Come Away With Me

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Come Away With Me Page 78

by Kristen Proby

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he replies flirtatiously.

  “Get your hands off my man, potato chip,” Jax growls with a glare, making me laugh.

  “He only has eyes for you,” I assure Jax and brush my fingertip over the ring on Logan’s left hand. “I love the rings you guys chose. Marriage looks good on both of you.”

  They grin at each other, love and humor and understanding floating between them, making my heart catch. Their wedding was absolutely beautiful.

  “I’m sorry that we scheduled this recital for the same weekend you’re moving the rest of your things.” I cringe and offer Logan a sympathetic smile.

  “It’s fine. My dad is keeping an eye on the movers.”

  “You didn’t have to come,” Jax says. “And you didn’t have to hire movers. I don’t have that much stuff.”

  “Well, with movers you didn’t have to try to squeeze in time between choreography and dance recitals to pack your stuff, and I wouldn’t miss this recital for the world.” He smiles down at me. “How do you like your new kitchen?”

  I smile widely as I think of my beautiful kitchen, complete with the insanely awesome and insanely expensive wine cooler I wanted. “I love it. You and Jax have to come for dinner soon. We’d love to have you.”

  “Sounds great. Have you told him?” Logan asks with a low voice, his blue eyes shining behind his sexy glasses.

  “Tonight,” I reply.

  Logan kisses Jax’s cheek, then mine, and grins. “Good luck with that. I’ll be out in the audience with the others.”

  “I can’t believe the entire Williams and Montgomery families came,” I mutter and count heads. The little girls are all abuzz with excitement, admiring each other’s pretty outfits and thrilled that they get to wear red lipstick.

  “You know they love an excuse to get together, and they haven’t missed one of the twins and Sophie’s recitals yet.”

  “Except Mark.” I scowl down at my quiet phone. “He never has to work on Saturdays, but he said something came up with work and he couldn’t get out of it.”

  “Okay, it’s time,” Jax says and walks away, motioning for the girls to gather around him. I walk out onto the stage.

  “Welcome, everyone, and thank you so much for being here today. I am Meredith Summers, the co-owner of Twinkle Toes, and on behalf of Jax and I, I’d like to say thank you so very much for all of your support. We love teaching your little ones and are honored that you’ve trusted this studio to bring them to dance. Your girls have been working very hard to prepare for today’s recital. So, without further ado, let’s get started.”

  I smile as the families applaud and walk down the steps to my mark in the audience, where the girls can still see me and I can lead them through their dances. As always, we start with the youngest ones.

  As they file out and begin to move their tiny bodies to the music, one little girl on the end decides to freestyle it, singing with the music, skipping and dancing around the stage, making the parents, and me, laugh.

  That little girl is going places.

  Parents happily snap photos and ooh and aah over the girls’ routines as each age group comes out on stage to perform two dances each. Finally, when all is said and done, I return to the stage.

  “That concludes today’s recital. Thank you again…”

  There’s a tug on my skirt. I glance down to see a tiny little red-haired girl holding up a red rose to me, which I take and smile down at her. She walks away, and suddenly, another girl appears with a rose.

  I look up to survey the audience for Mark, thinking this might be his handy-work, but he’s not here. I shrug, thinking nothing of it. Sometimes the dance instructors receive flowers after a recital.

  As I try to thank the audience for coming, I’m interrupted over and over again, until my arms are full of beautiful, fragrant red roses.

  Suddenly, all of the Montgomerys, Williamses, and Logan, with Jax now standing next to him, all stand and applaud enthusiastically and I’m at a loss.

  “What in the world is going on?”

  “Turn around, Miss Mer,” Josie yells out from behind me. I turn and stop, stunned, at what I see before me.

  All eight of the oldest girls are standing in a line holding signs that spell out Will You Marry Me, M? and Mark is on one knee, holding his hand out to me. I stumble to him, walking on numb feet and feel my eyes fill with tears.

  “Are you kidding me?” I whisper. Mark laughs, his blue eyes dancing with happiness, and he flashes that naughty smile at me, making my knees go weak and my heart sing.

  “Meredith,” he says and the whole room hushes. “We waited a long time for each other. I don’t think we even knew that’s what we were doing. I will never stop loving you, Meredith A—”

  “Watch it,” I say, cutting him off from saying my middle name out loud. He laughs and kisses my hand.

  “In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you, my love. You are the best part of my life, and I can’t imagine ever being without you again. So, in front of everything and everyone we love most, I’m asking you to believe in us and become my wife. I promise, I’ll work every day making sure you never regret it.”

  Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I step forward and cup his face in my hand. “Of course I’ll marry you, M.”

  He kisses my palm, then slips a beautiful round solitaire diamond engagement ring on my finger before standing and wrapping his arms around me. He slants his lips over mine, then kisses my cheek.

  “You said yes.”

  “Damn right I did.” I laugh. Everyone in the audience continues to applaud as Mark nuzzles my nose. “Is this a good time to tell you you’re gonna be a daddy?”

