Emily Lakdawalla

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by The Design

  as defined in NASA Procedural Requirements document NPR 8020.12D. Fluid-

  formed features such as Recurring Slope Lineae are included in this prohibition. Any

  evidence suggesting the presence of Special Regions or flowing liquid at the actual

  MSL landing site shall be communicated to the Planetary Protection Officer immedi-

  ately, and physical contact by the lander with such features shall be entirely avoided.

  1.7.5 Final assembly

  Finally, the time came to put together all the pieces of the puzzle. The rover and MMRTG

  met for the first time for a fit check on July 12. The MMRTG produces a prodigious

  amount of heat, so it wasn’t safe to install it permanently until the last possible moment.

  Handlers removed the MMRTG to storage in its own cavernous, climate-controlled room.

  Assembly was interrupted in September by an emergency situation discovered during

  drill testing back at JPL. The drill percussion mechanism developed a short circuit that

  could damage the rover’s electronics if it occurred on Mars, jeopardizing the mission. The

  engineers developed a solution quickly, but implementing the solution required opening

  up the rover’s belly pan and adding a new wire to ground the rover’s power bus. This

  “battle short” wouldn’t prevent future shorts in the drill, but would protect the rover’s

  59 Stabekis (2012)

  60 United Nations COSPAR (2011) COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy

  1.7 Final Preparations (2010–2011) 51

  electronics if it happened again. The project agreed to take the risky step of performing

  surgery on the rover just weeks before launch. 61 It turned out to be a wise decision, as the

  drill percussion mechanism has indeed experienced shorts on Mars (see section

  Stacking of the spacecraft components began inside the Payload Hazardous Servicing

  Facility on September 23, with the connection of the descent stage to the rover and then

  the backshell. They topped the stack with the cruise stage on October 10, and lifted the

  stack onto the base of the heat shield on October 11, completing the assembly of the space-

  craft, except for the MMRTG (Figure 1.24).

  Figure 1.24. On October 11, 2011, the spacecraft stack was completed. NASA/KSC release KSC-2011-7350.

  Two weeks later, with the spacecraft flipped upside down, they enclosed the saucer-

  shaped craft inside the fairing that would protect the spacecraft during its trip through

  Earth’s atmosphere (Figure 1.25). MSL needed the full width of the Atlas V’s largest, 5-meter fairing, but little of the length; most of the interior of the tall fairing remained 61 Manning and Simon (2014)

  52 Mars Science Laboratory

  empty. They delivered the spacecraft in its nose cone to the launch pad on November 3,

  then hoisted it atop the rocket (Figure 1.26).

  Figure 1.25. MSL is dwarfed by its fairing, October 25, 2011. NASA/KSC release KSC-2011-7530.

  The final step in assembly took place at the top of the tower just a week before launch.

  The MMRTG was finally installed on November 17 (Figure 1.26). A hatch in the fairing, and a matching hatch in the aeroshell, allowed technicians access to insert the MMRTG,

  and then to sew on the cloth windbreak over the MMRTG’s cap (Figure 1.27). With the MMRTG in place, cooling the spacecraft became a top priority. An air conditioning system in the launch tower blew chilled air through an inlet in the fairing onto the cruise stage radiators, helping to dissipate the heat for the week that led up to launch.

  1.7 Final Preparations (2010–2011) 53

  Figure 1.26. Workers lift the MMRTG, in a protective cage, to the top of the Atlas V rocket in its launch tower on November 17, 2011. NASA/KSC release KSC-2011-7836.

  54 Mars Science Laboratory

  Figure 1.27. Engineers work through a hatch in the rocket fairing and a second hatch in MSL’s backshell to install the MMRTG onto the rover, November 17, 2011. NASA/KSC release KSC-2011-7900.


