Hunter Reborn

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Hunter Reborn Page 6

by Katie Reus

  “To kiss Ryan?” the boy asked, all innocence.

  Teresa felt her face flame. “Ah, no. We weren’t . . . I’m just leaving but Ana is cooking breakfast for everyone in a few hours so I’ll see you then.” Without sparing a glance in Ryan’s direction she hurried out the front door.

  She should have known he wouldn’t just let her run out.

  He caught her hand in his and tugged her back as he followed her onto the front porch. He tugged the door closed behind him with his other hand. “Hey. He won’t be up for long.”

  For some reason that statement pissed her off as much as the hungry look in Ryan’s eyes did. “So what? You can’t just change the rules all of a sudden, Ryan O’Callaghan. Once you decide to give me an explanation for why you’ve been a jackass the past three months, come see me. Until then, this”—she motioned between them—“isn’t happening again.” Ignoring the dark look he gave her, she turned on her heel and left. Maybe it was harsh but she didn’t care. He couldn’t just yo-yo her around like this.

  So what if he all of a sudden decided he wanted her. What happened when he changed his mind again? She wasn’t going to deal with some emotionally challenged male. For months he’d made it a point to keep his distance, but he’d still warned other males away from her. She wanted to know why. And jumping into bed with him without talking first was stupid. One way or another Ryan was going to come clean about whatever his issues were.

  Because she wanted the whole package. A mate, a family, everything. And if he couldn’t give it to her, she was moving on.

  Chapter 7

  Jayce sat on Cece’s couch and tried to rein in his frustration at the sobbing human. He understood she was upset—rightfully so—but he didn’t have time for tears. If anything, they made him edgier.

  At least Kat was more sympathetic. It seemed to make a difference with the human. Kat sat on the longer couch with Cece, across from Jayce, his bondmate’s arm wrapped snuggly around the female’s shaking shoulders.

  “I just don’t understand why we can’t call the police,” the human wailed again.

  Jayce rubbed a hand over his face. Yes, she’d been traumatized, but she was also drunk. Considering the blood she’d lost and the shock she had to be in, it made sense that she kept forgetting things they’d already told her. Still annoyed the shit out of him.

  “I’ve already called the police, Cece,” Jayce said quietly. “They’ll be here in ten minutes.” He didn’t care if it was a lie. He needed answers. She straightened at that, even though he’d already told her the same thing half a dozen times. “Why did your friends leave the club early?”

  She sniffled and wiped her red nose. Once they’d got her home, she’d showered and changed into flannel pajamas. He’d bagged her bloody clothes and told her they would go to the police. In reality he’d be keeping her clothing for his own investigation.

  “They were hooking up with some shifters, but they haven’t texted me back yet. Bitches,” she muttered.

  “Can you give me their names and contact information? I’d like to follow up with them and make sure they’re okay.”

  She nodded and rattled off both names and phone numbers. He would put them in his notebook later, but for now he mentally filed the information away. He’d be following up with her friends very soon. Because if they’d intentionally thrown their friend to those vamps for dinner, they wouldn’t like his form of justice.

  “You’re doing great, Cece,” Kat murmured, rubbing her hand against the female’s back in small circles.

  “Thanks. And thank you for saving me. I still can’t believe . . .” She trailed off into another fit of tears and Kat pulled her into a hug.

  Jayce clenched his jaw but straightened when Kat shot him an annoyed look. He didn’t have to tap into their telepathic link to know she was mad at him for not being more sympathetic. The human hadn’t been sexually assaulted, so he wasn’t walking on eggshells around her. They needed damn answers about what was going down at that club and why. Because he knew in his gut that the club was linked to the recent rash of vamp blood dealing and the crimes committed by those hopped-up on the stuff.

  “Did the men who drank from you say anything or seem to be acting strange?” Jayce asked.

  Natalia had described the vamp that she’d killed as having eerie glowing eyes. And Kat had said that with her seer ability, she’d been able to see a strange aura around the other vamps, as if they were puppets on a string.

