The Boy I Once Loved

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The Boy I Once Loved Page 13

by Cara E Holt

  The match kicks off and our team holds the possession and they keep making chances. Dylan is a natural on the pitch and all his passes are all on target. He has the ball when some dipshit from the other team tackles him and takes him down.

  “Oh, come on, ref!” I stand and shout. “Foul.”

  Aria laughs at me and tugs me back down. Yeah, I'm not one for sitting quietly at matches. I like to voice my opinion. I used to love going watching Uncle Matt play with his biker group and I would cheer them on from the sidelines.

  Dipshit is on Dylan again and he gets the ball off him and takes off up the other end of the pitch. I’m on my feet again.

  "Chase him down, Dyl! Get that ball off the cocky shit!" I holler at him across the pitch, and I notice a half-smile from Dylan, who charges after him and he tackles him, winning the ball.

  It's a great match and by the end, my voice needs a good rest from all the shouting I did. It also looks like Dylan has beaten his curse as he scored five goals today. The game finishes and Aria stands and tugs me down the stand towards the pitch.

  She waves at Connor and he comes over, dragging a reluctant Dylan with him. Aria wraps her arm around Connor’s neck and drops a big kiss on his lips.

  “You were great today, baby. Best midfielder there is.”

  Connor laughs and drops another kiss on her lips. “You would say that, you are my biggest fan.” Connor looks at me. “What did you think of our man Dylan, here Ella?”

  Dylan glances at me and looks away, running a hand through his sweaty hair, which is irritatingly really hot.

  “He did good. Looks like the two-goal curse went away.”

  That rewards me with a half-smile that he attempts to fight. “I never score less than two now,” he tells me confidently.

  “And in even better news,” Aria says, rubbing her hands together. “I won a bet with Ella and now she has to come camping next weekend.”

  This makes Dylan laugh aloud. “Ella camping? You are joking, right? This girl is the biggest wimp when it comes to bugs. You remember that time we tried getting her to camp out in the back garden?”

  Connor nods and snorts. “Oh, do I. She had her sleeping bag zipped up all around her face, and she had a swimming cap on to make sure no bugs could get in her ears.”

  I give them both the fingers. “Yeah, and you arseholes placed a plastic spider in my sleeping bag and I almost wee’d in my pants.”

  Connor doubles over, laughing. “I forgot about that part. Now that was funny.”

  “Hey, Dylan.” A girl with long brown wavy hair and a tiny figure comes over to Dylan and she leans over the railings. “You played real good today.”

  He grins down at her and I see his eyes sweep over her cleavage that is bursting out of her low-cut top. "Thanks, Isla."

  “A few of us are going to the lake to have a swim and stuff if you fancy it?” she bats her eyelashes at him, and I try not to roll my eyes.

  He looks like he is going to say no, but then looks straight at me and he nods his head. “That sounds fun. Count me in. I’ll meet you down there.”

  She grins in triumph and then giving him a wink, she walks back over to where her friends all wait for her.

  “So,” Connor coughs, “you’re going to the lake, huh? I thought we were all going back to Caleb’s for a barbeque?”

  Dylan shrugs and kicks at the dirt. “I fancy some fun today. I can swing by the barbeque later.”

  Connor looks at him exasperated and plastering on a smile he looks at me and Aria. “Looks like I get to have you two beautiful ladies all to myself then.”

  I laugh, hiding my disappointment. “Go get showered anyhow, you both stink.” Connor laughs and ruffling Dylan’s hair he takes off jogging backwards and gives Aria a cheeky wink.

  “Come on. We’ll wait back on the stands.” We sit back down, and Aria nudges me. “Don’t let Dylan get to you, he’s just being a dick.”

  I bat away her comment. “Ah, I’m not bothered. If he wants to be a moody arse let him carry on.”

  Connor comes and finds us a short while later, and we pile in Aria’s car and make the short drive to Caleb’s house. Most of the team is already here and the barbeque food is already cooking. Connor steers us over to get drinks. I grab a can of coke whilst Connor helps himself to a water.

  "Hey, guys! Where's captain big-bollocks?" Caleb asks as he saunters over to us.

