Battle For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 4)

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Battle For The Shadow King (Captive 0f Shadows Book 4) Page 10

by Bailey Dark

  None of that matters now, all that matters is that I get Kane back, and we stop this whole thing before Drogaem's body is brought back to life.

  Kane rises, putting his hand down for me. I take it and stand up next to him, moving down the steps to begin the processional. I try to keep my breathing at a steady pace, giving no outward appearance of nervousness. I know that whoever's inside Kane's body cannot track my emotions, and has no idea that the real Kane and I are bonded by souls.

  I smile at each and every person that comes along, watching as they nervously talk to Kane, and move forward. When it is the Nephilim's chance, the guard stops him at a distance. Kane looks him up and down before nodding to the guards to let him walk forward.

  "What brings you here Nephilim?" Kane asks.

  The Nephilim nods, bowing his head to Kane. "I know that you have been through some troubles with Nephilim in recent weeks. I live in the Underworld city and I want you to know that those that are left are on your side. We understand the regulations and rules and we are not here to harm anyone. We are of the Nephilim that follow the laws regardless of how we feel about them. I felt it necessary to come forward because I know many of us are fearful to continue on with our lives in the city. I am hoping that you can accept our plea to continue without fear of retribution from your men."

  My eyes shift nervously over toward Kane. He is thinking. I can see his muscles twitching, and I know that the very presence of the Nephilim makes him nervous. At the same time, all eyes are on him. He needs to make a good impression.

  Finally, Kane looks the Nephilim in the eyes and nods his head deeply. "I appreciate you coming here. And I accept your plea. As long as you follow all applicable laws, we will not bother you. You are free to live your life as anyone else. Just know that if you break those laws, justice will be swift and you will feel our wrath. We have no place for the death of innocent people in our city."

  His statement is almost funny, if it weren't for the fact that he had three mortals tied up in the underground tunnels of the castle, ready to feed their souls to Drogaem's body. Suddenly, something in me tingles, a strike to my gut that turns my attention back to Kane. I watch his face, noticing the strain it is taking for him to keep a straight serious look. I can see what's happening, I can see it before it even begins. As the Nephilim steps forward to shake Kane's hand, a look of amusement washes over his face.

  I want to call out to the Nephilim, tell him to stop, tell him not to touch Kane, but that would give me away. Kane puts his hands in the air and snaps his fingers. The guards race forward, slamming into the Nephilim and knocking him to the ground. They stand him up in front of Kane who steps forward and grinning ear to ear. "You didn't actually think I would trust the Nephilim, now did you? Put him in chains and take him to the locked wing of the castle. I will take care of him later."

  I swallow hard, trying not to look disappointed, but disappointment is exactly what I'm feeling. I thought for sure it would work, but just as Willem has told me, sometimes I can be naïve. I underestimate Kane, or the imposter of Kane. He looks over at me and gives me a comforting smile. Only it's not comforting, and instead, sends chills down my spine. It doesn't look as if he is aware that I have had anything to do with it, but despite the fact that the man is a Nephilim, I may have just sentenced him to death. In my attempts to save a life, I have cost a life, and that in itself is devastating to me. I have been the cause of a lot of things in my life, but never have I been the cause of the death of another person or soul.

  Kane leans toward me still smiling. "Can you believe that? People think I'm stupid. They think I don't see what's going on. That Nephilim, he made a very bad choice today, and he will pay for it with his life. Hopefully that sends a message to the rest of them. Hopefully that sends a message to everyone."

  Kane's voice grows louder until the entire court goes silent, looking over at him. He turns his focus from me to the crowd and puts his hands up. "Let this all be a lesson to every one of you. If you try to trick me, there will be no trial, there will be no discussion, you will forfeit your life. Whether you're a Nephilim, a vampire, or any of the other creatures of the Underworld, my brother, my mother, it doesn't matter. If you try to trick me, it will be the last time you attempt something like that. Things are changing here in the Underworld, I expect that you all will prepare for this, because let me tell you right now, those that aren't prepared… you will regret the choice."