  Benardini J et al (2014) Implementing planetary protection measures on the Mars Science

  Laboratory. Astrobiology 14:27–32, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2013.0989

  Billing R and Fleischner R (2011) Mars Science Laboratory Robotic Arm. Paper pre-

  sented to the 15th European Space Mechanisms and Tribology Symposium, Constance,

  Germany, 2011

  Boeing Rocketdyne Propulsion and Power (2003) Boeing to Build Space-borne Power

  Generator. Press release dated 1 Jul 2003

  Boynton W et al (2002) Distribution of hydrogen in the near surface of Mars: Evidence for

  subsurface ice deposits. Science 297:81–85, DOI: 10.1126/science.1073722

  Caffrey R et al (2004) Initiating the 2002 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Focused

  Technology Program. Paper presented to the 2004 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big

  Sky, Montana, USA, 6–13 Mar 2004, DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2004.1367650

  Conley C (2011) MSL deviation request. Letter to Peter Theisinger dated 1 Nov 2011

  Cook R (2009) MSL Technical and Replan Status. Presentation to the NASA Planetary

  Science Subcommittee meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 9 Jan 2009

  Cook R (2011) Mars Science Lab: The Challenge of Complexity. Ask Magazine issue 42

  (Spring 2011)

  1.8 References 55

  Cooper C (2005) New NASA Chief Visits JPL. La Cañada Valley Sun, 2 Jun 2005

  Devereaux A (2013) Landing Curiosity: System Engineering Challenges for NASA’s

  Newest Martian. Presentation to the 11th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering

  Research, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 19–22 Mar 2013

  Devereaux A and Manning R (2012) Challenges of MSL entry, descent and landing

  validation; or, ‘7 years of terror’. Presentation to NASA Workshop of Validation of

  Autonomous Systems, Pasadena, CA, USA, 20 Aug 2012

  Golombek M et al (1999) Overview of the Mars Pathfinder Mission: Launch through land-

  ing, surface operations, data sets, and science results. J. Geophys. Res. 104:8523–8553,

  DOI: 10.1029/98JE02554

  Golombek M et al (2012) Selection of the Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site. Space

  Sci. Rev. 170:641–737, DOI: 10.1007/s11214-012-9916-y

  Green J (2009) Options for Accommodating the MSL Launch Slip. Presentation

  to the NASA Planetary Science Subcommittee meeting, Washington, DC, USA,

  9 Jan 2009

  JPL (2010) Mars Science Laboratory’s Cruise Stage in Test Chamber. http://photojournal.

  jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA13359. Photo released 2 Sep 2010, accessed 17 Jun 2016

  JPL (2014a) Lesson Learned: MSL Actuator Design Process Escape. http://llis.nasa.gov/

  lesson/11501. 9 Sep 2014, accessed 14 Oct 2015

  JPL (2014b) Lesson Learned: Recognize that Mechanism Wear Products May Affect

  Science Results. http://llis.nasa.gov/lesson/10801. Article dated 8 Jun 2014, accessed 14 Oct 2015

  Lawler A (2008) Space Science: NASA’s Stern quits over Mars exploration plans. Science

  320:31, DOI: 10.1126/science.320.5872.31

  Malin M and Edgett K (2000) Sedimentary Rocks of Early Mars. Science 290:1927–1937,

  DOI: 10.1126/science.290.5498.1927

  Manning R and Simon W (2014) Mars Rover Curiosity. Smithsonian Books, Washington,


  Mars Program Synthesis Group (2003) Mars Exploration Strategy 2009–2020

  Mars Science Laboratory Mission Project Science Integration Group (PSIG) (2003) Final

  Report, 6 Jun 2003

  Mustard J (2007) Summary of the meeting between Alan Stern and MEPAG representa-

  tive. Letter to MEPAG stakeholders dated 5 Oct 2007
r />   NASA (2000a) Mars Program Independent Assessment Team Summary Report, 14 Mar


  NASA (2000b) NASA outlines Mars exploration program for next two decades. Press

  release dated 26 Oct 2000

  NASA (2001) Mars Exploration Program Mars 2007 Smart Lander Mission Science

  Definition Team Report, 11 Oct 2001

  NASA (2004) Mars Program Mars Science Laboratory Mission 2009 Landed Science

  Payload Proposal Information Package. 14 Apr 2004

  NASA (2004) NASA Selects Investigations for the Mars Science Laboratory. Press

  release dated 14 Dec 2004

  NASA (2007) Mars Science Laboratory Project Changes Respond to Cost Increases, Keep

  Mars Program On Track. Press release dated 17 Sep 2007

  56 Mars Science Laboratory

  NASA (2008) Next NASA Mars Mission Rescheduled for 2011. Press release dated 4 Dec


  NASA (2009) NASA Selects Student’s Entry as New Mars Rover Name. Press release

  dated 27 May 2009

  NASA Office of the Inspector General (2011) NASA’s Management of the Mars Science

  Laboratory Project. Report dated June 8, 2011

  NASA Office of Planetary Protection (2014) MSL Lessons Learned Presentation.

