Desperate (A Contemporary Romance)

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Desperate (A Contemporary Romance) Page 3

by Katerina Winters

  Oh Amber, what the hell happened in this house? Even as she thought the question Salene knew deep down what happened—Amber happened. Amber was a through and through manipulator when it came to men. There was no telling the level of emotional games she put Gabriel through.

  Salene might have never liked Gabriel or got along with the Neanderthal, but she knew enough to know he was angry and hurt. The man she met months ago and the man now was vastly different. The man she knew now was scarred.

  The loud bang at the front door and made Salene jump. Heart pounding, she slowly peeked her head out of the bedroom. The sound of a man's voice echoed beyond the front door. Clutching her phone, Salene thought of the news report she read in the past about nice neighborhoods like this getting robbed during the day. Surely they would not use the front door, right?

  The sound of a dog barking behind the door in conjunction with the gruff voice really confused her. Okay seriously, what was going on? Looking through the peephole, she recognized the older man on the other side.

  Opening the door, she smiled politely at the shocked man. "Hi, can I help you?"

  "Who the hell are you?" The gruff East Texas accent fit perfectly with what Salene imagined when she pictured Gabriel's father. Even though some of the photos were a few years old, she was able to immediately recognize the old man.

  "My name is Salene, Salene Agnew." She extended her hand, but the dog at his side took that as an invitation for affection.

  Smiling she bent down to pet the beautiful white dog. The friendly beast was quite massive, he or she looked like a mix between a lab and a husky, except with no markings just ghost white.

  "Mmmm, I see my boy wasted no time," he murmured appreciatively. Looking up from the dog Salene was shocked to see the older man's eyes sweeping over her breast in her bent position. Standing up immediately she stepped back a little. "Well anyways tell that boy I am dropping off Bishop for a while."

  "Wait I…" She attempted to stop him so he could explain further or at least she could explain, but the older man was already hopping into his pickup truck.

  Closing the door, she turned and smiled at Bishop, who wagged his tail in return. Remembering the business card, she found earlier in the office she went to grab it. Dialing the number Salene gave her name to the bubbly sounding secretary and waited on hold for a few seconds.

  "What do you want Salene?" The gravelly voice sounded even deeper on the phone somehow. It should be illegal for asshole's to have such nice voices, she thought as she scratched behind Bishop's ears.

  "I am sorry for calling you at work. Your dad or I hope that was your dad since you two look alike." She rambled nervously, "well anyways he dropped off his dog, but I cannot find any dog food anywhere."

  Gabriel groaned deeply. "Fine I will pick up some on my way home." He paused as he just thought of something. "Wait, what did you tell my dad?"

  Ignoring the edge to his tone, she answered. "I did not get to tell him anything, after he leered down my blouse he just left, leaving me here with Bishop."

  Mumbling and oath under his breath he growled. "Fine. Anything else?"

  "No, that is it." The line disconnected immediately. "Asshole" she mumbled to no one.

  "Come on Bishop let's tackle the library next."

  Organizing Breslin's office wasn't ideal but after filling out nearly thirty job applications in one sitting she decided she had enough soul draining activity for one day. The library, soon to be office, was in desperate need of dusting and some furniture polish on the endless rows of built-in shelves.

  After an hour and a half of cleaning and occasional play breaks with Bishop, Salene was ready to tackle the endless boxes of law books. Opening the thick spines to the blue and gold hardbacks, she was a little surprised to find them secondhand. From what Amber had told her in the past, Gabriel was a spoiled rich kid whose dad only bought the newest and the best of things for his son. Pursing her lips in thought Salene looked out the window towards the large backyard. The man she saw earlier today didn't really exude that type of "spoiling" father figure Amber depicted.

  The man she saw was dressed very laid-back as if he were going fishing or going to the local sports bar for drinks. The dirty pickup truck he climbed into had the name of the construction company he owned and the outward signs that he used the truck daily. Although that did not change the fact that both father and son were through and through asses.

  Just thinking of Gabriel made her recall his threat in the garage. It was easy to forget that he was such a large man at times. Normally Salene was so consumed by her loathing of him she forgot to actually look at the six foot plus man in front of her. The heat that radiated off of him that night seared itself into her memory. Large shoulders had blocked her view while one arm corded with taught muscles caged her against the trailer. At that moment Salene honestly felt a trickle of fear permeate through her heart. It was sobering and very alarming to realize the amount of power Gabriel possessed. Not just in making the decision to temporarily house her but the power to hurt her if he so chose. It was a cold and deeply primal feminine fear when it came to comparing physical strength to a man.

  Annoyed at the revelation, she began chucking the heavy books onto the shelf not caring about the noise they made as they slammed into the back wall. The warm wet lick to the back of her knee made her jump. Looking down she saw Bishop giving her a worried look along with his comforting lick.