  He put his arms down and turns toward me, giving me a big smile. He bends his elbow and offers me his arm. "Shall we? I've had enough of this today."

  I can't tell whether the speech is targeted at me or not, but I do know that if it's not it's still a warning to me. He has no emotional attachment to anyone, not the imposter inside of him. I need him to trust me. I have a new motivation knowing Kane is deep down in there, but in order to get him out in time, I'm going to need to make a drastic move. I'm going to need Kane to believe that there is no one more loyal to him than me.

  Chapter 19


  "What is so important that you need to see me right now in the middle of the night?" Kane asks me, looking at me suspiciously.

  I don't want to do this. I'm a mortal, and I'm not mentally structured to be someone who is capable of vicious and conniving acts. No matter what my feelings toward Willem are, I would never put his life in danger unless it's absolutely necessary. This is the only time that I think I've ever found putting someone else's safety to the wayside is vital in order to serve the greater good. In reality, Willem has brought it on himself. He has asked me to martyr myself at every turn, but if I can save Kane, and not die, Willem will need to be the martyr himself.

  I place my hands gently in my lap and do the best I can to convince imposter Kane that I'm doing this for him. "I'm almost afraid to tell you. I don't want you to be angry at me."

  He sits forward, forcing a look of caring on his face, even though I know he doesn't in the least, for me or anyone else for that matter. "Briar, you are to be my bride. If you can't trust me to dig through a situation and see who is really at fault, then we have work to do."

  I swallow hard. "Earlier today, I overheard a conversation. Willem is plotting against you. He is planning your death so that he can take your throne. But that isn't all."

  I stand up from the chair and begin to pace. I ring my hands as if I'm extraordinarily nervous. In some ways I am, it's not all an act, but everyone in the Underworld believes that I am nothing but an innocent mortal and I am using that to my advantage. "I also heard afterward that the Nephilim that came to you today was sent by Willem. Apparently, the Nephilim was supposed to take you down. Luckily, you're smarter than that and you saved yourself."

  As soon as the rest of the words trickle off my tongue, I immediately feel terrible. I'm disgusted at myself for what I've done, but the clock has run out, and I'm working on borrowed time. There needs to be a drastic move, and the imposter Kane will never fully trust Willem, but I'm pretty sure I can get him to trust me.

  Desperation and love can make you do crazy things. On one hand, I need Kane to trust me, and on the other hand, if I had left Willem in the situation with him unchecked, he would surely have killed Kane. Despite his promise to help me, I don't trust him for a second. In fact, I'm slightly in shock that it hasn't happened already. Willem will be angry with me, and most likely he will come after me, but right now it's more important for me to save Kane, even if in the end it's at my own expense.

  Kane takes a deep breath and stands up, reaching down and taking my hands. He pulls me to my feet and kisses the back of each of my hands. I swallow back my disgust, remembering that those lips still belong to my beloved trapped inside. "Thank you for that Briar, I know it took a lot of courage. I also know that Willem is your friend."

  It takes a lot for me to hold back a laugh at that statement. Just another reason that I know for sure this isn't the Kane that I know. The Kane that I know understands that there's a possibility that on
e day Willem and I will kill each other. But I play to it, letting the tears roll down my cheeks, knowing that the emotion that's in those droplets are not sadness, but instead, I feel almost ashamed for what I am doing.

  "You will go easy on him, won't you? He has spent all of this time, all of these years working by your side." The plea is my finishing touch.

  Kane smiles at me sweetly and walks me toward his door. "I don't want you to worry about that right now. What I want you to do is go and get a good night's sleep. I know it's early, but things are going to get a little bit chaotic in the Castle and I want to know that you're safe."

