Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705 Page 192

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  From those clad in items drenched in Chaos, some could be seen with armors that blazed with the element of fire, and most recently appearing beings caused the forces of Dark Expanse to rub their eyes in shock at the armor they adorned seemed to actually be releasing an aura of...fate!

  Fate! Forces that came from an Infernal Lord actually released the blinding gold aura that Celestials were known by, giving a huge shock to the World Rank experts that were leading the forces of the Verittas Fortress as they spread out their auras to see if their eyes were deceiving them.

  But it was genuine as around Noah, numerous Spiritual World Beasts, Calamities of the Sea, and even some of the humans and beasts from his homeworld and the Beast World that were power leveled to the Domain Rank stood around him powerfully!

  An enormous Draconic Fire Behemoth appeared to steal the show as he towered over 50 meters in the void of space, Draco appearing with all of his glory as a golden armor actually wrapped around the entirety of his body, the Set Item from the Fate Behemoths actually fully adapting to whatever the form of the wearer was, causing a shimmering enormous golden dragon to appear magnificently near Noah.

  Kazuhiko was also one of the few clad in a Fate Item Set, his hands dual wielding to beautifully inscribed long blades as his eyes could not contain their excitement. The Imperial Phoenix was next to him in her humanoid form as she adorned a similar set, those being lucky enough to receive the newly forged Item Set from Fate Behemoths being truly blessed as its boosts were nothing to scoff at!

  Kazuhiko was still incredulously looking over every single description of the four items as his gaze went towards the description of the Set Item itself.

  [Raiment of Fate's Guard] :: An Item Set made from the materials of Fate Behemoths. Contains dual swords, breastplate, briefs, boots, armguards, and helm. Varying levels of boosts are given when the set items are worn simultaneously. 2 Set Items- Every time an enemy falls from the hands of the one wearing the Raiment of Fate's Guard, a Fate Charge is gained. 1 Fate Charge grants +30% All Damage Increase, +30% Chaos Resistance, +30% All Element Penetration, and expires after 10 minutes. 4 Set Items- After collecting more than 10 Fate Charges, Blades of Liberation begin to descend for every Fate Charge thereafter. 6 Set Items- Each Fate Charge brings with it two Blades of Liberation that follow the will of the user for as long as the Fate Charge remains. The expiration time for Fate Charges increases to 20 minutes.

  Kazuhiko's pupils were shaking as he read over the descriptions of the full set bonus again and again. In his mind, he was just imagining how everytime he defeated a being, the set bonus of this item set would allow him to gain a single Fate Charge that brought with it two Blades of Liberation and a huge boosts to his power.

  The more beings he defeated thereafter, the more charges and autonomous Blades of Liberations that would surround him! His mind was imagining a scene where tens of Blades of Liberation followed his every command as he descended into battle, his single figure surrounded by numerous golden swords!


  "Ready to serve!" "Ready to Destroy!"

  The yells of the Infernals only took him out of his stupor as his eyes looked forward, his expanded senses just being able to feel the rushing force and essence of many beings nearing them.

  The Celestial Legion was here.


  A wave of power spread out as the appearance of the enormous golden warships became visible, many more appearing thereafter as Noah's face finally showed more than just an impassive expression, his body rising higher in the void of space as a sparkling blue armor appeared around him.

  He adorned Hydromancer's Mantle as a brilliant blue light pulsed from him, his thoughts then letting the ability from the Fledgling Aether Terror run free as [Aether Emission] was let loose, the purple energy of Aether beginning to leak out and swirl around him menacingly!

  He also let loose the active ability of the Hydromancer's Mantle, the [Hydromancer's Banner] that gave an all around buff to those that could be considered to be moving with him.


  This caused for a spectacular scene to occur throughout the Verittas Fortress, every single being that was standing against the Celestials gaining a unique blue runic symbol above their heads as an enormous rectangular blue transparent banner appeared above Noah's head.

