Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 15

by Posey Parks

  “I almost didn’t make it. I know what it feels like for the smoke to choke your lungs. To wonder if you’d be saved.” His eyes met mine. “This is how I cope.”

  “It’s dangerous, Chandler.”

  “Sebastian, it’s good to see you too.” He embraced me.

  I slapped his cheek twice. “Happy to see you too, Chandler. I thought you were still abroad.” I glanced between them. Guys have a seat.”

  “I returned home a year ago. I needed to do this. Save lives. So, I trained and became a firefighter,” he said, sitting beside me.

  I knew why he really risked his life every day. But it wasn’t my story to tell.

  “Mike, I can’t thank you enough for helping Brandon.”

  He sat on the chaise lounge. “Glad I could be of service. What were you doing in the explosion wearing combat gear?” He cocked his head, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

  “Are you asking officially or unofficially?”

  “I know better than to ask any of you anything officially. Jacob and the president have kept me busy enough.”

  “Never a dull day with those two.” I smirked.

  Mike chuckled.

  Chandler’s eyes darted between us. “The president of the United States?”

  “Yes. Robert and I knew each other growing up. Our fathers played golf together.”

  “And I’ve known him since he was a Senator. I’ve assisted with a few security details,” Mike stated.

  “Mike, I’m sure you are aware I was framed for murder.”

  Chandler gaped. “What the fuck, Sebastian?”

  “I know while I was fighting off a second killer in Seattle jail, you were probably rescuing a damsel in destress who locked her keys in her car.”

  He laughed. “Funny. It actually happens more often than you think. People lock their keys in their cars all the time.”

  I peered at Davins, resting my head against the pillow. “I paid the person a visit, and they tried to kill me again. I’d appreciate if we could keep this quiet.”

  “Not to worry. Chief Berry was happy to learn you were alive. I’ll ask him to keep his report under lock and key.” Mike pointed toward me. “I don’t even want to know what you have planned for this person who cost the city millions of dollars in their attempt to kill you.”

  I smirked. “Good. Just know they will be handled.”

  “Sebastian, what does that mean?”

  “Chandler, not to worry. And I don’t want you involved.”

  He clasped his hands between his knees. “You’re my family. I want to help.”

  I didn’t want him involved. He had enough shit to deal with.

  “My parents and Seth are here.”

  His eyes lit up. “I haven’t seen them in a long time.”

  “I’ll let you two catch up. I need to get home to Maya.” He stood. “I’ll talk to Jacob before I leave. Oh yeah, we’ll be over tomorrow. She wants to visit Zoey before she returns to Boston.”

  “All right. I’ll see you then, Sebastian.

  Chandler, I’ll see you around.”


  Mike vacated the room.

  “How’s uncle Dirk?”

  “He’s fine.”

  Chandler rubbed his hands together. “I hate the way he looks at me…with pity.”

  “I told you the last time I saw you. He loves you. He hates what happened to you. He wishes he could change the past that’s all. I’m telling you he will be thrilled to see you. He and mom might extend their stay if he can spend time with you.”

  He shook his head. “Sounds good. I’ll take them to a Dodgers game.”

  “Now we’re talking. Do you know whose house this is?”

  “It’s not yours?”

  “No, I live across the street.”

  He gripped his short hair. “I’m afraid to ask. Who lives here?”

  “Jacob Latters.”

  He shot to his feet. “The movie star Jacob Latters!

  Why are you recuperating in his house?”

  I held my side, laughing. “My wife is his wife’s cousin. Where have you been living in a box?”

  He waved me off. “I work a lot.”

  “If you ever want to leave your past behind talk to Seth. We have sweet real estate in Buckhead. I understand it was years ago, but you enjoyed the south those summers you lived with us and the year you attended school in Atlanta.”

  He sat, reclining in the chair. “I love Cali, but maybe I could breathe a little better if I moved to Atlanta.”

  “I know you won’t stop your obsession with rescuing people so if you choose to make the move. Let me know what firehouses interest you. I’ll call in a favor.”