  Presentation to NASA Advisory Council Planetary Protection Subcommittee,

  Washington, DC, USA, 20 May 2014

  Novak K et al (2008) Mars Science Laboratory rover actuator thermal design. Presentation

  to the Spacecraft Thermal Control Workshop, El Segundo, CA, USA, 11–13 Mar 2008

  Rummel J (2006) Mars Science Laboratory Planetary Protection Landing Site Constraints.

  Presentation to the First Landing Site Workshop, Monrovia, CA, USA, May 31-June

  2, 2006

  Rummel J et al (2014) A new analysis of Mars “Special Regions.” Findings of the second

  MEPAG Special Regions Science Analysis Group (SR-SAG2)

  Slimko E et al (2011) MSL Heatshield Development: From Failure to Success. Paper

  presented to the 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA, 5–12 Mar

  2011, DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2011.5747500

  Stabekis P (2012) Mars Science Laboratory (MSL): Planetary Protection Lessons

  Learned. Presentation to NASA Advisory Council Planetary Protection Subcommittee,

  Washington, DC, USA, 19 Dec 2012

  Stern A and Green J (2007) Announcement from Alan Stern & Jim Green, NASA

  Headquarters. Letter to the Mars community dated 8 Nov 2007

  Udomkesmalee S G and Hayati S (2005) Mars Science Laboratory Focused Technology

  Program Overview. Paper presented to the 2005 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky,

  Montana, USA, 5–12 Mar 2005, DOI: 10.1109/AERO.2005.1559387

  United Nations COSPAR (2011) COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy

  Vasavada A (2006) Mars Science Laboratory Project and Science Overview. Presentation

  to the First Landing Site Workshop, Monrovia, CA, USA, May 31-June 2, 2006

  Wallace M (2012) Curiosity: The Next Mars Rover. Presentation to the Royal Aeronautical

  Society, Applied Aerodynamics Group Conference, 17–19 Jul 2012, London, UK

  Watkins M (2008) MSL Project Status and Landing Site Selection Schedule. Presentation to

  the 3rd MSL Landing Site Selection Workshop, Monrovia, CA, USA, 15–17 Sep 2008

  Watkins M and Steltzner A (2007) MSL landing site selection: Status of Engineering

  Capabilities and Constraints and Plan for Site Selection. Presentation to the 2nd MSL

  Landing Site Selection Workshop, Monrovia, CA, USA, 23–25 Oct 2007

  Welch R et al (2013) Systems Engineering the Curiosity Rover: A Retrospective. Paper

  presented to the 8th International Conference on System of Systems Engineering,

  Maui, Hawaii, USA, 2–6 Jun 2013, DOI: 10.1109/SYSoSE.2013.6575245

  Wiens R et al (2012) The ChemCam Instrument Suite on the Mars Science Laboratory

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  Wiens R (2013) Red Rover. New York: Basic Books.

  Woerner D et al (2013) The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) MMRTG In-Flight: A

  Power Update. Paper presented at Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space,

  Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, 25–28 Feb 2013


  Getting to Mars

  2.1 LAUNCH

  Mars launch opportunities happen about every 26 months, as Earth begins to approach

  Mars from behind on its faster inside track around the Sun. The earliest MSL could launch

  was November 25, 2011; any earlier, and it would arrive at Mars with too much speed for

  the entry, descent, and landing system to dissipate. The latest it could launch was December 18; any later, and the Atlas V 541 rocket wouldn’t have enough thrust to deliver the spacecraft to its rendezvous point with Mars.

  Within that 24-day period, no matter the launch date, MSL would arrive at Mars within

  a 15-minute window on August 6, 2012. That choice of timing allowed both Mars

  Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Odyssey to be in position to perform relay communica-

  tions during MSL’s landing without any adjustment to their orbits. The orbiter relays were

  crucial, because only 5 minutes after atmospheric entry, Mars would block the visibility of MSL’s direct-to-Earth radio communications.

