Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705

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Infinite Mana In The Apocalypse c1-705 Page 216

by Adventure, Action, Fantasy, Game

  Noah had to bring himself to a stop just at the first unlocked feature, something that he never even thought about before actually coming to fruition.

  The feature called Library actually allowed him to effectively make Skill Books for all his subordinates to learn as long as they were ranked F through the Star Forging Realm! This was such a shocking thing that even the limitations it listed seemed to pale in comparison to its benefits!

  One of the biggest boons he saw was his ability to transcribe the skill trees, this being something that many being lacked. Just this single feature would have been enough to show the reward of this upgrade into a realm, but there were three more to go through.

  [World Integration] :: The Infinite Realm has the capability to integrate new worlds and entities connected to its Master, being able to expand to unknown territories.

  A short and simple description, but one that made the name that Noah had granted this realm be simply perfect! The ability of [World Integration] made it so that any new world that Noah connected could be brought in to be a part of the realm, continuing to ever so expand as it fit the name of an Infinite Realm perfectly!

  [Realm Gateway] :: A shimmering blue archaic door of light is all that remains of the Infinite Realm to the outside universe as it exists in its own spatial space. This Gateway can be shifted under the will of the Infinite Realm Master, as well as set restrictions for the beings allowed in or out.

  [Pocket Realm] :: A segment of the Infinite Realm can be taken and anchored to the Infinite Realm Master, granting access to its many features for the Master to use as they wish.

  Each of the four new abilities seemed greater than the last, the last two making Noah's eyes light up even more because of their versatility!

  When it came to realms, the doorways used to enter such locations were always stationed in a specific area in the vastness of space, this doorway not being able to move at all once the realm was established.

  Yet, his realm had the feature where its Gateway could be moved, and he could even control who entered or left! It was unheard of as far as he knew, and the unlocked abilities even went as far as giving him something called a [Pocket Realm], its simple name showing shocking connotations as it allowed him to effectively carry a miniature realm with him wherever he went.

  4 new features in a single upgrade, each of them more shocking than the last. Noah finished looking through the entirety of the panel under the {Spiritual Realm Management} as he lastly noticed how in front of 'Upgrade Conditions', a bunch of question marks were the only thing visible as even he was stumped as to what it could lead to.

  Apparently, upgrading into a Realm was not the last stage of this wondrous unique treasure that he carried, and he could not wait to find out in the future what this next stage was whenever the question marks decided to reveal themselves.

  For now, as the celebration of the formation of this Infinite Realm and the choosing of regional rulers that would establish order across it would soon go underway, Noah wanted to take the time to also look through [Skill Creation].

  Just exactly what could he do with this feature, and what skill or skill tree should he first try to create?

  Chapter 549 - Skill Creation Experimentation

  As the celebrations and calibration of how the Infinite Realm would be looked after were underway, Noah was experimenting with the many newly gained features that came because of the upgrade of the Infinite Realm, and he was beginning with the newly added feature of [Skill Creation].

  As this was a feature that required the use of Skill Points, he had to find out exactly how many it would take and how vast the difference was depending on the skills he wanted to create.

  His eyes conjured up the Stat Panel as he focused on the blue-lit feature of [Skill Creation], an entirely new screen opening up in front of his eyes which allowed him to fill in the information of skill names and their descriptions!

  The System would then look over what he placed down and judge its feasibility of being brought to existence, and exactly how much Skill Points it would cost to do so.

  He thought for a moment before he tested out something he considered very small and low effort.

  "Let's see...something called [Lightning Strike] the Star Forging Realm..."

  He gave his specifications to the System as a vibrant blue light shone, everything being put together as a clearly defined skill with its usage as well as its cost appeared under the [Skill Creation] panel!

  Lightning Strike] :: Lightning thunders down towards your enemy at a speed faster than the eye can follow. Cost of Skill Creation: 10 Skill Points

  A very cost-effective and distinct skill appeared in front of him, the 10 Skill Points it would take to create such a Skill not being too much but not too little either. He waved his hands as the skill disappeared from the [Skill Creation] panel. His mind moved rapidly as he now wanted to test a variety of skills and see the difference in cost.

  His thoughts were sent to the System as a list of multiple skills were assembled in the Skill Creation panel, his gaze shining brightly as he looked over them!

  [Space Shattering Void Devouring Fist] :: Imbued with the power of space and void, destructive energies surround your fist which will shatter the location targeted while devouring anything weak enough to remain. Cost of Skill Creation: 50 Skill Points

  [Soul Manifestation(Weapon)] :: Enables the user to create any weapon using their soul. The weapon deals soul attribute damage that cannot be blocked by essence or physical protections. Cost of Skill Creation: 2000

  [Life Severing Chaotic Aether Strike] :: Connecting to the destructive essence of Aether and Chaos from the depths of the Unknown, a strike that will take the life of any being at the Nebula Realm or below thunders forth. Cost of Skill Creation: 10,000 Skill Points

  [Galaxy Aurora Sword] :: A holy sword condensed from the will of the Galaxy forms and follows the will of the user to exterminate all those in the Nebula Realm or below. Ignores the protections of the Universal Laws even if the comprehension of the targeted being is at 100%. Cost of Skill Creation: 50,000 Skill Points.


