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Kyle Page 14

by Jennifer Ashley

  He turned around the black plastic squeeze bottle. Chocolate syrup, made for squirting onto a big bowl of ice cream.

  The flare in Anna’s eyes made him instantly hard.

  “We start like this.” Kyle popped the top of the bottle and dribbled out a line of chocolate on his finger, which he licked clean. Anna watched in fascination.

  He lifted Anna’s hand and trickled some onto her finger, and before she could lick it herself, he caught her finger and sucked it into his mouth.

  “Mm,” he said.

  More heat in her eyes. Kyle smeared chocolate on her lips and leaned down to kiss it off.

  The kiss was sweet with the dark bite of chocolate. Kyle got lost in sliding his tongue into Anna’s mouth, the two of them licking chocolate and kissing.

  The next thing he knew, Anna had twisted the bottle out of his hand. “Better take off your shirt,” she advised.

  Kyle had his T-shirt stripped from his body before the kitchen clock could tick once. A second later, cold chocolate landed on his belly, tingling and tickling. Kyle laughed.

  His laughter died when Anna bent down and licked the chocolate from his skin.

  “Baby, you …” Kyle’s words tangled as Anna’s tongue found his navel. “Shit.”

  He sucked in a breath as Anna tugged his belt loose and then opened his jeans, the zipper hissing in the quiet.

  “You aren’t really going to do that.” Kyle had no idea why the words came out, because hell yes, he wanted her to.

  His cock tumbled out as Anna yanked down his jeans and underwear. He was stiff with wanting, dark with need. Kyle yelped as the chocolate landed on his cock, the syrup chilled from the refrigerator.

  He balled his fists as Anna sank to her knees and took him in her mouth.

  Son of a bitch. The heat of her tongue and the brush of her teeth slammed heat through him until he wanted to yell. His heart beat thick and hard, his need to thrust building into fever pitch.

  “Damn.” The word was a growl. “Anna, what the fuck are you doing to me?”

  He shouldn’t have said anything, because she backed away, removing the incredible sensation of her mouth. Her face as she gazed up at him with cornflower blue eyes was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  “I don’t know,” she said, cheeks pink. “Seemed like it would be fun.”

  Kyle snatched the bottle out of her hand and blobbed chocolate on his cock, putting up with the cold. “It is. It is fun.”

  Anna laughed. She swiped her tongue over the chocolate, her smile gorgeous.

  Kyle wanted her naked. Naked and covered with chocolate.

  Right now, she had her tongue all over him, her lips smooth as she kissed, licked, sucked him.

  “Shit,” he repeated softly.

  He slammed the bottle to the counter and raised Anna to her feet. They couldn’t do this here. Someone would come in—Ray, Margaret, Grace—whoever. They’d find Anna and Kyle tangled on the table in a pool of chocolate. His family would either be shocked, delighted, or take pictures and text them to their friends.

  Kyle dragged up his jeans and grabbed the bottle. “Come upstairs,” he said rapidly, and led the way out.

  Chapter Sixteen

  As they went up the stairs, Kyle kept looking behind him as though he feared Anna would race back down, jump into her truck, and charge off.

  She could. Anna knew she had no more appointments today, in spite of her earlier memory blank, but she should get back to the office in case someone came in or called with an emergency.

  Then again, any emergency calls would be forwarded to her cell phone in her pocket. Therefore, Anna could follow Kyle to his bedroom right now and jump his bones if she wanted.

  Kyle’s room wasn’t what she expected. It was a suite, for one thing, taking up most of the top floor. One room held his trophies and belts, photos of himself bull riding or receiving his prizes, and newspaper and magazine articles clipped and framed.

  Anna saw this as she rushed by and into the room under sloping eaves that held a bed and a dresser and not much else.

  “Nice view.” Two dormer windows, one on either side of the bedroom, looked out over the rolling hills toward the river. Anna had seen Kyle leaning out of the front one the day he’d watched her at her forge.

  “Moved up here when Ray and I took over the ranch. Ray kept his old room, but I kind of got over the whole bunkbeds thing.”