  The first day of the launch period was also the day after the Thanksgiving holiday. MSL

  team members gathered with their families in Florida resorts and timeshares, feasting and

  awaiting the fireworks at Kennedy Space Center. On November 19, NASA announced a

  one-day delay to replace a flight termination system battery.

  MSL launched at 15:02:00 UT (10:02 a.m., local Florida time) on Saturday, November

  26, 2011 (Figure 2.1). The Atlas V Common Core Booster ignited first, combusting kero-sene with liquid oxygen. The four solid rocket boosters lit up a split second later. The

  solids burned out after 90 seconds and were jettisoned 22 seconds after that. At launch plus 3 minutes 22 seconds, the clamshell of the payload fairing split open, exposing the spacecraft to space for the first time. Another minute later, the Atlas engine shut down and separated from the Centaur upper stage (Figure 2.2).1

  1 Details of the launch and cruise events throughout this section are from Abilleira (2013)

  © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018


  E. Lakdawalla, The Design and Engineering of Curiosity, Springer Praxis Books,


  58 Getting to Mars

  Figure 2.1. MSL launched on an Atlas V 541 from the Eastern Test Range of Cape Canaveral Air Force Station at 15:02:00 UT (10:02 a.m., local Florida time) on Saturday, November 26, 2011. Scott Andrews/Canon.

  2.1 Launch 59

  Figure 2.2. Atlas V 541 launch vehicle facts and timeline. Modified from United Launch Alliance press kit.

  60 Getting to Mars

  Four minutes 37 seconds after launch, the Centaur ignited and burned liquid hydrogen

  in oxygen for 7 minutes, placing the spacecraft into a 165-by-265 kilometer parking orbit

  at an inclination of 28.9°. It coasted for 20 minutes. During the coast phase, MSL was

  active, reporting via the launch vehicle’s radio through the Tracking Data Relay System

  satellites to Earth that the solar cells on the cruise stage were generating power, charging the batteries.

  Thirty-two minutes and 23 seconds after launch, the Centaur ignited again, burning for

  8 minutes to inject MSL onto its transfer trajectory to Mars. This burn deliberately targeted the spacecraft slightly away from Mars, in order to prevent the non-st
erilized Centaur

  upper stage from impacting the Martian surface and potentially contaminating it. With the

  trans-Mars injection achieved, the Centaur performed one last maneuver, spinning up the

  spacecraft to 2 rotations per minute. Finally, 44 minutes after launch, pyrotechnics cut the spacecraft’s connection to the Centaur, and push-off springs shoved it gently away at a

  relative velocity of 0.27 meters per second (Figure 2.3).

  Figure 2.3. RocketCam views of the departing MSL spacecraft following separation from the Centaur upper stage. The six sets of cruise stage solar arrays are visible. Screen captures from NASA Television broadcast, November 26, 2011.

  With spacecraft separation achieved, MSL was on its own. The spacecraft waited 1

  minute in order to avoid interference with the Centaur’s continuing radio communications.

  Then it turned on its amplifier, powered up the transmitter, and contacted Earth directly for the first time. As MSL zoomed away from Earth, Australia’s deep-space communications

  dishes listened. Within 20 seconds, a ground station in Dongara, Western Australia, locked

  onto its carrier signal; two dishes (DSS-45 and DSS-34) in Canberra achieved carrier lock

  2 seconds later. Within another 30 seconds, the stations achieved telemetry lock, success-

  fully decoding the signal to receive MSL’s reports of spacecraft health. This initial telemetry confirmed that the spacecraft was thermally stable, generating power, and was

  commandable. That state of affairs meant that the launch phase was over; the cruise phase

  had begun. Later analysis of the trajectory would reveal that “the trans-Mars injection and spacecraft separation provided by the Centaur was outstanding and set a new standard on

  launch vehicle performance. ”2

  2 Abilleira (2013)

  2.2 Cruise 61

  2.2 CRUISE

  2.2.1 The cruise stage

  The cruise stage made MSL an interplanetary spacecraft (Figure 2.4). It sensed the Sun,

  tracked the stars, generated power, kept the rover cool, and performed trajectory correction maneuvers to steer the spacecraft’s course to Mars. It did not have independent telecommunications capability. A cone-shaped medium gain antenna mounted to the cruise stage

  relied upon transmitting and receiving hardware buried in the descent stage. The cruise


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