Go It Alone (A Go Novel Book 2)

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Go It Alone (A Go Novel Book 2) Page 19

by Scarlett Finn

  “Ew,” Lena said. “Is that true? Why would you want to steal something from a dead person?”

  “Because he stole from me,” she answered, keeping her eyes on Rupert’s lights in front of them.

  Lena gasped. “What did he steal?”

  “My naiveté.”

  Silence settled over the car. Confusion reigned in the back, while tension crackled in the front.

  Ryske took control of the mood by inhaling and twisting to look into the back seat. “I know I said it already, but you ladies really look stunning tonight.”

  Lena was happy to giggle and launch into a full dissection of her outfit and her mother’s too. Ryske did a good job of sounding interested. It was a testament to his professional skills that he managed to remain attentive long after Harlow had given up listening.

  After four minutes, she had to interrupt. “You know, Mr. Ryske,” she said, sliding her hands to the top of the wheel. “It occurs to me that a man of your means should have a driver.”

  “I do,” he said. “And she’s beautiful.”

  Flashing his grin at her glare, he proved that his arrogance had survived his death.

  Harlow drew her focus back to the road. “I meant a permanent driver.”

  “I do,” he said. “Gave him the weekend off. Told him I was spending it with three gorgeous ladies.”

  “Something you do often I imagine,” Harlow said.

  “Do you have a limo?” Lena asked. “I love limousines… We’ve never had our own personal permanent driver though. That must be amazing… Does he drive you to dinner and the theater and all those lovely places?”

  “He drives me anywhere I have to go.”

  Struggling against her urge to groan, Harlow did a double take when Lena shifted to stick her head between the front seats. “Do you think you could take us out in it?”

  “Lena,” Jean said, finally chastising her other daughter with the same vehemence Harlow got. “Really? Give the man a chance to extend an invitation.”

  “I’d be delighted to take you out,” Ryske said, making Lena whoop and start chattering with their mother.

  Knowing it was unlikely to ever happen, Harlow let herself grin at Ryske. “Does your driver wear a uniform?” she asked. Ryske smiled. “Does he have a little hat?”

  She could tell from his expression that he was enjoying the idea of Noon dressing up as the dutiful employee as much as she was.

  “I’m sure that can be arranged,” he said, making her laugh.

  The country club gates were open and flanked with twinkly white lights. Rupert had to stop and check in at the security box, but he must have spoken for her too because the guy waved her through without speaking to her.

  “Wow, free pass, and that was without my breasts on show,” she said, winking at the guy as she drove past him.

  Up ahead, Rupert pulled over to the right and got out to give the valet his car key.

  Harlow slowed to a crawl. “Do you want me to park it?” she asked, glancing at Ryske, figuring they shouldn’t let too many people into this stolen vehicle.

  “Do you want to park it?” Ryske asked.

  She stopped, ten feet away from the valet lane. “Will you be mad at me if I scratch it?”

  “Do you want me to be mad at you?”

  The tone of his question made her look his way; it didn’t take her long to recognize the mischievous glint in his eye. Making him mad might be fun. She liked him to be rough… wanted to be punished.

  Rupert’s car had gone, one of the valet’s had driven it to the parking lot. The next valet was probably wondering why she hadn’t pulled forward.

  Ryske brought out the daring in her. Making a decision on her intention made the corner of her mouth rise. She changed gear and shoved her foot down flat on the accelerator sending a skid of gravel out from beneath the wheels as the car flew forward.

  Her mother and Lena called out, their volume matched that of the valet outside, but Ryske’s encouraging snicker fired her up. The gate to the parking area was on a sweeping turn, so she kept her speed for a few yards, but did have to slow. Though it wasn’t enough to save the valets who were coming through the gate from having to scramble out of her way.

  Doing a circuit of the parking lot, adrenaline heated her blood.

  “There,” Ryske said, pointing to a spot that would let her drive straight through and come out the other side, lined up with the exit gate.