  Anna laughed, the sound shriller than she liked. Kyle’s current bed was wide with a thick bedspread, neatly made. She wondered whether Kyle was fastidious or the cleaning crew took care of it.

  As Kyle stood awkwardly, hanging onto his loose jeans, Anna grabbed the bottle of chocolate from him and thunked it to the dresser. “Need to hurry. I’m on call.”

  Kyle immediately sat down and yanked off his boots, throwing them aside, jeans following. “I don’t want to be the only one getting naked here. Come on. Let’s see some skin.”

  Anna shivered with agreeable heat. She turned her back, unable to make herself unbutton her shirt in front of him, but she popped the buttons without hesitation, wanting this playfulness.

  Kyle came to her and helped her slide the shirt off, leaving her in her bra. He turned her around, took up the bottle, and squirted chocolate all over the top of her breasts.

  His grin made his eyes sparkle. “Mm, sundae.”

  Anna gasped as he leaned down and licked her, his mouth hot, his warm, wiry hair brushing her chin. She kissed the top of his head.

  Kyle’s hand went to her back, and he unhooked the bra. “Don’t want this getting messed up.” His voice was soft, coaxing.

  “No, we don’t,” Anna murmured.

  More chocolate, this time running between her breasts and encircling her nipples. Anna went incandescent as Kyle wove his tongue around each nipple, suckling them clean, taking his time.

  She undid her jeans herself, pushing them down to bare the swirl of hair that was growing moist. Kyle slid his fingers between her thighs and found her heat, their eyes meeting as Anna dragged in a breath.

  He moved his fingers, watching her, bringing her to life. Anna rocked on his hand, the residual chocolate on her breasts smearing his chest.

  Fire roared through her as she arched against his touch, her cries building as Kyle’s fingers danced. He enveloped her, his larger body enclosing her smaller one, curving over her as though shielding her from the world.

  Anna clutched him frantically, her hips moving. She wanted nothing more than to drag him inside her, feel his hard body on hers, keep this white-hot sensation going on and on.

  Kyle feasted on the chocolate on her breasts as his fingers continued their magic. He was smiling hard when he raised his head. His beautiful touch went away, but he caught Anna in his arms and carried her to bed.

  He used his own stash of condoms this time and soon was sliding into her, increasing the madness inside her.

  Anna held him as he thrust, loving his firm weight, the strong warmth of his body. She rose to meet him, the feeling of him inside her transporting her to a wild place she’d never been.

  Like last time, Kyle wasn’t quiet. He groaned, said damn a dozen times, and then everything became incoherent but her name. That was loud and ringing, the sound sweet and honest.

  Anna came as Kyle thrust harder, faster, her frenzy building with his. She cried out wordlessly, sounds echoing in the large room under the sky. Sunshine poured through the west window, warming them as they rocked together, light touching Kyle’s body of liquid bronze.

  Kyle’s final thrust made Anna shout. He went perfectly silent, holding her with his eyes, jade green and dark with desire.

  “Kyle, I lov—” Anna began, before Kyle’s kiss silenced her.

  Just as well. She’d done enough foolish things for one week.

  Kyle led Anna back downstairs an hour later, the two of them giggling like little kids. Anna’s hair, which she’d tried to stuff back into a braid, was a mess, chocolate staining
her cheeks. Kyle had it all over his neck and chest, and a glance in a mirror showed him a smear across his jaw.

  He’d fetched the bottle of chocolate off the dresser after they’d finished making love the first time ... which had led to the second time.

  Kyle halted abruptly when they entered the kitchen, and Anna bumped into him. Then she saw what had startled him, and turned very red.

  Ray turned around from the refrigerator, a bottle of water in his hand.

  Kyle’s heart beat in hard jerks. “Ray. What are you doing here?”

  “I live here.” Ray moved his slow gaze to Anna. “I take it you’re done upstairs? Good, because I want to have lunch.”

  Anna’s face was brick-colored, which clashed with the chocolate on her cheek. “Don’t worry, I’m outta here,” she said rapidly. “Have an office to get back to.”

  “Better swing home and wash up,” was Ray’s advice. “So no one thinks you were mud wrestling.”

