Daimon (Untamed Sons MC Book 3)

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Daimon (Untamed Sons MC Book 3) Page 1

by Jessica Ames


  Untamed Sons MC - Book 3

  Jessica Ames

  Copyright © 2020 by Jessica Ames


  Daimon is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination and are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  Proofreading by Gem’s Precise Proofreads & Word Bunnies

  Cover design by Desire Premade Covers by Jessica Ames

  Beta readers: Lynne Garlick, Clara Martinez Turco, Allisyn Pentleton

  Cover image copyright © 2020

  Please note this book contains material aimed at an adult audience, including sex, violence and bad language.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or if it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and please purchase your own copy.

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  This book is covered under the United Kingdom’s Copyright Laws. For more information visit: www.gov.uk/copyright/overview


  Author’s Note

  1. Daimon

  2. Briella

  3. Daimon

  4. Briella

  5. Daimon

  6. Briella

  7. Daimon

  8. Briella

  9. Daimon

  10. Briella

  11. Daimon

  12. Briella

  13. Daimon

  14. Briella

  15. Daimon

  16. Briella

  17. Daimon

  18. Briella

  19. Daimon

  20. Briella

  21. Daimon

  22. Briella

  23. Daimon

  24. Briella

  25. Daimon

  26. Briella

  27. Daimon

  28. Briella

  29. Daimon


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  Also by Jessica Ames

  About the Author

  Author’s Note

  This book contains themes of rape, murder, mayhem and other topics that may be upsetting. Reader discretion is advised.

  To Laura, who has been my biggest supporter since I started this journey.


  n. Greek Mythology

  1. An inferior deity, such as a deified hero.

  2. An attendant spirit; a genius.



  Nox pounds his fist into Greg Dawes face. There’s no remorse, no hesitation, just swift retribution. From my position against the wall, I watch the action unfolding, excitement stabbing up my spine as I watch Titch drag his head back by his hair, exposing his throat—a throat that could so easily be slit. I can’t stop the twitch of my mouth as he hits him again. This fucker is getting what he deserves. That sense of righteousness soothes the beasts inside me, calms me.

  Greg owes us money, but what’s new? Every fucker in this town owes us their pound of flesh. We own this patch of London and we run it with fire, blood and an iron fist. No one crosses us and those who do don’t live to talk about it.

  The clubhouse’s basement is silent apart from the echoes of flesh meeting flesh along with the groans of pain coming from Greg. It’s like sweet music. Blood drips from his face onto the concrete beneath him, the coppery scent of it lingering in the air, making my demons come to the surface, wanting to play.

  “You think you can duck out on paying us?” Nox roars in his face before he slams his fist back into the man’s gut. Greg rocks on the hook attached to the ceiling. He’s barely hanging on, his feet no longer holding his weight. I can see the dismay in his eyes, see the blazing desire to live, but that’s Nox’s choice.

  Blood, violence—it doesn’t faze me. I don’t think it ever did. I grew up a witness to shit no kid should ever have seen. It shaped me into the monster I am today. I was just six years old when I saw my father make his first kill and I was barely eighteen when I made my own. I’ve done things most people would never imagine; seen things I can never forget. I don’t have nightmares because I created my own. This life, it’s not for the weak, and that’s one thing I’m not either. I’ll kill a man because my president demands it. I’ll kill a man for slighting my club, too. Everything I do is for the Untamed Sons.

  I rake my hair out of my face as I pull out a packet of cigarettes. I push one between my lips and light it up, taking a drag. The nicotine does its job and relaxes me as the smoke fills my lungs.

  Nox slams his fist into Greg’s face again. He’s lucky it’s Nox doing the beating and not Fury. That animal has ways of pushing the human body to extremes that shouldn’t be possible. Nox will make it hurt, but he’s not a sadist. He doesn’t derive pleasure from hurting people, but he sees it as a necessity. I’m somewhere between the two. I enjoy hurting our enemies, and right now this man is an enemy. I have no reason to be down here. Titch and Nox could handle this, but I can’t tear myself away.

  “I’ll get you the money,” Greg wails between mushy lips, blood dripping from his face.

  “Too late,” Titch sneers.

  Titch is more laid back than the rest of us. I don’t think he enjoys this side of it, but he does it because it’s expected. His darkness is surface deep. Mine is buried inside me, waiting to come out. I’m still nothing compared to Fury and even Ravage. Both men have demons who they barely keep at bay. I keep mine controlled.

  My phone vibrates against my leg, and I want to rage at the interruption. I want to see how this shit with Greg plays out, but it could be important. It could be Ravage, my president, calling. I know better than to ignore a call.

