Trick (The Kelly Brothers Book 1)

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Trick (The Kelly Brothers Book 1) Page 1

by Tory Baker


  The Kelly Brothers Book 1

  Tory Baker


  1. Trick

  2. Wren

  3. Trick

  4. Wren

  5. Trick

  6. Wren

  7. Trick

  8. Wren

  9. Trick

  10. Wren

  11. Trick

  12. Wren

  13. Trick

  14. Wren

  15. Trick

  16. Wren



  Read The Full Series…

  About the Author

  Also by Tory Baker

  Copyright © 2020 by Tory Baker

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Please respect the author and do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials that would violate the author’s rights. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Edited By: Diamond in the Rough Editing

  Created with Vellum

  What we have once enjoyed we can never lose. All that we love deeply becomes a part of us.

  – Helen Keller



  I’m bent over a client, working on a butterfly on this girl’s hip. Her mom is beside her. The girl in my chair is squeezing it tightly. I’m trying not to roll my eyes at the cliché that is surrounding me right now. Apparently, the tattoo is her eighteenth birthday present. Sure, it’s my job to ask them if they’re okay with having it for the rest of their life. Even if I don’t agree, if I think it has no meaning and a dozen girls last week asked for the same thing, just on different parts on their bodies.

  “Trick,” Raven, a resident tattooist, says to get my attention. I stop what I’m doing, not wanting to fuck this up, even if I’m craving for something to challenge me more than ever.

  “What’s up?” I ask her. She came to work here after I opened Sins and Ink. In fact, she was one of the first artists I hired, besides Bennet.

  My ma, she about had a heart attack. Then gave me a hug after she regrouped and told me to always do my best and that she didn’t raise any fools. Something my brothers and I can attest to. Dad just smiled because he knew before Ma did. He wasn’t saying a damn thing though. Her Irish temper would come out, and if it didn’t need to, we kept shit quiet.

  “Do you have time for another client tonight? She’s wanting something big, rib cage to lower hip.”

  “Yeah, I’m free after this one. I should be done in about ten minutes.” I nod to the client in my chair asking if she’s okay.

  “I’ll let her know.” She walks away. The butterfly tattoo girl smiles, and I get back to working on her.

  I’m already hoping this next piece is more than a bunch of butterflies. Shit. I really should have pushed this one off to one our newer artists. This is what I get for canceling my last-minute trip to Lake Louis. It fucking sucked, but one of my other tattoo artists and best friends needed to be with his family. So, I cancelled my shit when it started to get bad—his dad is in his final stages of Alzheimer’s. Fuck, is that shit horrible to watch happen. I watched Bennet like a hawk the entire time shit was going sideways for his dad. He kept his head above water somehow. I’ve known Bennet my whole life. I was the first one he called to admit he was an alcoholic. For the past five years, though, he’s been sober. If he’s struggling, he calls me, even if it’s the middle of the night. I’d drag my ass outta bed, go pick his ass up, and meet with his sponsor, or we hit up a meeting. Some people have addicting personalities, and that’s him to a motherfucking tee. My parents watched us boys like hawks, especially since they own a bar.

  I couldn’t say the same for Bennet’s parents though. His mom dipped out when he was young, causing his dad to work hard at the factory, which left Bennet running the streets when he wasn’t with my family. It sucked, but when you’re a teenager, things happen that are out of your control.

  So, when the assisted living facility called, I knew it was that time and I’d have to step in and take his overflow. We all worked to reschedule his clients, and the ones we couldn’t were doled out to everyone else in the shop.

  Once I’m finished with the girl’s tattoo, I set my gun down, wipe her hip clean, and let her stand up to see it in the mirror. She and her mom are nothing but smiles. Even if it wasn’t my idea of creativeness, I’m still happy they like it.

  “Thank you so much, Trick. I love it,” the girl gushes.

  “You’re welcome,” I tell her while getting her finished up. “Here are the aftercare instructions.”

  I walk her out to the front, so she can pay her bill and I can figure out what the next client wants tattooed. Once she’s cashed out and walks out the door, I find Raven. “Who’s the next one?” I watch as she points to the group of girls that is huddled on the couch. Two of the three are way past drunk off their asses. It’s evident by the way they’re hugging each other, laughing, and their eyes are fucked in the worst ways. The third girl, though, she’s sitting near them, her soft chocolate hair falling down to well below her tits. And God damn are they a fantastic set of tits. I know for a fucking fact they’d fit perfectly in the palms of my hands while she’s riding my cock. Lips that are strawberry in color, lush enough to kiss and fucking bite at. Her dark chocolates eyes, though, they hold a fire inside them when she realizes I’m looking right at her. She’s not dressed like her friends, who must have been out trolling for their next victim. Not this girl. She’s in a baseball shirt, showing her love for the Boston Red Sox. A girl after my own damn heart and not all about the more popular team. Cut-off shorts show her long legs, down to her matching blue Converse shoes. Fuck, this girl is going to be my damn kryptonite.