  Kyle growled. “Fuck you, Ray.”

  Ray looked surprised. “I’m not trying to be an asshole. Just save her some embarrassment.”

  “No, he’s right,” Anna said. “Everyone’s already talking enough. See you, Kyle.”

  She charged out the door. No good-byes.

  Ray motioned after her with his water bottle. “Better walk her out, or she might never come back.”

  He had a point. Kyle snarled again at his brother and raced after Anna.

  “Hey.” He reached her as she loaded her forge, and helped her lift it into its trailer. “Sorry about that.”

  “Not your fault. We weren’t in a good position to hear him come in.”

  Kyle’s anger dissolved in a flash. “I don’t know—I thought it was a pretty good position.”

  He expected her to give him a look of scorn, and then dive into the truck and take off, but Anna flushed, her eyes starry.

  “So do I.”

  They laughed, everything funny for some reason.

  Kyle cupped her cheek, his amusement dying. “A while back, you started to say the L word.” He shook his head. “I’m not worth it, Anna. I’m just a dumb fuck who falls off bulls.”

  When Anna looked up at him, he spied in her eyes something he’d never seen from any other woman.

  “You are worth it,” she said softly. “And whenever you do let someone say the L word to you, you’ll deserve it.”

  Kyle’s mouth went dry. He should say he was the one in love, that he’d never met anyone like her. That when Anna walked into a room, he saw no one else. But his lips wouldn’t move, and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth.

  Anna’s phone buzzed, making him jump. She heaved a resigned sigh and slid her phone from her pocket. “That’s Janette texting me. I have to go.”

  Kyle knew that. Anna was busy, sought after, needed.

  She closed the trailer and climbed into the pickup. Kyle shut the door for her as Anna started up. She gave him a faint smile through the open window and eased the truck forward.


  She halted, looking back at him in polite inquiry.

  “Um.” Damn it, why was it so hard to ask a simple question? “Want to go out again?” he said in a rush. “This Saturday night?”

  Anna’s answering smile untwisted something inside him. “Well, yeah. Better not be someplace that serves chocolate,” she continued, unaware that his heart was turning over and his brain was mush. “We can’t be trusted around it.”

  Kyle burst out laughing, and she joined in. Her beautiful smile flashed as she pulled out, dust rising in her wake as she left the ranch for the road to town.

  Kyle went back to the kitchen after Anna had gone to find Ray building himself a mountainous sandwich from various things in the fridge.

  “You home to work?” Kyle asked him. He leaned against the counter and folded his arms. “Or are you rushing back to the B&B?”

  “Told Drew I’d do more for her this afternoon.” Ray put away all the condiments then carried the finished sandwich to the table, sat down, and took a large bite.

  “What are you now, her contractor?” Kyle asked.

  Ray chewed and swallowed, his frown deepening. “The place is a wreck, and Drew has to make a go of it in a year, or she loses it and all the money he left. So says her grandfather’s stupid will. He wanted the family back in Riverbend so much he stipulated that if she can’t turn the B&B around, she loses everything. The whole inheritance.”

  Kyle felt a dart of sympathy as well as irritation at Old Man Paresky. “That sucks. Can’t she contest it?”

  “She’s been to see lawyers about that. No, she can’t, and she’s decided she doesn’t want to. She’s taken with Riverbend, wants Erica to go to school here.”

  “Huh.” Kyle helped himself to a bottle of water and joined Ray at the table. “You really like this woman, don’t you?”

  Ray had lifted the sandwich for another bite, but he set it down, slowly wiping his mouth. “Yeah, I think I do.”

  “You sure?” Kyle unscrewed the water and took a long drink. His throat was parched from all the yelling upstairs, but it had been worth it. “You haven’t gone out much since Christina dumped you, and then the whole thing with you maybe being the father of her baby.”

  “Which I wasn’t,” Ray pointed out with a narrow look.

  “I know. But it kicked your ass. You didn’t say much, but I could tell.”

  “That was two years ago, Kyle. I’ve moved on.”