  When I free the handset from my jeans pocket, my eyes flare as I see ‘Maverick’ on the screen. Mav is the president of the Devil’s Dogs, another MC that has territory adjacent to ours. He’s a good guy, but why the fuck he’s calling me, I don’t know. Ain’t like we’re fucking friends.

  I push a booted foot against the wall and move out of the basement, trudging up the stairs as I slide my finger over the screen to answer the call.

  “Yeah?” I don’t bother with hello. If he’s calling me, something is wrong.

  “I was doing a drop at a place across town. Saw one of your girls there. I tried to call Levi, but he ain’t picking up.”

  Levi’s in Manchester on a run. He’s meeting with the chapter prez, Howler, some time tonight. If he’s not picking up, he’s either partying at their clubhouse or got his phone on silent while him and Fury are busy.

  “Which girl?” I demand. I keep moving as I talk, heading for the common room.

  “Levi’s sister.”

  I stop walking and curse under my breath. Briella is a pain in the fucking arse. She’s always into shit she shouldn’t be and she gives her brother a hard as fuck time. I don’t know how Levi hasn’t strangled her already. If she was my sister, I’d have better control over her, but her and Levi didn’t have the best start in life and I get the impression he doesn’t want to upset the girl. He shrugs off her shitty behaviour. He’d be better taking a firm fucking hand with her.

  “Where is she?�
�� I step through the common room doors and see Kyle on the bar. I crook a finger at the prospect, who puts down the towel tossed over his shoulder and walks toward me.

  “You know that new club down by the docks?” Maverick says in my ear.

  I know it. It’s fucking owned by the Sic Bastards—a gang we are not allied with. Her being there is fucking dangerous. Ice fills my belly even as rage flares through me. I want to throttle her for being so reckless. Usually, this shit wouldn’t be my problem, but Levi’s a brother and she’s his kid sister. He’s not here to sort it, so it’s down to me to fix it, even though I can think of a thousand things I’d rather do. I’m not big on sorting out spoilt teenage brats.

  “Know it.”

  “I’d get her out of there fast. Looked like shit was getting a little rough when I left.”

  “Thanks, Maverick.”

  I hang up as Kyle steps up to me, question in his face. I like the kid, but he’s got some shit in his past. He wears it clearly in his eyes, which are as dark as his fucking soul. He’s eighteen, with black skin and short hair cropped to his head. He’s a hell of a fighter, which is why I’m bringing him along. Sin, Rav’s brother, found him at an underground fight club. He’d been kicking the shit out of opponents older than him since he was fourteen, and he was fucking good at it. When he patches in, we’ll put those skills to good use.

  “We’re heading out,” I tell him, not explaining any more than that.

  He doesn’t question me, just follows me out to the car park and says nothing when I climb into one of the pool cars. He’ll make a hell of a brother when his prospect term comes to an end.

  After Rav killed Sin for raping his old lady, Sasha, I took over his sponsorship, meaning the kid is now my responsibility. It also means he’s my bitch.

  We drive across the city towards the docks. The traffic is heavy, and I wish we were on our bikes, so we could move faster, but I have no fucking clue what state she’ll be in and I’m not about to put her on the back of my bike if she’s off her head drunk.

  We have to drive through a few enemy territories to reach the club, which pisses me off. It puts both Kyle and I at risk. By the time we reach the place, my anger is through the fucking roof. Levi’s sister or not, I’m going to lose my shit when I finally get her out of there.

  I park up in the car park, pointing the front of the vehicle in the direction of the exit, in case we have to get out of there fast.

  “We find Briella and get the fuck out of there,” I tell him.

  He nods and straightens his kutte. We probably should have taken them off, not drawn attention to ourselves, but I’ll never show fear to any enemy. Besides the Untamed Sons name carries weight and we might need that here. I have no idea what we’re going to walk into. I should have brought more guys.

  Kyle and I head for the main doors, ignoring the queue and moving straight to the front of the line. The bouncer eyes us as we approach and I see a hint of fear in his gaze. He’s right to be afraid. Since we took out Blackwood’s empire, our reputation has increased. Blackwood was untouchable, until he tried to hurt Lucy, Nox’s old lady. We annihilated his crew, calling in a marker the Devil’s Dogs owed us and calling upon some of the other Sons chapters. That show of force made our enemies retreat further away and brought our allies closer. We’re not a club to be reckoned with. We destroy those who touch what’s ours and if the Sic Bastards have touched a hair on Briella’s head, their blood will run in rivers. She’s Levi’s sister, which makes her Sons property, whether she understands that or not.

  I don’t say a word to the bouncer, but he steps aside, letting Kyle and I move into the club.

  The music is loud and that shit electronic sounding crap that makes my ears fucking bleed. I know the kind of place this is. Half the people in here are high on coke, the rest on molly. Wannabe rich kids coming to get their rocks off in what they think is an exclusive part of town, while the club’s owners get them more and more hooked on their drugs. I’ve seen it before, many times, but the risks of being so open with any product outweighs the money. The game the Sic Bastards are playing is a dangerous one.

