Come Away With Me

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Come Away With Me Page 90

by Kristen Proby

  “Leave your hands right here,” he whispers against my ear.

  I bite my lip and close my eyes, but he leans past me, his long arm reaching around me and wipes the fog that has reformed on the mirror away.

  “Keep your eyes open, cara.”

  I find his gaze in the mirror once more. His lips twitch with humor, his dimple winks at me, and the next thing I know, my towel is gone and tossed on the floor. My eyebrows climb as his eyes rake over me, from my face, down my chest, to my stomach in the mirror, then he pulls back and his eyes take the same tour of my body from behind.

  And just like that, I’m on fucking fire.


  “I didn’t say you could talk,” he murmurs lazily, but his eyes are direct and firm as they meet mine in the glass.

  I love it when he gets bossy.

  He pulls the tip of his finger down the nape of my neck, and continues down my spine, sending gooseflesh over my skin. When he reaches the small of my back, he grips my hips in both hands and urges me back, bent over, sticking my ass in the air. His hands slide back to cup my ass gently, reverently, and I can already feel the moisture forming between my thighs.

  Jesus, I want him like crazy, and I just had him a few hours ago.

  “I thought about taking you like this last night,” he says softly, his fingertips gliding up and down my sides. It would normally tickle the hell out of me, but all it does is make my nipples pucker in anticipation. “But I decided this wasn’t what you needed then.”

  He leans over me and plants his lips in the crook of my neck, then finds my gaze with his again as he grips my hands and moves them from the countertop to the mirror.

  “Lean on the glass,” he instructs me firmly. He cups both of my breasts and tweaks my firm nipples with his thumbs. “I like you in this position. With your ass pushed out, spread open for me.”

  My jaw drops as I watch his tanned hands move over my white skin.

  “I want you to keep your hands on the mirror, cara. And I don’t want you to watch me.”

  I frown at him, not understanding.

  “You’re to keep your eyes open, but I want you to watch you.” He kisses my spine, right between my shoulder blades as his thumbs continue to torture my nipples. “I want you to see what I do to you.”

  I know what he does to me. He makes me completely crazy. He makes me feel like my body is turning inside out.

  He makes me lose myself.

  I open my mouth, but before I can speak he says, “Don’t argue with me, unless you want this to stop.”

  Forget bossy. Try tyrannical.

  And with those last words of instruction, he kisses his way down my back and squats behind me. It feels bizarre to watch my own face as I’m getting turned on.

  “How do you feel?” he asks before he plants a kiss on my left ass cheek, as if he’s reading my mind.

  “Shy,” I reply immediately.

  “Good girl,” he says and drags his hand up the inside of my right thigh and skims his fingertips through my folds and against my clit, then retreats immediately. I gasp, my lips part, and I can see the pulse in my neck pick up speed.

  “Look at the way you blush,” he whispers. The very tips of his fingers, his short fingernails, scrape up and down my ass slowly, softly, making me catch my breath. “I love it when your cheeks get red with arousal.”

  I’ve never noticed it before. I didn’t know I did that. A blush spreads from my cheeks, down my neck to my chest, and my hands form into fists, still leaning against the mirror. I can see his shoulders on either side of my hips, and I bite my lip at the thought of his face being eye-level with my pussy.

  “You blush down here, too, you know.” He plants another wet kiss on the opposite cheek, just as his hand takes another trip up the inside of my left thigh and into my dripping wet folds.

  I moan and drop my head, my eyes closing, and he’s suddenly…gone.

  “If you stop, so do I, cara.”

  My head whips back up. He’s shifted to my left side, watching me in the mirror.

  “I mean it.”

  I bite my lip again and nod, and he moves behind me once again, grips my hips in his hands, and without further ado, leans in and swipes his tongue, from my clit to my anus, in one long, firm, wet motion.

  I’m panting now, my pulse scattered, the blood rushing in my ears. He presses his thumb to my clit and pulls my lips into his mouth, gently pulsing, then his tongue sinks inside me. He rubs his nose against my puckered anus, but then he switches it up again, drags his lips down to my clit, flicking it softly, just before he sinks two fingers deep inside me and makes a come here motion, hitting my goddamn sweet spot.