  Connor smiles and fist bumps him. “Big-bollocks has gone to the lake.”

  “Ah, I see, chasing pussy, huh?”

  Connor scratches his head. “Something like that, or avoiding it, depends on which way you look at it.”

  Caleb sees me and smiling, he sweeps me up off the floor and throws me over his shoulder making my crutches crash to the floor. “Come on little Ella, while the cats away, we get to play!” His teammates cheer as he carries me through the garden and deposits me on his lap on a garden chair around a fire pit.

  “Do you always man-handle girls like this?” I ask him, laughing as I brush my hair out of my face.

  He winks and knocks his can against mine. “Only the pretty ones.”

  The afternoon is fun. The boys are all in a riotous mood after their win, and the alcohol is flowing nicely. Connor introduces me to the team and a few of them joke with me about my team spirit from the stands. I'm sitting in between Connor and Aria on a garden bench listening to their tales of the pranks they play on each other at football practice and in the changing rooms when I hear someone shout Caleb in greeting. I look up to see Dylan walking through the side-gate with his arms thrown around two girls clad in crop vest tops and tiny shorts.

  "Hey, big-bollocks is here! Our MOTM! Five fucking goals today, people!" Caleb shouts and all the lads' holler and whistle.

  Dylan grins and tells him to sit the fuck down, but I can tell he is lapping up the attention. His eyes briefly find mine and he gives me and Connor a half-wave from where his arm hangs over the girl's shoulder.

  “I love him,” Connor leans in to tell me, “but sometimes he can be a real prick.”

  I shrug and smile. “Ah, Dylan is just being Dylan. Some things never change.”

  “So, you’re going on a date with Kyle?” Connor asks me.

  I pull my drink away from my lips and I roll my eyes. “Did Dylan tell you that?” I shake my head. “It is not a date. It is two people catching up. He was my brother’s best friend; he is one of the few people who miss him as much as I do, and yes, it will be nice to talk to someone who understands.”

  Connor nods and toys with the ring-pull on his can. “Dylan understands.”

  I shake my head. “It’s not the same. Kyle and Liam were best friends, losing him gutted him, just like it did me. It’s not the same for Dylan. Yeah, he knew and loved my brother, but it’s different.” I look at my watch. “I think I’m going to call an Uber and head home.”

  Connor puts out his bottom lip. “You can’t go yet.”

  “I can and I am.” I pat his cheek. “I want to catch up on some more Sabrina before bed.”

  Ten minutes later, I say my goodbyes and make my way through the garden on my crutches. I realise I have to pass Dylan to get to the gate which fills me with no joy. He is standing over by the food, loading a burger with ketchup.

  “See ya, Dyl.” I say as I walk past him. He grabs my wrist and stops me in my tracks, and I turn and face him.

  “You’re going?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I called an Uber. You did good today.”

  He grins and I shiver when his finger softly strokes my arm as he holds it in his. “Stay.”

  “Dylan, come on!” Miss crop t-shirt shouts at him from across the yard.

  “Looks like you’re wanted. I’ll see you later.” I gently pull my arm from his hold and he lets it go.


  I look back and arch a brow in question.

  He pauses and sighs. “Text me and let me know you’re home safe.”

  I nod. Why do I get the feeli
ng that wasn’t what he was about to say? I was hoping that an apology was coming my way.

  I get home and I don’t know what possesses me, but I decide to make my mum her tea. She has after all been working a twelve-hour shift today and as much as it pains me to admit it, she really seems to be putting her all into living again. I’m no chef, so I make a simple shepherd’s pie with sweet potato mash and I leave it in the warming draw.

  I bum-shuffle up to my room and settle down with a good book. I must drift off because the sound of my phone ringing wakes me bolt up.


  "Hey, El. I need your help. It's Dylan, he is wasted. I mean really wasted and he won't listen to anyone. He started a fight with some guy here and he's refusing to go home."

  “Really?” That doesn’t sound like Dylan. He is never a bad drunk, he is always a happy drunk. “What do you expect me to do?”

  “I’ve huh sent Aria to pick you up. He’ll listen to you; you know he will.”

  “I’m in my freaking beddies,” I sigh. Just great!

