Discovering Danielle

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Discovering Danielle Page 10

by L M Terry


  “Green,” I say breathlessly.

  “I’m just going to tie from the waist up this time,” he says, and I sway to the side, intoxicated by his breath whispering over my face. He reaches out to steady me. “Relax and focus on keeping your breathing steady. Do not breathe shallowly, nice deep breaths.”

  “Yes, sir,” I open my eyes again and he presses his warm lips to mine gently but firmly. Then he moves behind me. “Place your arms behind your back and hold each of your elbows.”

  As I follow his instruction I blush as the position causes by breasts to thrust forward, my nipples hard as pebbles. He settles on the ground behind me on his knees, that act alone almost causing me to groan out loud. The rope loops around my arms as he begins to secure them together against my back. I focus on my breathing and the brush of his fingers over my skin. The fluidity of his movements is hypnotic, my eyes close as my brain begins to surrender to the idea of being restrained.

  He runs his fingers under the rope testing the tightness of each pass. The world around me starts breaking off in chunks and floating away. The snugness of the ropes is comforting me like a child’s security blanket. This was not how I envisioned this. Anthony’s calm, methodical movements has put me in a trance. It is nice, soothing, have a mentioned hypnotic? Yes, I guess I have.

  “Dani, how you doin, princess?”

  “Good, great,” I moan out as he tugs on the rope.


  “Green, so green,” I say smiling to the empty space I am floating in.

  His warmth shifts to my front. “Eyes,” he orders.

  I slowly open my eyes, focusing on his. “Did you forget something?” he asks.

  My mind scrambles trying to decipher what it is I may have forgotten. “I’m sorry did I miss something?”

  “You forgot to address me properly,” he scolds lightly as he begins to wrap the rope across my chest, around my breasts.

  “I’m sorry, sir,” I moan leaning into him.

  He laughs. “Quite alright, I was hoping you would give me an excuse to punish you.”

  My eyes fly open as he drags the rope up between my breasts and wraps it gently around my neck. My flight or fight button ignites. “Yellow.”

  He slows down his movement his eyes latching on to my wide ones. “What has frightened you?”

  “Um, like a couple things,” I say my voice quivering.

  “One thing at a time,” he drops the end of the rope and reaches around the back of my head lightly caressing me, dragging his nails over my scalp. He draws a shuddering breath from me. “Go on, tell me.”

  “What is my punishment for not addressing you properly?” He looks over at the chair to side of us. My eyes follow his and land on the belt lying with the buckle teetering over the edge. His gaze settles back over me.

  “Ok-kay,” I whisper.

  “I will go easy on you. We will find your threshold some other time.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  My response pleases him, I see it in his eyes. “Good girl,” he says, his words seduce me. I’m ready to continue without having my other fear addressed.

  “Green, sir.”

  “I thought there were a couple of things. The punishment was one, what is the other?”

  “I’m good sir.”

  “No. I want to know before we proceed.”

  I groan. I don’t want to disappoint him. I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him.


  “The rope around my neck. It, hmm, it makes me a little nervous. Sir,” I add quickly.

  He runs both of his hands up and down the sides of my neck. His thumbs brushing over the hollow of it. “It won’t be any tighter than it is right now.” Before he lets go he squeezes ever so slightly before his hands drift away and I groan. My arms are securely behind me, he could literally choke the life right out of me. The thought should scare the shit out of me and initially when he wrapped the rope there it did. But his light squeeze sent a bolt of excitement through me, a pure shot of adrenaline triggering me to ache with need.

  When my gaze meets his, I know he recognizes my plight. Oh god.

  He continues lacing the rope around me as I return to that lull of dark space. His fingers brush over my nipples and I drop my head back causing the ropes to tighten, everywhere. Oh, my, god. It’s so quiet the pants of my breath seem loud to my ears. A need is building inside of me, an urgent one. His heat deserts me and I open my eyes half lidded to see him standing before me.

