Professionals with Benefits: A Bad Boy Office Romance

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Professionals with Benefits: A Bad Boy Office Romance Page 1

by Chloe Morgan





  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Come Swoon With Us

  Want More?

  About the Author



  It was a mutual fling.

  Until it became so much more.

  A taboo office relationship. And there’s no fighting it. Not for either one of us.

  My life is spiraling out of control, thanks to family problems, but she’s always there. Always available for me.

  And she deserves better. But I’m not that kind of guy.

  I like our arrangement just as it is. Or I thought I did.

  Professionals with benefits sounded like the perfect setup.

  Until she walks away.

  Now there’s nothing I wouldn’t give to get her back.

  Even my high paying job.



  I walked out of the investors’ meeting with my head held high. It had been six months since I’d taken over my father’s position at his company. Living Sun Banking was a pun on our last name, Levingston. Our trademark logo was a minimalist sun that rose over the lame “Living Sun,” and our company’s slogan boasted of a want to make someone’s life better: “Live for the sun of tomorrow.” It meant prepare for your future, something not many people did nowadays. And it was what we specialized in. My grandfather had built the company from the ground up, then handed it over to my father when he got ill, and my father had been the CEO ever since.

  My mother had begged my father to retire early so they could travel the way they had always wanted.

  So, now I was CEO.

  I’d been in the position for half a year. Just long enough for the investors to finally side with me on some decisions to take the company into the twenty-first century. There were old and outdated practices the company needed to toss. But, I needed majority approval from the board of investors before I could move forward with motions. I smiled as I walked toward my office. After three months of fighting with them, I’d finally gotten it. I’d finally gotten them to see things my way.

  “Good meeting?”

  My eyes fell onto my CPA, Layla Hale. I grinned at her as my eyes quickly slid down her body. She was a gorgeous woman, and very intelligent. Big green eyes that stared up at me from her five-six stature. Light brown hair that hung in light curls down her back. Curves that made my hands tense in my pockets, ready to fist her and bring her to me. She had been my one weakness. I’d met her the first week on the job and had lusted after her ever since.

  Apparently, she had done the same with me, too.

  We had been careful with our relationship, but moments like this made me want her all too much. Her thick legs wrapped around my waist. Her plump red lips around my shaft. Her juicy lips coating my cheeks as she cried out my name with my palm against her mouth to muffle her sounds. She was my one unprofessional decision in the six months I’d been with the company.

  And things were growing more intense by the day.

  “It was a great meeting, thank you for asking,” I said.

  “I can tell by that look on your face,” Layla said.

  “Trust me, this look isn’t for the meeting.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and I wanted to make the rest of her flush that way.

  “Come to lunch with me,” I said.

  “Ah, have we abandoned asking?”

  “You’ve never said no. Figured I’d skip the pomp and circumstance.”

  “Get right to business?” she asked.

  “Since when have I ever been that kind of man?”

  She flushed a deeper shade of red, and it made my groin burn.

  “I suppose it is the only time of the day where we can be alone,” Layla murmured.

  “Good. Then I’ll meet you at our place,” I said.

  “Our place” was a small cafe on the other side of town. I knuckled down to get my work done, then locked my office and headed off to lunch. There she was, sitting at our booth, in the corner, away from the crowd. She had even ordered my favorite drink, a full-force latte with a shot of espresso poured into it. I always needed the jolt of energy in the middle of the day. But I also enjoyed working some of that off with her when we were lucky enough.

  Today, however, we weren’t so lucky.

  We flirted all through lunch. Ate food with our feet tangled up in one another underneath the table. I watched her eat quickly, and I knew what that meant. It meant I shouldn’t have locked my office before I left. I licked my lips before I downed my coffee, pushing my food off to the side. I settled our tab, and the two of us drove separately back to my office.

  I practically jittered my way off the elevator, anxious to get back to my office to unlock it and receive her beautiful body against mine.

  Until I saw my father sitting in a chair by my office.

  “Dad?” I asked.

  “Son! Hello. I figured you were off at lunch. Didn’t expect you to be back so quickly, though,” he said.

  I heard the elevator door open in front of me, and I looked back. There she was with a flirty smile on her cheeks, her body ready, her nipples practically poking through her damn shirt. Calling to my lips and my tongue as her hips swayed with each step she took. But when she looked up and saw my father, her entire demeanor changed. Her nipples retreated. She stopped the swaying of her hips. The smile fell from her face, plastering itself into that professional grin she held with everyone else.

  She took a hard left down the hallway, disappearing from view.

  Much to my disappointment.

  “I had to have lunch with my CPA,” I said.

  “Oh? Everything okay?” my father asked.

  “Yes, Dad. Everything is fine. Just like it was last week and just like it was the week before that.”

