Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 10

by Posey Parks

  She clenched her fists at her sides and her chest rose and fell. “I want you dead. So tired of seeing your handsome smug face.”

  “Mr. Porter, you created the trust fund for Pippa, but you never spent time with her. Can you imagine how that made her feel? What did Stephanie say when she found out?”

  He ran his fingers through his short well-groomed hair. “Changing the subject won’t elevate the pain you caused. How could you kill my little girl?” His blue eyes saddened.

  “Sir, your daughter harmed herself. I may have emotionally damaged her, but physically harmed her no.”

  “Dad, don’t believe another lie that falls out of his mouth. I want you dead. You fucking asshole. My boss has new plans for you. So, you live to see another day.”

  I raised my gun. “Who’s your boss?”

  “Pippa, calm down.” Mr. Porter waved her off.

  “Where’s my baby?” Desperation clung to his words.

  “Caden, don’t look at the screen, but I erased that file and cloned her hard drive. There are a lot of encrypted files. It will take time to hack it,” Jacob stated.

  I peered into his eyes. “Mr. Porter, Pippa is feeding you lies. Technically, I’ve known you longer than her.”

  “You bastard.” She pulled a detonator from underneath her T-shirt.

  “Now you want to kill me by blowing up the place?” I clued my team in on what was happening.

  “Shut up! And lower your weapon. Now. What do they call you? Caden.” She snickered.

  A chill shot up my spine.

  “Do it now.”

  I crouched, placing both Glocks on the ground.

  Extending my hands, I stared between them.

  “You took my sister from me. The only other person besides my Mom who loves me.” She glanced at her men.

  “Let’s move.” She nodded to her father. “Take him,” Pippa ordered.

  “Caden, what do you want us to do?” Hunter asked.

  My stomach twisted in knots.

  “Nothing,” I gulped.

  “Sebastian, you can’t mean that,” Sydney wailed through the ear piece.

  Pippa inched backward toward the second door never taking her eyes off me.

  “Looks like your disobeying your boss’s orders?”

  “Yeah, well. It was my plan all along to kill you for taking my sister from me. I’ll tell him you became reckless. Didn’t listen, so I had to blow the place.”

  She laughed hysterically.

  Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead.

  “Remember how much I love you, Sydney,” I whispered.



  My husband was trapped in a building with a psychopath.

  Staring through the scope, my eyes widened as she revealed the detonator. Our hands were tied. If we blew her head off Sebastian would die. If we did nothing, he’d still die. It was all my fault. I couldn’t let my obsession go. But what was I to do? I was right. Stephanie left someone behind. Not a friend, employee, but worse. A loved one. Pippa lost the only other person she cared about. Truthfully, I was to blame. Not Sebastian. I pulled the trigger. I killed her sister. Sebastian begged me to allow him to handle it. I wouldn’t listen. I had to take matters into my own hands.

  Pippa’s finger teetered over the detonator button. My body vibrated with each step backwards she took toward the door.

  “Remember how much I love you, Sydney.”

  I swiped at the tears never wanting to take my eyes off my husband. I blinked and the streets of L.A. shook. Pieces of the building flew in every direction. A heavy body shielded mine. Skyler grabbed my hand. The ringing in my ears was constant.

  Black smoke choked the air. We coughed uncontrollably. Our life together flashed before my eyes. The day we met on the courthouse steps. The day he stood in the rain on the streets of Seattle gazing up at me. The day I married my best friend. Sebastian loved me with all his heart. Didn’t matter how crazy I was. Didn’t matter that I didn’t date white men. He knew he wanted to be with me. He scoured the earth to find me. And just like that our love was gone. I dropped my head back, releasing a gut-wrenching scream.

  Hunter clutched my arms, pointing two fingers at his lips. “I need you to pull yourself together. We need to move.” I read his lips.

  We climbed back into the power company overalls.