  Commanding Mage Turner and the other powerful World Realm experts felt this change and slight boost to their power as their attention was taken once more from the appearing Celestial Legion and to the Infernal Lord shining with brilliant colors in the void space, their thoughts collectively being the same as they stared at this unique being.

  'Just what type of Infernal Lord are you?!'

  No answers would arrive to them at this moment as Noah was not done, even more abilities being cast as this was one of the few times where he could actually go all out. It was a rare opportunity to let loose and farm an abundant amount of loot, Fate Lines, and Chaos Particles that he would not let it slip by his fingers so easily!


  [Chaotic Mandate], the ability from the Agent of Chaos skill tree that allowed him to be adorned in an armor of chaos similar to the Empyrean Armament of the counterpart law of fate skill tree was initiated as above the worn Hydromancer's Mantle, the appearance of a dark armor erupted forward.

  The blue and purple resplendence of colors was dyed dark as the aura of Chaos spread out fully, Noah also freely releasing the Chaos Particles swirling in his Chaos Field as his presence just continued to get brighter and brighter in front of the Verittas Fortress!

  He was practically and arrogantly screaming to the now visible Celestial Legion- I am here!

  But even at this point...he was not done as he now began to cast the transformation skills that came from the numerous skill trees under his command.

  As the Celestial Legion appeared to kick off the start of a shocking battle, a single combatant was already causing widespread shock as the resplendence of abilities that caused the aura of this being to continue becoming more and more oppressive stole the spotlight of the whole battle!


  Chapter 482 This isn't even my final form!

  Already adorned with the Hydromancer's Mantle and even the Chaos Armor from [Chaotic Mandate], Noah still went even further as he grandly used abilities freely, his abundant reserves of mana allowing it with no problems as he cast the transformation skills.

  First, above the Verittas Fortress, a bloody moon appeared that released an oppressive red light, this light going on to wash around everyone, but causing a particular group to look up in immense shock.

  "What the fuck?!"

  The Royal Vampyre Rokku could not help but blurt out as he saw the appearance of the Blood Moon, recalling skills from the Ancient Vampyres of the past as he felt the red rays of this moon bolster his power rapidly, as well as the powers of all the Vampyres around him.

  His shock came from the fact that this Infernal Lord also seemed to have access to the abilities of Ancient Vampyres that even he, a Royal Vampyre, did not have on top of every other spectacular abilities he had already cast!

  It was just shock after shock as even though the Mages and Wizards spread out left and right of the Verittas Fortress were using their own magic as they veered Mana to go through their wands and cast terrible spells, they did not seem brighter than this singular being that just continued to cast one ability after another!

  The Wizards were already summoning huge Golems and Beasts that floated grandly in the void of space, the Mages using magic circles as fearsome Elementals appeared with resplendent cries.

  But all of this did not cause any eyes to open in shock as this Infernal Lord continued.

  [Ancient Blood Scion] was cast first as below the layers of armor, Noah began to adopt the form of an Ancient Vampyre as his figure began to enlarge rapidly.

  This enlargement only became more rapid as he wasted no time, casting [Arch Demon Lord Transformation] and then activated the
form of the [Lesser Cthulhu] thereafter!


  "Ready to serve!" "Ready to destroy!"

  As his transformation took place, the Infernals below him continued their chants louder and louder, seemingly building up to a crescendo of noises that overtook the whole battle field!

  The arriving Celestial Legion was looking on with serious eyes as Grandmaster Onillus had a deadly expression, his golden eyes locked onto this figure that was showing a terrible aura unlike anything he had ever seen before.

  They had arrived and planned to make a grand entrance to instill fear into the hearts of their enemies with their numerous warships and forces, but this being stole the spotlight right away with a resplendent show of colors and abilities that allowed all eyes to be on him.