  But Ray hadn’t moved on until a little while ago. He’d thrown himself into work and bull riding and had ignored the women who blatantly chased him. Kyle wasn’t certain his brother’d had sex since Christina, which was unhealthy, in Kyle’s opinion.

  “Have you?” Kyle asked.

  Ray made an exasperated noise. “You know, this is why I don’t bare my soul to you. You jab at me like a mother hen. I have moved on, yes, and yes, I like Drew. I think maybe—you know—I’d like it to be permanent.”

  “Holy shit.” Kyle sat up. “As in marry her? I’ve never even met this woman.”

  “Not my criteria for asking a woman to marry me—Have you met my little brother?”

  “You know what I mean. What if she’s a con-artist taking you for all you’re worth? You know, your dry-walling skills and everything.”

  “She’s not.” Ray’s voice went hard. “If you want to meet her—fine, you can meet her. But do me a favor. Wait until I’ve asked her. Then if she says no, I’m spared having to bare my soul to you again. I can let it go.”

  From the look in his eyes, Kyle knew this one Ray wouldn’t be able to let go. He’d invested, and Ray didn’t invest in people lightly.

  “What about you and Anna?” Ray asked abruptly.

  Kyle hid a start. “What about us? I thought we were talking about your problems.”

  “Now she’s a problem, is she? Seemed like you two were pretty friendly. At least from all the noise coming from the third floor.”

  “Anna Lawler is the sexiest woman alive,” Kyle said without hesitation. “We’re having some fun. I think that’s all.”

  “You think that’s all?”

  “Yeah.” Kyle thought of Anna’s impulsive. Kyle, I lov—

  He’d cut her off before she could say the whole thing. If she regretted the words later, came to him and told him she didn’t mean it, Kyle didn’t think he’d be able to stand it. It would tear out his heart, and he wasn’t ready for that kind of pain.

  Ray laid his hands flat on the table. “I’m going to tell you something. The entire town—no, the entire county—knows you and Anna are getting hot and heavy. They all like Anna. In fact, they love her. If you toss her aside, they will jump on you so hard there won’t be much left of you. What Blake tried to do to you yesterday will be nothing. Anna has that many people on her side.”

  Kyle made a noise of exasperation. “Why am I suddenly the bad guy? I go out a couple times with Anna, and now everyone thinks I’m going to dump her? She’s the
one who will do the dumping, and we all know it.”

  “Mm, I don’t think so. Not with the way I saw her looking at you. Tell you what. You ask her to marry you, and when she says no, you’re off the hook. You tried, but you let her do the dumping.” Ray opened his hands then returned to his sandwich. “They’ll have to give you that.”

  “You mean, I look like a total idiot and let her kick me with her sexy cowboy boots, and they won’t come after me with sledgehammers?”

  “You got it. Now get back to the office and let me finish my lunch in peace.”

  Kyle climbed to his feet. “You’re all heart, Ray.”

  “Oh, and if you’re wondering who took the rental car and turned it in for you yesterday morning, it was me.”

  Kyle stopped halfway across the kitchen and swung back. “You? Why?”

  “To save Anna embarrassment,” Ray said. “So her neighbors wouldn’t see your car still there in the morning. Everyone knows you were there anyway, but the car was proof.”

  Kyle took in a slow breath while he thought it over. Ray was right, but at the same time …

  “So it was better that I ran through the alley in my suit and got beat up at the feed store?” he asked.

  Ray nodded. “Took the pressure off Anna.”

  He said this without guilt. Kyle longed to throw something at him, but nothing was handy. He also wanted to laugh and agree with him.

  “You’re all heart, Ray,” he repeated and went out, slamming the back door.

  His irritation at his brother evaporated as he walked back to the office. The ideas Ray put forth in the stupid conversation stayed with him.

  By the time he returned to his desk, Margaret giving him a severe look, a plan had formed. The plan might leave Kyle looking like the biggest idiot in Riverbend’s history, but as Ray said, this wasn’t about Kyle.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kyle, I love you.

  As she drove from the Malory ranch, Anna hid a groan. How stupid was she? Of course Kyle had stopped her from finishing the sentence—did the gentlemanly thing and said he wasn’t worth her affection. Anything to get her to shut up.


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