  “Dom!” I shout, my hips bucking. God, my eyes are glassy, the pupils dilated. My skin is glistening with a light sheen of sweat, and my lower lip is swollen from my own teeth.

  He’s going to fucking kill me.

  “That’s right, baby,” he says loudly, before gripping onto my clit with his lips once more, sucking firmly, turning me inside out. I watch in wonder as I tumble over the edge, crying out, pounding my fist against the mirror as I go blind, seeing only stars as I come hard.

  I can’t fucking breathe.

  Before I know what’s happening, Dom stands and turns me in his arms, boosts me onto the vanity and pushes inside me, smoothly burying himself in my dripping wetness. He covers my mouth with his, leans his own hands against the mirror and begins to drill in and out of me violently, as if he’s a man possessed.

  I’m clinging to him, my legs wrapped around his waist and my hands gripping his upper arms as his mouth plunders mine. I can taste myself on him, and it only makes me want him more.

  With one hand, I reach between us and press my fingertips on my clit, then sink them lower and press against the base of his cock as he moves in and out of me. He growls and tears his mouth from mine so he can watch my hand, then turns those feral blue eyes on mine.

  “Che è così fottutamente sexy,” he groans. “God, you’re so fucking sexy.”

  I can feel my body tightening as another orgasm gathers in the core of me, then explodes through me. I lean in and bite Dom’s shoulder as I buck and shudder against him.

  “Fuck yes,” he growls, one hand planted on my ass as he pulls me even more firmly against him, grinding his pubis against my clit, and comes long and hard, emptying himself inside me.

  We stay right here for long moments, me clinging onto him so I don’t fall back, Dom gripping my ass almost painfully, while leaning on the mirror with his other hand, chasing our breath. Finally, he tips his forehead against mine and shakes his head.

  “Do you see how damn sexy you are?”

  “I see—” I begin, but he stops me with one firm look.

  “No smart ass responses.”

  “Yes. I see it.”

  “Thank Christ.”

  He kisses my forehead tenderly and backs away, helping me off the vanity.

  “I want to spend the day with you,” he says.

  “Well, we’ll be out at the vineyard, so—”

  “No, away from the vineyard.”

  I turn to stare at him. “Dom, I spent the day away from the vineyard yesterday. I have work to do.”

  “It’s Sunday, cara.” He throws me a cocky grin. “No one else is working today.”

  I chew my lip as I think of all of the things I should be doing today, but he cocks a brow at me, and I cave. I want to spend the day with him.

  “What do you have in mind?”

  He flips the water on in the shower before tugging me against him and plants a kiss on my nose, then my lips. “I want to take you somewhere special.”


  I toss crackers and grapes into the basket I’m putting together for our day out and shake my ass in time with Matt Nathanson, singing “Faster.” I add cheese, salami, and strawberries, then shimmy over to my wine rack and choose a bottle of Dom’s red, two glasses, and then bounce around the kitchen, singing along wit
h Matt.

  Suddenly, Dominic’s strong hand takes mine, and he gracefully spins me into his arms, dancing us both about the kitchen.

  “I love watching you move,” he whispers against my temple as he holds me close.

  I chuckle and move my hips suggestively, playfully, just as he pushes me away from him again, then pulls me back in, my back against his front, my ass pressed against his crotch.

  I wrap my arm up around his neck and tilt my head back so he can kiss my nose, and then, Patrick Swayze-style, he twirls me one more time, then dips me low as the song comes to an end.

  “Very nice, Mr. Salvatore.” His lips twitch, and that dimple winks at me as he pulls me back to my feet and lays a quick, hard kiss on my lips.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks. My eyes wander down his casual white button-up and sexy jeans, then back up to his face to find a half smile on those amazing lips and his eyes shining with…lust. “Keep looking at me like that, cara, and we won’t get far today.”

  I simply bite my lip and keep looking, enjoying the way he looks back at me. Finally, he shakes his head and laughs.