  “I just want to come by and make sure things are running smoothly. You’ve only been in this position for a few months.”

  “And yet you groomed me for it your entire life. Don’t you trust what you’ve taught me?”

  “It takes time, son. I’m only here to help.”

  “No, Dad. You’re here to critique. What did you leave Mom doing now so you could come check up on me?” I asked.

  “She’s just waiting for me at the restaurant, Daniel. She’ll understand,” he said.

  “She understood for the past forty years. And now, it’s time for her to have some time with you. You retired early for a reason. Go enjoy that reason and let me do the job I was groomed to do my entire life,” I said.

  My father wasn’t happy with me when he walked away, but at least he walked away and didn’t continue fighting.

  It was more than I could say for what happened last week.

  And the week before that.



  My leg jiggled underneath my desk as I tried to focus on my work. But it was hard. I kept having to run numbers through my programs two and three different times to make sure I had things right. I couldn’t stop thinking about Daniel. About the last time we had hoo
ked up. It had been over two weeks since I’d been able to enjoy him. Feel him. Kiss him and touch him. The man was handsome beyond belief. Six two, with rich black hair and bright blue eyes. Fit with muscle underneath his trimmed suits. The first time I’d met him after his father stepped down, I almost swallowed my tongue. His smile lit up his features with this boyish charm, but there was nothing else about him that was boyish.

  Including his prowess in bed.

  I groaned as I sat back. I squeezed my thighs, feeling my clit pulse with need for him. Daniel Levingston had it all: the career, the intelligence, the humor, the looks. The thick dick I dreamed of every night, and the tongue skills that left me weeping for more even as I pushed him away from me. Things had been hectic with both of our schedules, especially now that his father had started dropping in on him randomly. I knew it was bothering Daniel, having his father check in on him like that. He ranted to me about it frequently over our stolen lunches.

  I had been so close yesterday to feeling him fill me up before his father appeared.

  No, it wasn’t professional. But it also didn’t affect my work. It was only sex, which meant that when the two of us walked away, it was as if nothing happened. He had a massive banking corporation to run, and I had my own Certified Public Accountant business to run. I had a small office that aided the small businesses in the area while I spent my time working with Living Sun Banking. Them having me on payroll kept my business afloat, so everything else my employees brought in was profit for us.

  It was a good relationship. I helped keep Living Sun straightened up with their money, and in return, they allowed me to have my own business.

  Not to mention the other “perks” that came with Living Sun now.

  I was glad when Daniel sat me down and explained to me that what was happening between us was casual. He said he needed to focus his time and energy on his new position, and I couldn’t blame him. Because I was doing the same thing. I had worked so hard to get where I was at with my career, to get my own small shop opened and running without it chiseling away at the work I enjoyed doing as well.

  That didn’t mean I didn’t miss him, though.

  “To what do I owe this surprise lunch?” Tasha asked.

  “Daniel’s got a business lunch today,” I said.

  “Ah, so the man toy’s busy. I gotcha.”

  “Don’t say it like that.”

  “No, girl! I’m not upset. I’m just glad to get some time with you. Haven’t seen you in a few days. You look good,” she said.

  “You talk as if we haven’t seen each other in years.”

  “Trust me, a few days without my best friend does feel like years.”

  “Why do I get the feeling there’s a reason behind that?” I asked.

  I’d known Tasha since my freshman year at Columbia. We’d been roommates, and even though she was a music major, we always found time for one another. We stayed roommates all throughout college, then decided to become roommates again when the two of us found ourselves staying in Manhattan for our jobs. I’d been employed with Living Sun right off the bat for my quick wit and on-the-spot calculations, and Tasha had been hired as a music teacher at one of the local schools while also being accepted into the New York Symphony Orchestra.

  She was a phenomenal violinist. And she knew everything about my fling with Daniel.

  “Just stress with the orchestra, that’s all,” Tasha said.

  “Want to talk about it?” I asked.

  “I just can’t see Kyle as much as I want. It’s starting to put a strain on our relationship.”

  Kyle had been her boyfriend since our senior year of college. And part of me was envious about that. All Tasha had with men were relationships. And all I seemed to have were flings. I wasn’t complaining. They were great flings. But still, part of me wondered what a relationship with a man would feel like. Be like. How something like that would work.

  I’d never had one.

  “What about your little weekend getaways?” I asked.

  “Ah, Kyle’s job is starting to cut into that for now. He’s trying to get this promotion with the police department, so he’s taking as many hours as he can to show initiative,” Tasha said.

  “Well, I can relate. Sort of. I haven’t been with Daniel at all for two and a half weeks. The dry spell is rough,” I said.

  “Right? It’s been almost a month for me and Kyle.”



  “But I thought being in a relationship meant you could get it whenever you wanted. Isn’t that, like, one of the perks that comes with them?” I asked.