  The flashing coloured lights illuminate the dance floor, which is heaving with bodies dancing frantically. I scan the crowd, looking for Briella, but I don’t see her, so I move deeper into the club, Kyle on my heels. I brush my fingers over my gun, which is holstered under my kutte. The feel of the metal is a balm to my soul, reminding me I’m in control here, that I have the power in this situation. I don’t want to use it somewhere as crowded as this, but I will if I have to. Whatever it takes.

  Between my shoulders itches as I move, and I wonder if I have a fucking target on my back, if we’re being watched. No doubt the Sic Bastards know we’re here and they could be readying to make their move. That should scare me, but it doesn’t. I’m not afraid to die. When you’ve stared death in the face as much as I have, it’s hard to be scared. All I care about is getting her and getting the fuck back to our patch.

  I spot Briella.

  She’s sitting at a table, slumped to one side, her eyes barely open with a guy who has his hand up her skirt.

  I see red.

  Pushing through the people in my way, I make it to the table and snag the fucker by the front of his shirt. I drag him to his feet, his face barely an inch from mine and hiss at him, “You’re fucking dead.”

  I mean every word of it too.

  “She’s mine. I saw her first!” the man stupidly says.

  “She belongs to the Untamed Sons, fucker. You’re going to die for touching her.” Especially considering nothing about what I just witnessed looked consensual.

  The colour drains from his pathetic face and fear crawls across his features at my words. Good. He should be terrified. As soon as we get away from prying eyes, I’m going to gut him.

  As much as I want to pull my gun out and blow this fucker’s head off, I don’t. Too many eyes here. I shove him at Kyle, who pats him down and pulls out his ID. I hope he’s memorising where that cunt lives. I meant it when I said he would die for touching her. If we weren’t somewhere so public, he’d already be dead.

  I move over to Briella. Her eyes are open, her mouth pulled into a sloppy smile. She’s barely sitting upright and I’m glad the lighting is shit over here, because I’m sure her pussy is on display.


  My name on her tongue makes my dick sit up and take notice, but I ignore it. She’s too fucking young for me, and even if she wasn’t, she’s Levi’s sister. I shouldn’t be having any inappropriate thoughts about her, but all that fucking dark hair in loose curls around her shoulders, the delicate slope of her nose, those gorgeous blue eyes make my mind go places it shouldn’t.

  She tries to sit up, but her body is uncoordinated, boneless. “What are you doing here?” She slurs over the words and I want to strangle her.

  “Protecting your pretty fucking head,” I growl at her. Her eyes are unfocused, but she doesn’t look like she’s on anything harder than booze.

  “You take anything?” I demand, needing the answer. Part of me wants to know if she’s likely to OD in the back of the car, another part wants to know how far down the rabbit hole she’s gone.

  “Like what?” A line appears between her brows.


  She shakes her head. Relief floods me. Levi would lose his shit if his sister is using—even recreationally.

  I grab her clutch bag and hand it to Kyle, before I snag her arm and drag her up to her feet, ignoring her protesting. I check her skirt is covering her, and start to walk. She staggers and falls into me, her legs as uncoordinated as a newborn fucking deer’s.

  Fuck it.

  I pick her up bridal-style. I expect her arms to wrap around my neck, but she’s too far gone to hold on, so I tuck her closer against my chest. She feels small in my arms, but good. Too fucking good.

  I push my way through the crowd, ignoring the way I’m feeling, focusing on Kyle on my heels. As s
oon as we’re outside the fresh air hits and she starts to gag. I let her down and pull her hair out of her face just as she pukes all over the pavement.

  The bouncer from earlier comes over and I can see the disgust in his eyes. I try to shield Briella from him.

  “Man, she can’t be doing that there. Move away from the doors.”

  He finds himself staring down Kyle.

  “Get the fuck back or I’ll snap your fucking dick off and ram it down your throat.”

  The bouncer’s throat works, fear clouding his eyes as he lifts his hands up and steps back from the prospect.

  I scoop Briella back into my arms.

  She sobs drunkenly against my chest. “I’m sorry.”

  “Worry about apologising later, Brie,” I mutter at her. “Let’s just get the fuck out of here, yeah?”

  I walk over to the car and Kyle gets the back door, so I can slide her inside.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asks in a small voice. It makes my stomach twist despite the anger that is raging through me.

  “There’s no words for what I am right now,” I admit.

  “So, you are pissed?”

  “I’m fucking furious,” I growl, meaning every word of it, “but you’re so drunk you’re not going to remember a word I say to you right now. We’ll talk about this shit in the morning.”


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