  “You are fucking more beautiful in my ropes than I imagined,” he declares, his voice laced with unbridled lust.

  “Thank you, sir,” I moan, writhing under his gaze. It is heavy, heavier than the restraints he has so expertly weaved.

  “Would you like to see?” he asks, running his tongue over his top lip.

  “Yes, sir.”

  He grips me under my arms, carefully helping me to stand. He picks up the belt on our way out of the room inciting my muscles to clench tightly at the thought of it connecting with my flesh. He guides me by my restrained arms back to the bedroom, settling me in front of the mirror. I shift back and forth in front of the long glass. It projects the most erotic image back to me.

  “Damn,” I whisper.

  “Sexy is it not?” he asks as his chest presses my arms into my back. He wraps his arm around my waist his hand lightly brushing over my pubic bone. The dark ink of his arm stands out against my stark white skin. My ass involuntarily presses back into his groin, drawing a groan of pleasure from him.

  He releases me and goes to sit on the side of the bed. He pats his leg, setting the belt off to the side of him. I chew on my bottom lip, silently testing the restraints. Yep, they are snug, not getting out of this one until he lets me out. I inch at a snail’s pace to him. Once I’m within arm’s length his patience has waned, and he grabs me tossing me over his lap. The first thing I notice is his erection pushing against my stomach. Oh fuck, he feels big, really big.

  “Same as earlier, focus on your breathing,” his gravelly voice drips over my backside as he rubs his hand over my ass cheeks. I peek over my shoulder at him as he folds the belt in half. I bury my face into the comforter on his bed, whimpering, wiggling my hands in my bondage. Nowhere to move, nowhere to go. My mind fights with the natural urge to fight, to escape what is coming but my body blocks those signals. It screams out to him to give me his best shot, to take me any way he deems fit. The contradiction simmers in every cell of my body. Smack…the belt lands across my ass. I jerk violently over his legs, more from the sound that any pain.


  “Green, sir,” I say through gritted teeth, clenching down every muscle waiting for the next blow.

  “Relax, clenching doesn’t make it any easier,” he instructs, rubbing the sting away with his palm.

  As the lashes to my ass ignite and then slowly burn out by the comfort of his hand I begin to drift away. The only thing anchoring me is the sound of the belt connecting with my reddened flesh and his touch, his warm sedative touch.

  He pulls me by the ropes at my back to a standing position in front of him and I sway towards him, close enough to catch his scent, the scent of mine. Eight years and that hasn’t changed, he has always been mine, well at least in my heart anyhow.

  “You did well, princess.” His hand runs over my stomach and then dips between my legs. “I think you enjoyed. Yes?”

  “Yes, sir,” I moan doubling over resting my head on his shoulder as his hand glides over me. My breasts ache from the ropes and I lean into his chest trying to alleviate the pressure, but it just causes the throbbing to intensify.

  He chuckles a sinister sound to my ears, but I love it. “Is there something else you are needing, princess?”

  “You, sir.”

  “You have me, I am right here, and I have no plans to ever leave you.”

  I push with my head off of him, standing before him. Drinking in his darkness, his word
s. I have no plans to ever leave you. Oh, how I wish for that to be true. He makes me…me. Just Danielle, the version of myself that has been buried deep inside, waiting for the prince to come and awaken me. Not just any prince, but one who sees my desires and embraces them with his own dark demands.

  We stare at each other, our relationship changing, an unseen energy passing between us. I see he has no plans to take this any farther tonight. His control is on point and in check. Can I sway him? Is my power of persuasion stronger than his will?

  “Please sir, I need more.” I say with way more conviction than I feel but hey I jumped off a fucking bridge today. This, this is nothing and it is everything.

  “No.” I instantly stick my bottom lip out in a full-blown pout. He rises off the bed towering over me. He tips my head back and taps my lips with his finger. “When I give you more, it will be on my terms at a time of my choosing but, I guarantee you WILL beg for it. This…princess is just the tip of the iceberg. Now be a good girl and kneel so that I can release you.”

