Come Away With Me

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Come Away With Me Page 66

by Kristen Proby

  “I’ve gotten used to sleeping naked.”

  “Tell me you and Jax are not sharing a room.”


  “Send me some dirty pictures.”


  “Come on.”

  “Hell no.” I giggle uncontrollably, loving the playful side of Mark.

  “Just send me your boobs. You don’t have to include your face.”

  “Not on your life!”

  “Okay, I’ll take a pussy shot.”

  “You are so dirty.” I try to make my voice sound stern, but fail miserably.

  “Only when it comes to you, baby.”

  “I should hope so.” I sigh and feel my eyelids grow heavy. “I miss you already.”

  “I missed you before you boarded that fucking plane.”

  I grin. “Sweet talker.”

  “Get some sleep, baby. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “We should wrap up by about five, so I’ll call you no later than five-thirty.”

  “Okay. Goodnight, M.”

  “Goodnight, M.”

  He ends the call and I switch my phone to camera mode, flip on the flash and take a selfie then text it to him. The sheet is tucked under my underarms and my hair is fanned out around me on the pillow. I don’t have any makeup on and I look exhausted.

  Several seconds later, he responds with a photo of himself, smiling softly at me through the lens. He’s written one line: Love you, beautiful.

  Chapter Eleven


  “I was surprised to hear from you today,” I say and take a bite of my cheeseburger.

  “I escaped the lab. I left Colin to fend for himself,” Lena replies and winks at me. “We haven’t seen you in a while.”

  I shrug and pop a greasy fry in my mouth. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Who is she?” She smiles knowingly and takes a bite of her grilled chicken sandwich. “Why did I get this? I should have got a burger.”

  My phone beeps with an incoming text on the table next to me.

  “Sorry, I have to check this.”

  This is Jax. I borrowed Mer’s phone. Here’s a photo of her working.

  The photo is stunning. Mer is standing behind Starla and both are looking in the mirror before them. Mer is talking and pointing to Starla’s stomach, clearly coaching the celebrity.

  God, I fucking miss her like crazy.

  I quickly type out a thank you and set my phone aside.

  “Meredith,” I finally answer Lena and smile widely.

  “The Meredith who broke your heart after high school?” she asks in surprise. “The one that broke your heart so badly that you wouldn’t give me the time of day?”

  I chuckle and shake my head at the beautiful brunette. Lena is curvy, with long dark hair and big blue eyes, and a killer rack.

  Not that I’d ever tell her that. Or her husband.

  “You only had eyes for Colin,” I remind her. “Maybe it was you who broke my heart.”

  “Whatever.” She sips her diet soda and glares at me. “Tell me everything.”

  “Yes, the same Meredith from high school. We’ve reconnected with each other.” I sit and tell her everything, from the minute I saw her at Addie’s funeral to our conversation last night. “I’ve been nervous about this trip.”

  “You don’t seriously think she’d leave you again for a dance job?”

  “I don’t think so,” I concede and cringe when I think of the way I broke out into a cold sweat when Mer told me that she and Jax were going to LA for this job.

  “Building trust in a new relationship is a process,” she says and checks her own phone when it buzzes. “My turn to be rude. Colin’s calling. Hey, babe.”

  I pull the photo back up of Mer and Starla and smile at my girl. God, she’s so gorgeous. Her hair is up in a messy knot, as usual. She’s in a tight tank and yoga shorts.

  Her body makes me want to sit up and beg.

  Just as Lena is finishing up her conversation my phone rings.

  “Hey, baby, what are you wearing?” I grin, excited to hear Mer’s voice.

  “Uh, sorry, Hot Tamale, it’s just Jax. But I’m in shorts and a Nike tank top. How about you?”

  “Is she okay?” I ask as ice forms in my stomach.

  “Oh yeah, she’s still working.”

  “I’m stealing half your burger,” Lena announces and snatches my burger away.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Jax says. “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.”

