Come Away With Me

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Come Away With Me Page 52

by Kristen Proby

  “Why are firemen always asked to do things that require us to run or climb?” Kevin asks with a frown.

  “Mostly because we spectators hope against hope that you’ll take your shirts off,” I reply dryly and raise a brow, staring at their shirts, making them laugh.

  “Seriously,” Gray replies.

  “Oh, I’m very serious,” I say and finish typing on my phone.

  “Why do you do this?” Gray asks quietly as he tightens his arms around me and kisses my cheek. “You said yesterday that you decided not to use your law degree, but why?”

  Kevin watches me quietly as he continues to rub my feet, making me melt just a little more.

  “My grandma,” I sigh and thrum my fingers up and down Gray’s arm. “My father’s mother was an amazing woman. I spent a lot of time with her as a child. She was also a senator’s wife, but she was never idle. She gardened and volunteered her time in schools and organizing charity functions. She used to always tell me, “Bailey, we are blessed people. But there are plenty who aren’t as blessed as we are, and there’s nothing wrong with spending our time and money making sure we help make their lives just a little better.”

  “I like her already,” Kevin whispers.

  “Oh, you would have loved her.” I bite my lip as a wave of grief swarms me. “She died when I turned fourteen. But from the time I could walk, I was stuck to her hip, following her around, helping. I learned a lot from her about charity and what it is to be generous and passionate about a cause. I also learned how to grow beautiful tomatoes.” I grin and bury my face in Gray’s neck, take a deep breath and place a sweet kiss under his chin.

  “Mom and Dad thought I should make law my career,” I continue. “And organizing charity events a hobby. I went to one job interview and knew, as I was sitting there in that stuffy office, that it wasn’t for me. I want to help people, not sue them.”

  “So you pissed your parents off,” Gray guesses correctly.

  “Oh, big time,” I agree. “Dad yelled and carried on and Mom cried delicately in her two-hundred-dollar handkerchief and both of them glared at me with disappointment and regret. But you know what?” I back away and look Gray right in the eye. “I didn’t give a shit. I don’t care that I make peanuts and I work long hours. When I hand a check over to an organization that desperately needs the money, it’s the best feeling in the world.”

  “I’m so fucking proud of you,” Gray whispers and plants his lips on my forehead.

  “You’re amazing, princess,” Kevin says and rubs his hands up and down my bare legs, then lifts one leg to kiss my knee softly.

  “What about you guys? Why firefighting?” I reach over and twine my fingers with Kevin’s, then pull his hand up to my lips and press it to my cheek. I love touching my men, even if it is only for one more day that I have unlimited access to them.

  “He’s a pyromaniac,” Kevin says, pointing at Gray.

  “Whatever, dude,” Gray replies with a roll of the eyes. “This idiot decided he wanted to play with fire and I decided I’d better go with him and make sure he doesn’t get himself killed.”

  “It’s dangerous,” I say seriously. “Have you ever been hurt?”

  They look at each other and then nod thoughtfully.

  “It can be dangerous,” Kevin says carefully. “But we’re trained well and we have a great team.”

  “Why do I think you just downplayed it?” I ask with a laugh.

  “He told you the truth,” Gray says with a shrug. “It can be tricky. But we’re very careful.”

  Jesus, what would I do if I lost one of them? And where the fuck did that thought come from? They aren’t mine. We’re just having a fun weekend.

  “Can we watch a movie and veg out for a while?” I ask.

  “Absolutely,” Gray says and kisses my nose, then stands with me still in his arms – Dear sweet Moses, the man is strong – and lowers me to Kevin’s lap. “Wanna watch Backdraft?”

  “No!” I respond immediately. “No firefighter movies. It’ll only make me worry more.”

  “Aww, you worry?” Kevin asks and nuzzles my ear. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Stop it.” I giggle when he tickles my side, then sigh when he slips those hands down my side to my lower belly.

  “Okay, what do you want to watch?”

  “Something with action and hot shirtless men, since my hot men won’t get shirtless for me.” I pout my lip out, but Kevin kisses me sweetly, making me melt against him. “God, you’re good at the kissing thing.”

  “You like being kissed,” he whispers.


  “Good ‘cause we like kissing you.”

  I smile up at him and drag my fingers down his cheek.

  “Hello? Focus here,” Gray says. “Movie.”

  We finally agree on something with lots of car chases and guns shooting and settle in to watch it. I slide my ass onto the cushion between the guys, my torso leaning on Kevin and legs over Gray’s lap. It feels… right. Like I’m supposed to be right here, between them, always.

  This has been the best weekend of my life. These men are loving and affectionate, and I’ll be the first to admit that’s something that I’ve lacked in my twenty-seven years, so it’s no wonder that I’ve soaked it up and fallen hopelessly in love with them.

  With both of them.

  They each bring so much to the table. Gray is quiet and intense, while Kevin is more outgoing and quick-witted. They’re both sexy as hell and have so much love to give.

  How could I ever choose between them? It’s insane to think that we could go on having a relationship between the three of us. Life doesn’t work like that. At some point I’ll have to choose, or ask them to, and that’s not fair.

  Not to anyone.