  "Awww you are such a sweet boy," she cooed as she scratched behind both ears. "Don't worry I am fine."

  Eventually, she had most of the boxes unpacked, and the shelves filled. Using the stepladder she hoisted the missing volume she had been searching for to the top shelf.

  Sore and slightly annoyed. "Who the hell wants to become a lawyer anyway?" Salene grumbled aloud, sliding the book into place.

  "I did," the deep voice that rumbled behind her nearly sent her tumbling off the ladder in fright.

  Gripping the shelf for support she turned her head with a scowl to see Gabriel standing near the door petting Bishop.

  "Dammit Breslin, are you trying to kill me?" She yelled, slowly stepping down to the second step on the teetering ladder.

  The fierce look he gave her as his eyes traveled the length of her body made her feel self-conscious. Today she was wearing some purple yoga capris and a matching yellow and purple V-neck top. The harsh green eyes scanning her figure made her regret the formfitting workout attire.

  "Why do women expect not to be leered at when you wear outfits that can be considered a second skin?” The angry condescension in his tone went straight to her nerves. With one hand on her hip and the other still gripping the shelf Salene stood tall on the ladder looking down at him in anger.

  "That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard you say, Breslin. Please tell me you truly do not value women so little that you believe that women should conform to a conservative dress style to prevent the actions of lecherous men?" Her shock out grew her anger as she stared at him, Salene had to believe somewhere in the huge Neanderthal there was a modern thinking man somewhere. "One day I am sure you will have a beautiful, strong little girl surely you would not hold her to these prehistoric standards."

  Groaning in frustration Gabriel scratched at his blonde trimmed beard as he looked away searching for a comeback.

  Green eyes cut back towards her. "If I had a daughter she would…" He stopped midway as his eyes grew large focusing on something above her head.

  Whipping around she followed his gaze towards the ceiling a few feet away from her face. Along the white crown molding was a huge black spider. With the speed of a cat she jumped off the ladder letting out a piercing shriek, in seconds she was behind Gabriel clutching at his white button-down shirt.

  Letting out a deep, harsh laugh Gabriel pulled away from her stepping closer to the bookshelves and turned around to face her.

  "Oh my God that was great," he laughed as he yanked off his blue silk tie, throwing it on the empty de
sk. "So I take it you are afraid of spiders?"

  Salene did not answer the dark question, he was not seeking an answer he was just seeking a reaction. Averting her gaze from his mischievous smile she nearly screamed again as the spider quickly crawled down the shelf. Pressing herself flat against the open door Salene watched in horror as Gabriel carefully turned and cupped his hands around the disgusting eight-legged creature. Turning his head back to her Gabriel gave her an unholy smile. A smile she was quite familiar with growing up with three brothers.

  Letting out another scream she ran out of the room as he lunged forward. Racing down the hallway towards the living room she practically vaulted the sofa. Turning on her heel, she screamed when she saw him right there on the other side of the couch holding to what she presumed was the spider in his cupped fist.

  "Gabriel stop!" she shouted as she moved left a little when she saw him inch to his left on the other side of the couch.

  Gabriel did not say anything, the evil smile he gave her only grew larger as he jumped the sofa.

  "Stop," she screamed at the top of her lungs. With the speed that could have only been given by God himself, she rounded the sofa just in the nick of time as Gabriel landed on her side.

  With her bare feet hitting the hardwood in the hallway she made a hard left turn at the first door, she came across. The sound of footsteps right behind her made her ignore her surroundings as she barreled through another door slamming it shut behind her. Looking around she realized she must have ran into Gabriel's bathroom, miscellaneous male toiletries scattered the bathroom counter.

  The locked doorknob behind her jostled followed by heavy knocking. "Salene come out." Even through the bathroom door, she could hear the laughter in his voice.

  "No! Go away you asshole." Leaning against the door Salene tried to control her breathing as her heart thudded against her breast.

  The shuffling noise of movement against the door made her freeze. Would he try and push the spider through the bottom of the door? Beyond terrified Salene yanked a towel off the nearby rack and stuffed it at the door's base.

  "Just come out," he laughed darkly. "I promise I will not put it on you."

  "No I do not believe you," Salene could hear her voice crack as she felt tears stinging her eyes. This was beyond terrifying, why was he doing this to her? "You would not have chased me if you were not going to put it on me you asshole!"

  "Salene," now his voice was so close to the door that she backed away slightly. "If you keep calling me an asshole I am going to tear this door off the hinges and put this spider down your shirt."

  Backing into the wall next to her Salene tried not to let his threat affect her, but it did.

  "Please leave me alone Gabriel." Salene did her best to make her voice sound strong despite wanting to cry in frustration.

  The slight scratching at the door followed by a high whimper made her remember Bishop in all the chaos. He was most likely confused.

  "I already told you I would." Gabriel's voice had lost the mischievous tone behind it, now he just sounded bored.