  “So, no one will care. I need your help,” he pleads.

  "Okay, okay. I am going to kick his arse for this though." I put down the phone and I quickly grab a cream cardigan off my desk chair. I was in my snoopy grey bed shorts that had 'cute' written across the bum and my cropped grey vest top on. Two seconds later a car horn beeps outside and cursing aloud I hobble as quickly as I can downstairs. Mum must have eaten and gone up to bed as there is no sign of her anywhere, so I lock the house up behind me.

  I huff and puff as I get in Aria’s car. “How bad is he?”

  She grimaces. "Bad. I don't think I have ever seen Dylan so drunk. He puked up all over that girl he went with to the lake before." She giggles. "That was hilarious, she screamed, stomped her feet and threw her drink over his head."

  I can't help but laugh out loud. "Poor girl," I say, my tone coming out false.

  We arrive back at the house, and the barbeque is still in full swing. We enter through the side gate and I search the garden, looking for Dylan. I find him stumbling and swaying all over the place, waving his can in the air.

  I make my way over to him and as I pass a group of girls; they take in my bed shorts and giggle. I give them the fingers - I’m fucked if I care.

  “Dylan.” I reach him and tap him on the shoulder.

  He turns, stumbling slightly, and he gives me a shit-eating grin when he realises it’s me.

  “Ella Umbrella!” He wraps an arm around my shoulder and smothers me into his armpit. “My Ella bear. Dance with me.” He whistles. “Jenkins! Put on Rihanna–Umbrella.”

  He attempts to sway us, and I struggle to keep us both upright. The song starts, and he looks at me all serious.

  “Baby, cause in the dark.” He leans into me. “You’re not singing it with me.”

  “Dylan, you’re drunk. We need to get you home.”

  He laughs. “I don’t want to go home. I’m having fun.” He grabs my hips and makes me move with him. He jabs my chest with his finger as he sings. “You’re part of my entity, here for infinity and beyond.”

  I laugh. “I think you’re getting your lyrics mashed up with Buzz Lightyear slogans.”

  He rests his head on my shoulder. “You left before. I need you here.” He burps against my skin and Jesus it reeks of lager.

  “How about we get you home?”

  He lifts his head, and he goes crossed eyed attempting to focus on my face. “No, not going home. Mum’s out on date night, she might bring the dick home.”

  I smile sadly at him. So that is what is eating away at him today. “Dylan, I know your mum and she wouldn’t do that do you.”

  He gives me a sad, drunk smile. “You’re the only person I can rely on.” He takes my hand and places it over his heart. “It’s me and you against the world, Ella bear.”

  I pat his back. “Come on, you are very pissed, and I need to get you home.”

  “Nope. Not going home.” He wags a finger in my face, nearly poking me in the eye. “Let’s get more drinks!”

  I shake my head. “Noooo! No more drinks for you, mister. Come on, come to mine. I’ll make you cheese on toast.”

  He grins widely. “Ah, you know I love your cheese on toast. Can we have ice cream as well?”

  I laugh. "I have mint choc chip," I tell him, knowing it is his favourite.

  He grabs my hand and stumbles up the garden. “Okay, let’s go.”

  "Aria," I shout over to where she and Connor are standing watching us, both chuckling as I try to hold Dylan up.

  Aria jangles her keys in the air. “Come on, captain big-bollocks your chariot awaits. Be warned though, if you throw up in my car, I will cut you.”

  “I have got big-bollocks, you know?” He tells me proudly, and Connor bursts out laughing in front of us.

  "I really need to film this." He holds up his phone. "Hey, captain."

  Dylan blows a kiss to the screen. “I have a big di-,”

  I cover his mouth with my hand. “Okay, we have heard enough, Dylan.”

  He leans into me. “Your eyes are beautiful.”

  “Thanks.” I lean him on the car and Connor gets the back door open. “Come on, let’s get you in.”

  I guide him towards the car intending to push him in and then get in beside him, but drunk Dylan wraps his hand on my waist and then somehow loses his footing and ends up pushing me in the car. I end up lay across the back seat with Dylan sprawled on top of me.

  “Dylan, get up!” I demand. Instead, he rubs his head in-between my boobs.