  He had thought of the most ridiculous sounding skills he could just to gauge exactly what he could do, and the possibilities were actually shocking as ridiculous skills were displayed in front of him!

  Of course, they were ridiculous for a reason as their cost for creation was simply too unrealistic. One that took the elements of Aether and Chaos as it shattered and devoured space only cost 50 Skill Points, one that used the power of the soul being placed at a whooping 2000 cost, but he ramped up the ridiculousness with a skill that would take the life of anyone at the Nebula Realm. The corresponding cost for such a skill was 10,000 Skill Points!

  But in the next skill, he went even further as he classified that even those with 100% law comprehension could be destroyed under the description of a skill that utilizes the energies of an actual Galaxy, this bridging the cost to 50,000…

  One must know that Noah currently had a bit over 2000 Skill Points in total, and he currently had no way of obtaining more!

  He gazed at the sweet sounding skills that would erase all of his problems as he sighed, waving his hands as they were all erased from the Skill Creation panel. He thought of what he could create realistically as he went out of the bounds of combat skills for a moment, knowing that he had more than enough of these and he simply needed to raise his rank and comprehension of laws to be able to match the biggest enemy he faced at this current moment.

  His thoughts moved as he recalled his non-combat skills such as [Budding Farmer] or [Cook] which had made many things possible in their own right as he tried to design a skill tree at this moment with these types of skills!

  This time around, he wanted to reduce the number of required Skill Points as much as possible as he set restrictions and definitions that would only apply to him or to specific areas, trying to see if he could create something wonderful that would not cost too much. His t
houghts were relayed to the System as a skill tree was displayed in front of his eyes soon after.

  [Versatile Farmer] :: A skill tree geared towards the most versatile agriculturist. Each of its abilities have an abnormally high energy usage to achieve their desired effect. Abilities included are Master Farmer, Automatic Planting and Harvesting, Advanced Inventory, and Five Star Chef. Cost of Skill Tree Creation: 25 Skill Points

  [Master Farmer] :: The user can rapidly increase the growth and maturing rates of plants in all fields of the Infinite Realm simultaneously, a holographic display at their use allowing them to observe the areas affected.

  [Automatic Planting and Harvesting] :: The user can automatically plant and harvest vegetation in the Infinite Realm, a holographic display at their use allowing them to select the required areas.

  [Advanced Inventory] :: All plants harvested with the [Automatic Planting and Harvesting] function are placed in a spatial inventory connected to Noah Osmont's [Expansive Space].

  [Five Star Chef] :: A farmer is nothing without the skill of a great chef. Any meal prepared by the user will have the splendor and taste of pure happiness while enhancing the essence contained in the ingredients by more than ten times.

  An extremely cheap skill tree with abilities that held their own restrictions and wonders were displayed in front of his eyes, a smile appearing on Noah's face as he paid the 25 Skill Points and gave his confirmation to bring this Skill Tree into fruition!

  As a war was continuing to escalate in the Novus Galaxy, Noah had overseen the upgrade of a new realm as he now used one of his newly gained abilities to create his first ever non-combat skill tree!

  Chapter 550 - Unreal!

  Noah knew that he had very little time before he had to thrust himself back into the ongoing War and training, so he was using this time where his mind wasn't occupied with constant battles and planning to enjoy the first-ever created Skill Tree.

  His second clone that was situated in the Time Space of the Infinite Realm had his eyes on an expansive holographic display that was imitating the areas of the Spiritual World before it became a realm, all of these areas having numerous medicinal herbs and plants that held abundant essence!

  Many of them were Fate's Orchard and Chaotic Amaranth, golden fruits that were filled with the essence of fate coming out from Fate's Orchard while the Chaotic Amaranth looked like a fantastical medicinal herb that glistened with the cold and dark essence of Chaos.

  He had not just created the [Versatile Farmer] skill tree for fun, but because there was a huge aspect of his Infinite Realm that he was not using fully to his advantage, and it was the ridiculously overbearing plants he could grow within!

  The plants' growth within the Infinite Realm were extremely effective in raising the level of the Beasts born in this realm, while he as the Infinite Realm Master could also heavily profit and strengthen himself from plants like Fate's Orchard and Chaotic Amaranth which had abundant essence of fate and Chaos which would go towards increasing his Fate Lines and Chaos Particles.

  The idea of the Beasts born in the Spiritual Land and the exclusive effects they could enjoy from the plants grown within also brought forward a terrifying concept to Noah- Since all his connected worlds were now fused into this Infinite Realm, would all the different races of beings born in this Realm be given the same rights of strengthening and advancing as the naturally born Beasts?!

  [Yes. Any beings born in the Infinite Realm that was formerly known as the Spiritual Realm will have all the benefits and rights given to them at birth.]


  His question was answered the moment he thought of it as a terrifying reality made itself clear, this significance of this new realm being something that would change the lives of many in a spectacular fashion.