  His blue eyes brightened. “I think my record speaks for itself. I don’t think I’ll have a problem transferring.” His lip ticked upward.

  “Cocky bastard.”

  We laughed.



  My head tilted against the olive colored plush patio chair as I gazed at the twinkling stars in the sky.

  “How do you feel, Sydney?”

  “Better, Zoey. It’s Surreal. One-minute Sebastian was dead then found alive.” I smirked. “My back hurts. The hospital bed is comfortable, but it’s a twin bed. Sleeping next to a wounded giant is challenging.”

  “Tell me about it. I was wearing an elegant wedding gown wedged in Jacob’s side. I didn’t care.” Samantha tugged her shoulder length hair, staring into space, pondering on the gut-wrenching memory.

  I grinned. “Me either. Smelling him. Touching him, brings a smile to my face every day. I have him back. I’m so fortunate.”

  Zoey’s fingers grazed her belly.

  I peeked at her. “May I touch your stomach?”


  “I don’t mind friends and family touching my stomach. I hate strangers reaching for my belly without my permission.”

  Zoey and Samantha nodded.

  “The first time I was pregnant, I waved to the staff and waddled into my office, plopping in my chair. Didn’t matter that I tried to hide from my nosey employees they’d find a way to corner me. I loved my walks at lunchtime. They’d track me down and press their hands against my belly. They’d always try to guess the sex of my child.” She shook her head. “It had become so bad, I closed the blinds and walked around my spacious office.”

  Samantha and I bent over laughing.

  “You needed Tony as your bodyguard. He wouldn’t allow anyone to step in close proximity. He’d raise his hand and demand for them to step back.”

  I gripped my stomach, slouched in the chair, laughing in tears.

  “I actually didn’t mind if strangers rubbed my stomach. It was the personal questions that were an invasion of privacy. One day on the set, I told Tony to take a break. He asked if I was sure. I said yeah. Jacob was in the middle of a scene. I walked over to the refreshment table to grab a bowl of fruit.” She placed her hand over her eyes.

  “What a fucking mistake. A stage hand stepped over. She was a tiny thing. She said Mrs. Latters how do you feel? I smiled. I said I feel good. She said your belly’s so big, I bet your carrying twins. I thought oh shit.” Her eyes widened. “Play it cool Samantha.”

  Zoey and I were glued to Samantha’s every word. Her stories were always hilarious.

  “I plastered a smile on my face. Then I blatantly lied. Not sure we want to know what we are having. Don’t you need to get back to the set? She placed her hand on my stomach. Whoa was that a double kick? I stepped back. I should get back to my seat. One more thing. She peeked around the room, then leaned into my ear. What’s it like waking up next to Jacob Latters? I said it’s the best, cracking a smile. Sometimes I watch him sleep. I’m the luckiest woman in the world. Amazement struck her face. God you are, she breathed heavily. Could you believe it? I think she was ready to have an orgasm at that moment.”

  We all laughed.

  “Truthfully, in the beginning I watche
d him sleep. Shit, he is the hottest movie star and my star crush. As time passed, we argued and sometimes hated each other.” Samantha stretched her legs, resting them on the chair across from her. “Honestly, I wondered if he’d cheat on me after an argument. Trying to hold yourself together in the lime light is difficult at times.”

  “I met Brandon for lunch at the hospital several times. I always caught a nurse gazing into his eyes while he gave an order. Or he’d thrust a file forward and the nurse or doctor would run her hand over his as she grabbed the file. They didn’t care he was married. I knew I had nothing to worry about. The second Brandon spotted me standing there after I witnessed the bitches flirting with my husband, he’d slam his lips into mine and expressed his love for me. I’ve grown to love those moments.”

  “I can attest to that fact. The way that man swooped you up into his arms at the hospital, he loves you one hundred percent.” Sam smiled.

  I peeked to my left. “Samantha, don’t forget Zoey’s muffled screams last night.”

  We laughed, slapping hands.

  “Give it to me harder,” Samantha moaned.

  Zoey dropped her head in embarrassment.