  If anyone knew how I felt at that very moment it was Hunter. He was devastated when he thought Skyler was dead. Hunter motioned for us to follow him. He shot the lock on the roof door. We ran down the steps and slinked out the back door. The streets were crawling with police cruisers, ambulances, and firetrucks.

  A flashlight shined in our faces. I stared at the police officer as he approached. “Hey what are you people doing out here?” The ringing was subsiding. I could hear him faintly.

  Hunter spoke to him.

  “Good to see everyone is ok. I will take you to detective Davins.”

  Hopefully, Mike would allow us to observe the crime scene. My throat and the backs of my eyes burned as I tried to hold back the tears. Sydney hold it together. People sat on the curb, clutching their stomachs, crying. Blood gushed over one woman’s eye. Luckily, the building next door was an office, and it was empty. Another reason we work at night and not during the day. We tried to avoid casualties. This time my husband turned out to be a victim. The streets were filled with emergency vehicles. It was a scene from Criminal Minds.

  The entire city was on high alert. Panic inflicted the air.

  Mike approached. “Hello, I understand I was personally requested.” He stretched his hand toward Hunter.

  My hearing was improving. Samantha hadn’t released my hand.

  “Can we step to the side please,” Hunter nodded to the curb.

  Mike followed.

  “Mike, it’s Jacob and Samantha Latters.” He pointed between them.

  His face brightened, and he embraced Jacob. “Good to see you buddy.” He stepped back.

  “Not that I don’t see you enough.”

  “Call us Hunter and Skyler.” He peeked at me. “This is Sydney Johansen.” I gazed at Mike from under the dark cap.

  We shook hands.

  “Your husband is Sebastian Johansen, right?”

  Clutching Samantha’s hand, I swallowed hard, and shook my head.

  Mike’s brow wrinkled.

  Hunter tapped his arm. “Mike, it’s actually about her husband. I’ll fill you in.”

  I peeked over my shoulder at the burning building while they were deep in conversation. Samantha wrapped her arms around me. “Either he helps us or I’ll have to contact the president. He needs to know anyway. Robert and Sebastian were friends.”

  My knees buckled. Samantha’s words reminded me how my world was turned on its axle.

  “I got you, Sydney.”

  “His parents are at the house. I have to face them. I-I’m not ready.”

  “Sydney, I’ll be right by your side.”

  I nodded.

  “Skyler, Sydney, let’s move,” Hunter stated.

  We followed Mike. He grabbed four masks off the command post table. “Put these masks on. You’ll want to keep these on. The smoke is thick the closer we get to the crime scene. We’ll walk outside the perimeter. The firefighters won’t allow us too close.”

  “Understand. How’s Maya?”

  He smirked at Hunter. “She’s doing all right. Some days are better than others.”

  “Zoey and Brandon are here too. I sent them home because they were closest to the building right before the explosion.”

  “I’ll bring Maya by tomorrow. If that’s all right.”

  Skyler patted his arm from behind. “That would be great.”

  I scanned the tearful faces of the victims lining the streets. That fucking bitch escaped. Wait till I catch her ass. Torture may be in order. She didn’t deserve a quick death.

  My boss wants you alive. Her words ran through my head. She killed my husband anywa
y. Bile rose in my throat. Tremors struck my body in waves. I was an assassin, and I needed to hold it together. Stepping around rubble scattered in the street, we stared at what was left of the burning building.

  The fire chief approached Mike.

  He waved his finger in Mikes face. “It’s not safe to be in the vicinity.”

  Mike peeked at me then back to the chief, pointing at the building.

  “Chief Berry, I understand. We believe Mrs. Johansen’s husband was inside.”

  He exhaled and glanced at me. “Stay out of the way. I’ll let you know what I find.”

  “Thank you, Chief Berry.” I shouted.

  Walking down the sidewalk, I peered behind the building. Firefighters dug through the rubble. “We got something.”

  I gulped; eyes wide. Skyler wrapped her arm around me. Hunter stepped in the street, waiting for word of what was found.