  Cece’s head whipped up, tears streaking down her face. “Stranger than them attacking me and drinking my blood with no provocation? I would have given it to them!” she shouted, then seemed to realize what she’d said. Her face flushed red as she looked down at her hands. “I’ve hooked up with vamps before so it’s not like . . . I wouldn’t have minded feeding them, but they just attacked me. I didn’t deserve it.”

  “No, you didn’t,” Jayce agreed. “Those two vamps were monsters and they’re never going to hurt you again.” A knock at the door had him rising. Cece started to get up, but he held up a hand. “I’ll get it.” Before he opened the door he scented his old friend, Nikolai.

  When he opened it Niko stood there, arms crossed over his chest. “All these little favors are going to add up, wolf.”

  Jayce snorted and stepped back. “She’s in the living room.”

  As he and his vamp friend entered the living room, both Kat and Cece looked up. Kat wasn’t surprised because he’d told her what he was doing, but Cece’s dark eyes were confused.

  “Are you with the police?” she asked Niko, who looked like a biker, wearing beat-up jeans, scuffed shit-kickers, and an equally worn leather jacket.

  The vamp was over five hundred years old and had more money than some countries, but you couldn’t tell from the way he dressed.

  Niko covered the distance to her in the span of a heartbeat and knelt in front of her. As he did, Kat stood and stepped away.

  “I’m sorry for what you went through tonight, but I’m going to make it better. Okay?” he asked in that rough voice of his. It didn’t matter that he was a vamp and basically immortal, his voice would never change. Right before Niko had been turned his throat had been slit and had never healed properly during the change from human to vamp.

  Cece looked confused, but nodded.

  As Niko talked to her, Kat hurried to Jayce’s side. You trust him? she asked telepathically.

  With my life. That wasn’t something he said lightly or about many people. Which explained Kat’s raised eyebrows.

  You could have gone a little easier on her, she chastised.

  He shrugged and wrapped an arm around Kat’s shoulders. He wasn’t used to being soft with anyone, except her. For her he’d do damn near anything. That’s why you’re here.

  Rolling her eyes, she nudged him with her elbow. What do we do now?

  Go home, get some sleep, and in a few hours we’ll hunt down Cece’s friends. I don’t think they’re involved, but it’s a possibility.

  Kat frowned and looked back at the human and Niko. Niko was staring deeply into her eyes and scrubbing her recent memories. What about Cece?

  Niko will stay and watch over her in case she wasn’t randomly targeted. Unlike a lot of vamps, Niko actually liked humans. For all his rough exterior, the ancient vamp was oddly protective of the physically weaker species. It was one of the reasons Jayce respected him.

  If you trust him, I trust him. Kat leaned into Jayce, wrapping her arm tighter around him.

  The feel of her lush body against his was something he’d never tire of. A few months ago he hadn’t thought it possible for him to have the life he wanted with the female he wanted more than his next breath. Some days he was terrified he was going to wake up and find out this was all a dream. Or that she’d be targeted by one of his enemies. That was something he simply had to live with. Luckily he was strong and so
was she. His female could take care of herself if push came to shove. And he’d continue to keep training her every day to make sure she never lost that edge.

  He’d seen firsthand what happened to a male when he lost his mate. His own brother, who he hadn’t heard from in hundreds of years, had lost his pregnant mate to a feral coyote. It had been bloody and horrifying. His brother had gone crazy, attacking Jayce in a fit of rage. Jayce had let him because he’d known the male was suffering worse than any physical pain could inflict. He’d stopped his brother only because he hadn’t wanted to go blind, but now he was scarred, a reminder of all his brother had lost and what Jayce could lose too. Hell, he didn’t even know if his brother was alive. Some days he thought about searching for him, but fuck it. If he wanted to find Jayce, he could. His brother was the one who’d left all those years ago, turned his back on Jayce, the only family he’d had.

  At a buzzing sound, Kat reached into her front pocket and pulled out her cell phone. She snorted and held it out for him to see.

