HUGE: A Full Length Insta-Love Boss Secret Identity Romance

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HUGE: A Full Length Insta-Love Boss Secret Identity Romance Page 6

by Marr, Maggie

  “It’s going to get”—she shakes her head—“complicated.” She finally says. “First of all I was supposed to be a secret, or that I’m Jack’s niece was supposed to be a secret and everyone knows. So it’s not like we can keep us a secret.”

  “Probably not,” I say. “Especially since Jorge knows.”

  “Right, so that means it’s only a matter of time before the entire office knows. Which to be honest after only one day, I’m thinking everyone does.”

  “And that’s a bad thing because…” But I already know the answer. I’m just wishing that Ashley could think of some other reason that I haven’t been able to come up with that makes this whole scenario ok.

  “It’s a bad thing, because in about a month I’m going to be your boss and me dating you is against corporate policy and raises all kinds of potential problems for the company.”

  A slick oily feeling careens through my belly. Nope, she hasn’t come up with a solution and shares the same concerns that I do. This conversation is going just as I expected and not at all like I’d hoped.

  “I can’t quit,” Ashely says. “At least not yet. I mean…Jack needs me to help and he’s my Uncle and—”

  “I know,” I say and wrap my arms around Ashley. She’s starting to spin and get upset. Her body is tense against mine. I press my lips to her forehead. “The last thing I want to do is harm your career, “ I stroke her arms. “Okay then, what do you want me to do? What’s the best-case scenario here?”

  Ashley shakes her head. “I…I know what we should do.” She looks down and then back at me.

  “What’s that,” I ask. She’s so close, nearly on my lap. My heart beats faster. Her pupils dilate. My cock twitches. I lift her hair from the back of her neck and press my lips to the soft skin of the back of her neck. “What should we do,” I whisper.

  She trembles. I press my lips to her neck again. Her body melts into mine.

  “We should,” her voice is a breathy whisper. She tilts her head to the side so I can kiss her entire neck.

  “Yes, I’m listening.” I press my lips down her neck.

  “We should…we should…”

  My hand skims over the soft cotton of her top and press my fingertips to her nipples. They pebble beneath the fabric of her shirt. She lets out a long sigh of desire. I cup one breast and stroke the other nipple with my thumb. Her hips shift forward and back. I pull her completely onto my lap and reach around and lift her halter over her head.

  “Oh yes,” she whispers.

  My cock is hard. Completely hard.

  I rub my hand over her breast. Her back is against my body. I slip one hand down over her belly and her panties to her center. She’s completely wet. I slip my finger beneath the fabric and press my fingertip to her nub. I stroke over the tight flesh. Her back arches. She presses into me. Her hips roll up and back pressing against my cock.

  “Oh please,” she moans.

  I put my hand beneath her bottom. I scoop her up and turn her toward me. My lips meet her hot sweet mouth. I lift her and walk toward my room. I want her. This might be our last time together…God I hope not. Is there a way for me to prove to her that I want her … I need her…that us being apart isn’t an option.

  I set her body down next to my bed and I pull her skirt and panties from her body.

  She’s naked in front of me and my gaze travels over her body. “You’re so fucking perfect,” I whisper. I strip off my clothes and walk to her.

  “I…I still can’t believe that I got all of that into me,” she says. “Your cock is HUGE.”

  She reaches for me. Her hand clasps my cock.

  Pleasure ripples through my body. Her gaze stays on mine. Her hand strokes up and down my hard, thick, flesh. I press my lips to hers and run my fingers through her hair. She walks backward to the bed while she strokes my cock. She lies down and I lie down beside her. Heat building in my cock with her touch.

  “I want you.” Her hips roll forward and back. Her finger slides through the bead of come on the head of my cock. I roll over and hold myself above her. Those gorgeous eyes. That fucking perfect mouth. She’s all that I want in this world. Slowly so slowly I slide my cock through the tight muscle of her sex.

  “Oh yes,” she moans.

  Hot slick warmth envelopes me as I press deeper into her. She gasps. I look at her afraid I’ve hurt her, but she smiles and weaves her hands through my hair.