  “You have comfy tits,” he tells me as he rubs his face against one of my boobs. His hand lands on my stomach and I jerk at the skin-to-skin contact. “Mmm, so soft,” he murmurs as he closes his eyes and falls to sleep with his face wedged in between my boobs.

  Connor belly-laughs. “Oh, I can’t wait to show him this tomorrow!”

  "A fat lot of help you two are. I'm being crushed back here."

  “What by his big bollocks?” Connor says laughing as he closes the back passenger door, and he climbs into the front.

  “Funny. Hurry up and get us to mine so I can breathe again.” I order as a contented Dylan sighs against my breasts.

  We arrive at mine, and Connor helps me drag a half-comatose Dylan into my house.

  “Think we can get him upstairs?” I look up at the stairs and feel his dead weight against my shoulder.

  "Not a chance," Connor replies. "Let's get him on the sofa."

  Between the two of us, we get him settled on the sofa. Dylan rolls onto his back and starts snoring loudly.

  “You get off. I’ll see to pisshead here. I’ll sleep on the other sofa in case he’s sick in his sleep.”

  “Good thinking. Thanks for coming for him, Ella. I knew if anyone would get him home it would be you.”

  I scoff. “I don’t know why you couldn’t have done it.”

  Connor smiles and looks down at his sleeping friend. “You’re his home, Ella, where you are is where he will go.”

  “Well, who dealt with him before I came back?” I ask as I watch my drunk friend sleeping peacefully on my sofa.

  Connor shrugs. "I've only ever seen him this drunk twice before. The first time was the night of the day he realised you had upped and left, and the second time was when his mum revealed his dad had left them and he moved in with his assistant."

  I swallow and look away. “I had no choice about going you know?”

  Connor squeezes my shoulder as he passes. “I know, but you left him behind and it gutted him. I’ll ring you tomorrow.”

  The door closes shut behind him. With a tired sigh, I hobble into the kitchen and grab a bowl and put it beside his head on the floor. I then bum shuffle upstairs and grab him a blanket and one for myself. Once I know he is okay, I get as comfy as I can in the armchair and eventually close my eyes.

  I wake in the middle of the night, still feeling half-asleep and to the feeling I am being carried. When I look up throu
gh half-closed eyes, I see Dylan.


  “Shush. I’m taking us up to bed,” he whispers softly.

  Chapter Ten

  I wake the next morning and find myself unable to move. Dylan is snuggled up around me. He is spooning me from behind with one hand wrapped around my waist. He has his other hand tucked under my top and on my right boob. There is also a very hard dick prodding into my back. I lie, eyes open, trying to keep my breathing steady. He breathes steadily against my ear and I close my eyes and take in the feeling of him everywhere his skin touches mine. I want him so badly. I want to turn in his arms, kiss him and tell him I want him. That I need him so badly it hurts to breathe.

  “Hmm, Ella,” he moans.

  I stay stock still. Is he awake or dreaming?

  “Don’t stop baby,” he grinds his hips into my back.

  Holy fuck! He continues to grind into me. “So good,” he murmurs.

  Okay, I need to wake him up somehow because I can’t let this torture continue any longer. So, I pinch his arm hard and then quickly shut my eyes and lie still.

  “Fuck! Great Dylan, molest her while she’s asleep,” he mutters to himself as he moves his hand slowly off my boob. “El,” he says my name softly, trying to wake me. “Ella.”

  I move slightly and stretch a little, which only serves to press my back more against his dick.

  “Hey El, I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” He says with a dry chuckle.

  “Yeah, excellent advice.”

  He groans from behind me. “I feel like death.”

  I laugh as he loosens his hold on me, and I turn to face him. "Morning Captain, big-bollocks."

  Even when he is majorly hungover and should look grim, he still dazzles me with his looks. He grins lazily at me. "Morning." He reaches over and brushes my hair off my face. "How bad was I?"

  I giggle and bite my lip. “Bad. You were very insistent on telling me about your big bollocks and dick.”

  “Well, there’s no secret there.” He chuckles and winks at me.

  I pinch his nose. "Then you fell asleep on top of me in the car."

  He chews on his lip. “Pretty bad then?”


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