  If u 2 don’t have curfews neither should I! Where r u? A text from Leila, the sixteen-year-old shifter they’d recently adopted.

  Jayce just shook his head as Kat texted her back. Their new ward was staying with December and Liam while they were off on this mission so it wasn’t as if she was alone. And what the hell was she doing up this late anyway?

  She wants to see her new . . . friend, Kat said, answering the question he hadn’t asked.

  Jayce tensed, knowing his bondmate was right. Leila had started hanging out with a human boy. Who rode a motorcycle. Hell fucking no. Not happening tonight.

  “No kidding,” Kat muttered aloud as she slid her phone back in her pocket.

  “Come on,” he murmured to Kat as Niko stood up.

  Cece was lying back on the couch now, her eyes closed and her breathing steady. Whatever Niko had done clearly worked.

  The three of them walked outside, but Niko remained in the doorway. “I’m going to stay for a few more hours until I’m sure she’s okay. Then I’ll keep watch over her house for a couple days. She seemed to take the memory scrub well, but she was attacked, so she might have nightmares. She thinks I’m a gay vampire she picked up at that club tonight.”

  “Gay?” Kat asked, a touch of amusement in her voice.

  “I planted that in her memory so she wouldn’t feel threatened by me. She needs rest after her ordeal.”

  “Thanks, man. Call me with any updates and I’ll let you know if I find out anything about the vamp blood dealing,” Jayce said before he and Kat headed to their SUV.

  “You’re keeping him apprised of your investigation?” Kat asked once they were in the vehicle.

  Jayce nodded. “Out of courtesy. This business with the vamp blood dealing could affect all vampires if it’s not taken care of.” Normally he didn’t check in with anyone regarding his investigations except the Council. This situation was different, especially since he was working with the Armstrong pack.

  “And if you keep him in the loop, he’ll keep you in the loop if he discovers something interesting,” Kat finished on her own.

  Jayce gave her a half smile. His mate knew him so well. “Exactly.”

  * * *

  Aiden locked the front door to the cabin behind Connor, but didn’t turn around yet. He could feel Larissa behind him, watching. Waiting. Even though he couldn’t see them, those indigo eyes of hers were so damn expressive.

  They hadn’t always been like that, but now she was confused and not acting like the Larissa he knew. She was wearing her emotions right out in the open and it was jarring. His Larissa had been strong and a little arrogant. At over five hundred years old and ridiculously powerful, she had a right to be. He wanted her back, all of her.

  Taking a deep breath, he tried to get his wolf under control. He knew she’d seen his animal revealed in his eyes a few times on the drive to the two-story log cabin. He’d tried to rein himself in but it was damn hard with her sitting next to him. Alive. Real. After all these years.

  Whoever had put her in stasis, had taken her from him, would pay.

  When she politely cleared her throat, he turned to find her standing there with her arms wrapped around herself. Such a human gesture and so out of character . . . Suddenly it hit him. “Are you cold?”

  She nodded, her face flushing slightly, as if she was embarrassed. “Just a little,” she said softly, her lilting accent rolling over him, bringing up so many damn memories of the first time they’d met.

  Okay, that was the Larissa he knew. Not wanting anyone to sense what she would perceive as a weakness. He hated that he hadn’t sensed her discomfort, but he’d had to semi-lock himself down from their bondmate link. It was difficult after being separated for so long, but not impossible. He was still connected to her, but he was allowing his wolf a little more control than normal, letting his animal channel all those emotions he felt flowing off Larissa like a tsunami. Otherwise he wouldn’t be able to function. Feeling her worry and confusion was killing him inside.

  “Come on.” He gestured to the living room right off the foyer. The place was maintained by a caretaker and Aiden knew Connor had contacted the woman who took care of it even though it had been so late.

  The place was supposed to be stocked with food—for him, because the only food she required was blood and she would feed from him and no one else—and there should be a selection of clothes upstairs for Larissa to choose from. She was petite in height and build like many of his female packmates so something should fit. Of course he hoped she decided to just go naked, but he knew that was wishful thinking.

