Damned Fiction

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Damned Fiction Page 27

by David Kempf

  “I don’t give a damn about my bad reputation,” said Satan.

  The three lost souls laughed.

  “Everyone here has the same dream… fame. And fame corrupts. We are all dark dreamers here,” said Satan.

  “Is it the ultimate corrupter?” Sarah asked.

  Satan laughed.

  David grimaced.

  “What’s so funny about that question?” Sarah demanded.

  “Fame is like anything else, it’s how it’s used that determines its goodness. There are folks who use it to promote charity, while others promote themselves,” said the Devil.

  “Who are the worst offenders?” David asked.

  “Nicole and Ian Flick. They are famous and pretending to use that fame for the greater good…”

  “Why?” Sarah asked.

  “At least you two are honest about what you want,” said the Devil.

  “And what would that be?” asked Sarah Nolan.

  “To glorify yourselves, of course, to cheat death and be remembered long after your death…”

  “You said you would make one of us immortal,” said David.

  “I say a lot of things,” Satan said nastily.

  Sarah screamed. It sounded like an out of control runaway train.

  “You, bastard!” she said to him when she could catch her breath.

  “My dear, you and David speak about being immortal. Don’t you know you are already pre-immortal? C.S. Lewis said: ’You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”

  “What of our arrangement?” David asked boldly. “Will you not honor it?”

  “Yes, of course…”

  This was music to David’s ears. If he could win this wager, he could be immortal again. Then he could fuck thousands of young women like Sarah until the end of time. When he thought about it, wasn’t Sarah just some oversexed Goth chick, anyway?

  “You want the prize to be a human body as long as life exists in this dreadful world. Isn’t that right, David?”


  “My kingdom does not interest you?”

  David did not want to disrespect Satan. He remained silent.

  “You’ve been in America too long where everyone wants to physically live forever,” said Satan.

  David never felt that way about his adopted country of America or his birth country of England. They both loved the spiritual as well as the material. Hell, there were atheists who were obsessed with legendary ghosts inhabiting every church in all of the United Kingdom. There were nonbelievers who had a dark wish to prove they were wrong. If they went to hell, at least they knew life had some meaning to it. This was true even if they had to attend a thousand false séances. Americans did love money but so did everyone else except for the ones who took a vow of poverty. Devilishly hard to find those true believers were….

  “Satan,” said David very boldly. “Like in the old Lovecraft story, I want physical existence as long as it is materially possible…”

  “Cool Air?” Satan asked.

  “Yes,” Satan answered with some notable enthusiasm.

  “You know, Lovecraft really made us think about ourselves,” Sarah said.

  “Art is like truth serum, the really good art that is,” David said.

  Satan smiled in agreement.

  “Hell or earth, we’ll both end up in the right place. Our true home,” Sarah said.

  This put a serious chill down David’s spine… the man was not fond of suffering or pain.

  “You both serve me,” Satan said. “And that is all that matters. You have come to see an entirely new perspective on things. You know, of course, I want you to write for the spoiled and the useless. The selfish and the self-inflicted miserable. Those who had no wants and did not wish to help their fellow mankind. The human race and all its importance ended when these guys looked into the mirror.”

  David laughed.

  Sarah looked perplexed.

  “Humans are the strangest and funniest creatures on this planet,” Satan said.

  “You want to live here forever, sheltered in your mansion. Fucking young girls until there are no more carbon based life forms on the earth. Isn’t that right, David?” Sarah asked him.

  “That’s the plan.”

  Sarah stood in silence. He was reminding her of what little boys men really were.

  “And you, my dear, what do you want?” David asked her.

  Sarah starred at the attractive older man and the sharp dressed man. The hideous thing in disguise appeared handsome but she knew this was an illusion.

  “Take your time, dear one,” said Satan.

  “I will, I need to think.”

  “People think that immortality is a pipe dream but it’s real. The flesh is the real fantasy. No offense, you write it so well my dear.”