  I walk over to where she’s sitting. As soon as she notices me approaching her, the girl is up on her feet, a smile playing on her lips, and it’s knocking me for a damn loop.

  “Hey, I’m Trick. I hear you’re looking for a side piece?” I hold my hand out to shake hers.

  “Hi. Wren. Yep, I am.” She takes my offered hand.

  “Let’s take this into the room. We can discuss what you’re looking for and how many sessions it’ll take.”

  “Sounds good.” I look over at Raven. She gives me a look before eyeing the chicks on the couch.

  “Your friends going to be okay?” I ask Wren over my shoulder.

  “Oh yeah, they have a ride coming to get them. They knew I wanted to come in tonight but had to stop at Kelly’s and of course, drink too much. They do this a lot. You know, crazy college kids,” she huffs out.

  “Alright, but something tells me you might be one of those crazy college kids too, you know?”

  “Maybe, but not to the point of guzzling more than my weight in vodka. I value my liver more than that.” We make it to my room. At some places, everyone works out in the open. My shop isn’t like that. I tried working that way when I was doing my internship. It fucking sucked. This way gives our clients a bit of privacy too.

  I turn around and stop in my tracks. Standing before me with her shirt pulled up, showing off her side, is Wren. Smooth tan skin is showing. She’s got a piercing through her navel, the jewel shimmering in the light. It has my mouth fucking salivating.

  “I want it right along here.” Sh
e moves her hand, letting me know she wants it from her rib cage to low on her hip.

  “Let’s see what you want.” I sit on my stool, waiting to see what she pulls up on her phone, hating that I just lost the sight of her lithe body.



  Holy sex on a stick. Seriously. This man is a work of fucking art. Literally. Did I mention that? Long, lean body, tall, a good foot or so taller than me. Which isn’t saying much since I’m five foot three inches on a good day. Dark hair that’s shaved on the sides and styled haphazardly on top. Tattoos on both arms, arms that are defined, making me drool, and if I’m not careful, it’ll be running down my chin. His eyes… God his eyes. Hazel that borders on the green side, making me think about the leaves on a tree and how they change from that deep green to the deepest brown as the season begins to change in the fall. I’ve never seen a set like his, and believe me, eyes are the one thing I look at the most when I meet someone new. The wicked grin he gave me when I lifted up my shirt, I’m not sure how I’ll handle his hands on me for the next few hours.

  “I want something similar to this, but maybe you can design it?” I show him the flower. I love peonies. They’re something near and dear to my heart, have depth and meaning, bringing me back to childhood memories.

  “Yeah, I can do that.” Trick’s eyes meet mine. “What else do you want? How many peonies? Color or no color?” he fires off.

  “Three, in different sizes with the leaves. I don’t want color, but I want depth, if that makes any sense.”

  “Yeah, let me draw something up. Do you mind if I do it freehand?” Fucking hell, I’m not sure I’ll be strong enough for this. Trick with gloves on is one thing, feeling him skin to skin, it’s not going to be easy.

  “Sure, I have no problem with that.” My voice croaks as I say it.

  “I’ll need you to lose your bra, tuck your shirt up, unbutton your shorts. I’ll give you something to place over your hip if you need it.” He turns away quickly, and I do what needs to be done, even though I’m sure most girls would ask for privacy. I live with two other girls, where there is no such thing as privacy. Everyone barges in on one another, and there’s no knocking either.

  I take my bra off through my shirt, placing it on the spare chair in the corner, and unbutton my pants.

  “Where do you want me?” I ask once I’m done.

  “Jesus, that was fast.” Trick’s voice has this hoarse tone to it.

  “I’m quick.” The way I lift my shoulders causes my breasts to bounce. A wicked look appears on Trick’s face. I know I’m truly screwed, and when he runs his thumb across his thick bottom lip, it causes my nipples to pebble even harder.

  “Stand right here for me.” I stand between his spread legs while he’s sitting on the stool, trying to think about the form Raven had me sign, the disclosure on the cost that was just a rough estimate. Nothing stops my mind from being placed fully in the gutter. Especially when his fingers press firmly into my skin on the other side of the hip Trick isn’t working on.

  I look down. I’m holding my shirt up so as to not get in the way of his hand working when he starts talking. “How often do you go to Kelly’s?”

  “Um. Oh, not often. In fact, this is a rare night that I have off. Hence, why I’m finally down here. I couldn’t make an appointment in case my schedule changed, like it usually does.” He’s biting his lower lip as he draws.

  “Where do you work?” I have a feeling Trick is asking me as many questions as he can because he can feel the desire radiating off of my body, what with my flesh covered in goose bumps and my nipples clearly being in the high beam state.

  “I’m a receptionist at Lavish Locks. I love it there, but between school and work, it makes having a life hard.”

