rope work, and suspension work are rigged to the ceiling. Tables, cages, swings, and frames. These are usually demonstrated by masters who are experts and give instructions on what they’re doing. They alternate during the night, so only one demonstration is on at any one time. They have the rope suspension in nearly half an hour, so why don’t we have a quick look in the playrooms. I’ll show you one of the private rooms. They’re all the same, so you don’t need to see all of them. Did you have anything to add that I’ve missed, Gina?” Seb cautioned.

  “No. You’ve said it all,” she agreed.

  They showed me the playrooms, and that was an eye-opener and a half. There was a priest-nun room that looked like the front of a church with the pew, altar, and confession box. A doctor-nurse or patient room. It was a doctor’s clinic room. A classroom for teacher-student play. Prisoner-guard room that looked like a prison cell. There were a few others as well. The private room had a variety of toys on the wall or in drawers with a chaise lounge and a bed.

  The suspension rope demonstration was starting, so I found Dave and the girls waiting for us. I pulled Dave in front of me and leant down and kissed his neck. “You okay, babe?” I asked.

  “Yes. It has been very informative. I like this place,” he replied looking back at me with a smile.

  Good, I was glad. I liked what I saw as well.

  I watched as the demonstration started, and the Dom explained that the sub he was using had permission and acknowledged her master standing to the side observing. He was doing a Shinar demonstration, which was a Japanese bondage technique. He explained all the knots and what he was doing throughout. It had so many intricate knots, and the patterns on the sub when he was finished was amazing. I hadn’t realised we’d been standing there for over an hour watching. It took so long to do it all, and throughout he asked the sub if she was okay and to check in continually using the red, orange, and green method. After they were finished, her master retrieved her by picking her up bridal style and walking over to the lounge. He was continually whispering in her ear and rubbing her body down before he wrapped her in a blanket and was passed a bottle of water from another sub.

  Seb introduced us to Master Galen, and we chatted about what kind of rope he used and if I’d like to learn this technique, which I was very interested in. I could just imagine Dave wrapped up in those. He explained that only hemp or jute rope would be good enough to use for the kind of rope work he demonstrated. They were stronger, harder wearing, and durable. They were also very expensive, and he explained the pros and cons of all the different ropes.

  For fundamental tying, anything could be used—ties, bed sheets, ordinary rope, cable ties—but you need to make sure you had a pair of scissors handy with all rope work. You may need to get the sub out quickly if something went wrong or they safeworded.

  We talked well into the night, and when Dave started to yawn, I bid everyone goodnight and took him home and made love to him before we fell asleep.


  A couple of weeks had passed since we first went to the club. Dave and I talked long and hard about it, and we had, in fact, decided to join. We made a trip there every Saturday night to get some training from Master Galen.

  We had been asked to go to dinner at Tiny’s house tonight, and we’re just about ready to go when Laura walked in the house.

  “Hey, Mum. What’s going on?” Dave questioned as he noticed the same thing I did. Laura appeared gutted like someone had killed her cat.

  “Huh! Oh, nothing, honey. I had to give some bad news to a patient today, and it got to me,” she replied sadly.

  “That will always be hard on you. You’re a human not a machine. I expect it will get to you at times, it’s always hard giving someone bad news,” I commented.

  “Especially when you know them personally,” Laura stammered nearly in tears.

  “Oh, Mum… come here.” Dave grabbed his Mum and hugged her tight.

  I could hear the sniffles from Laura, and it even got to me emotionally. Laura was not the type to get this upset usually, but I could understand it, being close to someone and telling them they would be dying sooner than they should would have gutted me too. At least with strangers, you could compartmentalise yourself from the situation. But with people you know, yeah, not so much. I don’t know how she did it at times.

  “Are you coming to dinner at Tiny’s tonight, Laura?” I asked.

  “Yes, we’re all going to be there,” she agreed.

  “From what Monique said today, everyone’s coming. I hope she tells me what’s wrong. She’s been so upset the last couple of weeks. I know something’s up but she won’t tell me,” Dave wondered sadly.

  “Maybe you can get her alone and ask her again. Even at work, she has been out of it, it’s not like her at all. I’ve asked, but she won’t tell me either,” I replied hugging him to my side.

  Laura looked even more upset and was almost in tears. I had no idea what was going on, but we would get to the bottom of it soon.

  We drove to Tiny’s and arrived just before the other guys started to turn up.

  After we all had a huge dinner that was amazing, we settled in the lounge room.

  Richard had been quiet all night and was on the verge of tears many times. Something was definitely wrong, very wrong. He sat on the lounge next to Mary holding her hand tightly. Tiny was on the other side of her holding her other hand just as tightly.

  I looked around at everyone chatting and noticed that Seb, Max, Tweety, Bazza, and Benny were paying close attention to Richard as well. They all wore a frown probably wondering what was going on the same as me.

  “Guys, can we have everyone’s attention please,” Mary insisted in a firm voice.

  Everyone quieted down, and as soon as she had everyone’s attention, she took a huge breath and looked to Richard. He nodded and smiled sadly while leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. They held each other for a moment with their eyes closed and then she brought her attention back to us.