  “You didn’t. I’m having dinner with an old friend.”

  “Anyway, Mer’s still working, but she promised to call you no later than five-thirty, so I’m letting you know she’ll be a little late.”

  “Thanks for that, man. Everything going okay?”

  “You eat pickles on your burger?” Lena groans loudly. “Ew.”

  “Yeah, we’re good. We’ll be home tomorrow.”

  “Okay, great. I’ll see you then.” Jax clicks off. “She’s working.”

  “I heard.” Lena happily munches on my burger, now missing pickles, so I reach for her chicken burger.

  “Do you steal Colin’s food often?”

  “His tastes better than mine.” She shrugs and grins smugly. “When are you coming to work in the lab?”

  “I’m not.”

  “I don’t get it. You’re a brilliant scientist. I’ve never known anyone who can do what you do, or as quickly. Your brain never shuts down.”


  “So you’d rather waste all that brilliance on building houses? You could be doing so much more.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with my career,” I say and scowl down at the chicken. “This is disgusting.”

  “I know.”

  “I like my job, Lena. I’m glad you and Colin are happy in the lab. By the way, when are you going to start having babies?”

  “Not you too!” She groans and hangs her head in her hands. “Between you and my mother you’d think my vagina is shriveling up by the day.”

  “I really don’t want to think about your vagina doing anything.”

  She giggles and wipes her mouth off with a napkin. “Colin appreciates that. No kids for a while yet.”

  I nod and eat the rest of my fries.

  “Are you thinking about kids?”

  I scoff at my friend. “I’m not even married.”

  She simply raises a brow and watches me quietly.

  “I’d marry her tomorrow and have a house full of kids with her if that’s what she wants.”

  “What if that’s not what she wants?”

  “One day at a time,” I mumble. “But I think she does. She’s mentioned that she can see us having a family one day. In the meantime, we’re good with taking things one day at a time. It’s early days yet.”

  “I’m happy for you.” She rests her chin in her hand and watches me with this goofy, dreamy look on her face. “It’s kind of romantic.”

  “God, you’re a girl.”

  “Hence the prior conversation about my vagina.”

  “There was no conversation. And stop saying vagina.”

  She laughs loudly then raises a brow when my phone pings again.

  Thought you’d like a video of Mer doing what she does. Jax.

  I tilt the phone so Lena can see and press play, and suddenly there’s Mer, counting the rhythm for Starla and calling out moves. Finally she stops her and dances it herself, telling her where she’s getting her feet wrong. The video stops right after Starla says, “Fucking A!”

  “She’s pretty,” Lena says with a smile. “And did you see what she can do with her leg? Holy shit.”

  “It doesn’t suck,” I agree and smile at my friend.

  “This was fun. I want to meet her soon.”

  “We’re heading to Vegas this weekend, but maybe next week?” We stand and throw our garbage away and step out onto the street.

  “Sounds good. I’ll make my nerdy husband poke his head out of the lab long e
nough to interact with real people.”

  “Tell him I said hi, and thanks for sharing his nerdy but gorgeous wife with me today.” I give her a quick hug and kiss her cheek, then watch to make sure she gets into her car safely and pulls away.

  Just as I sit in the driver’s seat of the Jeep, my phone rings.


  “Who the fuck are you having dinner with?” Meredith demands. She’s panting and I can hear Jax in the background say, “Not cool, KitKat.”

  “I’m sorry, is this my loving girlfriend?” I raise a brow and push the key in the ignition but sit and wait for her reaction. I don’t think I should drive and have this conversation at the same time.

  “Oh, you remember you have a girlfriend? Great. Answer my question.”

  “I was having dinner with Lena.”

  “Why haven’t I ever heard her name before? I don’t believe this, Mark. I leave for a few days and you can’t keep it in your pants?”

  “That’s enough,” I bark and clench my fist around the steering wheel. She goes quiet but I can hear her breathing hard and I know it’s not from dancing. She’s fucking pissed.

  And so am I.