  He strode into the room with her trailing behind him. A quick flip of a switch on the mantel of the stone fireplace and it flared to life. There was something to be said for the ease of gas fireplaces.

  After turning it on he sat on the pile of rugs in front of it and leaned against the nearby couch. When she tentatively sat on the rugs, he stripped his sweater off and handed it to her. In the SUV he’d changed into one of the spare sets of clothes, but he wouldn’t need it in here. More than anything, he wanted his scent on her. And he noticed the way she stared at his bare skin.

  With a hunger that matched his own.

  He wasn’t above using her own desire against her. She clearly wanted him. The desire that sparked between them was just waiting to combust and he had no problem fanning the flames. Anything to get her naked and underneath him. It was the only time she’d let him dominate her. Then she’d remember him. He hoped. A small part of him was so fucking scared she’d never . . . No. He shut that down before it had a chance to form. No matter what, he was going to reinforce the bond between them so that she had no doubt what she meant to him.

  Larissa shook her head and he realized he was still holding the sweater out to her. “That’s okay. With the fire I won’t need it.”

  “I want my scent on you,” he ground out, stunning himself. Way to play it smooth.

  Her eyes widened, but she took the sweater nonetheless. “Turn around,” she demanded, taking him by surprise with her heated words.

  “No.” If she was taking off her shirt, he wasn’t moving.

  For a moment she looked shocked, but then she gritted her teeth before tugging the sweater on over the silky black top she already had on. “You’re so . . . obnoxious and dominant. I can’t imagine that I liked that.”

  “You liked it all right. . . . Only in the bedroom though,” he growled.

  Her face flushed again and a sharp pop of hunger rolled off her. Larissa had confessed that before him she’d always been the pursuer of the few lovers she’d had. With him she’d given up complete control between the sheets or whatever flat surface they’d managed to find. “So, what happens now?”

  “We talk. Tell me the last thing you remember.” Unfortunately, Aiden could think of a hell of a lot more interesting things to do with his
mouth, but they needed to talk. He wanted his Larissa back. His strong, fierce female who would punch him in the jaw if he got out of line. God, he’d missed her. So fucking much that he ached for the touch of her.

  Sighing, she grabbed some of the pillows off the couch closest to her and piled them up. Using them as a headrest, she lay sideways and turned her body so that she faced him. “Your last name is Nicholl?” she asked, though it wasn’t exactly a question. He nodded, hope flaring in his chest that she finally remembered him. “In 1953, some of my coven members and me—including my parents—were on our way to Scotland. The Nicholl pack was giving us something that used to belong to my family centuries before in exchange for my coven protecting some of your distant pack members in Romania.”

  He nodded. All this was correct.

  Her eyes narrowed a fraction and her entire body tensed, though she didn’t sit up. “What was the Nicholl pack returning to my coven?”

  “A shield.” Made completely of gold. His pack had come across it hundreds of years before during some battle between vampires and shifters and taken it as a battle prize. Way before his time.

  Her lips pursed together but she nodded and settled deeper against the pillows. “Correct.”

  His mouth quirked up at her haughty tone.

  “What?” she demanded again and he could see the Larissa he knew returning bit by bit.

  Aiden just shook his head. “Nothing.”

  Those piercing eyes of hers narrowed as she continued. “After that, nothing. I don’t remember anything except waking up to the witch—Magda—and having the worst sense of . . . sadness, I guess.”

  “Tell me about the witch.” Aiden had never met a witch he’d liked. Some were into white magic but the majority were into the dark arts. They craved power. Unlike shifters, vamps, or fae, most witches weren’t born with their supernatural abilities. There were a handful that were, but those tended to be white witches. Like from The Wizard of Oz. “Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?” He nearly snorted at the thought of the quote. That was one of the only movies he and Larissa had seen together even though it had come out more than a decade before they’d met. She’d loved black-and-white movies. The memory calmed something inside him even as she frowned.


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