Playing God

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Playing God Page 6

by Kran Sanon

  "What are you?," John asked as his voice trembles.

  The alien replied in an unknown language. John didn't understand a thing. He became confused.

  John replied, “I only speak English please.”

  The alien makes a static sound as his voice transformed into English.

  "My name is Chmmr," The alien says.

  John becomes surprised.

  "How can you suddenly speak English?"

  Chmmr said, “I can speak around 357 languages thanks to all the satellite transmissions. I learned it before making our way here.”

  “So, how or why did you and your people get here?,” asked John.

  “My planet was destroyed in a civil nuclear war thirty years ago. We came here in peace as refugees to save our race from extinction. Our ship crashed and some of us died. Also, not all of us could adjust to earth's atmosphere. So a lot of my people died after a few days. Me and the others were captured by your government and tested upon,” replied Chmmr.

  John asked again, “What happened to the others in the room?,”

  Chmmr responded, “They are all dead. I am the only one left alive. We brought the dark matter as a token of gift and a symbol for peace. Little did we know that humans will misuse it.”

  John sighs.

  "My parents died because of your ship crash thirty years ago. Though, that is not the reason why I released you. The scientists here used the dark matter you brought to create a time travelling portal but it became uncontrollable. This led to dinosaurs and other ancient creatures from a different timeline to creep into our world. These creatures have killed almost everyone on this island. I was summoned here to close the portal which is like a link between their world and ours. We have lost a lot of people in the quest, only for me to get here and fail in closing the portal. I have tried to close it but have been unsuccessful. You know about the dark matter and how it works. Can you help me close the portal?"

  “The dark matter is called 'Caleban' where I come from. It means 'Magic' in your language. It was used to open the portal by Dr. Van Horne who tried to create a link between your world and mine,” said Chmmr.

  For which John asks, “How do you know his name?,”

  Chmmr responds, “He was the one in charge when we were captured. He tested and examined us when we were captured. That was before he opened the portal. He did it the wrong way and linked your world with those creatures instead. The energy from the portal consumed and killed him. They said they were not going to disclose his death and abandoned the portal since no one knew how to close it until you arrived.”

  “So the portal killed Dr. Van Horne?”

  “Yes. Dr. Van Horne was not really working for the government. He was working for a secret organization. Their aim was to get this dark matter and use it for themselves to become more powerful and unstoppable. This organization wants to take over the world and were using the Doctor to carry out their plans in disguise but he died before he could get it out. That was his plan. This mishap was his idea but he did not understand the full consequences of his evil plan,” replied Chmmr.

  "How do you know all these?," John asked surprisingly.

  Chmmr replies, “I heard everything the doctor says on the phone whenever he carries out his tests on us.”

  “The government didn't know this?,” John asks.

  “I don't think so, we've been abandoned in this station ever since as most of us have died.”

  “So you can close the portal, right?,”

  “Yes, I think I can. I know the correct manner to shut down the connections of the Caleban. I have worked with it on my planet. Some things might be different but I know I can.”

  They walked down to where the portal is and with the help of the alien, John manages to close the portal. He gives the dark matter back to the alien and tells him to take his ship which is placed in a lab by scientist’s and leave because humans will never allow him to live in peace nor will they ever use the dark matter properly.

  He adds that with the help of dark matter the alien can start a new life in any other planet. John handed the dark matter to Chmmr. They went to get the spaceship, only to see Colonel James Johnsson enter the station.

  “Colonel, how did you get here?,”

  “After you and Siobhan left us, we couldn’t manage to kill all the creatures so we ran in different directions. Eventually, I made my down here but I do not know who else survived. I see you met this…. ...alien.”

  John responds, “Yes, but you didn't say anything about him.”

  “I wasn't told to say anything about the alien. Where is Dr. Siobhan?”

  “She ran off as one of the creatures chased her. I don't know if she's dead or alive. I only pray she is alive.”

  Colonel asks, “That's so sad. So, did you close the portal?”

  "Yes, with the help of Chmmr," John said as he pointed to the alien.

  Colonel James looked at his hands and saw the dark matter.

  "Why is this thing holding the dark matter?," Colonel James asked.

  “It belongs to them. They brought it to earth as a peace offering. Now, he will have to take it back to start a new life and most importantly, make sure that this kind of mess never happens here again.”

  Colonel James responds, “No! That's not possible. You have to hand it over.”

  Colonel James moves close to the alien to forcefully collect the dark matter, but was stopped by John.

  “Colonel Please! It is better if it is away from us humans. You have seen what it brought. Taking it away from the planet is the only way. It means avoiding a greater evil. This matter will bring danger again if it falls to the wrong hands.”

  “No! You do not know what we can achieve with it. We can change any reality we want. With its use, we can change the present by changing the past. It can help our country become the most powerful in the world. We can win wars before it happens. We'll win any war because we will see it coming. Hell, the British Empire could still exist.”

  “Your understanding of this thing is wrong. Changing the past will not change our present. It will only create a new reality and our reality will remain the same,” said John.