  I bat my eyelashes at him as I nod, walking out of his office. I jump slightly as he slams the door behind me, losing the cool I know he was barely hanging on to. I want to put distance between the two of us, so I hurry to my room and lock the door behind me. There is nothing else for me to do at this point except to wait. Wait to hear where they take Willem, wait to hear what happens, and hope that it all turns out in my favor.

  I sit down on the bed, too uncomfortable to do anything else. I sit in that exact spot, listening to the noise outside, staring at the door for several hours. Finally, when I can hear the noises begin to lower and the ruckus of the Guardsman become calm and settled, I put on one of my cloaks and head out of my chambers. Despite the anger I have toward Willem, and despite our background, I feel terrible. I feel the need to go to him and apologize for taking that route. I know where they keep the prisoners, and though Kane has been moving everyone to the closed down wing, I know he won't take the chance with Willem. No matter how strong of a person that the Kane imposter attempts to be, he isn't stupid. He knows a dangerous person when he sees one, and the Reapers are definitely dangerous.

  I creep down into the dungeons and move along the corridor in the shadows as I've learned to do pretty well. I lift my dress up, careful not to drag it along the damp and dripping floors. I need to be careful with every detail. If I leave there and run into Kane, I don't want him to ask why my dress is wet and sopping on the bottom. As I turn the corner, to head down the long straightaway to the cells, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I jump, whirling around to find Kane standing behind me with a furled brow.

  "You scared me," I gasp as I attempt to slow my breathing. "I know you said to go to bed but turning in Willem has weighed on my conscious. I thought maybe if I could talk to him…"

  Kane puts his arm over my shoulder as he leads me back to the stairwell. "This is no place for you. You can't be allowed near a man who would slice your tender neck without a second thought."

  I want to argue that Willem wouldn't do such a thing, but after what I've already told him, I'm pretty sure it would only take away some of his trust. To get his mind away from that, I lean against his chest and sniffle, allowing him to maneuver me up the stairwell and back down the hallway.

  Kane walks me all the way to my door, opening it up for me and stands right outside. I yawn and stretch my arms, wanting him to think I am more than comfortable around him. Kane leans against the doorway. "Have you been drinking your drink at every breakfast? I get concerned that you're not getting enough calories."

  I nod. "Of course, I am. I want to stay strong and healthy."

  It's almost frightening how quickly and easily I can lie to this man. Then again, my life has never depended on lies like this one does. My life has never depended on the demise of someone else.

  Chapter 20


  I knew the mortal would fold, that she would find herself fearful and eventually understand that her best bet is to keep her loyalty with me.

  When she came to me the night before to tell me about Willem, I was a little bit hesitant at her first, but upon capturing, Willem confessed to everything. He was angry, and I could see the hate in his eyes, but getting rid of him now is the best choice. Through my reign as Death before, I learned that the best way to keep people loyal is to treat them as if you care. To involve them in your plans, no matter how nefarious. Mortals are so easily appeased, and it's my turn to show Briar that I'm appreciative of what she has done. In reality, I care nothing for the girl but she is the capsule that holds Lux and therefore, has the powers that I will use to strengthen my place on the throne. All she has to do is wield them in the way that I tell her.

  "Kane?" Briar's small voice echoes from the damp stairwell leading down into the crypts.

  I move quickly, stepping in front, forcing a smile on my face, and reaching out my hand to take hers. She stands, her mortal cheeks rosy, dark makeup applied specifically for me, her hair twisted up on the top of her head, and her dress hanging onto the curves of her body. She is trying to please me. When I take her, I will teach her how to be the lover that I require.

  "Don't be afraid, come with me." I say as I tug on her hand.

  She steps carefully down the last couple of steps and glances up at me before we begin to walk forward toward my corpse. She hesitates as we approach, but I stroke the top of her soft hand, and stop a couple of feet away. She watches me curiously as I walk up to my body and pull the cloth from my corpse. She gasps and turns her head ready to flee. I wave my arm, putting up an invisible wall. She runs right into it and looks around with fear.