  Tasha giggled. “No. It’s really not. And it’s killing me, Layla. I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything. Lingerie. Surprising him at lunch. Staying up late and waiting for him to get home. I’ve offered to do all the damn work just to get some time with him, but he won’t take it.”

  “Have you tried just standing there naked, waiting for him to get home?” I asked.

  “I don’t even think it’d work at this point,” Tasha said, sighing.

  I took her hand. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Actually, yes. There is something you can do. Invite that Daniel guy over to your place tomorrow night, take charge, get him in bed, and then tell me all the juicy details. Let me live through you! I need a lifeline!”

  I threw my head back, laughing. But it wasn’t actually a bad idea. Both of us had refrained from inviting each other over, but desperate times called for desperate measures. And my best friend did need some fiery details to keep her satiated.

  “Done, done, done, and done,” I said, grinning.

  Tasha groaned. “Oh, I can’t wait. At least one of us should be getting laid.”

  “But after tomorrow night, we work on you. Okay?” I asked.

  “Please. I’ll take all the help I can get.”



  I came into work that morning with a note slipped underneath the door. It had my name written on the front of it in handwriting I very much recognized. I grinned as I closed my office door. I walked over to my desk and put my things down. I sat down in my chair and opened up the note, smiling broadly as I read the words.

  My place tonight? I’ve got something special planned for dinner. I know it’s out of the ordinary, but I think both of us could use the time together. What do you say?


  At the bottom was her address, and my manhood pulsed to life. It had been way too long since I’d put my hands on those curvy hips, in that dip in her waist, tangled my fingers in her hair and commanded her movements. I pulled out my phone and shot her off a text message. I let her know that I’d see her promptly at seven, and then I tried my best to focus. I tore through paperwork. I answered emails. My secretary was out sick that day, so I had a little more to do than usual. But that didn’t mean I lagged on submitting those proposals for some of the changes I wanted in the company.

  For starters, we needed a robo-investor. Something to attract the younger generations into investing with us for their future. I didn’t want to outsource it, however. I wanted to hire a team to build us one that surpassed all the other ones on the market. A robo-investor we could use as a perk for banking with us. Living Sun Banking had a loan department. We had a credit card department. We had investing and retirement accounts. Money marketing accounts. Financial advisors that were all certified and verified by my father to come on staff permanently. But a robo-investor that made investing almost mindless would really draw in the younger crowd and boost our brand.

  Once I could get that approved, everything else would be smooth sailing.

  Six thirty rolled around, and I raced out of my office. I shut everything down, made a list of things I needed accomplished in the morning, then practically ran down to my car. My GPS got me to Layla’s place perfectly, and I was shocked to see where she lived. It was a pretty nice apartment complex in Manhattan, with a great view of the city and robust
security in the lobby. I even had to buzz up to her before she could even let me into the elevator. The work of a CPA must be treating her well.

  Then again, we did pay her six figures a year to do for us what she did.

  I went to knock on the door of her apartment, but I found a note attached to it. Yet another note in that beautiful handwriting of hers. I plucked it off her door and opened it up, smiling when my eyes scanned the words.

  Come on in. I’m cooking up a spread.

  I opened the door and the wonderful smells of steak hit my nose. Buttery mashed potatoes. Garlic broccoli. My mouth watered as I closed the door behind me and locked it. I tossed the note off to the side and slipped my coat off. I hung it up on the coat rack she had standing by her door, then slowly made my way to the smells wafting from the kitchen.

  And when my eyes fell onto her, my dick jumped to life.

  There she was, with her sloping curves and her beautiful hair trickling down her back, wearing nothing but an apron and some heels. I fucking loved it. Layla was a ripe twenty-six-year-old, and my thirty-two-year-old body loved every inch of her. Layla’s confidence blew me away, and this moment was no different. She peered over at me and grinned, then reached for a glass of wine.

  “Thirsty?” she asked.

  Yes. But not for wine.

  I stalked over to her and plucked the wine from her hand. I tossed it back, swallowing the damn thing in two gulps. I set the wine glass down and reached around her, my arm grazing her apron as I flipped off the knobs on the stove. I pushed the food to the back burners. Everything was ready to eat. Including her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Oh, don’t play coy. You’ve never been good at it,” I said.

  I fisted her bare ass in my hands, and she squealed. I picked her up and pressed my face into her tits as I sat her on the kitchen island. I slid my hand up her bare back, feeling her smooth skin as I tugged at the bow around her neck. The apron fell away, revealing to me her puckered breasts I had wanted to taste for days. I untied the string around her waist, then fisted the fabric and tossed it to the floor. Sliding my hands up her thighs, I pressed them apart and allowed the scent of her to fill the space between us.


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