  “I don’t remember being on a leash, but I was having dinner with a very old friend, Meredith.”

  “Have you ever fucked her?” Her voice is small and quivering. I lean my head against my headrest and clench my eyes closed.

  “No. And the fact that those words would even come out of your mouth hurts, Mer. She’s a college friend. I worked in the same lab as her and her husband. Well, he was her boyfriend in college, but now they’re married.”

  She doesn’t reply but I can imagine her cheeks darkening in embarrassment, and I’d be lying if I said that her little fit of jealousy wasn’t a balm to my ego. I’ve done my best to keep myself busy since she’s been gone and remind myself that I trust her and she’ll be home soon.

  But apparently she doesn’t trust me.

  “I’ve made lots of friends over the years, most of whom you don’t know. Just like I don’t know all of your friends. Am I to assume that you’ve fucked every man you’ve met in the past ten years?”

  “Of course not,” she replies. “Is this where I say I’m sorry?”


  “I’m sorry. Jax told me not to jump to conclusions, but when he said he heard a woman’s voice in the background it pissed me off.”

  “Maybe it was my sister. Or one of the many Montgomery girls. Are you going to always be this jealous, M?”

  “No, it was just a knee-jerk reaction because I miss you and I want to be the one there with you. Also, the thought of her with her hands on you made me want to commit murder. The bloody, violent kind, not the poison your food kind.”

  “She did talk about her vagina,” I say and laugh when Mer growls. “Do you honestly think that I’d screw up what we have the second you leave town for a quick lay?”


  “I love you so much it hurts to breathe, Meredith. You know me better than that.”

  “I know. Like I said, it was a knee-jerk reaction.”

  “I think we need to talk when you get home, sweetheart.”

  “I’m really sorry,” she says. “Why haven’t you ever talked about her before?”

  “Because I don’t see her often. She and her husband are workaholics.”


  “How was work?” I start the Jeep and pull into traffic now that the jealousy storm has passed.

  “Long day.” She sighs. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too. I’ll pick you up tomorrow. You land at two, right?”

  “Yes, but you don’t have to pick us up. We can grab a cab.”

  “I’ll be there.” I sigh and push my hand through my hair wishing I could hug her and reassure her that everything is okay. “No more jumping to conclusions, okay?”

  “I’ll work on that,” she says. “Who knew I was this jealous?”

  “Not me. You never even got like this in high school.”

  “Weird,” she whispers.

  “The video Jax sent me was amazing.”




  “You okay?”

  “No. I feel like an idiot.”

  “You’re a pretty idiot.” She finally laughs and I smile in response. “Call me later when you’re ready for bed.”

  “What if I call you naked again?”

  “Will you send me pictures?”


  “I’ll talk you into it.”

  “Sure you will. I owe you big when I see you tomorrow.”

  “You don’t owe me anything, but we’ll be having that talk.” I pull into my driveway, surprised to see my sister sitting on my front porch. “Sam’s here. I’m gonna go see what she’s up to. Love you, baby.”

  “I love you too.”

  I slam my door and pull my sunglasses off as Sam types furiously on her phone.

  “Good to see you finally showed up,” she says as she tucks her phone in her jeans and stands to hug me.

  “Did we have plans?”

  “No, I surprised you.”

  “You’re weird. You can’t be mad at me for not being here if you came over without calling.” I pull her hair and dodge a punch to the shoulder then lead her inside and back toward the kitchen. “What can I do for you?”

  “I just came over to see your adorable wittle face.” She pinches my cheek then laughs when I chase her with a damp sponge out of the sink.

  “Seriously, what’s up?”

  “I have issues.”

  “This is not a newsflash, sis.”

  “Bite me.”


  She crosses to the fridge and opens it wide, surveying the contents. “I’m hungry.”

  “There’s some left over pizza in there,” I reply and lean back on the counter, waiting for her to get to the point. “Where’s Leo?”