  This new reality meant that newly born beings of all races would have perks of rapidly increasing their strength and ranks very rapidly, as they would be able to enjoy the 100% effectiveness of all the essence filled plants grown within which were extremely conducive to raising the strength of beasts!

  It was such a stupendous perk, and the new Skill Tree that Noah created would go above and beyond to fully utilize this feature of the Infinite Realm.

  He used [Master Farmer] as the holographic image of all the currently planted fields across the lands that used to be the past Spiritual World were washed over by a blue-green wave of essence, the vibrant particles of the law of earth and a hint of a law that Noah had yet to even come across permeating across the thousands of miles of lands!


  Noah would not know the identity of the other law besides earth which was mixing to cause the growth rate of plants to explode to extreme degrees until much later, but it was the Ultimate Law of Life!

  But such a thought was not currently in Noah's mind as he observed the holographic images of plants beginning to grow and expand rapidly, essence wildly flying around the center of the Infinite Realm one more as the celebrating beings were astonished at the scenes around them.

  Noah then used [Automatic Planting and Harvesting] as a hologram of the expansive Infinite Realm spread out from his position and covered a mile around him. This holographic projection was the miniaturized version of the areas that he could designate as fields to plant on, each small area shown within signifying hundreds of miles of land!

  It was such a mind-boggling concept that if Noah did not have multiple mind enhancing skills, he would have been overwhelmed! As he felt the strain in his mind of looking over such an expansive Realm, he glanced at the [Skill Creation] function once more as he sent his thoughts towards the System while beginning the process of planting a variety of plants across the Infinite Realm while using the [Automatic Planting and Harvesting] skill.

  His thoughts were accepted by [Skill Creation] as a new skill was displayed in front of his eyes.

  [Enhance Thought Process] :: The thought process of the user is passively enhanced to extreme degrees. Skill Creation Cost: 10 Skill Points

  He paid the price right away as he felt the strain on his mind elevated, his eyes continuing their work as he looked through the many regions of different Law Spaces across the Infinite Realm and chose respective plants to grow.

  In regions of fire or water he planted the Ice-fire Persimmon or the Ice Phoenix Fruits. In the areas where the essence of fate and chaos were abundant, the aforementioned Fate's Orchard and Chaotic Amaranth were planted!

  He continued to freely release an exorbitant amount of mana to the [Automatic Planting and Harvesting] to plant many new medicinal plants and herbs, and then using [Master Farmer] thereafter to rapidly increase their growth process. He felt like he was playing the easiest farming game as he carried out actions that affected thousands of miles of land, shocking all the beings moving within them as to them, shocking scenes on top of shocking scenes continued to pile up.

  Some were still reeling from the surprise of being in an entirely new realm when they felt their cities become filled with fate essence, and then soon after they found golden seeds shooting to the ground as a blue-green light quickly came to watch over it, beautiful trees that shone with gold leaves and glimmering fruits beginning to erupt out in front of their eyes.

  It was such a fantastical scene that many were pinching themselves to make sure they weren't dreaming, the person responsible continuing using enormous amounts of mana as they became a farmer for a brief period of time, their goal on the particular plants that were filled with the essence of fate and chaos that would increase Fate Lines and Chaos Particles!

  Chapter 551 - A New Age

  In a small region that used to be in the United Federation of Noah's homeworld, a human was sitting outside a small house that showed his status to be one living a simple life in the countryside.

  There was a small barn to the side as this man had a few fields around him, the sounds of terrifying animals who were scared at the newly arriving and overflowing abundance of essence still apparent.

human farmer was sitting outside as he stared at the new world around him in shock, having heard the voices of two beings declaring the name of this new Realm as he prepared to accept this reality!

  The atmospheric essence had already made him have a breakthrough to what would be considered a Rank D Hunter, his eyes looking at the abundant essence around him as he grabbed his hoe that he used for farming and went towards the fields he normally tended to.

  He could feel the soil of his field brimming with vibrant energies as he prepared to do some work and continue his simple farming life even in the midst of these unbelievable events.

  There was no threat of monsters from dungeons, no foreign armies or lands invading, nothing. This small farmer wanted to continue his simple life as he went to tend towards his fields.

  But this was when the sight in front of him rapidly changed, his body coming to a stop as he watched with an agape expressions seeds fell from the skies and dug into the ground, a powerful light shining down thereafter as vibrant plants sprouted in front of his eyes!

  He watched as all the knowledge he built over the years about farming was violated, seeing flowers forming and then fruits erupting in a matter of seconds as his hoe dropped to the ground.

  He reached out towards the now glistening fruits that had appeared in a matter of seconds from plants that did not exist before, bringing a blue-colored fruit in his hands that he bit down into. An explosion of essence erupted from the fruit and went through his body as the simple farmer shook his head, going to sit back down near his small house as a wide smile was apparent across his face as he watched this unfolding ridiculousness.

  'What a ridiculous being…'

  Such a thought crossed the mind of this farmer and the minds of many beings from many worlds that were currently integrated into the Infinite Realm, billions of beings beginning their new lives in this area as they began changing their common sense into things they never would have believed before.


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