  Aiming for the spot, she swung the car around, gunned it across the spaces and slammed on the brakes to bring them to a lurching halt. Turning off the engine, she breathed out, still zipping with the thrill of being so crazy.

  “That was uncalled for,” her mother said, getting out with Lena not far behind.

  The pair of them went tramping across the parking lot, away from the car, probably regretting ever getting in it.

  Panting, Harlow shimmered, feeling alive for the first time that day.

  “Come here,” Ryske said, taking her by surprise when he drove his hand around the side of her head, pulling her across the center console to plant a kiss on her mouth.

  Though she mumbled a semi-objection, she relaxed after one weak push against his ribs. The urgent need of his tongue driving deeper into her mouth made her force them apart.

  “Anyone could see,” she whispered, trying to catch a glance out the windshield.

  Didn’t seem that he cared because he increased his grip on her head, pressing the length of his thumb against the front of her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you good tonight.”

  Searing arousal and heated excitement made it difficult to contain herself. “Crash,” she whispered, touching a finger to his lips. He yanked it away and forced another kiss to her mouth. “Stop it… You can’t do this here.”

  Keeping his hold on her head, he shoved his other hand up her skirt between her thighs. “I can do whatever I goddamn like to you, any time I want.”

  Yanking her thigh toward him, he forced her legs apart and discovered her secret. His shock dropped and then flew up to her eyes, making her grin.

  “Oops,” she purred, like it had been an accident that she’d forgotten to put on her panties, when in truth it couldn’t have been more deliberate.

  Using his surprise, she slithered out of his grip and out of the car. She’d straightened her skirt and taken a few steps toward the club building before he leaped out of the car to rush up at her side.

  “No,” he said, grabbing her arm to try pulling her back, but she swung out of his grip and kept going. “No, baby, you can’t tease me with that and then take it away.”

  Sly in her smile, she kept her shoulders back and her stride as long as she could to make up some time. “I can do whatever I goddamn like to you, any time I want,” she said, spouting his words back at him.

  He stopped moving and disappeared from her side, his groan vibrated through the air. Although she was pleased with herself, she was also worried about their delay being conspicuous. Still, Harlow didn’t dare turn around to check if Ryske was coming. He could watch her ass sashay away from him and make his own excuses for being last to catch up… if he ever did.

  Rupert, her parents, and Lena were standing in a group a dozen feet from the external club stairs. They were chatting amongst themselves and didn’t question her about what had kept her or where Ryske was.

  Rupert put a hand on her lower back and accepted her into their circle. Her parents were talking about something that Rupert was only half-listening to because he bowed to murmur to her.

  “Edgar Charnock is here,” he said, making her groan.

  “I hate that guy.”

  “I know,” Rupert said, stroking a hand up and down her bare back. “That’s why I wanted to warn you.”

  “He’s so pompous,” she said. “Are any of his children still in his will? Last I heard he was ousting people left and right for not living up to his righteous standard.”

  Rupert shook his head. “He cut Nigel out after his heart scar

  That made her blink at him. “Edgar had a heart scare?”

  “No,” Rupert said. “Nigel. He was supposed to take a meeting and didn’t get there because he had a heart attack.”

  That was so appalling, she almost couldn’t believe it. If anyone else had said it to her, Harlow would’ve have called them a liar. “Edgar cut his son out of his will because his son had a heart attack?”

  Rupert nodded. “Double bypass. Edgar didn’t even send a card let alone visit him.”

  “Wow,” she mouthed, shocked, yet not surprised. Edgar had always been an asshole. “Didn’t he just get married again?”

  “Edgar? Yeah. She’s twenty-five.”

  “You know he should be the commercial for anti-Viagra,” she said. “There should be something his kids can slip him that will cut off blood supply to that part of his anatomy… It’s disgusting, the guy’s a slime.”

  Rupert laughed. “You told me he propositioned you.”