  The Colonel does not listen to him.

  "You are a scientist, John. You of all people should understand its importance to humanity. All the advancement in technology, weapons, medicine…… Imagine all the good, John,” said the Colonel.

  “I have seen enough good that can be achieved from it in the past two days, Colonel. You know what I am talking about,” replied John.

  “Fine. If that’s how it’s going to be. I am giving you one last warning, John. Give me the dark matter or I'll kill you and the alien," Colonel James said as he raises his voice.

  John tries to reach his gun with his hand but couldn't find it. He remembers he left it while trying to close the portal.

  Colonel James cocks his gun and pointed it at John.

  "I will kill you here and no one will suspect anything. Actually, I will still have to kill you anyway since you know too much so do something good before you die."

  "Drop your gun Colonel!"

  They hear a voice say. They looked at who the person was…


  Surprisingly, it was Lieutenant Martin. John was shocked as he thought the Lieutenant had died in the forest.

  The Colonel is still pointing his gun at John.

  "What are you doing Lieutenant?,” The Colonel asked.

  "I heard all your conversation with the Doctor and it's not the original assignment we were given," The wounded Lieutenant said.

  The Colonel drops his hand.

  "You don’t understand,” he said as he moved to another position.

  Lieutenant Martin still doesn't understand what is going on. He held his gun in his hand as John went to him.

  "I thought you were dead," John said to Martin.

  “I managed to escape those beasts but lost my way. I trailed you guys to the station and saw bodie
s on my way down here. Where is Dr. Siobhan?"

  “We were attacked by one of those creatures as we were about to enter the station. She distracted it by running off while the Rex chased her so I can come in to close the portal which I now have. Now, I just hope she's alright.”

  "We will search for her," Martin says.

  "I called the mainland. More soldiers will be here soon to get us out of here. But we need to find my ex-wife first and you might have heard about my plans for this alien and the dark matter," John says.

  “Yes. That seems the right thing to do considering what has already happened because of it,” replied Martin.

  They are about go towards the lab when the Colonel kicked Martin's gun off his hand and pointed a gun at him.

  "Give me the dark matter Doctor or I'll kill him," Colonel James says.

  "Shoot him Doctor," Martin snaps.

  “Colonel, you don't have to do this. A lot of people have died on this island. We don't have to shed more blood,” said John.

  Colonel James cocks his gun again. John collects the rock from the alien who was just quiet all this while as he walks slowly to the Colonel. John knew he was defenseless because the Colonel might kill the Lieutenant and still kill him anyway if he doesn't give up the dark matter. He moved slowly towards the Colonel.

  "Drop it right there," The Colonel said as John paused, dropping the dark matter on a table.

  The Colonel ordered them to move away or he'll have to kill them.

  He picked the dark matter and headed for the door while still pointing the gun at them.

  "No one else has to die," The Colonel said.

  "ALL FOR OUR COUNTRY, AND OUR PLANET," The Colonel said again before his exit.

  Lieutenant Martin picks his gun as they run after the Colonel. They got outside the station only to see the Colonel being chased by a T Rex. The Colonel had dropped the dark matter, his gun and tranquilizer gun as the T Rex attacked him. The chopper which was waiting to pick him up has been destroyed by the T Rex.

  Martin quickly noticed the dark matter on the floor.

  "Go for the dark matter!," Lieutenant Martin yelled out as he tries to cover John pointing his gun towards the T Rex’s direction.

  John runs immediately to the dark matter and picks it up.

  The Rex eats the Colonel whole.

  They all ran back to the station, locking the door behind.

  John tries to catch his breath as Lieutenant Martin loads his gun.

  "All for our country, and our people! There is something about that statement," John said as he rushes to the lab.

  "What?!" Lieutenant Martin asked as he runs after John.

  The alien followed them. John entered the lab and took out Dr. Van Horne’s workbook.

  "I think I saw that statement in this book," John said as he opens the pages of the workbook.

  John flips the pages to the back and saw the scribbled statement ‘ALL FOR OUR COUNTRY, AND OUR PLANET’ with ADV-tech's symbol.

  "I knew it!," John said touching ADV-tech's logo in the book.

  Lieutenant Martin recognizes the logo, "That's ADV-tech's symbol. They sell ammunition to the government. So what's the connection?”

  "That line has to be their unofficial motto of any type. ADV-tech is the organization Dr. Van Horne once worked for before joining the government. It seems he still secretly worked for them. I overheard him talking to someone while we were being examined in the lab," Chmmr says.

  “Colonel James told me Dr. Sarah also worked for ADV-tech,” Lieutenant Martin said.

  "It all make a whole lot of sense now. Dr. Van Horne, Dr. Wilson Sarah and Colonel James Johnnson were all working for ADV-tech. Apparently, the organisation’s main motto in disguise is to take this country back to its dominant history. They partnered with the government inorder to understand and then eventually steal the dark matter from them. The portal becoming uncontrollable was not a mistake but rather a deliberate move from Dr. Van Horne so that he can get the chance to steal it. Little did he know that it will only spell his doom," John says slowly.