  “We’re going. Out. Now.” He gathers the basket, then takes my hand in his spare one and plants a wet kiss on my knuckles. “Come on.”


  “I didn’t know this was here,” I comment, as Dominic and I walk side-by-side up a long pier that overlooks the sound. It’s a bit overcast today, keeping us cool, but the scenery is no less stunning. “It’s only a few miles from my condo.”

  He nods and gazes out at the water, then frowns at the chain-link fence with locks of all different shapes and sizes hanging from it.

  “Locks of love,” I murmur with a grin. “I guess they’re trying to copy the place in Paris?”

  “I don’t get it,” he says, before glancing down at me with a raised brow. “Is it supposed to be romantic?”

  “It’s supposed to be symbolic,” I reply with a shrug. “You know, obviously if we place a lock here with our initials with all of the rest, our love is true.” I smirk and shake my head. “It’s like Valentine’s Day.”

  He blinks in surprise. “Okay, you have to explain that to me.”

  We lean against the railing and watch sailboats float past. The water is deep blue and choppy. We shed our shoes at the base of the pier, along with the basket and wine. Dom takes my hand in his and lifts it to his lips, planting a firm kiss right on the back of my hand as I lean my cheek against his shoulder and take a deep breath of the salty air.

  “It’s a gimmick,” I say simply.

  “You’re so not a romantic, tesoro.” He chuckles and kisses my hand again, and I’m not sure why, but that doesn’t sit well with me.

  “I am,” I insist, and turn to lean my back on the railing so I can face him. “I am when it comes to what matters.”

  “What matters?” His voice is quiet, but insistent, and his deep blue eyes are pinned to mine.

  “Romance isn’t about proving to someone you love them with flowers and greeting cards and chocolate. Or even a lock on a fence. It’s a daily reminder. It’s saying, I choose you. Today and every day.” I shrug, and look down, embarrassed now. Why in the bloody hell did I say that?

  But Dom tilts my head up and smiles down at me in that gentle way he does. “I hear you.”

  I turn back to the water and take a long, deep breath. “God, I love it here.”

  “Why?” he asks suddenly.

  “Why?” I repeat and frown at him.

  “Why do you love it here?”

  I glance back out at the water and then to the tall, dark man next to me. “Are we not looking at the same scenery?”

  “Don’t be difficult. What is it about this place, this water, that you love?”

  I sigh and turn my gaze to the water, the islands, the birds, the boats.

  “It centers me. I knew when I bought my condo that I had to be on the water, and I scrimped and saved until I could afford my place. There was nowhere else I wanted to be.” I take Dom’s hand and lead him down the pier toward the grass. “I love everything about the waterfront. The smell, the way the wind hits my face and filters through my hair. There’s nothing like watching a parasailer, or catching a glimpse of a sea lion in the water.”

  Dom lifts the basket and the wine and I take my shoes and the wine glasses and follow him out into the wide grassy area, where we drop everything and sit facing each other.

  “This is my home.” I shrug one shoulder and pluck a blade of grass out of the dirt.

  “I get it,” he replies with a nod. “It’s where you fit.”


  “That’s how the vineyard is for me,” he says, and squints as he gazes out at the water. “And Italy.”

  “I would love to see Italy. Tell me about it.”

  He grins, and then before I can react, he’s pulled me in his arms, and onto my back in the grass, covering me with his solid body.

  “Close your eyes.”

  “There are children nearby,” I reply dryly, making him laugh.

  “Close your eyes,” he repeats. I wrinkle my nose at him and then do as I’m told, relaxing in the grass.

  “I’m not even going to think about the bugs that could be crawling around in my hair right now,” I comment lightly.

  “I’ll protect you,” he replies and suddenly, his fingertips are grazing along my cheekbone, and I melt. “Italy is unlike anywhere else. Tuscany, specifically, is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.”

  His fingers journey up my temple, along my forehead, and over my eyebrows, making me sigh in contentment. Dear sweet Jesus, the man is good with his hands.