  “Kids, can you take the babies to another room, please. The adults need to talk. I’ll explain what’s going on tonight,” Tiny commented.

  The triplets all nodded, and Madilyn took Emma while Connor picked up Mia, Seb’s daughter. They left the room, and Mary cleared her throat.

  “How bad?” Dave asked after he looked at Tiny and saw the haunted look in her eyes. I had noticed it as well and was going to comment, but he got in before I could.

  “Decimating,” Tiny stated.

  “You all know how I haven’t been well lately. Well, I went to the doctor, and the news is not good. We talked about how to tell you all, and it was my decision to tell you at once, to get it over and done with. There’s no easy way to say this, but I have cancer, and it’s so aggressive that I have been given a month at most. There’s no use getting treatment as it’s too far gone. It started as breast cancer and has spread. It’s throughout my entire body, and it’s only going to get worse,” Mary explained sadly.

  Richard had his head on Mary’s shoulder and was crying. Tiny had bent over and had her head in her hands sniffling quietly. She put her hand around Richard’s shoulders and kissed the top of his head and used her other hand to rub Tiny’s back.

  Oh fuck, this was the worst news.

  I held Dave in my arms as he started crying on my shoulder and all around the room were various muttered swear words.

  “I know this will be hard for everyone, but remember this… I have lived a wonderful life, granted it will be a short one, but all in all an awesome life. I have the love of m
y life next to me, a beautiful child, and amazing grandchildren. You’re all a part of this family. Hold each other tight and mourn me but don’t be sad, live life to the fullest each day. Love often and enjoy what time you have on earth. I know I have.” Mary smiled at each of us.

  God, she was an amazingly strong woman. So strong with what she was going to face. I was in awe of her. I knew this was going to be hard on all of us, but I would take her advice. I would remember the good times and rejoice the times we had with her. I knew Dave would spend time with them before she went, and I was going to be right by his side all the way.

  About a week later, Dave and I were sitting in the lounge room at Tiny’s house talking to Mary, Tiny, and Richard.

  “Remember our honeymoon, baby. We had so much fun. I loved every second of it,” Mary said reminiscing.

  “I do, darling. It was certainly a great time for me. I’d love to do that again,” he smiled sadly.

  “Okay, here’s my request. Let’s do it again. I want the four of you to ride your bikes down the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, on to Adelaide and scatter my ashes in the ocean down there, and make your way back via the Riverland, Mildura, and Hay. Take a couple of weeks and enjoy the scenery and land. Meet new people and just love each other,” she demanded.

  “We will, Mum. Promise,” Tiny replied.

  “Anything for you, my love,” Richard pulled her to him and kissed her slowly.

  Both Dave and I agreed we would both do it for her as well.

  She spent time with each of us saying goodbye, and I loved that I had time with her, but a week later the inevitable happened, and she got sick and had to go into the hospital. They had her on strong painkillers, and she ended up passing away in her sleep two days later. It was the most heart-breaking moment, but I was with them sharing our laughter, tears, and love of her. We each kissed and told her we loved her and would meet again one day in heaven.

  We prepared for the funeral, and I knew that it was going to be hard for all of us.

  We arrived at the church and took our places beside Richard, Tiny, and the triplets. Richard was a mess. Naturally, Tiny held it together, but she was visually upset. The kids were inconsolable. We had Madilyn between us, and I kept her on my side throughout the service. Dave had Connor on his side between him and Tiny. Jackson was between Tiny and Richard.

  Tiny got up to give the eulogy and stood at the altar and took a deep breath. She looked up and smiled sadly.

  “What can I say about my mum? She was the most loving, kind, strongest, and awesome person you’d ever meet. She was a person who didn’t mince words and told it to you straight. If you pissed her off, you knew about it. If she loved you, she did so with all her heart and soul,” she stated pulling out a couple of pieces of paper and unfolding them to start reading.

  “Mary Henderson was born July the first nineteen sixty-four. She was an only child of Bernard and Pamela Greene. When she was eighteen, she went to watch an MMA tournament with a friend and bumped into my dad. Literally. She was getting out of her seat when she tripped on a chair and fell into my father’s arms. From what she’d told me, she knew right then and there that he would change her life. She was smitten from the first kiss they shared, and they hadn’t been separated since. Mum married Dad six months later, and I was born on their second anniversary. Growing up, Mum was amazing. She would help with homework, take me to dance lessons then drop me off at the gym to train with Dad. I never heard my mum upset growing up. She was always upbeat and cheery.” She had to stop and get herself under control which she somehow managed. She looked at her dad and smiled with glassy eyes before continuing.

  “When I had the triplets, she said it was all she wanted in life, to see me grow up loved and have kids of my own. She loved her grandkids beyond reason and would do anything for them. When Dave met her, she instantly fell in love with him and treated him like another child. She always maintained she doesn’t have one child she has twenty-five. I have a letter she wanted me to read.” Tiny took the time to flip to the next page and took another deep, centring breath. I could see this was getting to her, but she was holding it together.