  “More than once,” she said, nodding and then shivering at the memory. “It’s not even a compliment. He literally expects every woman to fall to their knees for him.” She shook her head and suppressed a gag. “I would slit my throat before I’d let his dick touch it.”

  The air behind her changed and somehow she knew without even registering Rupert’s side glance that Ryske was behind her.

  “Suicide’s a bit extreme,” Rupert said, taking her hand to hook it into his elbow when her parents began to move for the entrance.

  Presumably now all of their party was present, they were ready to go inside.

  “You’d be surprised,” she said. “It doesn’t take much for a person to be pushed into considering it. And that, my friend, would definitely push me beyond considering it.”

  Rupert’s fingers tightened around hers. “You’ve considered suicide?”

  That hadn’t really been the point of what she was saying. Harlow tried to be as indifferent as possible after reading his concern. “Once.”

  Stopping on the top landing, Rupert didn’t seem to see anyone except her even though there were plenty of people around. “When? Harlow, I—”

  “It’s not a big deal,” she said, feeling awkward when she noticed Ryske was right there beside them. It didn’t appear that her one-time lover was in any hurry to move past as others were.

  “Not a big deal? I—”

  “You know,” she said, putting a hand to both Rupert and Ryske’s chests. Each were happy to focus on her and didn’t seem bothered about acknowledging the other. “I’m a lady. You’re both keeping me outside in the cold… and I’m not wearing much. Wouldn’t it be more fun to take me inside and get me liquored up?”

  Spinning around, she marched away, leaving them to watch her ass. Harlow had forgotten how Rupert could zoom in on details like that. Anyone else would have laughed off her comment, but he knew her too well and had read that there was something behind her statement.

  She’d have to be more careful… with both the men courting her tonight.


  The Sweeting table was at the opposite side of the room, right on the perimeter. Lena was over there already, putting her purse by her place and removing her pashmina. Didn’t take long for her little sister to be whisked away by one of her cronies. Their little posse thought they were tight, though they wouldn’t know the meaning of keeping a secret.

  Harlow chose to seat herself on the far side, keeping her back at the wall. The Sweeting parents were off schmoozing too, which meant she was alone at the table when Ryske and Rupert came over to join her.

  With full entitlement, Ryske swung into the seat next to her.

  Rupert approached her other side. “Would you like a drink?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes, I would like a drink, Mr. Marlowe… Scotch. Neat.”

  Rupert cleared his throat, drawing her attention up. “Do you think that’s a… a good idea?”

  “Why wouldn’t it be?” she asked. “In fact, let’s make it a double.”

  Sinking down into the chair by hers, he took her hand. “That’s not good for you,” he said, lowering his voice to a whisper. “In your condition.”

  Though Rupert glanced at Ryske like he was nervous they might be overheard, she was less discreet. “We agreed to forget that conversation,” she said. “I am not pregnant.” Harlow emphasized the negative in hopes she’d never have to correct him again. “Now, I would like a double Scotch and if that’s a problem for you, I’ll get it myself.”

  Maintaining her certainty, she conveyed how she didn’t like his assumptions or that he’d brought them up in public.

  Rupert rose on a nod. “No problem,” he said and headed for the bar.

  Her peace only lasted a second before Ryske broke it. “You could be, you know.”

  “I could be what?” she asked, observing the dozens of social darlings fawning over each other.

  No one was close to their table. The main hub of activity was more central. Harlow was happy to be detached from it all, watching events unfold from a safe distance.

  “Pregnant,” he said, slithering a hand onto her stomach. “We weren’t careful and I gave you what you asked for.”

  “I’m not a rookie teenager,” she said. “I’m on birth control.”

  “Why would you be using birth control? I’ve been dead for four months.”

  “I haven’t,” she said and twisted to face him. “Stop rubbing me.”

  Except her shift in position had made his hand slide from her stomach around to her hip.