  Four firefighters walked toward us carrying a man on a stretcher. Hunter ran toward them.

  “Hey, get back here,” the chief yelled.

  Mike waved him off.

  Hunter stared at the man on the stretcher. His eyes met mine, and he blew out a breath, shaking his head.

  “It’s not him, Syd.” Skyler’s head landed on mine.

  Tears spilled down my cheeks and I couldn’t catch my breath. My knees were like noodles. I wished this was a bad dream. It was just a matter of time before they found Sebastian. My heart beat against my rib cage, threatening to burst out of my chest.

  “Have a seat.” We sat on the curb.

  Mike and a firefighter stepped over.

  The chief said if we planned to remain at the scene, we needed to sit and inhale oxygen.

  Hunter barely sat. He placed the oxygen mask over his nose and mouth, pacing and peering at the devastated site.

  An hour later, chief Berry persuaded us to go home. He said it would take the remainder of the night to evaluate the site. He said he’d call Mike the second he had any news.

  Our childrens grandparents surrounded us the second we stepped through the door.

  Violet’s wide eyes met mine. “Where’s Sebastian?”

  “There was an explosion.”

  She gulped.

  “He-he was inside.” My gaze fell to the floor.

  “No!” she wailed, falling to her knees.

  Dirk helped her off the floor, sitting on the cushioned bench in the atrium.

  “Our baby,” she howled.

  Her pain rocked me to the core.

  Violet reached for my shaky hand. No words. Skyler stepped behind, hugging me.

  “Please excuse me.” I managed through the warm tears.

  Never glancing back, I strolled upstairs to the nursery. My eyes swept over Caden’s handsome face. He cooed in his sleep. I stretched my trembling hand toward him. He looked just like his dad. Big dark curls all over his head. I brushed my fingertips along his fair skin. Thankfully, I had a piece of Sebastian. Our son.

  A few minutes later, I crawled into bed, clutching one of my husbands discarded T-shirts. The spacious dark guest room felt tiny without Sebastian here. I leaned over and lit the peach scented candle that reminded me of home. Sebastian brought it over yesterday. He knew I loved the scent.

  Peering into the darkness, I reminisced. I spilled hot coffee all over him when we first met. His stern green-eyed gaze held mine. He was the epitome of sexy. My heart was in my throat when he came to my office. He wanted to retain me as the attorney for his corporation. All so he could get close to me. Looking back, it warms my heart. All he’d done to have me in his life. I told him I didn’t date outside my race. He wouldn’t let me off the hook. The first time we made love was so special. Sebastian stared deep into my eyes. I felt like I was the only woman who existed in his eyes. He searched California until he found me. He refused to walk away.

  Then the shit Jonathan pulled separated us almost permanently. Thank goodness my cousin asked Sebastian to find me. I’ll never forget staring out the window of my small apartment. Sebastian stood across the street in the pouring rain. I didn’t understand at the time why he was there. I thought he was with Stephanie. His eyes were glued to my stomach the second I opened the door. He was mine in my eyes. I wished he was my man again. Later that night, he consoled me. Told me he knew the child in my belly was his. That was one of the most intense times of my life. He kissed every inch of my body. All I wanted was to be his woman again.

  The day we were married was so special. Finally, Sebastian was all mine. I became Mrs. Johansen. The Stephanie shit almost wrecked our marriage. Sebastian may have been upset that I killed her. Not angry enough to walk away.

  Bitterness seeped from my pores. The kidnapping of our son consumed my thoughts. Hard to believe it ended here.

  “Sebastian,” I cried out. “I can’t do this without you.” Tears leaked against the pillow. “You’re my world, baby. Come back to me. Sebastian, you can’t be gone. No one can ever fill my heart. There’s no happiness without you.” I wailed. My lips trembled and my body shook violently. How would I make it through this?


  “Go away, Jacob.”

  “I’m here to help. I understand what you are feeling. I lost my wife.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I wanted to die. Living on this earth without Samantha wasn’t something I cared to do. I like you…had to go on. Be strong for a special little person.”