  “What?” He jerks back and gazes down in my eyes. “What did you just say?”

  “I’m pregnant, babe.”

  “Holy shit.” He kisses me again, harder this time and then lets out a loud, “Whoop!”

  “What’s going on up there?” Will calls out from the audience.

  “We’re getting married,” Mark calls back and raises a brow at me, silently asking for permission to announce the good news. I happily nod and he smiles wide, never looking away from me and calls out, “And we’re gonna have a baby!”

  Applause erupts again, and I’m suddenly surrounded by people, being passed around from brother to brother, hugged and kissed. The girls are all crying and smiling and hugging each other until they can get to me.

  “Congratulations, bella,” Dom says happily as he hugs me close and then passes me to Luke.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Luke whispers in my ear. “If you need anything at all, you only have to call.”

  I nod with tears in my eyes and then am scooped up into Neil’s strong arms.

  “Welcome to our family at last, my sweet girl,” he says with a wide, handsome grin. “It’s about time. We’ve been waiting for you, you know.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “Your mother gave me her wedding dress to hold on to for you,” Lucy says as she pats my cheek softly.

  “She did? But how did she—”

  “A mother knows.” Lucy winks at me. “We’d better get you married before you can’t fit into the dress anymore.”

  I glance over to where Jax and Logan are standing, hand-in-hand, laughing with Jules and Nate, who has a sleeping Stella on his shoulder. Will and Meg are congratulating Mark as Leo and Sam both enfold me in a group hug.

  “Way to go, babe,” Sam says smugly. “I’ve always liked you.”

  “Yeah, right.” I snort as I laugh and she laughs with me. “I think the term is tolerate.”

  “I liked you. Now I love you. You’re good for us.”

  Jesus, is everyone going to make me cry today?

  “Proud of you,” Natalie whispers in my ear, then winks at me and gives my arm a squeeze. “We’ll talk later.”

  I’m passed from person to person, until finally, I’m back in Mark’s arms and he’s kissing me silly.

p; “Are you ready to be a part of this crazy family?” he asks with that naughty grin.

  “I can’t wait,” I reply and press my face to his neck. “I can’t wait.”


  Body Shots in Vegas

  “Brynna!” Sam exclaims, pointing her manicured finger at me. “Lay down here and let me do some body shots off your tits.”

  I giggle and glance around, taking in the double scene around me. Meg’s singing something horrible on the small stage, Nat and Jax are dancing and Jules and Meredith are letting the bartender pour liquor directly in their mouths.

  “Seriously?” I ask, loving this so much. Coming to Vegas for Meg and Will’s bachelorette parties was a great call.

  “Totally,” Sam replies, clearing the bar for me. “You have the best tits ever. Mine will never be this good.”

  “I’ve never done body shots before,” I reply with a giggle and lie on the bar, then flag down the bartender. “Come put liquor in my boobs!”

  “I get the liquor,” Sam informs me, making me frown.

  “What do I get out of this?”

  “I’ll give you liquor after.”

  “Right on.” I grin and shimmy on the bar, enjoying the way the wood feels against my ass. Then I smirk.

  “What’s so funny?” Sam asks.

  “I just thought that I like the way the wood feels against my ass.” I giggle again. “That’s what she said!”

  “Does if feel good?” Sam asks, examining the top the bar.

  “Yeah, I like it. Okay, boob shots.”

  “Okay, so the cute bartender is gonna give me a shot of tequila, bless his young heart, and you’re gonna hold the lime between your boobs.”

  “Right on.”

  “I’m tending bar!” Nic exclaims as she jumps over the bar and begins tossing bottles around like that old Tom Cruise movie. “Here’s your shot.”

  Nic tucks a wedge of lime between my tits, which are held together expertly with a super hot push-up bra that I plan to show Caleb later so I can get laid.

  Damn that man is good at getting me laid.

  Sam tips the shot glass back and drains the tequila quickly, then leans over me and slowly takes the lime between her lips, licking my cleavage at the same time, and then looks up at me, her eyes glassy and happy.

  “Caleb can clean the rest up later,” I say with a grin and turn my head to see the man himself, his arms crossed over his chest, with all of our men standing next to him. They’re taking in our party with expressions of horror and humor.

  Which is pretty accurate.

  “Uh oh,” I say, then snort. “You’re in trouble.”


  I nod toward the guys and she follows my gaze. “Nah, Leo will think it’s hot.”

  I study Caleb, who’s face is stern, but his eyes are on fire, and I know that I’m not in trouble either.

  “I’m getting orgasms tonight,” I whisper and grin when Caleb starts marching toward me.

  “Atta girl.”

  Forever With Me

  Book Eight in the With Me In Seattle Series


  Kristen Proby


  Book Eight in the With Me In Seattle Series

  Kristen Proby

  Copyright © 2014 by Kristen Proby

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover Art:

  Photography by: Kristen Proby

  Models: Kara Coco and Michael Anthony

  Cover Design: Okay Creations


  This book is dedicated to the Montgomery, Williams, McKenna, Nash and Salvatore families. Thank you for this wild ride. I’ll never forget you.