  “My dearest, Monique. Baby girl, I love you more than words can say, you are the light of my life. I know one day you’re going to be the wonderful, strong girl I know is in there. You’re hurting right now, and that’s fine. You take your time, but don’t let love go when you find it. One day someone will come along and knock you off your feet. You will love this person with your whole heart. I know I won’t be there in person, but know I’ll always be with you. I’ll be watching and cheering you on like I’ve always done over your entire life.

  “To my grandkids… Madilyn, Connor, and Jackson. The same will go for you. I will always watch over you and be your guardian angel when things get tough or your conscience when you do stupid stuff that will get you into trouble. I love you three with all my heart.” She took a breath and looked at the kids with a sorrowful smile then looked down.

  “To Dave and Mike. My love for the two of you is boundless, and I couldn’t be prouder of the men you are. Love each other and always hold on tight.

  “To my other children, the boys, and their partners. I know I met you by your nicknames, but you’ll always be your real ones to me. I just want to say I love you all, you will always be in my heart.”

  Tiny started sniffling at that point and had to take a break.

  “To the love of my life, Richard. You’re an amazing man, and I’ve been blessed to be with such a wonderful person. I love you more than anything, and I know you will miss me, my love, but remember that it’s only a small reprieve. We will be together again. Until I see you in heaven, watch over our kids and grandkids and hold them close. I love you.”

  Tiny took a huge breath and had to wipe her eyes.

  I had to do the same, and I could hear crying and sniffling around the entire church.

  “I just want to end with I love you, Mum, and I’m going to miss you so much. I know you’re up in heaven smiling down on us. Live it up with the big man until you’re reunited with your love. Goodbye, but not forever,” she said as tears trailed down her cheeks.

  Madilyn started crying harder, so I pulled her onto my lap and held her tight. She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my neck. Tiny stepped from the altar and walked over to her dad and crouched down in front of him. They hugged each other tightly and both of them were crying hard. I nudged Dave and told him to tell Jackson to move in between us. He did so, and I wrapped an arm around his shoulder. He leant into me, and I hugged him tighter. Dave had Connor wrapped around him and was holding him firmly.

  After Tiny and Richard had their time to get themselves under control, the priest gave a couple of prayers and Bible passages and then asked us all to turn our attention to the screen. As soon as The Music of the Night by Andrea Bocelli started, Richard, Tiny, Dave, and the triplets burst into tears and even I shed a few tears of my own. Mary absolutely loved The Phantom of the Opera, and it was her favourite song in the show. Throughout the song, pictures of Mary’s life were shown, and in so many of them she had the beautiful smile she always wore.

  It was the perfect send-off, and she would have loved it.

  Afterwards, we made our way to scatter rose petals on her coffin and said our final farewell. We then went into the attached room for refreshments to celebrate the life we had all lost.

  It was a beautiful send-off, and she would be missed by us all.

  We spent the next hour there then made our way to Tiny’s to stay the night. We spent hours upon hours talking and reliving her life, and finally, Dave and I made it to bed in the early hours of the morning.


  Three Months Later…

  Exactly three months and one week later, we were in the same church, sitting on the same pews, in the exact same positions, and for the same fucking reason as last time. This one hit us out of the blue, and we were all still shocked by what happened a week ago.
I still couldn’t believe he was gone. One minute he was sparring with us, the next he collapsed and died before the ambulance had arrived. Life was not fair, and we were all gutted by this turn of events.

  Tiny made her way to the altar once again and wiped the tears off her cheeks while taking a deep breath. She opened the papers and started to read. “Sudden death of a loved one is the hardest to bear. You don’t get to say goodbye, you don’t get to prepare yourself, it just hits, and this death has guttered us all. We’re here to celebrate and say goodbye to the greatest man I’ve ever known.”

  Tiny had to stop as she started crying. She really tried to get herself under control, but couldn’t do it. She looked to the floor, and I decided to take over because she just wasn’t able to continue. I let go of Madilyn and whispered in her ear I was going to help her mum. She nodded, and I got up and went to Tiny.

  “Go sit down, honey, I got this. Go be with the kids, they need you more,” I whispered in her ear.

  She nodded and hugged me tight then walked off and sat in my spot, and Madilyn grabbed her and they hugged. She was still small enough that Tiny picked her up and moved to Madilyn’s seat. Jackson moved to my original position, and Dave and Connor swapped chairs so the boys were on either side of the girls. They all huddled and hugged each other. I could hear the crying from where I was standing, and I wiped the tears from my cheeks and started reading the words on the paper.

  “Richard Henderson was born in Miami, Florida, on January twenty-first nineteen fifty-seven to Anne and Alan Henderson. He survived an older brother Brian who died in service with the marines. He always loved fighting and got into Mixed Martial Arts when he was eighteen. At age twenty-five, he came over to Australia for a tournament, and a girl fell into his arms, and as Mum had stated, all my life, once he kissed her, he knew she was going to change his life. From that moment on, he did everything he could to have Mum in his life. He married Mum on September twentieth, nineteen eighty-two. He left MMA fighting, moved to Australia and opened a gym in North Adelaide. I was born on their second anniversary…”


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