  “The villages are busy, bustling with people, but they’re the friendliest people you’ll ever meet.” His fingertip drifts down my nose. “And the colors are just spectacular. The hills are vibrantly green. The sky boldly blue, but when the sun is hanging just right, everything is gold.” The last few words are whispered as he traces my lips with the pad of his thumb. “Watching the sunlight bounce off the dew on my grapevines is as close to heaven as I’ll ever be. It smells…clean. New. Every day is new.”

  Now he sinks his other hand in my hair, brushes tiny tendrils off my forehead and cheeks, sending sparks of awareness through me, yet I’m the most comfortable I’ve ever been.

  His voice is soothing. His hands are calming. I can’t believe how gentle his touch is when I know how rough he can be.

  I can’t get enough of him.

  He leans in close and whispers in my ear, “I can’t wait to show it to you. Italy is going to love you.”

  Before I can respond, he covers my lips with his, in a long, slow, sweet kiss, in that way he does that feels like it’s the first time he’s kissed me all over again. His fingertips continue to tickle my forehead, while his other hand drifts down my side, barely brushing over my breast, down to my hip, where he holds me as his lips brush back and forth over my own. He nibbles his way to the corner of my mouth, then licks along my bottom lip, tugs it with his teeth, and settles in to kiss me long and slow once more.

  When he finally pulls back, I can’t open my eyes. My lids are heavy with desire and need, and his fingertips on my skin are making me nuts.

  He kisses my cheek, then my nose, and whispers, “Open your eyes, cara.”

  They flutter open and I’m staring up into the brightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen, surrounded by dark lashes, olive skin, and raven hair.

  “How do you always kiss me like it’s the first time?” I ask breathlessly.

  His eyes flicker down to my lips, then back to my eyes. Instead of answering, he offers me that heart-stopping smile, and moves in to kiss me all over again.

  I grip onto his strong back and go along for the ride, enjoying his lips on mine, his body covering me, his manly scent flowing around me.

  I’m in way over my head. And I don’t want to be saved.

  Chapter Twelve

  This week has flown by. The second Dominic and I retur
ned to the vineyard, it was full speed ahead with Montgomery wedding plans.

  “We’re heading out, Alecia, unless there’s something else you need,” Mark says, as he waves goodbye to his crew.

  “I don’t need anything,” I assure him with a grin. My heels click on the hardwood dance floor as I approach him. “This is beautiful.”

  His blue eyes take in the massive tent, floor, and stage and he gives me a satisfied nod. “We did good.”

  “You did excellent,” I agree.

  “We’ll hang the lights and set out tables tomorrow, and that’s about it.”

  I can already picture the white twinkling lights strung throughout the tent in my head, the tables set up and decorated with beautiful flowers, smiling people dancing and laughing.

  I can’t wait.

  “Rehearsal dinner tomorrow night,” I remind him, as he turns to leave.

  “Like I could forget that.” He shakes his head and laughs. “I hope you’re ready for the party about to ensue tomorrow night.”

  I cock my brow and tilt my head in question.

  “The girls will drink and celebrate, let loose. Our family won’t feel comfortable letting loose at the reception, but given that tomorrow night is private, well…” He shrugs and offers me a roguish grin. “Game on.”

  “Thanks for the warning.” I wave him off and walk toward the house, let myself in through the side door and run right into Dominic as he comes out of his office. “Hey there, handsome.”

  A soft smile spreads over his face, and before he can respond, I rise up on my tip-toes, wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his in a quick, chaste kiss, then pull away and drag my hands firmly down his arms to his hands and clench them tightly in mine.

  “Hi yourself,” he responds.

  “How’s your day?”

  “It’s gone well. I’m assuming yours has as well?”

  I nod and kiss his palm, just before he cups my cheek and rubs his thumb over the apple of my cheek. “I have a few more things to see to.”

  “I’ll see you soon, then.”

  I smile and squeeze his hands once more before walking away toward the kitchen. Unable to resist, I toss a glance over my shoulder to find him watching me walk away, one hand resting on his chest over his heart, his deep blue eyes smiling at me.


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