  In the void of space, Noah's figure continued to expand further and further, his monstrous transformation of multiple skill trees hidden beneath the Hydromancer's Mantle and [Chaotic Mandate] armors, the many surrounding beings only seeing his figure enlarging more and more as his transformation completed at a towering 60 meters!


  Luminous and glistening pairs or dark red wings were the only thing erupting out of the armored body as the monstrous overall shape continued to be hidden by the two sets of armor wrapping around him, with his size continuing to shoot up menacingly!

  It was the height of commonly seen Behemoths in the Celestial Realm, a stature that took the breaths of many beings away as the void of space quaked and rumbled, the now gigantic figure waving his right hand as an enormous golden Trident of the Sea appeared in his hand.


  The Trident of the Sea caused a ringing sound to reverberate as it resonated with the Hydromancer's Mantle hidden below the [Chaotic Mandate] armor, the oppressive air and splendor that this Infernal Lord released only getting larger and larger as his arms moved, the enormous three pronged weapon pointing towards the stationary Celestial Legion a few miles away from the Verittas Fortress.

  "Ready to serve!" "Ready to destroy!"



  Instantly and eerily, the crescendo of noises from the Infernals ceased at this exact moment as the hearts of many felt a strong pull.

  As the show of resplendent skills and colors ceased, silence overtook the battlefield as many looked at the larger picture around this Infernal Lord.

  An enormous Golden Dragon that was now slightly smaller than him, thousands of Infernals patiently standing by, numerous figures clad in different sets of armors with each of them at the Domain Expansion Realm.

  The feeling of power this group gave off was immense as all the eyes on the battle field in the void of space was on them!

  Noah stared at the stably stationed vessels of Celestials that now stood opposite the Verittas Fortress as he sensed the tremendous power in his body.

  His Fire and Water Origin Cores were rotating rapidly, absorbing energy and releasing their unique essence which coursed through him and made him feel simply fantastic.

  His Fate Lines were expertly hidden through [Unique Origin] as only the field of chaos was apparent, the swirling Chaos Particles breaking past 400,000 at this moment as every single type of essence he held seemed to be bubbling.

  But even at this point...he wasn't done!


  Horrid vibrations released from his body as he activated yet another one of his recently gained skills. [Size Distortion] was activated from the newly gained Fledgling Aether Terror as his body vibrated rapidly, his power growing ever larger as his size began to shoot up to unimaginable heights!

  Those around him watched with slack-jawed expressions as even before the war began, it seemed that this Infernal Lord was intent on baffling as many people as possible.

  The forces of the Dark Expanse watched, but it wasn't only them as similar to the Battle of Geniuses, they had their people sending numerous feeds of what was occurring here to the upper echelons that were observing the progress of this first clash closely!

  From the Prime Warships of the Celestials, similar to how Grandmaster Vredral had used the vessels to show what was happening in the Magus World when Noah and Athena were raining down destruction, all the events occurring here were currently being broadcasted to the upper echelons of the Celestials!

  The grandeur of resplendent abilities that Noah continued to show...was witnessed by many as the name of this 9th Infernal Lord entered the minds of all watching.


  His size erupted up as it passed 100 meters, skyrocketed to 150 meters, and continued on until it stopped at 250 meters! More than 125 times larger than the height of an average man, and more than 5 times larger than the height of even the mountainous Elite Celestial Behemoths!

  His sheer size was terrifying as every around him seemed miniscule in comparison, the wondrous colors being released from the Hydromancer's Mantle, [Aether Emission], and the [Chaotic Mandate] armor only extenuating his figure as he pointed the now enormous Trident of the Sea towards the Celestial Legion, his thunderous voice being the first thing to ring out before the first battle of the Last War was initiated.

  "I wonder if in this that little Founder of yours watching?"



  Chapter 483 Imposing!

  The words of the gigantic figure of the Infernal Lord caused shock and movements to spread throughout the battle field from their extreme arrogance, but they caused reverberations even further as many forces were ultimately watching to see the results of this first conflict!