  "But you still have the spider," she countered.

  "Fine I will kill it."

  "No!" she shouted coming back closer to the door.

  "What the fuck," she could hear the long groan that punctuated his words. "I thought you…"

  "Please don't kill it, spiders are integral to our ecosystem." Without spiders keeping the insect population at bay, humans would most likely have to slather themselves in pungent chemicals daily for any peace. "I do not want you to kill it. I just don’t want it on me."

  "Christ in heaven," he mumbled along with a few curses.

  The room beyond the door went silent, Salene could not even hear the slight jingling of Bishop's collar. Removing the towel from the door, she stepped out into the dark bedroom. Everything was so quiet. Holding her breath, she stepped lightly but quickly around the large bed towards the door. Reaching the bedroom door, she was just about to step one foot over the threshold when Gabriel stepped in front of her.

  "Boo," opening his hand over her shirt.

  Screaming she jumped back while madly wiping at her shirt. Stumbling back onto the bed she scrambled to see that there was nothing on her shirt. Holding onto the doorjamb, Gabriel doubled over in laughter at the scene she caused. Frustrated and beyond embarrassed Salene could feel her eyes sting with oncoming tears. Getting up from the bed she moved to push past him, but Gabriel stepped in front of her path.

  "Oh fuck, are you going to cry Salene?" He taunted cruelly, forcing her to take a step back until the back of her knees hit the bed.

  Every muscle in her body screamed to slap him, but she felt she knew Gabriel well enough by now, to know that he would probably hit her back. Shaking in anger she averted her gaze from his, she did not want him to see her break.

  "Fuck Salene I was not really going to throw the damn spider on you," Gabriel growled in annoyance when he did not receive a response, stepping past her he moved towards the closet.

  Not trusting herself to speak she quickly left the room. Stopping in the kitchen, Salene looked up at the ceiling to blink away the moisture in her eyes. Brushing his soft fur against her leg Bishop stared at her with deep curiosity. Bending down she gave him a few pets. Spotting the large bag of dog food by the door to the garage she grabbed the dog bowl she found earlier. Setting down the filled bowl she turned to leave.

  "I brought home pizza." Gabriel walked into the kitchen, opening the large pizza box on the counter.

  Ignoring him, she walked towards her room.

  "Salene stop being a brat and eat the damn pizza."

  That was it, that was the last straw. Whipping around to face him he looked stunned for a brief second.

  "No, I will not calm down." Her voice was tight and shaky sounding more like a growl. "No one in my life has ever treated me as badly as you have treated me. I just do not understand," she shook her head as she felt the panic in her rise. Ignoring her increasing heart rate she continued. "I have done nothing to deserve your constant belittlement and torture. I just do not understand," she repeated. "I do not understand why Amber will not call me back, why I cannot find a job, and why you…" Without warning all of the stress, she had been fighting so hard to keep at bay came flooding forward in one massive blow. Unable to stop the tears she covered her face as she let out a strangled cry.

  In a flood of emotion, she cried hard into her hands.

  A warm pressure against her shoulder blades pulled her forward until she felt the warm heat of Gabriel's hard chest against the back of her hands. Leaning against him, her body immediately reacted to the stoic comfort. Crying harder she leaned into his tall, sturdy frame. Silently she felt his other arm wrap around her shoulders creating a warm solid cage. Eventually, her tears subsided leaving her feeling very tired drained. With a firm hand on her back, Gabriel guided her towards the den while grabbing and balancing the pizza with the other hand.

  The den was another sparsely furnished room. The only things in there was a huge open square shaped sectional and the equally large flat screen TV. Gruffly he ushered her to the couch and ordered her to sit. Too tired to argue she complied, sinking into the deep plush sofa. Handing her a plate of pizza Gabriel sat down heavily on the other end of the sectional, with Bishop as their partition.

  The muted sounds of the TV and the occasional jingle of Bishop's collar were the only sounds between them as they ate. The pizza was really good despite being a little cold, but she couldn't bring herself to thank him, not after everything he had done.

  The slight shift on the deep comfy green sofa drew her attention from the rerun on the TV. Setting his plate on the cushions next to him Gabriel sat back into the cushion getting comfortable. Running a hand through the nearly blonde hair, Salene noticed for the first time that night that he had cut it. No longer the hanging mop around his face his golden kissed hair was cut short in a classic cut giving his already severe bone structure even more of an edge. The clea
n, neat cut showed off his pronounced cheekbones while the muscles in his jaw pulled his cheeks inwards slightly, defining his profile. Sleepily Salene petted Bishop softly, she always wanted cheeks like that instead of the round puffy cheeks she did have. When she smiled head-on her cheeks were fine, cute even, but since they were so large the round face did not give her much of a profile. All selfies and pictures had to be taken from just the right angle, never from the side.

  "I can feel you staring at me."


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