  “It’ll be worth it though. You wanna take a look in the mirror? That’s the base, and then I’ll add some more flare as I go along.” I walk over to the mirror. My eyes zero in on the peonies and leaves surrounding them. I’m unaware of Trick until he comes up behind me. He looks at the drawn tattoo in the mirror. His hands are in the air, fingers poised and at the ready, as if he’s going to touch me, to trace those lines that are going to be permanently inked on my body. Trick doesn’t though, and I don’t like that. Not at all. I lean back into his chest. For once in my life, I’m going to let go and let fate do its thing. Our eyes meet. His hands finally meet my hips, so low, he’s practically inside my shorts, not that it’s hard to be there. My shorts are practically pulled down to where the edge of my panties can be seen. If he slid those fingers any further and towards the front of my body, he’d feel just how much my body is on fire for him.

  “Fuck, you’re going to ruin me,” Trick groans low in his throat before stepping away.

  I don’t say anything, not that I would know what to say. I give him time to collect himself, and if I’m being honest, I need to collect myself as well.

  “It’s beautiful.” I finally compose myself. My fingertips flit over the design, torturing myself because just moments ago, these were Trick’s fingers on my body.

  “We’ll see what you think of it when I’m done. You ready?” His voice is gruff. I really hope I didn’t make him uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure I didn’t. The heated tension that is radiating off both our bodies is enough to blaze a trail.

  “Yeah, where do you want me?” It doesn’t come out as an innuendo at all, but the look on his face… He wants that and so much more.

  “Lying down, on your side. I’ll do a test line, make sure you’re okay, then we’ll get into the outlining and go from there.”

  “Okay.” I get on his chair, lying down, making sure my clothes are out of his way, while he gets the rest of his station ready. Meanwhile, I have no idea how I’m going to handle him so close to my body.



  This girl is every temptation wrapped into one delectable fucking body. “You ready?” I ask her, my tattoo gun in my hand. Both of my hands are gloved, but I have no doubt I’ll still feel the heat radiating off her body.

  “Yeah.” She closes her eyes, letting out a coo. One of my hands is stretching her skin the way I need to for my first stroke, the other drawing the first line.

  “Still okay?” I ask after I did the test, so she’s ready for it.

  “Oh yeah.” Fuck, the way she says it like that, it lets me know this girl could very well be made for me. I nod my head, get into the zone, wishing like hell I had taken a break before Wren walked her cute ass into my room. I need a smoke like there’s no tomorrow. She lies perfectly still for me. The only time she moves is when I adjust her. At one point, I could swear I smell her pussy weeping with desire. It has me backing off for a minute to catch my breath. Wren doesn’t move. Instead, she’s right where I left her, singing softly to a song about a girl shaking her thighs, a seduction line and being mine, all mine. Fuck, if this isn’t setting the tone of what I want Wren to be.

  I’m glad it was my day to pick the music in the shop. I’d much rather listen to Wren sing than what Raven would pick, probably that screaming shit she loves so damn much.

  “You need a break?” I ask after regrouping. I got the whole outline done.

  “I could use one. Plus, I can see if the girls left the shop and aren’t loitering on the couches,” Wren starts to swing her legs around. I stop her, having already taken my gloves off. My hands meet her smooth, silky thighs. It takes a fuck of a lot of willpower not to slide them upward. I can envision it now, my thumbs playing at the edges of her cut-off shorts and seeing how wet she is for me.

  “Take your time. You might be lightheaded at first.” Wren is still holding up her shirt, and I swear to Christ I get a glimpse of the underside of her breast. This is going to be a very long night.

  “I’m good, promise.” She places one of her hands on top of mine. I turn my palm up and hold her hand as she stands up.

  “You go check on your friends. I’ll be out front when you’re ready to continue. And Wren?”<
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  “Yes, Trick?” Now all I can think of is her saying my name while her legs are up over my shoulders, my hands holding her hips as I fuck her, hard and fast.

  “If we need to break this up into a few sessions, we can do that too.”

  “Nah, I can handle the pain.” Her voice is full of sass.

  “Yeah, I bet you can.” We make our way out front, her veering off to where her friends are still sitting—I guess their ride hasn’t arrived yet—and me towards the front entrance. Most bosses would make their employees smoke or take their breaks in the back alley, but there’s no fucking way I want to be back there with all the dumpsters, let alone my employees.

  I’m just lighting my cigarette when Wren and her two friends walk out. She has her shirt held up by her arm again. That same arm is covering up her tits, so I can’t see the rack that is going to find me in my dreams tonight.

  “I had to call one of their boyfriends. I guess they never called an Uber.” Wren rolls her eyes.

  I chuckle. “Make sure nothing rubs up against your side.” I look down at it. For this being her first tattoo, she did not go small. She went fucking massive, and it’s already looking fucking amazing. I don’t care if that sounds bigheaded of me or not.

  “I won’t. Here’s their ride now. Thanks for not kicking them out earlier.” Wren walks back to where the girls are standing, still holding on to her shirt tightly—a little too tightly for my liking, as if she’s worried the car these girls are getting into has an asshole among them. I take one last drag of my cigarette before flicking the end with my finger until it’s not lit anymore, dropping the butt into the trash. Only then do I make my way over to Wren. I’ll be damned if some dick for brains is going to mess with her.


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