  I bite my lip and keep my eyes trained on the TV as Mark Wahlburg and Charlize Theron try to break into a safe, but I’m not paying attention to the movie.

  This is my last few hours with them. I have to go back to my apartment tonight and back to my regularly scheduled life tomorrow. And the thought of it makes me ridiculously sad.

  Maybe I should go now, rather than prolong it, like ripping off a Band-Aid.

  My mind made up, I stand and walk toward the stairs.

  “Do you want us to pause it, sweetheart?” Gray asks.

  “No, thanks.” I shake my head, but don’t look back. If I look back I’ll climb back on that couch with them and beg them to let me stay. I’ve quickly become addicted to their touch, to their sweet words.

  I need to go home.

  I hurry up to the master bedroom and stuff my dirty clothes into my bag, pull on a shirt and pants and sweep my toiletries into my bag as well. I tidy the room as best as I can and trudge back down to the basement, my bag and purse slung over my shoulder.

  The guys are still watching the movie intently. Kevin glances up as I walk into his line of vision, then does a double take.

  “What the fuck?” he demands, as he and Gray stand and glare at my bag.

  “Can someone please take me home now?” I ask, hating that my voice sounds weak and shaky.

  “Where are you going, sweetheart?” Gray asks. Kevin’s jaw clenches as he crosses his arms over his chest.

  “I think I should just go ahead and go home. I have an early morning tomorrow, and I have some things to do.” I shrug and bite my lip. I will not cry.

  “Did we do something wrong?” Kevin asks.

  “What? No, of course not.” I shake my head adamantly. “I’ve had a great weekend with both of you. Thank you for everything. Maybe we can do it again sometime.” I smile bravely and then frown in confusion when Kevin growls and Gray shoves his hand through his hair in frustration.

  “You’re not leaving,” Kevin says, his voice matter of fact.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard him.”

  Chapter Eight


  Her eyebrows rise in surprise and she licks her delicious lips as she blinks twice,
looking back and forth between us.

  “Planning to kidnap me?” she asks and crosses her arms over her chest.

  “We’re fucking this up,” I mutter and pace away as I drag my hand roughly over my face.

  “No, of course not,” Kevin replies. “We were planning to talk to you about you staying. Here. With us.”

  “Why?” she asks, surprised.

  “Well, for one, because your apartment isn’t safe,” Kevin replies and I cringe as I turn to see Bailey narrow her eyes on my soon-to-be dead friend.

  “My apartment,” she replies with ice dripping off her voice, “is perfectly fine. I’m a grown woman, and I don’t belong to anyone, so where I decide to live isn’t anyone’s business.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” I reply quietly. I can’t look away from her. God, she’s so beautiful. “You do belong to someone. You belong to us.”

  She closes her eyes and her lip quivers, and I’m suddenly terrified of two things: One, that she’s going to cry. God, please don’t cry. And two, that she just might not want us back.

  “This is crazy,” she whispers. “For how long, Gray?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The threesome thing is fun, don’t get me wrong, but for how long can it go on?”

  Kevin and I share a confused glance, then look back to Bailey.

  “For as long as the three of us want it to, sweetheart.”

  She paces away, staring at the pool table for a long minute, then turns back to us.

  “When we first met, I had no idea you would both be so important to me. I love you both so much and it confuses the hell out of me. Eventually I’ll have to choose, and I can’t do that.”

  She loves us!

  “No, baby, you don’t have to choose,” Kevin says and steps toward her, but she holds a hand up, stopping him.

  “People don’t live their lives in threesomes, they do it in pairs. I know this is new, and it’s fun, but it’s turned into more than just a sexy good time for me, and I know that I would rather die than have to choose between you. It would break my heart.”

  She firms her chin and keeps her tears at bay, and I swear I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her right now.

  “I love you too,” I whisper.

  “And I love you as well, princess.”

  “Oh God.” She covers her mouth with her hand and shakes her head. “I knew someone would get hurt.”

  “If you’d listen to fucking reason, no one would get hurt,” Kevin says with frustration.

  “Have we said anything about choosing?” I ask her calmly. She’s admitted that she loves us. The rest is just details.

  “No,” she says. “And I love that you’re not jealous of each other…”

  “I’m not done,” I interrupt. “What did I say to you the other night?”

  “That what happens between the three of us is just between the three of us.”

  “I didn’t mean that just for this weekend, sweetheart.” I step forward and take her shoulders in my hands.

  “And that’s great in theory, but…”

  “Love doesn’t have to be perfect,” Kevin says. “It just has to be real.”

  “We want you to stay,” I repeat.

  “Until I get a better apartment?” she says with a quiver in her voice.

  “Fuck that apartment, or any other apartment. You have a home here.”

  Her eyes widen and she glances from me to Kevin, who’s come up beside us. He tucks her hair behind her ear and kisses her forehead.

  “You want me to move in with you? Permanently?”

  We both nod and watch her carefully as her shoulders sag.

  “Stay,” Kevin whispers.

  “It’s really too soon,” she says without conviction. Kevin laughs and nudges my shoulder.

  “I told you she’d say that.”

  “You’ve talked about this?” she asks.