  “I’ve decided,” said Sarah Nolan.

  “Excellent,” Satan answered.

  “I want the female equivalent of David’s life.”

  “What?!” Wells exclaimed.

  “I want to be a famous erotica writer and lecturer at Donnis University. I’ll be an award winning novelist who fucks young handsome men in her class. And unlike you, Dr. Wells, I will mostly be screwing the ones who have some talent.”

  “No way in hell,” said David. He was furious.

  The Devil laughed at the two lovers who were in competition now. It was truly becoming the challenging wager for David now. It would be an uphill battle. He realized he might not win.

  “Mephistopheles,” said David.

  “At your service,” said Satan.

  Sarah looked deep into David’s eyes.

  “Bitch,” David said.

  Now the Devil was showing his true deceitful and cunning nature.

  “Bastard,” said Sarah.

  “I made love to you,” David said.

  “Yes, David but you don’t love me…”

  “Actually,” said Satan. “The only people the two of you have ever loved is yourselves…”

  “Yes but I admit it,” Sarah said.

  “I can love,” said David.

  “Hypocrite,” said Sarah.” And stop talking like Dracula in an old vampire movie.”

  Satan was now laughing wickedly now.

  “You’re afraid to lose, David.”

  “No, I’m not!” Wells blurted out like some evil child.

  Sarah chuckled. “The idea of losing to a woman bothers you more than going to Hell…”


  “David, you are prominent and important man. If you lost to another man, you would be satisfied. Now you are threatened…”


  Satan watched them both intently.

  “You’re going to lose, David…”

  Satan shook his head at her. She was full of passion and intensity and nonsense. She was above all an arrogant thing. How could she possibly believe she could beat such a man? Satan knew David was extraordinary. He technically made a deal with the Devil before when he served the Jinn. They were gone now and yet here he was serving the powers of darkness once more. Sarah thought she was up the challenge though.

  “We don’t know who will win yet,” said Satan. “I’ve been around a lot longer than you two and even I don’t know.”

  David looked at Sarah and gave her a wicked smile.

  “Yes, professor, you’ve been around a hell of a lot longer.”

  David nodded as if to say and don’t you forget it, little girl.

  Satan, fascinated, watched the two writers bicker.

  “Oh Sarah, you’re so…”

  “What David? Arrogant, bitchy?”

  “No,” Dr. Wells answered.

  “What then?”

  “Delicious,” said the professor.

  Satan laughed once more.

  Wells turned to the Devil. “Okay, let us please begin this dark wager,” he said.

  “I’ve got the same chance you do, Dr. Wells.”

  “Fifty percent, I assume Sara

  “Yes… assume way, old man.”

  The Devil laughed and laughed and laughed…

  “What in hell is so damned funny?” David demanded.

  “What in hell indeed,” Satan said.

  “Great, where is my room,” said Sarah.

  “I’m sending you back home my dear…”

  “Back to my shithole apartment on the wrong side of the tracks?” she asked him.


  “No, I want to write here in David’s mansion.”

  “Out of the question,” said the sharp dressed man.

  For one humiliating moment, David and the devil laughed at poor Sarah Nolan.

  “Come on,” said Sarah.

  “She’s right,” David said, relenting. “According to legend, you, Satan take care of your own. However, she can’t stay here. I will no longer sleep with the enemy. Please send her someplace nice to write so this competition is fair.”

  “Fine,” said Satan.

  Sarah looked deep into David’s eyes. A very long hard look.

  Dr. Wells apparently had a sense of fairness and propriety. She had not expected this. Not at all; yet here it was right in front of the beautiful woman. It was awkward to have to compete against someone to regain his unnatural immortality. The Jinn chose him. Devil may care attitude and all, this time it was dead serious. Satan was making the bastard work for a living now.

  “I want my own mansion,” Sarah said.

  “No way,” answered the Lord of the Fire.

  “What can I have?” she asked.