  The tip of the iceberg, I’m only seeing the tip which means that there is a high possibility that I may crash and sink…just like the titanic. At least he gave me a warning for what lies below, they had none. I realize that I’m not afraid in fact I crave what lies below the icy water. I lick my lips as I slide down to the floor, already imagining and anticipating the endless possibilities he just laid at my feet.

  This man puts Mr. Bond to shame. No one can top the amount of sheer sexiness he exudes. My dirty little story doesn’t even do this man justice, he will take me farther than my imagination has ever thought to step foot, and I simply cannot wait.

  Chapter Eleven



  Ican’t help but eye Anthony with suspicion. Another trip outside of the house. God, I thought after last night that I wouldn’t be afraid. I was ready to follow him into the depths of hell if he asked but I woke up with that same niggling anxiety. “Please tell me where we are going. I was only joking about the whole wrestling an alligator thing. Like you would never make me do that would you?”

  He flashes me a brilliant grin. “I like seeing your hair whip in the wind. What do you think of the jeep?”

  I roll my eyes at him. “The jeep is just fine. Where. Are. We. Going?”

  “You really are not getting how this all works.”

  “Fine, never mind.” I turn away from him and chew on my nails, ignoring his chuckle.

  He tugs my hand away from my mouth. “Not a good habit, princess.”

  “How am I going to take a year of this?”

  “One day at a time I would assume.”


  “So, how do you feel about last night? Ready to experience more?”

  “I can’t talk about that right now, I’m too worried about where it is you are taking me.” My hand unconsciously goes back to my mouth for more gnawing, he grabs my hand again and wraps his fingers tightly over it.

  “We are going to Sunnybrook,” he says turning off the freeway.


  “Yes, isn’t today the day you usually go? Why should that change?” he asks.

  “Well, you packed things, my things, like you…I don’t understand.” I shake my head in confusion.

  “You will. Don’t worry today is a stress-free day, Dani….no conquering today, you have the day off.”

  When we pull up to the nursing facility I see Dorothy and a nurse waiting in the resident pickup zone. “Hop in the back, princess. It will be easier for Dorothy to get in the front.”

  I’m still confused but I do as he asks and then turn to observe his exchange with the nurse. I’m spellbound as I watch Anthony scoop Dorothy up in his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck smiling like a teenage girl. My. Heart. Melts. Just like that, poof, it is a puddle on the floor of the jeep. A tear creeps ever so closely to the corner of my eye. I have to shake my head and imagine terrible things to push it back. There, that’s better.

  “Dani! Oh honey, I’m so happy to see you. It’s such a beautiful day! I’m so excited!” She claps her hands as I eye Anthony folding up her wheelchair, carefully placing it the back of the jeep.

  She tugs at the scarf around her neck and flips it over her hair tying it under her chin. “My hairdresser only comes ones a week,” she scolds Anthony as he gets in beside her. “You, naughty boy, you could have warned a girl.”

  He laughs and winks at her. “Miss. Dorothy, I’m sure you look lovely with wind whipped hair.”

  She blushes and pushes on his shoulder lightly. He peels out of the lot instigating squeals of delight from the old woman. His eyes meet mine in the mirror and he smiles at me with that damn panty melting smile. I can’t help but grin back at him. He touched me in a place I haven’t let anyone poke at for a long, long time. My heart.

  As we drive on the curving roads heading into the mountains, Dorothy raises her hands to the sky. Clearly enjoying the wind, the sunshine and life. It is contagious and before long the three of us are in a long bout of uncontrollable laughter.

  We pull off the road to a small path leading to the river. The same river that I thought I would plunge to my death in just yesterday. “Wait here ladies, while I unload a few things.” He hops out and I watch as he drags items out of the back and hauls them down the incline towards the water.

  “He is something isn’t he?” Dorothy says her eyes on him as well.