  “Fuck both of y’all.” She sucked her teeth.

  “Can you imagine all of us going on vacation together? The moaning and groaning pouring from every room would be insane.”

  “Sydney, wrong. It would be sexy and hot.” Samantha bit the air.

  “You’re a fool.” I laughed.

  “Maybe after our lives are under control, all of us can take a trip together.”

  “Zoey, that would be nice, but we’d have to stop getting knocked up long enough to enjoy a couples retreat.”

  “Sydney, true.” Samantha leaned between us. “What if we all became pregnant at the same time on the couples’ trip?”

  “I could see that happening,” Zoey chuckled.

  “I love these moments. The FaceTimes are nice too. But nothings better than sitting under the stars, laughing with family.” I clutched their hands.

  “Awe, Sydney.” Zoey swiped at the tears, streaming down her brown doll shaped face.

  “That’s four people who have returned from the dead.”

  Samantha laughed. “Shit, that’s true. Me, Dillon, Tony, and Sebastian. Does Tony really count he was here with us?”

  “Yeah, he counts. The Magarelli’s had no idea he was alive.”

  “Zoey, true.”

  I glanced at Samantha. “What will you do now that Tony’s returned to his life?”

  “His brother and sister run his bodyguard company now. Maybe they can recommend someone.”

  “All the shit that happens in your life, you might want to ask Tony to send someone from Jersey.”

  Samantha nodded. “That’s a good idea.”

  Zoey gripped her belly. “I’m starving again, can we head to the kitchen?”

  “Sure.” I pulled Zoey to her feet.

  “Lean against the wall in the booth and relax. Sydney and I will whip up some southern goodness.”

  We strolled through the quiet dimly lit family room. “Samantha, is it too late to bake a peach cobbler?”

  She anchored her arm around Zoey’s neck. “Not for you. Do I need to send two cobblers a month?”

  “No, one is enough. If you send two, I’ll need to walk around my office for a full hour.”

  I bent over laughing. “That’s true.” I pointed at Zoey.

  “I live across the street so you can imagine how hard it is not to ask Samantha to bake those good ass cobblers daily.”

  “Zoey, Sydney said I should sell my cobbler in stores. I told her no. I only make them for the people I love.”

  We leaned in kissing Samantha’s cheek.


  Staring out the sprawling glass patio doors, I exhaled. The view of Los Angeles was breathtaking. Our new home was double the size of our old house. We didn’t need all this space. After all the bullshit that happened last month, I doubt we could afford this house. Sebastian and I wheeled and dealed with clients who attempted to back out of lucrative business deals. My negotiation skills came in handy. A few of the smaller accounts requested their software jobs be moved to the front of Sebastian’s work load. Pacing the bedroom floor, I peeked at Sebastian. He rested against the headboard, deep in a conversation with the head of the NBA’s IT department. I placed my hand over the receiver and whispered, “ION, wants software contracts complete in two to six months.”

  He ran his fingers through his long, black curly mane and nodded.

  We needed the best of our software team to complete the smaller contracts now. It was the only way to keep our company afloat.

  I’ve spear headed meetings at the office in Sebastian’s absence over the past few weeks.

  He’s joined a few meetings via video conference. The team was anxious to have their boss back to work. Sebastian told them he had appendicitis emergency surgery. The security officers at our community gate received an influx of flowers from employees. Samantha and I scanned the gifts for listening devices and explosives. Not sure if Pippa was aware, she didn’t kill Sebastian. There hadn’t been any Television news stories, newspaper articles, or obituaries announcing his death. We traveled through the tunnel to our new home. Sebastian hadn’t left the house. He thinks she may have fled the country. In Pippa’s attempt to kill Sebastian she destroyed thousands of dollars in weapons. He said her customers would hunt her down if they didn’t receive their weapons. She might be feverishly working to stay alive.


  I pulled my eyes away from the beautiful view. “Dr. Onyx, how is Sebastian healing?” I strolled through the family room toward the atrium.

  Dr. Onyx made a few house calls since Brandon and Zoey returned to Boston.