  ADV-tech which is an ammunition company that supplies weapons to the government, is originally interested in using the dark matter to rule the world. They have been on it for years with spies, informants and allies, helping them in their quest.

  John and the others found out that the doctor that Dr. Van Horne who is the scientist that opened the portal was secretly working for this organization. Dr Sarah Wilson was one of the scientists also sent as a spy on the island before being rescued by the military men and later sent to the island again to help close the portal. Colonel James was also secretly working for this organization and was tasked in transporting it to the organization.

  They have succeeded in closing the portal, but the dark matter mustn’t get into the wrong hands or another disaster looms.

  “It is not only about companies like ADV-tech or the governments but the human race itself,” says John.

  “Since the beginning, everything has only been about control. Something which everyone craves for but that lust for power only brings disasters as such. So, it is better to let humanity evolve as time allows it to and not cheat its way to a future filled with blind ambition.”

  They now have to get to the spaceship so that Chmmr can leave the earth with the dark matter.

  Just as they were about to reach, they feel the floor shaking. Another huge T Rex appears behind him.

  “This one must have come from the portal just before we all arrived. It must’ve been the same one I felt earlier while in the communication centre. It must had been sleeping inside somewhere in the station,” John thought to himself.

  “Run!,” John shouts at the top of his voice.

  Martin and John headed for the door as the alien ran along with them.

  They ran as fast as they could, while the T Rex wrecked havoc by shattering anything that came its way.

  John trips and falls, hitting his head on a brick. The Lieutenant quickly shoots at the T Rex multiple times to slow him down a little while he helps John get back up. The alien ran ahead not noticing it. John gets back on his feet.

  He manages to run further. They took cover in a vehicle room. The T Rex paused as it searches around for them.

  Lieutenant Martin reloaded his gun.

  “This gun doesn’t have much effect on it,” John whispered.

  Lieutenant Martin responds, “A tranquilizer can do the damage. It would decapacitate it giving us all the time we need but it was with the Colonel. All we have is this gun though and limited bullets.”

  They notice the T Rex was off-sight and started running. The alien just followed them, knowing that their survival means his survival.

  They kept running for their lives, believing they have escaped the Rex but it just came and stood in front of them. Looking dead into their eyes.

  Martin targeted the T Rex and wasted his remaining bullets on it with little effect.

  “What do we do?,” John asked as he looks at the creature.

  Martin, “We run!”

  They turned back and started running but this time, they were not as fast. The Tyrannosaur’s movement makes the things fall inside the station. To avoid the falling steel, they have to jump but this gives the Rex the chance to catch up. It moves towards the alien who was already lying down helplessly. John yells to distract its attention. Lieutenant Martin though, pushes John aside as he runs towards the Rex with his knife. He jumps at the Rex and succeeds in stabbing one of its eyes. The Rex screeches and shakes Martin off as he hits the ground. Before he could make even one move, the Rex eats him in one piece.

  John sees this, knows for a fact that he is going to die as the Rex’s attention turns towards him.

  The Rex aggressively comes towards John to finish him off.

  Siobhan shows up luckily behind the T Rex and shoots it with a tranquilizer gun. The same one Colonel James dropped outside the station.

  This m
akes it dizzy but it’s still standing on its feet. It turns back and tries to get to her but she quickly fires two more as it drops to the ground unconscious.

  She runs to John and helps him to get up.

  John was dumbfounded. He had thought that was the end of his life.

  They eventually take the alien back to where his ship is. The alien gives his farewell and departs with the dark matter in his ship which uses cloaking device so that no one sees it.

  Later, the new batch of soldiers storm the station. They met John and Siobhan in the station rooftop, holding each other while they sat on the side wall.

  John and Siobhan make up a story and said the Colonel betrayed them. Once they closed the portal, the Colonel snatched the dark matter away from them and said that he was only here for that and is working for someone else. He took it away in some sort of an alien craft which they do not know about. They tell them the entire truth about ADV-tech and the involvement of Dr. Sarah, Dr. Van Horne and Colonel James Johnsson.

  John and Siobhan were transported back to the mainland as the only living survivors from the Island.

  John explained and showed evidence of how Colonel James, Dr. Van Horne and others were working for ADV-tech.

  The government arrested those involved but couldn’t get to Colonel James.The Island became out of bounds and was proclaimed as a nonresidential area.

  The authorities say that they will find the Colonel and hunt for him throughout the world. Little do they know that he died on the island.

  The government safely took John and Siobhan back home where they are reunited with their daughter with millions in their bank account as a reward which was promised.



  ANNIHILATION: Cretaceous Crisis book 2.


  Kran Sanon, famous for the Arkhen Falling Trilogy was born on 1st May 1998 in the Pacific Island country of Fiji. He is someone who is passionate about almost everything "pop culture". He loves historical fantasies, science fictions and unconventional romance sagas. He also has a degree in Information Systems and Economics.


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