  “You feel so good,” she says.

  She’s so fucking tight. I slide deep into her. I pause. Her fingernails clamp to my ass and she rolls her hips up and back.

  “Please, I want all of you,” she whispers.

  I…I am lost. I press deeper into her body. My cock slides into the slick heat of her sex. I stroke back and slide deeper into her. She clamps her legs around me.

  “Oh yes, please,” she whispers.

  I stroke harder. I stroke faster. Her nails rake down my back and she presses them into my ass.

  Oh fuck yes.

  I press harder into her slit. Heat starts in my feet and races up through my legs. My balls draw closer to my body. A tingle forms in my back and shifts to my balls.

  “I’m going to come,” I say.

  “Come for me,” she whispers. “Please, oh god, come for me.”

  I’ve lost any sense of control and my cock pistons in and out of her body. Heat rushes through me. Every muscles tightens and I explode deep into her body. Falling over the edge into pleasure.

  Chapter 14


  “Thank you for coming with me,” I say. “I mean my Uncle gets back in two days and Julia gets back in a week and I still haven’t found a place to live.”

  “No problem,” Matt says. He wraps his arm around my waist. He glances up at the apartment building.

  This place isn’t exciting. Twelve two-bedroom units with a stucco front and a couple of palm trees. I’ve figured out in the limited amount of apartment searching I’ve done that if I want to stay anywhere close to my job I’m paying a lot of dollars for not much place.

  “They said it was cozy,” I say.

  “Which means small,” Matt says.

  “Basically.” I press in Julia’s number and she pops up on Facetime.

  “I’ve got ten minutes,” Julia says. “We’re on a break. So show me our new home! Hey, Matty!” She says and waves.

  “Hey Julia, how’s the movie?”

  “Amazing and hard and amazing,” she says. “A whole lot of hurry-up and wait. How’s the new employee at Bliss Boards,” she asks and wiggles her eyebrows.

  “Well, you know, I hear she’s sleeping with her boss,” Matt says in a joking voice.

  I elbow him in the ribs. “Not funny,” I say. I smile and so do Matt and Julia.

  “So what about the place,” Julia says.

  We follow the a couple in front of us and walk up the stairs to the second floor apartment. “This one is better than the one I saw earlier this week.” We walk through the open living room. “This one’s been painted.” The two bedroom has two baths—which is completely unusual. People walk through the living room and into the tiny kitchen that has a window…at least.

  “Not your Uncle Jack’s place, right?” Matt says.

  “Not at all,” I say. “But I guess it’s good to have goals.” We walk through the first bedroom and then into the second. “Which room do you want Julia?”

  Her face is serious, “To be honest babe, neither one. This place makes me sad.”

  “I know…but I’ve seen almost six apartments and this really is the best one so far.”

  “Are we sure Jack can’t just travel the world and let us look after his ocean-front pad?” Julia asks.

  “While I’d love that to be the case, I seriously don’t think so.”

  Julia sighs. “Okay. Well I completely trust you and you’ve got Matty to discuss these places with. I’m no help at all. So thank you for looking and just…you know get the best place you can find…for what we c
an afford.”

  “Thanks,” I say.

  Still at a loss because that is exactly what I’ve been trying to do for going on two weeks and so far there’s been absolutely no apartment that I’ve wanted to call home.

  “Gotta’ run! Director is bellowing. Love you! Ciao!”

  She clicks off and Matty and I circle back to the front door where the woman who must be the property manager stands.

  “You two are such a cute couple! Here take a flyer and an application. You know we have a lot of young couples in this building,” she grins at us.

  “Thanks,” I say and glance at Matt. We both walk through the door and down the stairs and out front. Sunshine blinds my eyes and warms my skin.

  “It’s close to work,” Matt says trying maintaining an upbeat and positive voice.

  “So depressing,” I say. “I’m totally spoiled staying at Jack’s place.

  “Let’s grab a coffee,” Matt says. “My treat.”

  We walk toward the beach, because, in the almost two weeks I’ve been in LA, I’ve discovered that everything is better the closer you are to the ocean. Even your mood.