  Ryske was happy to let his fingers creep farther to rest on the small of her back. “Tell me it wasn’t the sap… anyone but him.”

  “Clyde is not a sap,” she said, pulling his hand away from her body to push it back to him. “He’s a better kisser than you might think.”

  Harlow’s words had come out before her mind had caught up to their implication. Both of them went on pause for a few seconds.

  Panic quickened her pulse, but Ryske was nurturing a rage. “I’ll cut out his tongue,” he grumbled.

  “No, you won’t,” she said, sliding her hand up his thigh. On instinct, he relaxed to give her access when she pressed her hand over his fly to begin rubbing. “It didn’t mean anything. I was vulnerable and drunk and—”

  “You think it makes me feel better that he was taking advantage of you? Just means I’ll make it hurt more.”

  “Crash,” she whispered, her hand stroking the length that was growing and hardening beneath her palm. “I plan to get drunk tonight… I’ll be vulnerable… won’t you take advantage of me?”

  Becoming the target of his vehement rage, she parted her lips in a pout, teasing him into adjusting the flavor of his emotion to something more carnal. “It’s not taking advantage if you’re begging for it, Trinket.”

  “What if I say no?”

  One side of his mouth rose. “I’ll try harder.”

  It was insane. All she wanted to do was nestle closer, to put her head on his shoulder and kiss his jaw. Being this close to him, touching him in this way, felt so natural. Yet, they didn’t belong to each other. Couldn’t belong to each other.

  “Never defeated are you?”

  “Turn around and every day I’ll be there, Trink.”

  She sighed. “You know we can’t be together.”

  “I know you think that’s true,” he said, nodding downward. “You’re slacking.”

  Her mind had been wandering, so her hand had slowed. His reminder made her push harder and speed her strokes, which wasn’t easy when she had to conceal the movement of her arm from the room.

  “I like that you let me touch you like this… that you react to me this way.”

  His heavy eyes hardly moved when he blinked. “If you wanna drop your napkin and open those lips…”

  Excitement fizzed through her, pooling and gathering between her thighs. “What if we got caught?”

  Didn’t bother Ryske. He raised one shoulder in an apathet
ic shrug. “Tell them I paid for the privilege.”

  “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve played hooker,” she said. “Though, if I was supposed to charge you for every blowjob, you’d owe me a fortune.”

  “I’ll pay it back in barter,” he said, reaching over to slide a hand up the outside of her thigh and beneath her skirt to grip her ass. “Come sit in my lap.”

  Her heart was pounding so hard that she could see it beating through her dress. “Thank fuck we’re not together,” she panted, opening her lips while fixating on his, desperate to kiss him while fighting to restrain herself.

  “Why’d you say that, Trink?”

  “Because if I was allowed to have you, I’d be riding you right here.”

  Curling his fingers, they dug deeper into her ass cheek. “You’re allowed, Trinket,” he murmured. “I’ll clean up the mess.”

  “They’ll call the cops,” she said, knowing she should look beyond his shoulder to check no one was watching them, but finding herself unable to tear her eyes from his.

  “I won’t leave you hanging,” he said. “I’ll make sure you come before they cuff me.”

  Desperation made a yelp stick in her throat. Harlow didn’t need his hand on her ass, she wanted to be in his grip. Grabbing his wrist out from under her skirt, she thrust his hand to her neck and didn’t have to tell him what she needed. He squeezed hard, forcing her to open her mouth wide to fight for a breath.

  “I need to fuck you,” he hissed, clenching his teeth. “Now.”

  In urgent agreement, she tried to nod. Running out of there together may prove difficult given how fraught and frantic they were. Neither of them could even be discreet with their shallow breathing. Before they could come up with a solution, they were interrupted.

  “Excuse me?”

  The sound of another male nearby made Ryske whip around so fast that he almost pulled her out of her chair. The only thing that prevented him from shooting to his feet and setting upon the person who’d intruded on their alone time was her instinct to grab his arm.


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