  The Grand Mage Edrusim was surrounded by numerous powerful Mages and the faction of Wizards that made up the Alliance as their eyes watched with unblinking eyes, they having already done their part of distributing their forces and now were simply waiting to see what the results of the battle would be.

  In another location in the Dark Expanse, the Vampyre Ruler Vladivostok was watching the bloody moon appearing in the void of space above the army of Infernals as the sear he was on fell to the side, him being one of the more shocked beings as he recalled this skill from a long-forgotten past!

  It came deep within the Letalis Expanse, with its source being from the revered Progenitor itself as it was an ability that had only shown itself in the War of the Righteous!

  It had long since been lost in the dredges of time, along with the powerful beings that could use this skill.

  Yet now, it was appearing once more, and in the hands of an Infernal Lord.

  What exactly was happening?!

  The gaze of Vladivostok shook as he recalled the only location that might have answered, waving his hands in front of him as he created a runic magic that was the prerequisite of a portal forming.

  This was similar magic that the Vampyre King of the Underworld had used months ago to send a special someone into an Ancient Blood World, and Vladivostok was trying to do the same now as his thoughts led him to quickly check this Ancestral Ground that was all the Vampyres had left at this moment for answers.

  Hid essence moved as he watched the runic circle complete with anticipation, but was shocked thereafter as when the red portal began to form while seeking a connection to the targeted ancestral world, it trembled and fizzled halfway through...not being able to form a connection!


  Vladivostok looked towards the failed connection of the Ancient Blood World he knew so clearly as his gaze turned ashen.

  He tried again and again, but the magic that allowed him to form the portal with the Vampyres' own Ancestral World was actually not working anymore! This led Vladivostok to believe that something had happened with the Ancient Blood World, and this Infernal Lord being shown in front of his eyes should have some connections to it!

  What exactly had happened? Why was he able to use the skills of their Ancestors? Vladivostok would get to the bottom of this, even if he had to offend the dignity of an Infernal Lord!

  The scene moves from the questioning Vampyre Ruler and goes i
nto the wondrous Celestial Realm where yet another figure was watching the arrogant words of the Infernal Lord, a pristine wine glass in his hands as his wild countenance had changed. The Founder was not in the wildness of the Celestial Realm as he sat in a paradisiacal expansive hall that was filled with the colors of gold everywhere one's eyes wandered to.

  He sat in a pristine golden throne as he enjoyed food that very few could ever taste in their lives, the feed of the Verittas Fortress being displayed clearly from the Prime Warships of the Celestials in front of him.

  This being was living the dream of all the big bosses- simply sending out his people to work hard and his behalf as he reaped most of the rewards. It was a truly rare position that very few could have the chance to enjoy.

  There was an unnatural smile on his apathetic face as he heard the words of the Infernal Lord, curious words leaking out from his mouth.

  "The 9th and weakest Infernal Lord actually entered the Celestial Realm and saved those little rats earlier? Now that's just not fair, don't you think?"

  He was alone in the expansive golden hall, but seemed to be questioning something or someone as he continued!

  He recalled the same red moon that had appeared when his palm was descending down towards the rats that had entered his cage, now confirming the identity of the being that saved them to be this Infernal Lord.

  This was one of the more shocking thoughts that were spreading through the minds of many of the knowledge beings that could connect the dots- they found the identity of the being that actually stood against the Celestial Founder to save others not too long ago, and it was actually an Infernal Lord!

  The question in many beings eyes was how this happened and why! How was he able to so quickly react, and why did he dave those particular beings? What history and connection were they missing?

  Questions upon questions entered the minds of many as they watched the initial scene of the first battle of the Last War, the Founder himself continuing his monologue in the golden hall.

  "A creature of chaos created to oppose me, you shouldn't have any driving emotions but destruction...hah, what exactly are you trying to do?"


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