  “A beach house in Ocean City Maryland, my best offer. If you win though you can have David’s place and all the kingdoms of Hell!”

  “So you do have many mansions?” Sarah asked him.

  “Yes,” said the devil. “And many rooms to see…”

  “Done and done,” she said. Sarah could tell the Dark Prince was amused by her Biblical reference but she did not want to push any further. She looked around at David’s absurdly luxurious home and felt pangs of jealousy. It was better not to ask for anything else just yet, she thought.

  “I heard Ocean City is very nice,” David said.

  “What are the rules?” Sarah asked.

  “Write me one great story. You can, of course, write more than one. David is very prolific where as you tend to take your time a bit more. That’s fine. One story that will show me you have what it takes to write my book.”

  Sarah was frightened and excited at the same time. The story of the prince of this world would be the most famous book in history. She had to win this contest.

  “How long do we have?” David asked.

  “One day,” Satan said.

  “That’s it?” Sarah asked, aghast.

  “Yes, “said Satan, grinning.

  “Will you be checking on our progress?” asked Dr. Wells.

  “I’ll surprise you…”

  “Okay I’m ready,” said Sarah confidently.

  David grimaced. “Sure you are.”

  “Let the games begin,” said Satan.


  Dear Sarah,

  I want to be very honest with you. I am not taking sides on this dark wager. This bizarre literary journey is really quite fascinating to me. Although I have extraordinary powers of darkness and insight, I honestly cannot predict who will win. You write about sex, very taboo in American culture and many others. David is a great writer and writes horror well. The bastard also writes fast and he knows more about his subject. You’ve had sex but you’re just a kid. This man has cheated death and spat on the grave.

  Yet, there is a part of me that truly wants you to win. I’ve often thought that sexuality repression has kept most souls from my grasp. This could really well be true. Please give this thing your best shot. The thought of you in David’s mansion while he freezes in eternal torment amuses me. Sarah, you don’t have to write more stories than him in one day. You merely need to make sure your best is superior to his. That’s all it will take for the honor of writing my book. I look forward to what you have written. This is important stuff indeed. I admire your dedication to corrupting the human soul. Have fun and I look forward to reading your work.

  Sharp Dressed Man

  Here’s Looking at You, Kid!

  By Sarah Nolan

  “Fat Fuck!”


  “Call me Fat Fuck when I’m fucking you in the ass, bitch!”

  Sue Johnson was terrified of her husband sometimes. This was definitely one of those times! He had inserted his huge cock into her (well-lubricated) anus five minutes before he demanded she spoke.

  “Okay,” she said.


  “Fat Fuck, fuck me, Fat Fuck!”

  Harvey Johnson was very excited now. He was overweight, although he had not always been. He was fucking his wife’s ass very hard. What disturbed her more even more so than this extremely rough sex was that he put another sandwich on her back and took a big old bite. It was ham and cheese. There was lots of extra mustard on it.

  “This is fascinating,” said Dr. Hyde.

  “Yes,” answered one of the doctor’s nurses, an elderly woman.

  “I can’t watch this anymore,” said Mrs. Johnson, turning away from the big screen TV.

  The thrusting was hard and fast. He was fucking her ass mercilessly. It was obvious that he was really enjoying it. She started to enjoy being used. Her pussy was quickly moistening and it brought a wicked smile to her face.

  “You like getting fucked by Fat Fuck, don’t you bitch?”

  “Yes,” she answered her breathing very heavy.

  Harvey took another bite out of his sandwich. It was on a Kaiser roll so there were plenty of crumbs spilling on the floor and her well fucked behind.

  “Way to take it, bitch!”

  What was more disturbing than Harvey’s behavior and his wife’s sexual submission was the slow changes in her body. The woman’s back was once silky smooth. Now it felt rough and tough. Slowly, hairs grew out of her back. It was like an old werewolf movie transformation. Only she wasn’t turning into a wolf. The only full moon was Harvey’s view of her can. She was turning, transforming into a man!