  "Calm yourself," I command. "You told me that you want to be part of my plans and now I will tell you what they are. Come, stand before me."

  She hangs her head and walks back over, keeping her eyes on the ground. She doesn't say a word, and that's perfect because I don't want to hear her boring plea for mortal safety. "After you came to me about Willem, last night, I went and retrieved him from the prisoner cells and brought him here."

  Her head lifts and she looks all around. "Where is he?"

  I wave my hand down the long corridor. "Down there in one of the tombs, awaiting his justice. Anyway, when I was leaving, I realized that it was time to bring you in on what is happening. You showed your loyalty last night, and in return, I will show you mine."

  I watch her head slowly rises, and her eyes meet with mine. I can see it's worth it to her, to face my rotting corpse in order to appease me, to be part of me. This mortal may not be as bad as I originally thought her to be. All mortals have the ability to be cunning and nefarious and she is no different. "Thank you, Kane."

  "Drogaem was a wise God, a ruler that seized what he wanted and did what he wanted," I explained. "People feared him, and they stayed in line with what he wished. I will resurrect Drogaem using the transfer of souls, and when I do, I will use him to enslave all mortals in the Mortal Realm. I will be their King and their God. I will control the Underworld and the Mortal Realm. There will be no more trickery from the mortals. And you…" I walk over toward her and lift her chin so her eyes meet mine. "You will be a powerful force by my side."

  * * *


  I can see it in his eyes, the darkness that clouds them, the void that seems to go on and on forever. I mean nothing to him. I'm only precious to him because he will use me as a weapon, a tool to control the whole of the Mortal Realm. It's hard to keep my emotions at bay when I stand in front of him listening to the words that he is saying. I try to push the visions of my sisters and my father controlled by this imposter out of my head. Who am I fooling? My father is a King, and Drogaem will never let him live. All of the mortals will become toys and tools for his pleasure.

  I should've known from the beginning, even before the imposter took over Kane that I could never be an equal here. The Underworld is not for mortals, and now the very worst of my fears is coming true. I had finally realize that Kane, the old Kane, still had loving kindness in his heart. I truly feel that if he were here, and I could continue on with my life with him, that eventually, he would treat me as an equal. Just like anything else, I have to prove myself. But not with this imposter, this evil and cruel man.

  I stare down at Drogaem's body, the flaps of flesh peeling back from the bone, the smell wafting through the air. Even beneath the rot and grime I can see a glimpse of t
he God he used to be. The heat begins to surge through my belly and I close my eyes, everything around me going quiet as echoing voices scream out in my head. At first, they're muffled, unrecognizable even, but as I breathe deeply, trying to understand what is vibrating through my very being, the light flashes and I can hear Drogaem's voice loud and clear. I don't know whether it's a vision, or a memory, but I do know that it's not mine.

  "We will rule together," his echoing voice rings out in my head. "You and I, forever. You will be a powerful force by my side."

  With Kane's touch, all the light that is built up inside of me quickly dissipates. My eyes shoot open and I stare at him. He is looking at me curiously. It's as if he can leech the light right from me. "Do not be afraid, sweet Briar. You will be a fearsome Queen, one whose name lives on in infamy."

  My throat feels swollen, and I'm afraid to move but I don't dare show as much fear as I'm feeling anywhere on my face. He is calm right now, and though I want to fight against him, to scream and claw him, I don't. I watch as he reaches into the pocket of his black jacket and pulls something out. He looks down at his hand and then back up at me as he slowly pulls a shimmering gold chain from his other palm. At the end of it is a crystalline white orb with a small piece of black metal inside.

  He walks toward me, undoing the clasp and holding it open. I don't want it, but I know not to refuse. I turn and lift up the wispy pieces of hair on my neck as he lifts the necklace up and over my head and clasps it on the back of my neck. I press my palm to the orb and turn back toward him, smiling sweetly. "Why thank you. What is it?"


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