  “At the studio,” she says and sniffs at the loaded pizza. “Why do you eat mushrooms?”

  “Why is everyone questioning my choice of condiments today?”

  “Because you eat gross things.”

  “What is going on, Sam?”

  She takes a bite of the pizza, chews for a few seconds, then spits it out in the garbage. “How long have you had that in there?”

  “About a week,” I say with a smug grin.

  “Ew. You’re trying to kill me.” She glares at me as she guzzles some water and then opens a bag of Fritos and shoves a handful of the salty corn chips into her mouth as she hops up onto a stool at the breakfast bar.

  “Make yourself at home.” Sam has always cracked me up. She can be such a hard ass, but she can be a mother hen too, especially to Luke and me.

  “Talk about Meredith.”

  “What would you like to know?”

  “What’s going on with her?”

  “She’s my girlfriend, Sam. I think that was pretty obvious when you saw us at Will’s house.”

  She nods and chews on more chips. “She looks good.”

  “Yeah, she does.”

  “She has balls.”

  I nod and grin at my sister. “She stood up to you.”

  “Like I said, she has balls.” She shrugs and sips some water. “I have trust issues, though.”

  “You have trust issues with everyone.”

  “That’s not true. I trust you. Leo. The family, even the crazy Montgomerys.”

  “Look, I know that you have your reservations, but I’m a grown man, Sam. I got this.”

  “She hurt you,” she whispers and stares down at her bag of chips. “You were a mess for years.”

  “I’m not a mess now.”

  “I don’t want that to happen again, Mark.”

  “I don’t want you to get hurt by your rock star boyfriend either, you know. What are we supposed to do? Stay single forever so no one gets hurt? Maybe it’ll work out.”

  She nods and then sh
rugs. “I wasn’t a bitch to her.”

  “I appreciate that. I’d also appreciate it if you continued not being a bitch to her, especially this weekend in Vegas.”

  “You’re bringing her?”


  She nods again and blinks, thinking it over. “Okay. It could be fun.”

  “You’ll probably like her.”

  “Let’s not go crazy now.”

  I laugh and snatch my bag of chips out of her hands before she eats the whole damn bag. “You talk a big game, but you’re just a big softie.”

  “I am not!” She gasps and glares at me. “How dare you call me that?”

  “Because you are. You just want us all to think you’re badass.”

  “I don’t have to sit here and take this from you.”

  “Blah blah blah…” I roll my eyes and pull her off the stool. “Come on, let’s watch a movie.”

  “Only if you order pizza.” Her phone rings and she answers. “Hi, Mom. Yep, I’m actually with him right now. Okay.”

  She hands the phone to me and cackles like a witch as she passes me in the hallway and drops into my recliner.

  “Hi, Mom.” I’ve been on the phone more today than I have been in the last ten years combined.

  “Hi, darling. I’m having dinner here tomorrow and I want you to bring Meredith.”

  “On a Wednesday?”

  “You’re all going on your little adventure in Vegas this weekend,” she reminds me. “I want to see Meredith. Bring her over. Luke, Nat and the babies are coming along with Sam and Leo too.”

  “She gets home from LA tomorrow afternoon, so I’ll ask her when I pick her up from the airport.” Sam chooses a cheesy ’80s movie on the on-demand menu, making me roll my eyes.

  “Don’t ask. Just bring her. I mean it. I always loved that girl.”

  “Okay. Do you want to harass Sam now?”

  “Sure. Love you, sweet boy.”

  “Love you too, Mom.”

  I pass Sam her phone and steal the remote from her hands.

  “Mom! Mark just stole the remote and I had it first!”

  “Seriously? You’re tattling?”

  She sticks her tongue out at me and talks to Mom about dinner tomorrow while I give in and settle back to watch a bunch of kids in detention on a Saturday. At least the music’s good.

  “Molly Ringwald was kind of hot,” I say when Sam ends the call with Mom.

  “Judd Nelson was hot,” she says and kicks her feet up.


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