  “Christ, I can’t watch this,” said Mrs. Johnson.

  “Please continue to look,” said Dr. Hyde.

  “When my husband wakes up with all of those God damned electrodes on his head and sees this, he will die of shame.”

  “No, I don’t think so,” Dr. Frederick Hyde said.

  “What?” Mrs. Johnson asked the therapist.

  “We strive for therapeutic positive outcomes here at Erotic Revelations, Inc.”

  The Johnsons were a young couple, married for five years and not even thirty yet. The old therapist was skinny, like Sue was and Harvey used to be. Dr. Frederick Hyde was supposed to be the answer to their prayers. Instead, he was the one who, in Sue’s opinion, made their nightmares come true. Her worst fears even. She was connived by now he was unbalanced.

  “My husband is sick,” she said.

  “A sick pup,” said the nurse.

  “He can be cured,” Dr. Hyde said.

  “He’s hyper sexed,” said Mrs. Johnson.

  “He’s gay,” said the nurse.

  The woman starred at the old nurse for a brief moment. Mrs. Johnson was pissed off and embarrassed almost to the point of losing her mind now. This damn machine, the so-called Jekyll was Hyde’s invention. It couldn’t stop anyone from committing a crime, it couldn’t even reveal whether they were likely to do it. The God damned thing couldn’t show whether or not someone was likely to be a pedophile. It was useless except for revealing the part of the subconscious that had sexual fantasies. These fantasies were revealed in a mock porno on a big screen television, courtesy of the mysterious human mind.

  “Are you okay?” Dr. Hyde asked Sue.

  “No,” she answered.

  “The bathroom is right down the hall,” Dr. Hyde said.

; “Thanks.”

  Sue Johnson glanced at the old nurse. Mrs. Johnson was going to vomit. Her husband’s sexual appetites had literally made her sick.

  “Oh, I’ve seen it all,” Dr. Hyde said sincerely.

  He heard her vomit about twice in the bathroom located rather close to their screening room of erotic dreams.

  “I don’t know if I can remain lucid and watch something like that again,” Sue said.

  “You’ll be fine,” said the mad scientist.

  “It goes without saying,” she continued with an uncomfortable pause, “that I will not be part of this experiment.”

  “Why is that?”

  “It will cost me…”

  “It has already cost you, my dear. I will see you in court and I will win if you do that. I will ruin you and your whole family. I will still maintain the rights to your husband’s dreams and no one will have to wonder about his sexuality any longer.”


  He grinned. “Maybe so but the law is on my side.”

  “I’m going home.”

  “Good. You’ll need your sleep. The process of exposing one’s deplorable and hidden private lusts exhaust one.”

  “For how many hours does it exhaust them?” Sue asked him.

  “No. I mean for days after the experience.”

  She left and did not look happy. Harvey had actually gotten so excited by the whole thing that he had a whet dream. The first one he had since he was thirteen.

  “We’ve seen a lot here,” said the old nurse.

  The good doctor agreed. He had seen it all. He had seen men who wanted their cocks to be bigger, women who wanted to be molested by strangers in front of their husbands. Group sex, participation in spanking games and homemade porno’s were all part of the continuous X-rated entertainment that the subconscious provided.

  One he remembered in particular was a college professor from a prestigious university. She found out that some dreams do come true and so do some nightmares. Her bizarre fantasy was to walk inside her classroom without her pants on. Every single student, both male and female would take turns eating out her pussy. She was so excited by this that she like poor old Harvey had an orgasm in her sleep.

  These were not party games; they were real people who really enjoyed themselves. It was like a bizarre costumed ball of madness and innate sensuous depravity. Some folks were the exact people they made themselves out to be. They fantasized about the same things, they told their friends, spouses and lovers. Others were not quite so sincere. Their subconscious walled them in. They kept it hidden. The terrible, wonderful machine that Dr. Hyde invented was similar to what judgment day might be like. All of the secret things were revealed.


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