  “Charlotte,” I answered.

  “Yup.” He placed his hand over mine. “Caden needs you.”

  The bed dipped again. “I won’t leave you.”

  “Samantha, I’ll be fine.” Our brown eyes locked.

  They had removed their prosthetics.

  She gripped my arm. “I ain’t leaving. Jacob understands.”

  He pressed a pill in my palm. “The sedative will help you sleep.”

  Samantha grabbed the glass of water off the nightstand and placed it in my hand. They stared at me until I swallowed the pill.

  Jacob patted my leg. “I’ll be right over here on the chaise lounge chair.

  Samantha scurried to the closet, gathering linen.

  The door opened again.

  “We are staying with you too,” Zoey stated, climbing into bed.

  Sam gave Brandon a pillow and blanket too.

  I sat up in the middle of the king-sized bed. “I can’t let you guys stay with me. I’ll be fine.”

  “No,” Brandon growled. “We are a family. We are always here for each other.

  Jacob pointed at Brandon and glanced at me. “What he said try to sleep, Sydney.”

  Samantha laid beside me.

  Their heads rested on my shoulders as they clutched my hands.

  The tears broke free again. The immeasurable amount of love over flowed in the room. I was blessed I had my family.


  After a long shower, I sat on the sofa in the spacious living room. Violet held Caden. I rested my head on her shoulder.

  “Your daddy loves you. He’ll always be in your heart.” She patted his little chest. His face lit up. Dirk kneeled down beside her. “Is there anything I can get either of you?”

  He ran his hand over her silky black hair.

  “No, honey. We’re ok.”

  He lost his son and his main concern was ensuring Violet was all right.

  “Dirk, how are you handling all of this?” I peered into his eyes.

  “Checking on you two helps me cope with the loss of my boy.” His voice wavered. “Excuse me.” He darted out the patio door down the hall.

  “I’ll be right back, Sydney.” I need to check on Dirk. She placed Caden in my arms.

  “No problem.”

  Cradling Caden, I stared out the patio doors. Violet sat beside Dirk and pulled his head into her lap. His big frame shook in her wake. A chill shot up my spine.


  I glanced at Jacob, standing in the archway.


  “Come here a s

  I followed him into the kitchen.

  Denise smiled as I entered. “I can take Caden while you two handle business.”

  “Thank you.” I placed him in her arms.

  Zoey, and Samantha were already seated at the large kitchen table.

  I sat beside Jacob.

  “Chief Berry’s on the phone.”

  He pressed the speaker button and placed the cell on the wooden table.

  “Hello, Chief Berry.”

  “Good morning, Mrs. Johansen. I haven’t talked to Davins yet. But I promised him last night I’d call you with any news.”

  “Yes, what have you uncovered?”

  “That’s just it.” He sighed. “We didn’t uncover his body.”

  My heart slammed against my ribcage. “What does that mean?”

  “I don’t want to get your hopes up. To be frank…his remains could be scattered a short distance away from the site. We’ll need to perform a deeper investigation. An explosion that massive…we may never find his remains.”

  Bile rose in my throat and I torpedoed out of my chair, gripping my mouth. I entered the powder room outside the kitchen, hovering over the toilet, tossing the contents in my stomach.

  Why did this happen to us? What do I do with the chief’s information? How can I bury my husband?


  My eyes fluttered open. Waves of pain shuddered through my body. It felt like someone poured boiling water on my skin. My hands were drenched in blood holding the piece of metal poking out of my abdomen. Moonlight peeked through the cloudy warehouse window. Debris littered the stained gray cement floors. Lying on a dirty mattress on the floor, rancid urine crept up my nostrils. Where the hell am I? And how did I get here? I heard fire trucks in the distance. I didn’t sense another presence in the vicinity. Inching upward sparked the excruciating pain. My head thudded the mattress and slowly my eyes closed. Was I dying?


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