  We get two coffees to go and head to the sidewalk in Venice that runs parallel with the beach. The breeze is just enough to keep the sun from being too hot. I hook my arm into Matt’s.

  “I can’t believe this is my life,” I say and glance out over the Pacific. I feel so much better now that I’ve escaped the two-bedroom box that someone calls an apartment and we’re closer to the ocean.

  “Why? You seem pretty deserving of an awesome life,” Matt says. “You’re smart, and funny, and kind, and beautiful.”

  I squeeze his arm. “It’s just…I thought I was going to end up working in Ohio or something? It was my Uncle Jack that offered me this job. I…it’s a dream come true.”

  “He’s a pretty great guy. You know I’d applied for like twenty jobs when I finally got the one at Bliss Boards,” Matt says and sips his coffee.

  “Why so many?”

  “I mean it was tough to find something that worked with school and Teddy and that I could get to on the bus. Jack actually did the interview himself. When I told him about my sister and how I helped with Teddy, he gave me the job right there.”

  “Sounds like Uncle Jack,” I say. “He’s always been there for me.” I take a deep breath and sigh. “Before Jack’s accident, my dad died, and Uncle Jack promised me, you know. He promised me I could always count on him or come to him and it was true. I mean I was a teenager and of course I didn’t believe him or think what he said was important or meant anything…but it did. He saved my ass a half-dozen times when I was in college. And just knowing that he was there and that I could call him? That made all the difference too.”

  Matt nods. “Yeah, he’s that type of guy, right? That you could call if there was a problem and he’s show up.”

  I nod. “Absolutely.” We stop walking. I turn to Matt. He presses his lips to mine. And while in this moment I’m happy and in love, there’s a gnawing in my gut.

  What will Uncle Jack say? Will he be disappointed? Will he be angry? He’s done so much for me and for my life, the last thing I want to do is upset him by dating Matt, but…I look into Matt’s eyes. I can’t imagine being without Matt. He’s the guy for me and I’m meant to be with him.

  “Hey, why so serious?” Matt asks. He pulls me close and wraps his arms around me. We both look at the ocean.

  This is my forever favorite spot—right here in Matt’s arms. This place is home for me. I just hope that the other man that I love, my Uncle, will be okay with me dating Matt.

  Chapter 15


  We’ve solved nothing. For the past two weeks while we’re at work, we’ve basically pretended that nothing is going on between us. We’ve deflected questions and ignored looks. And every night I’ve either stayed with Matt or he’s stayed with me at my Uncle’s place.

  And the sex has been amazing.

  I know it’s crazy to think this, but I’m in love. This guy…this guy is perfect for me in every way. I love his sister. I love his nephew. And they treat me like family.

  Only one little problem.

  Uncle Jack comes home today. Which means soon I’ll get my promotion and once I get my promotion…I’ll be Matt’s boss.

  Matt’s boss.

  How is this going to work?

  And what is Uncle Jack going to say?

  Is he going to be pissed? Will he fire me? Will he fire Matt? Oh my god am I going to be homeless and out on my ass? Across the beach Matt leads the eight-year-old surf-camp group. Today is the last day of the final surf camp session of the summer.

  “He’s a great guy,” Presley says.

  She wears a hat and a long sleeve rash guard and a long skirt…in fact not a bit of her very pale flesh shows, except her face. She hands me another trophy and I set it on the table. We’re underneath the Bliss Boards open tent getting ready for the awards ceremony that always goes with the final day of surf camp.

  “I hate the sun,” Presley says and answers my unasked question.

  “Which is a bit ironic since you work for a surf board company,” I say. But over the past two weeks I’ve discovered that Presley is a study in irony and duality and may be the second most interesting person I’ve met since arriving in LA.

  “That’s what your Uncle said too,” she glances at me, “Wait sorry. That’s what Jack said too.”

  “It’s okay,” I say. “It’s not a secret. Everyone knows.”

  “That’s not the only secret everyone knows,” Presley says and raises an eyebrow.

  I set down a trophy. “Everyone knows, right? About me and—” I nod my head toward Matt.