  “Oh, he is something alright,” I say with sarcasm.

  She turns in her seat to meet my gaze. “You look different today sweetie. Is he helping?”

  I sigh. “He is, I don’t know what it is but I’m just not as anxious when I’m with him. But, it scares me a little too. I don’t know it’s hard to explain.”

  “Love always is,” she says, her eyes taking on a faraway expression.

  “I’m not in love, Dorothy,” I say exasperated.

  “Hmm, maybe not,” she says wistfully.

  “I mean I like him and all, but he is infuriating at times.” I scoot up so that I can speak without Anthony overhearing. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, sweetie,” she pats my cheek.

  “Do you think he is doing this because he is a ‘helper’ type person, or do you think he really likes me. I mean he says he does but I don’t know, I’m weird and he is…well just look at him!”

  She chuckles. “Dani, sweet, sweet girl. You don’t see what the world sees. You see a broken girl who hides in fear. What I see and what I imagine he sees is a beautiful young woman. A woman who was hurt…” I try to argue with her, but she holds her hand up to stop me. “Let, me finish girl…you asked, remember?”

  I sit back in the seat and she continues. “You can tell me a million times over that you were not hurt, and I will not believe you. Someone hurt you and that is a damn shame.” My mouth falls open at hearing her curse. “He knows you are special and not something to pass by. Believe me sweetie I’m sure he knows you are not the easiest of options, but he is smart, and he recognizes that you are worth it. A thousand times over worth it. I wish you could see it, honey. I really do. Life is short and when someone comes into your life like him,” we watch him together, setting up my easel, “well when you find someone who fights for you like he does and indulges little old ladies like me, you simply don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”

  “I don’t know what that means, Dorothy,” I giggle.

  “Of course, you don’t but you will,” she waves excitedly as Anthony makes his way back towards us. “Now, enough serious talk girl. I’m going to ogle over that man while you paint us something pretty.”

  “You know, you two are impossible,” I say jumping out of the jeep and opening her door. Anthony comes up beside me, scoops her up carrying her down to the water and places her ever so carefully in her wheelchair.

  “Oh, this is lovely, dear,” Dorothy pats Anthony’s cheek as he tucks a blanket around her legs.

  I turn to st
are at the river. Tears check the fucking tears, Dani. “What do you want me to paint?” I ask not turning to either of them. I can almost feel that they are giving each other a look, the one that says, oh boy here comes her crazy.

  “Whatever you want, princess,” Anthony says suddenly only a few steps behind me. I face him and sidestep keeping my eyes trained to the ground. “What is wrong?” he asks.

  “Nothing is wrong,” I whisper.

  He takes a step towards me as I take one back. “Dani, there is no trick.”

  “Then why are we here?”

  He reaches out snagging me before I can retreat farther away from him. He pulls me in tight to his chest and whispers into my ear. “Today is the day you visit the residents and I thought it would be nice to make a field trip of it. A chance for Dorothy to get out of there for a bit. She misses the outside world. I promise you this is no hoax.”

  I peek up at him grabbing hold of his shirt. “I’m sorry, Anthony, trust may be another issue of mine.” I thunk my head down on his chest.

  “It’s okay baby,” he soothes, his hand rubbing down my spine. “Just relax and try to enjoy the day, no worries today. None.”

  I push off him. “Okay, I’ll try.”

  “That’s all that I ask,” he walks away and drops to the blanket he laid out on the ground. “I’m taking a nap, Dorothy. Keep an eye on this one,” he shakes his finger at me and then lays back dropping his arm over his eyes. He is in jeans and a long-sleeve t-shirt and it has ridden up slightly showing a glimpse of his stomach.

  Dorothy wiggles her eyebrows up and down at me. The ink showing doesn’t seem to bother her in the slightest. I giggle and walk over crouching down in front of her. “Dorothy, sorry I’ve been a party pooper. What can I paint for you?”


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