Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing)

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Relentless Chase 4 (Troubles Brewing) Page 20

by Posey Parks

  The second time my eyes slowly opened I glanced around the room. It was empty. Sitting up and tossing my legs over the side, I stretched. My fingers ran through my tousled black mane. I flexed my muscled back. Standing to my feet, I strolled toward the bathroom, rubbing my eyes. I placed my hand on the knob and the door flew open.

  “Oh, my god!” she shrilled, staring at my cock.

  “Shit, I thought you were gone.”

  Finally, her eyes met mine. “I didn’t think you’d wake up soon. I was just leaving.”

  “You don’t have to leave. I thought you were gone because it’s day light.”

  She smirked. “Well, I’m leaving now.” She strutted toward the door.

  I stalked behind her, placing my hand on the door. “Don’t leave.”

  “Don’t leave. Why not?”

  “This is my last day in town. I was hoping you’d spend a few hours with me or the day.”

  She turned, falling against the door, arms folded, staring into my green eyes. “I think it might prove dangerous this time around.”

  My brow wrinkled. “Why do you say that?”

  “We’re sober.”

  “If I recall we started the night out sober. It wasn’t until later last night when things became tricky.” I winked.

  “I don’t foresee any problems. We can continue to enjoy ourselves.”

  The dress she wore hugged her lushes’ curves. Shit.

  She blushed. “Ok.”


  Knock, knock.

  Sierra opened the double front doors. “Marco!” She threw her arms around my neck.

  “Hello, Sierra. I bought a couple of bottles of wine.”

  “Thank you. So happy you could join us for dinner again. Dillon loves having you over. You know that. Make yourself at home.”

  “I’ll place the wine in the fridge.”

  “Ok, join us in the dining room.”

  I nodded.

  Dillon and I hung out a couple of times a week. Maybe we made up for lost times. Since he was supposedly dead for fourteen years and some change now. Sometimes Sierra cooked and Dillon and I ate in the family room. Laughter poured from the dining room.

  After leaving the kitchen, I stepped into the dining room and froze. Shit, what the fuck was she doing here?

  Sierra stood smiling from ear to ear. “Marco, I’d like you to meet my best friend Emoni. She’s in town visiting from Portland.”

  She stood extending her hand to me. “Nice to meet you, Marco.” She smiled.

  What the fuck was that? Now we don’t know each other? Never spent time together? I squeezed her hand lightly. “I hope you are enjoying New Jersey.” I walked to the other end of the table, sitting next to Dillon. Emoni and I would have a little talk, before I left here tonight.

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  “Excuse me, sir. How can I help you? This is a private venue,” I stated.

  The man didn’t respond he stood, gazing out the window. The sunlight poured into the center of the room. Two men from either side of the room walked toward me out of the shadows.

  “Charles, Michael, that will be all,” the man said, waving his hand in the air.

  “Robert!” I erupted, strutting toward him.

  I glanced over my shoulder. The doors closed behind the men after they exited.

  My stomach twisted. Running my hands down the front of my dress, I walked beside him.

  “How are you?” he asked, peering at me with a sly smile.

  “Robert, I told you it was over a few months ago,” I affirmed, pounding my fist at my side.

  He gazed into my brown eyes. His strong, eager baby blue eyes told me all I needed to know. He ran his fingers through his short blonde hair then pulled me into his arms, slamming my body against his crisp expensive, dark, blue suit. Robert leaned down, thrusting his lips against mine full of need, desire, and pain.

  Sadness filled his eyes. “I missed you baby,” he murmured.

  I was like a cooked noodle in his arms. Where was my strength to resist him? I pulled back from him, slightly. “Robert, I thought we agreed to stop seeing each other.”

  “No, you told me we had to stop because of your new friend Adam,” he said dismissively.

  “Baby, you know I can make him disappear just-like-that,” he replied, snapping his fingers.

  My heart plummeted and my eyes widened.

  “Baby, we’ve been together for over ten years. It doesn’t work like that,” he said, flashing his beautiful white teeth.

  He pressed his handsome pink lips against mine again. “Stop the foolishness and let’s go back to the way things were, just me and you.”

  I pushed back from him, turning to the window. It became difficult not to look at him. My sad eyes pierced his.

  “Robert, I don’t understand why you are doing this. We discussed this matter before. You’re in politics following in your father’s footsteps. Your father’s image of a wife for you is not me!”

  “Yeah, I’m following in his footsteps like you wanted too right?” his voice raised.

  I cut my eyes back to the window and tugged my lower lip.

  “Nicki, I know this is a rough time for you. I understand Samantha had her baby,” he said, stepping behind me. My legs threatened to buckle. Robert clutched my waist.

  “Does he know about us?”

  “No. Robert what would I tell him? That the only man I ever loved can’t make an honest woman out of me. If he does, he’ll never become the President of the United States.”

  “Baby, I’ve been in love with you since the eleventh grade. You knew I’d give it up for you,” he said, running his lips over my hair.

  My body shuttered in his arms. I was falling apart.

  “Robert stop,” I sniffled, wiping the tears from my eyes.

  He reached into his pocket, pulled out his handkerchief, and placed it in my hand.

  “Did he ask you about starting a family yet?”

  “In a roundabout way.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “I said nothing. What was I supposed to say? Adam, I don’t want kids because I had a difficult pregnancy and my baby was delivered stillborn at six months. I just can’t go through that again!”

  I turned in his arms, clinging to him, wrapping myself in his arms. “Have you visited her grave?”

  “Yes, on her birthday like I do every year. Only difference is I go alone instead of with you.”

  He caressed my face. His empty eyes stared into mine. “Baby, I need you.”

  “Robert, we have to move on with our lives. Adam is in love with me. He wants forever with me.”

  “And I don’t?” he roared.

  I pushed back from him, attempting to walk away. He grabbed my hand.

  “Robert, the problem was never if we loved each other whole heartedly! You have to carry out your family’s legacy. You’re the Republican’s best hope. You, will become the next President of the United States.

  I told you at the lake that day you would have to give me up. The state of Georgia wouldn’t have allowed you to win the Senate seat if you married a black woman. I did what I had to do. I couldn’t stand in the way of your destiny.” I was heartbroken all over again. My air ways threatened to close. I needed to leave.

  “Good day, Senator Chandler!” I stormed out of the room.

  “Bye for now, Nicki.”

  Have you read Nicki’s Love Torn…Read

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  Have you read the Hidden Witness Mafia Series…Check out Book one

  Have you read the Not Giving Up series…Check out Book one

  Have you read Billionaire’s Stripper…Check out

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  Be sure to preorder Emerging Temptation Releases January 14, 2020

  Note from Posey Parks />
  Thank you so much for reading Relentless Chase 4.

  I absolutely love writing in Sebastian and Sydney’s world.

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