  “Well maybe not everyone,” Presley says. She glances toward the back of Bliss Boards. I follow her gaze. “Not yet, anyway.”

  My stomach tumbles to my toes.


  Back from Mesquale and newly married my one and only Uncle Jack jogs toward me across the sand holding hands with his new-wife Emma.

  “Uncle Jack!” I say and jog toward them. He grabs me and swings me in a huge hug.

  “Uh…” I land and look around. I’m unsure if Uncle Jack is aware that the secret it out that I’m related to him.

  “Oh cut it out, everyone knew who you were before you even got here,” Uncle Jack says. He grins at me. “Damn open floor plan, can’t keep anything a secret.” He sets me down. There’s a smile on his face bigger than I’ve seen since his surfing accident. “I suppose you know my secret too?”

  I glance at Emma and smile. “Congratulations!” I say and open my arms to her. “I couldn’t be happier for you two.”

  “Thank you lovey, it really was a surprise. Had no idea that your Uncle had decided that not only should we spend two weeks in Mesquale but that we should get married there as well.”

  “I let you get away once, not letting that happen again,” Uncle Jack says and presses Emma’s hand to his lips.

  “Wow, look at that ring!” I say.

  Emma holds out her hand and I take a look at the brilliant blue Saphire and the diamonds surrounding the stone.

  “Brett knows right?”

  “Of course!” Emma says, “He’s just angry he and Torrey and the twins couldn’t get to Mesquale in time. Something about flu and that flying with children wasn’t suggested. When we go back to Sydney he’s planning a party. We’ll have one here as well for the staff.”

  Emma wraps her arm around my waist and we turn and walk toward the tent. Uncle Jack is ahead of us and has already commandeered the award presentation that takes place at the end of summer surf camp.

  “So how are you finding it?” Emma asks. “You’ve been working retail and surf camp since you got here, yes?”

  I glance toward Uncle Jack who now stands chatting up Matt. While Matt’s campers put their boards away.

  “Uh, yes. I have.”


  “What about Matt?” I s
wivel my head back to Emma.

  “You’ve been shadowing Matt, for the last two weeks. Right?” She tilts her head and looks at me. She squints like she’s trying to read my expression or determine something.

  “Oh, right,” I say. An anxious smile, that I try very hard to make appear not so anxious on my face. “He’s great! Very smart guy.”

  “Your Uncle actually has a bit of a surprise for Matt,” Emma says.

  My stomach flips. I tilt my head and squint. “Really? What…uh…what kind of surprise?”

  “Okay folks gather round!” Uncle Jack calls waving his hands. The entire surf school campers and instructors stand by Uncle Jack. “So first off, thank you for making certain that Bliss Boards is still here! I’ve never left for two weeks before and I was a bit concerned it might not survive in my absence.” He grins, because while he completely believes in his staff, he’s only half joking. “So as we can’t seem to keep a secret here at Bliss Boards I have a couple of announcements. First, Ashley is my niece.”

  The entire team claps and smiles.

  “We know that one!” Jorge shouts out from the crowd.

  “Okay, right, right. Of course you do,” Uncle Jack says. “And Second,” he glances toward Emma and me. “Emma and I have gotten married while we were in Mesquale.”

  That one gets a squeel from the campers and applause from staff. Although the staff already knows this secret too.

  “And finally, we’ve determined the recipient of this year’s Bliss Boards College Scholarship.”

  “Tell us!” Presley shouts from the crowd.

  Uncle Jack shoots a smile at me and Emma. “Okay, so this year’s recipient of the Bliss Boards college scholarship is an employee that we think really deserves the scholarship. A true asset to Bliss Boards and a great employee. This year’s Bliss Boards College Academic Scholarship goes to Matt Brody!”

  Oh. My. God. My eyes widen. Matt is stunned. His jaw drops open and a smile spreads over her face. He glances at me and then to Emma and Uncle Jack. He shakes his head, still unsure he heard what Uncle Jack said. I’m so happy I want to burst. Yes, Matt will be able to finish undergrad and start med school and—”


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