  “Yes,” I reply. “We both love you and already consider you ours.”

  She sighs and offers us each a small smile. “What now?”

  “Now,” Kevin says as he lifts her, wrapping her legs around his hips. “We make love to you in our bed.”



  She weighs nothing in my arms as I lay her in the middle of our bed. Yet she’s everything we’ve ever wanted, in every way.

  “Are you both sure?” she asks, holding my face in her small hands and gazing into my eyes.

  “We’ve never been more sure,” I assure her and kiss her lips softly as I roll to her side. Gray sweeps up onto her other side and brushes her hair aside so he can press kisses to her neck, making her squirm.

  “Remember that first time with the two of us?” Gray asks in her ear. She shivers, making me grin.

  “How can I forget that?” she says with a laugh.

  “We don’t ever have to go farther than that, sweetheart,” he says.

  She frowns up at me in confusion, then her eyes light up when she realizes what he’s talking about. “I’ve had anal sex before, but this is very new to me.”

  I’ll kill him. Whoever he is.

  Gray and I share a heated glance. I take a deep breath and calm my irrational temper.

  “Did you like it?” I ask her.

  “Not really.” She wrinkles her adorable nose. “It wasn’t fantastic. But…” She bites her lip.

  “But?” I whisper and kiss her lips softly as Gray goes to work undressing her.

  “But it would be amazing to feel you both at the same time.” It’s a whispered admission, and honestly surprises me.

  “It’s something Gray and I have only done a handful of times, Bailey. It’s never felt right for us either. But I have a feeling this will be different.”

  “What’s different about me?” she asks with a frown.

  “Everything,” we reply in unison.

  “It’s about trust,” Gray says softly and kisses her shoulder. He’s tweaking her nipple between his fingers. “And respect.” Kiss. “Affection.”

  “Love,” I whisper as I slide my hand down her flat belly to her sweet spot. “God, you’re so wet, princess.”

  “I’ve been wet all damn day,” she replies with a smile. “You two pack quite a punch.”

  I grin wolfishly and kiss her hard as Gray rolls over to his back.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” He guides her up to her knees and turns her to face his feet and positions her pussy over his face.

  The lucky motherfucker.



  She braces her hands on my chest and gently lowers her pussy to my face. “God, she smells un-fucking-believable,” I growl and take a deep breath. Her lips are shiny from the juices from her pussy and her clit is already poking out from under its hood.

  I part her lips and drag my fingertip through the folds, wetting it, then slide it over her clit and back down again.

  “Oh God, Gray,” she moans and circles her hips above me. I fucking love the sound of my name on her lips.

  “Feel good?” I ask before pulling her down closer so I can wrap my lips around her labia and push my tongue inside her.

  We have to get her good and turned on so we don’t hurt her.

  Suddenly, I hear sucking sounds and Kevin moan long and low and I know that Bailey is sucking him.

  Lucky motherfucker.

  This woman can suck the hell out of a cock. I feel my own dick lengthen and harden as I lap at her juices. She tastes like honey. I’ll never get enough of her.

  She grinds down against me harder, rubbing her clit against my chin as I fuck her with my tongue. I can feel the contractions begin and I know she’s about to come.

  “Let her go over, man,” Kevin says just as she cries out and comes violently on my face. It’s fucking awesome.

  Suddenly, she takes my cock in her hand and begins jacking me as Kevin moves away from her and guides her down to suck me before moving behind her.

  How the fuck is a man sup
posed to concentrate on eating pussy when she’s sucking his cock like a champ?

  Having her leaning over me has opened her up nicely for Kevin. I lift her off my face so he can sink his fingers in her and coat them with her wetness, then guide her back down to me as he circles the rim of her tight hole with his fingertip.

  “Oh God,” she cries.



  “Shh, baby,” Kevin croons as he rubs his big hand up and down my back soothingly. He’s teasing my ass, as Gray licks and sucks my pussy. The combined sensations are off the chart, sending tingles through my entire body.

  I return to sucking Gray’s cock, pushing him to the back of my throat so I can swallow around the head. He grips my hips desperately, and I know I’m making him crazy.

  I love making him crazy.

  “You’re so beautiful, princess,” Kevin murmurs and kisses my lower back. “You have such a gorgeous little ass.”

  I can hear a cap open, then close, and his finger is back, massaging me firmly and then his finger is suddenly inside me.

  “Oh God!”

  “Is this okay, baby?” Kevin asks. “God, you’re tight.”

  I nod as I suck Gray, moaning and circling my hips. God, I can’t stop grinding on his magical mouth. The pressure is building again but before I can come, Gray lifts me off his mouth and scoots out from under me.

  “Where are you going?” I demand. “I was about to come!”

  “I know,” he replies with a laugh. “We need to keep you just on the edge for a few more minutes.”

  “That’s just mean.”

  “No, baby.” He wipes his face off before kissing me long and deep. Kevin is still behind me, his finger in me, and it’s surprisingly… hot.

  “It’ll go easier on you the more turned on you are,” Kevin says against my shoulder as he kisses me there.

  “I’m so fucking turned on,” I reply and cup Gray’s face in my hand. “Please.”

  “What do you need?”



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