  He smiled. “Very well. He’s followed my direction not to over exert himself. I understand he wants to regain a normal workout schedule. He’s allowed to exercise three times this week. Next week he can increase his workout plan to five days.”

  I grinned. “That’s wonderful. He was becoming antsy.”

  The corners of his eyes crinkled as he laughed.

  “You have a beautiful home.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Tell him to lay out by the pool.” He opened the front door.

  “I will.”

  “If either of you have any questions, call my office.”

  “Will do.”

  I waved as he hopped into his Porsche Taycan.

  No need to head upstairs. Sebastian was probably already in the gym.

  My ponytail danced against my shoulders as I jogged down the long hall. The music vibrated the soles of my feet as I approached. Shoving the wooden double doors open, a wicked smile curled the ends of my lips. The hype rap music thudded my ear drums. Sebastian’s black basketball shorts swayed back and forth as he ran on the treadmill. Sweat glistened all over his tanned arms and chest.

  “Fuck,” I mumbled. His hair was pulled into a man bun on top of his head. That mountain man beard was so hot. My pussy clenched at the sight of my sexy husband. Every day for weeks I applied coca butter to the scars on his face until they disappeared. Sebastian didn’t understand why I raved about cocoa butter until he saw the end result. He requested a personal stick for his bathroom drawer. I smirked at the thought. Licking my lips, I drank in all that gorgeous man. Shit, we hadn’t had sex in forever.

  “Sweetheart, how long do plan to stare?”

  I arched an eyebrow and my arms crossed my chest, walking forward. “As long as I want.”

  He snickered.

  Sebastian whispered in my ear, “Sit on my face, Sydney,” a few times after climbing into bed over the past few weeks. I wanted his tongue to send me screaming in ecstasy. But I also wanted his cock.

  “Don’t over exert yourself.” I gripped the top of the treadmill.

  “Why not?” He glanced at my ass through the mirror.

  “The doctor said don’t over do it.”

sp; “Hmm.” He pulled his lower lip into his mouth.

  “Sebastian, stop staring at my ass.”

  “Where else would you like me to look? You’re standing between me and the mirror. Besides you have a fat ass. It’s hard not to stare.”

  I tapped the machine. “Cool down, baby.”

  “Sydney, I haven’t worked out long enough.”

  My eyes locked with his. “You can continue your workout with me upstairs…” I sashayed toward the door. “…In our bedroom,” I yelled.

  “Cool down it is.”

  I chuckled shaking my head.

  Tapping away at the keys on my cell, I fell on the bed. Sun light poured through the floor to ceiling windows.

  Samantha, can Gloria watch Caden. I’ll pick him up this evening? Sebastian and I need a little play time.


  Girl, I got your back. You go ahead and tackle that cock.

  Pick up little Caden in the morning. Bitch, you better look tired and satisfied when I see you.

  Thanks, Sam.

  Sebastian grabbed my legs, sliding me toward the edge of the bed. He planted his lips against my ankle.

  “We have the remainder of the day to ourselves. Sam said I can pick up Caden in the morning.” I winked.

  “We owe her big. We should return the favor soon.” He yanked my turquoise yoga pants off.

  “Take a shower with me.” He pulled me to my feet. I peered into his eyes as my fingers splayed his sweaty chest. A few times I’ve stood before Sebastian and forgot I was his wife and he was my husband. The way his lips glided across my skin sent chills up my spine. The beautiful Italian that spilled from his lips as he slipped deep inside my slick walls made me feel loved. The way he fucked me as his eyes burned into my soul reminded me, I was the only woman he desired.

  His brows wrinkled. “What’s wrong?”

  I glanced at the rock, bulging on my left hand. “We’re married. We have a seven-month-old child.” I peeked around us. “We live in a fortress we can’t afford.”

  His jaw tightened. “Sydney.”

  I patted his chest. “Let me finish. We have another chance to love each other unconditionally. I’ve scheduled therapy sessions. I need one on one sessions and in others I’d like you to be there. I need to know how to express my level of fear and anger.” My head dropped against his chest.


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