  Dear Reader,

  Writing this series has been an incredible journey for me. And to think, when I began writing Come Away With Me, I didn’t intend to write a series. That book was intended to be a stand-alone. But once I met Jules and all of her brothers, how could I resist giving everyone their own love story?

  I couldn’t.

  And I’m so happy that I didn’t. Many of you have sent me letters and notes telling me that the Montgomery clan has become a part of your own inner circle. Your family. This moves me more than I can ever tell you. It’s the same for me! I’ve lived with these people for more than two years, and they are very dear to me. I can’t imagine my life without them. It’s been a joy and a privilege to watch this family grow. To watch the friendships form, the babies be born. And I admit, saying goodbye is hard.

  I struggled with ending the series with Forever With Me. But I truly believe that I’ve given each of our couples the best happy ever after possible. The Montgomerys will always hold a very special place in my heart, and the best thing about books is we can always revisit them.

  So get comfortable, grab a steaming cup of coffee or perhaps a glass of wine, and settle in. I have a story to tell you…



  “Wake up, sweetheart.”

  What the—?

  Soft lips skim down my neck to my collarbone, making me moan and arch my back. A strong hand pulls me from my side to my back and those lips slide back up my neck to that spot right behind my ear that makes every nerve in my body come alive.

  “What are you doing?” My fingers find their way into his thick, dark hair as I feel him grin against my skin. My nipples pucker almost painfully. His body is deliciously firm and warm next to me. I manage to open my heavy eyes to find Dominic smiling down at me, those ice blue eyes of his glowing in the moonlight.

  “I think it’s pretty obvious what I’m doing, bella.” He cups my face in his large hands and lowers his lips to mine, kissing me gently at first, his lips sliding back and forth across mine, and then he settles against me, one leg planted between both of my thighs, his hard thigh pressing against the center of my universe with just enough pressure to make my hips tilt up against him, and he lays the sexiest kiss I’ve ever had on me. He tastes like wine and mint and sexy man. He’s devouring me in the most delicious way.

  I knew Dominic Salvatore would be an excellent kisser.

  My hands roam from his soft hair down to his shoulders and arms…his impossibly chiseled, strong arms.

  “Don’t tell me no, bella.” His voice is rough as he kisses his way down my chest to one breast where he pulls my nipple into his mouth and tugs gently, making me rub my core against his naked thigh again. “Please. I need you.”

  “This is crazy.” But I don’t push him away. Instead I plunge my fingers into his hair again and drag him up for another long, deep, hungry kiss. God, I can’t get enough of his mouth.

  He shifts, settling his pelvis against mine. His cock is long and thick and moves easily between my slick folds, the head massaging my clit in a mind-numbing staccato.

  “You’re so wet,” he whispers harshly. “Open your eyes.”

  It’s not a request.

  He’s staring down at me with an intensity I’ve never seen from anyone before. God, he feels so good. I drag my hands down his back to his ass and grip him firmly as I raise my knees high against his sides, opening myself up to him.

  “I wasn’t going to do this with you.”

  He clenches his eyes shut and tilts his forehead against mine.

  “I can’t stay away from you. I’ve tried, bella.”

  I can hear Italy in his voice. His body is tight with yearning, but he’s holding himself steady, waiting for my decision. Every muscle is pulled tight. He’s trembling.

  How can I say no to this?

I don’t want to say no to this!


  “Anything. Anything you want.”

  I circle my hips. A slow smile spreads over my lips, as his jaw clenches and he mutters an Italian curse word through gritted teeth.

  “Yes.” I whisper.

  His hand palms my breast; his thumb circles my tight nipple.

  “Are you sure?” His hand glides down my side and around to my ass, pulling me more tightly against him.


  “You’re so damn wet, Alecia.”

  “I know.”

  He grins down at me, pulls his hips back, and then slides inside me in one smooth motion, filling me completely.

  We both gasp, eyes locked, as he stills, buried inside me, and I swear to God, buried in the very heart of me.

  Except, I don’t do hearts and flowers.

  “Don’t make me fall in love with you,” I plead. His eyes soften, but he doesn’t reply, he just pulls out all the way, looks down between us and pushes back inside me and repeats the motion twice more.

  “Faster,” I beg.


  I glare up at him, but he simply smiles back at me before kissing my forehead, linking his fingers with mine and pinning my hand above my head. And then he begins to really move those hips, setting up a punishing rhythm. His pubis nudges my clit with every thrust of his hips, pushing me closer to the edge.

  “Do you know how badly I’ve wanted you, Alecia?” he whispers against my ear as his free hand continues to cup my ass and he controls the speed and depth of his thrusts.


  He kisses my ear, my cheek, my nose, and finally my lips as he picks up speed, fucking me harder, faster, making me squirm and moan and pant.

  Jesus fucking Christ I can’t take it.

  My hand grips his harder and my toes curl.


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